If there was a medidation of this belated act, the man established with quiet and powerful words, then why would we even bother to take a shit?
It was a question of major importance, and the man stood up, and lowered his pants. The man was old, and his hair was as white as snow. His trouser snake appeared to all of those in the crowd, and the crowd gasped in that sight. The sight was shocking for some, but pleasing to others.
The man then took of all of his clothes, and here's where shit gets absolutely [[insane]].With a majestic gesture, the man screamed for everyone to party with him. He then invited his wife, a simple woman, to join him. She rolled her eyes, and when she saw the clothes in the floor, she gapsed in utter delight. Her frail body jumped into the clothes, and her skeletal hands were touching the flannel shirt that the man was wearing.
The woman was touching the finest of Peruvian cottons, and in no time, she was dancing naked with the old man. Soon, there was only one sound in the room, the one of static. The show was over, but not for them. The man stood up in the act, and kicked the television.
His life was lonely, even in spite of him having a wife. That's because he had nothing to do; he was a failure, and for every reason imaginable. He then continued the act, and then, his wife stood up, and exclaimed cuckoo.
She looked like a rabbit, he thought to himself. A big and powerful rabbit. Fuck!
[[Now, it seemed as if there was no hope]].BUT AS A MATTER OF FACT THERE WAS
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