''The Public Tarot: Generative Fortunes''{(display: "Initialize")}
<center>Click below to choose a reading style:</center>
img {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
</style>}<div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:20px; display:inline-block;">[[<img src="http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kz21yog8qxbfofe/cardoftheday.jpg">->Draw One]]</img></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:20px; display:inline-block;">[[<img src="http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/h5ar6hf42ah5129/pastpresentfuture.jpg">->Past, Present, and Future - Waiting]]</img></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:20px; display:inline-block;">[[<img src="http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/222k7axef4k9zrg/celticcross.jpg">->Celtic Cross - Waiting]]</img></div>
<center>Explore the directory of tarot cards and their keywords:</center>
<center><div class="reset" >[[<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ykp1zbu0xg61eog/divinatorymeanings.jpg">->Learn More]]</img></div></center>
(display:"More Information"){(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with the Fool//mood: (either: "blissful", "carefree")
quality: (either: "free", "jubilant", "nice", "sunny")
action: (either: "journey")
conceptual thing: (either: "adventure", "tipping point")
fashion: (either: "clothes")
media: (either: "Super Mario Bros. 3")
nature: (either: "vegetation")
person: (either: "bard", "hipster", "individual", "joker", "minstrel", "Narcissus", "novice", "Pied Piper", "runaway", "vagabond")
state: (either: "fun", "happiness", "hope", "ignorance", "innocence", "joy", "openness")
action: (either: "act")
verb-ing: (either: "thinking")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
With light step, as if earth and its trammels had little power to restrain him, a young man in gorgeous vestments pauses at the brink of a precipice among the great heights of the world.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lzzn4qh5nsiluh1/ar00.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Fool"></center>]}''The Fool:'' With [(either: "(color: purple)[free]", "(color: purple)[jubilant]", "(color: purple)[nice]", "(color: purple)[sunny]")] step, as if earth and its [(either: "(color: purple)[clothes]")] had little [(either: "(color: purple)[fun]", "(color: purple)[happiness]", "(color: purple)[hope]", "(color: purple)[ignorance]", "(color: purple)[innocence]", "(color: purple)[joy]", "(color: purple)[openness]")] to restrain him, [(either: "(color: purple)[a bard]", "(color: purple)[a hipster]", "(color: purple)[an individual]", "(color: purple)[a joker]", "(color: purple)[a minstrel]", "(color: purple)[Narcissus]", "(color: purple)[a novice]", "(color: purple)[the Pied Piper]", "(color: purple)[a runaway]", "(color: purple)[a vagabond]")] in gorgeous vestments pauses at the brink of [(either: "(color: purple)[Super Mario Bros. 3]")] among the great heights of the world.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The World]] | [[Next Card|The Magician]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Magician//
mood: (either: "powerful", "reverent", "unknowing")
quality: (either: "biblical", "highest", "holy", "immortal", "skilled", "wise")
activity: (either: "ritual", "trade")
conceptual thing: (either: "concept", "guidance", "illusion", "origination")
media: (either: "disco")
person: (either: "commander", "conjurer", "general", "master", "pagan", "person", "priest")
physical thing: (either: "form", "toy")
place: (either: "church")
state: (either: "balance", "empowerment", "growth", "justice", "knowledge", "magic", "manifestation", "obscurity", "potentiality", "power", "self-mastery")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A youthful figure in the robe of a magician, having the countenance of divine Apollo, with smile of confidence and shining eyes.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/whlmjb8lfwcwtwn/ar01.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Magician"></center>]}''The Magician:'' A [(either: "(color: purple)[biblical]", "(color: purple)[highest]", "(color: purple)[holy]", "(color: purple)[immortal]", "(color: purple)[skilled]", "(color: purple)[wise]")] figure in the robe of a [(either: "(color: purple)[commander]", "(color: purple)[conjurer]", "(color: purple)[general]", "(color: purple)[master]", "(color: purple)[pagan]", "(color: purple)[person]", "(color: purple)[priest]")], having the [(either: "(color: purple)[balance]", "(color: purple)[empowerment]", "(color: purple)[growth]", "(color: purple)[justice]", "(color: purple)[knowledge]", "(color: purple)[magic]", "(color: purple)[manifestation]", "(color: purple)[obscurity]", "(color: purple)[potentiality]", "(color: purple)[power]", "(color: purple)[self-mastery]")] of divine [(either: "(color: purple)[commander]", "(color: purple)[conjurer]", "(color: purple)[general]", "(color: purple)[master]", "(color: purple)[pagan]", "(color: purple)[person]", "(color: purple)[priest]")], with smile of confidence and [(either: "(color: purple)[powerful]", "(color: purple)[reverent]", "(color: purple)[unknowing]")] eyes.
