Sat | ||
Start: 12:00 am
End: 11:59 pm
****EDIT**** - HERE'S A NICE ORGANIZED LIST OF FRIEND CODES!!!! YAY!!!! HEY KIDS! DUST OFF YOUR OLD COPY OF WARIOWARE DIY! IT'S TIME FOR... THAT'S RIGHT! We're gonna make a bunch of Wario Ware DIY games throughout the week of Saturday, March 24th through Saturday, March 31st! So grab your DS and a copy of WarioWare and GET MAKING STUFF!!! SOME STUFF TO KEEP IN MIND: -POST YOUR FRIEND CODES HERE: So we can keep track of them all in one spot, let's just post them here. BUT I DON'T OWN A COPY OF WARIOWARE!! WHAT DO I DO? Don't worry! Just go ahead and make something else in some other game-making program that you have! It doesn't have to be made in WarioWare, but if you do have a copy, you should be using that. I'm sure someone will post a video once all the games are in so we can all at least see everything. SO LET'S GET MAKING WARIOWARE STUFF!!!! WOOO!!!!!! |