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Fool]] | [[Next Card|The High Priestess]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The High Priestess//
color: (either: "blue", "tan")
conceptual thing: (either: "beauty", "Catholicism", "creation", "intuition", "rule")
mood: (either: "disappointed", "regal", "reverent", "judgemental", "pure")
people: (either: "ppl", "goddess", "Isis", "judge", "mother", "teacher")
place: (either: "universe")
quality: (either: "majestic", "serene", "virgin")
state: (either: "intuitive", "knowledge", "power", "pure", "warm")
verb-ed: (either: "closed", "costumed")
verb-ing: (either: "knowing")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
She has the lunar crescent at her feet, a horned diadem on her head, with a globe in the middle place, and a large solar cross on her breast. She is the Moon nourished by the milk of the Supernal Mother.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/yhsa45vsmpez6ov/ar02.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The High Priestess"></center>]}''The High Priestess:'' She has the tan lunar crescent at her feet, a horned diadem on her head, with a [(either: "(color: purple)[disappointed]", "(color: purple)[regal]", "(color: purple)[reverent]", "(color: purple)[judgemental]", "(color: purple)[pure]")] globe in the middle place, and a large [(either: "(color: purple)[majestic]", "(color: purple)[serene]", "(color: purple)[virgin]")] solar cross on her breast. She is the Moon [(either: "(color: purple)[closed]", "(color: purple)[costumed]")] by the milk of the [(either: "(color: purple)[knowing]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[intuitive]", "(color: purple)[pure]", "(color: purple)[warm]")] Mother.
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Magician]] | [[Next Card|The Empress]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Empress//
activity: (either: "sleep", "motherhood")
animal: (either: "lion")
astronomical: (either: "sun", "terra")
conceptual thing: (either: "beginning", "creation", "love")
fashion: (either: "drag", "fashion")
food: (either: "ice cream")
mood: (either: "indulgent")
person: (either: "enchantress", "junkie", "mother", "queen")
physical thing: (either: "rosebud")
quality: (either: "first", "motherly", "ripe", "superfluous", "new", "feminine", "benevolent")
state: (either: "comfort", "euphoria", "femininity", "fertility", "fullness", "leadership", "promiscuity", "sensuality")
verb-ing: (either: "nurturing")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A stately figure, seated, having rich vestments and royal aspect, as of a daughter of heaven and earth. Her diadem is of twelve stars, gathered in a cluster.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/drk0qkg02bvahz0/ar03.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Empress"></center>]}''The Empress:'' A [(either: "(color: purple)[first]", "(color: purple)[motherly]", "(color: purple)[ripe]", "(color: purple)[superfluous]", "(color: purple)[new]", "(color: purple)[feminine]", "(color: purple)[benevolent]")] figure, [(either: "(color: purple)[indulgent]")], having [(either: "(color: purple)[motherly]", "(color: purple)[ripe]", "(color: purple)[superfluous]", "(color: purple)[new]", "(color: purple)[feminine]", "(color: purple)[benevolent]")] vestments and [(either: "(color: purple)[nurturing]")] aspect, as of a daughter of [(either: "(color: purple)[drag]", "(color: purple)[fashion]")] and earth. Her [(either: "(color: purple)[beginning]", "(color: purple)[creation]", "(color: purple)[love]")] diadem is of twelve stars gathered in [(either: "(color: purple)[an ice cream]")] cluster.
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The High Priestess]] | [[Next Card|The Emperor]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Emperor//
conceptual thing (either: "rule", "risk", "temper", "law", "structure")
exclamation (either: "beware")
fashion: (either: "beard")
flavor: (either: "bitter")
mood: (either: "saturnine", "strict", "untrustworthy")
person: (either: "Ant", "father figure", "king", "father", "leader", "authority")
physical thing: (either: "reward")
place (either: "boundary", "mountain")
quality: (either: "best", "biggest")
quality 2: (either: "mad", "reliable", "strong", "wise")
state: (either: "power", "control", "distrust", "machismo", "obedience", "piousness", "judgement")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
He has a form of the Crux ansata for his sceptre and a globe in his left hand.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/43zsr55ivu2dwty/ar04.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Emperor"></center>]}''The Emperor:'' He has a form of the [(either: "(color: purple)[saturnine]", "(color: purple)[strict]", "(color: purple)[untrustworthy]")] Crux for his [(either: "(color: purple)[bitter]")] sceptre and a [(either: "(color: purple)[mad]", "(color: purple)[reliable]", "(color: purple)[strong]", "(color: purple)[wise]")] globe in his [(either: "(color: purple)[best]", "(color: purple)[biggest]")] hand. [(either: "(color: purple)[Ant]", "(color: purple)[The father figure]", "(color: purple)[The king]", "(color: purple)[The father]", "(color: purple)[The leader]", "(color: purple)[The authority]")] has been described as [(either: "(color: purple)[power]", "(color: purple)[control]", "(color: purple)[distrust]", "(color: purple)[machismo]", "(color: purple)[obedience]", "(color: purple)[piousness]", "(color: purple)[judgement]")], an expression of [(either: "(color: purple)[mad]", "(color: purple)[reliable]", "(color: purple)[strong]", "(color: purple)[wise]")] virtualities contained in the Absolute [(either: "(color: purple)[Power]", "(color: purple)[Control]", "(color: purple)[Distrust]", "(color: purple)[Machismo]", "(color: purple)[Obedience]", "(color: purple)[Piousness]", "(color: purple)[Judgement]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Empress]] | [[Next Card|The Hierophant]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{<style>
img {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
opacity: 0;
animation-name: fadeIn;
animation-duration: 3s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
@keyframes fadeIn {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 1;
</style>}{(set: $draw to 1)}Your past, present, and future:{(display: "Shuffled Deck")}
{<div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:20px; display:inline-block;">(print: (1) of $shuffledDeck)</div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:20px; display:inline-block;">(print: (2) of $shuffledDeck)</div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:20px; display:inline-block;">(print: (3) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{(display: "Initialize")}
(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 150%")[ [[click to shuffle and draw again|The Public Tarot]] ]
Scroll down to read more about your fortune:
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (1) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''The Past —'' (if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}{(display: "Initialize")}{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (2) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''The Present —''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}{(display: "Initialize")}{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (3) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''The Future —''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}{(display: "Initialize")}{(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 150%")[ [[click to shuffle and draw again|The Public Tarot]] ]}
A generative tarot reader by Marilyn Roxie. |1)[(display:"More Information")
(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 150%")[ [[click to shuffle and draw again|The Public Tarot]] ]
](link:"Click for more information.")[(show:?1)][[The Fool]]
[[The Magician]]
[[The High Priestess]]
[[The Empress]]
[[The Emperor]]
[[The Hierophant]]
[[The Lovers]]
[[The Chariot]]
[[The Hermit]]
[[The Wheel of Fortune]]
[[The Hanged Man]]
[[The Devil]]
[[The Tower]]
[[The Sun]]
[[The Moon]]
[[The Star]]
[[The World]]
[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Go back|Learn More]]
(transition: "pulse")+(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 250%")[ [[do a fresh reading|The Public Tarot]] ]{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Hierophant//
activity: (either: "sin")
conceptual thing: (either: "checks and balances", "tradition", "orthodox", "Christmas", "consequence", "morality", "order", "answer", "choice", "rule")
do: (either: "begin")
mood: (either: "strict", "pious", "spiritual", "religious", "pompous")
person: (either: "alien", "King James VI", "pope", "samurai", "Temple of Psychick Youth", "priest", "Isis")
place: (either: "institution", "Russia", "church")
quality: (either: "Catholic", "divine", "righteous", "visionary", "complex")
state: (either: "attention")
verb-ing: (either: "controlling")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
He wears the triple crown and is seated between two pillars. He has been usually called the Pope, which is a particular application of the more general office that he symbolizes.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/9e77nz8qa7ezmv8/ar05.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Hierophant"></center>]}''The Hierophant:'' He wears the triple crown and is seated between two pillars. He has been usually called the [(either: "(color: purple)[Catholic]", "(color: purple)[divine]", "(color: purple)[righteous]", "(color: purple)[visionary]", "(color: purple)[complex]")] Pope, which is a particular application of the more general [(either: "(color: purple)[strict]", "(color: purple)[pious]", "(color: purple)[spiritual]", "(color: purple)[religious]", "(color: purple)[pompous]")] office that he symbolizes. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Checks and balances...]", "(color: purple)[Morality.]", "(color: purple)[Tradition.]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Emperor]] | [[Next Card|The Lovers]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Lovers//
activity: (either: "championship", "genesis", "intimacy", "sex")
conceptual thing: (either: "myth", "opposites", "alchemy", "blessings", "life", "dream", "partnership", "relationship", "romance")
do: (either: "choose")
nature: (either: "nature")
quality: (either: "heteronormative", "holy")
person: (either: "Adam and Eve", "mother", "cynic", "god", "Michael", "mum")
physical thing: (either: "tears")
state: (either: "fertility", "banishment", "unity", "zen")
physical thing: (either: "reward")
verb-ed: (either: "divided")
verb-ing: (either: "giving", "manifesting", "moving")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
This is in all simplicity the card of human love, here exhibited as part of the way, the truth and the life. It replaces, by recourse to first principles, the old card of marriage and the later follies which depicted man between vice and virtue.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/i4oze812241aa3j/ar06.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Lovers"></center>]}''The Lovers:'' This is in all [(either: "(color: purple)[fertility]", "(color: purple)[banishment]", "(color: purple)[unity]", "(color: purple)[zen]")] the card of [(either: "(color: purple)[heteronormative]", "(color: purple)[holy]")] human love, here exhibited as part of the way, the (either: "(color: purple)[giving]", "(color: purple)[manifesting]", "(color: purple)[moving]") and the [(either: "(color: purple)[myth]", "(color: purple)[opposites]", "(color: purple)[alchemy]", "(color: purple)[blessings]", "(color: purple)[life]", "(color: purple)[dream]", "(color: purple)[partnership]", "(color: purple)[relationship]", "(color: purple)[romance]")]. It replaces the old card of [(either: "(color: purple)[championship]", "(color: purple)[genesis]", "(color: purple)[intimacy]", "(color: purple)[sex]")] which depicted man between [(either: "(color: purple)[Adam and Eve]", "(color: purple)[mother]", "(color: purple)[cynic]", "(color: purple)[god]", "(color: purple)[Michael]", "(color: purple)[mum]")] and virtue.
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Hierophant]] | [[Next Card|The Chariot]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Chariot//
action: (either: "trip", "movement")
activity: (either: "puppet show", "competition")
conceptual thing: (either: "enigma", "destiny", "progress", "will-power")
do: (either: "driven")
fashion: (either: "pendant")
media: (either: "Fantasia")
person: (either: "Callisto from Xena", "gladiator", "Spaniard", "knight", "Caesar")
physical thing: (either: "medicine")
place: (either: "kissing booth")
quality: (either: "Egyptian", "immobile", "mean")
person: (either: "authority")
state 1: (either: "gallant")
state 2: (either: "perseverance", "discipline", "vitality", "power")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
An erect and princely figure carrying a drawn sword and corresponding, broadly speaking, to the traditional description which I have given in the first part. On the shoulders of the victorious hero are supposed to be the Urim and Thummim.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nispfb8mh69do9k/ar07.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Chariot"></center>]}''The Chariot:'' An erect and [(either: "(color: purple)[Egyptian]", "(color: purple)[immobile]", "(color: purple)[mean]")] figure carrying a drawn sword and corresponding, broadly speaking, to [(either: "(color: purple)[perseverance]", "(color: purple)[discipline]", "(color: purple)[vitality]", "(color: purple)[power]", "(color: purple)[the kissing booth]")]. On the shoulders of the (either: "(color: purple)[gallant]") hero are supposed to be [(either: "(color: purple)[Callisto from Xena]", "(color: purple)[gladiator]", "(color: purple)[Spaniard]", "(color: purple)[knight]", "(color: purple)[Caesar]")] and [(either: "(color: purple)[enigma]", "(color: purple)[destiny]", "(color: purple)[progress]", "(color: purple)[will-power]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Lovers]] | [[Next Card|Strength]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Strength//
action: (either: "attempt", "pressure")
activity: (either: "bathtime", "mothering")
animal: (either: "catdog", "pet")
conceptual thing: (either: "connection", "infinity", "inner strength")
mood: (either: "powerful", "annoyed")
person: (either: "amputee", "animal-lover", "Daniel from the Bible", "Hercules", "Leo", "messenger")
place: (either: "Babylon")
quality: (either: "childlike")
state: (either: "clouded with compassion", "captivity" "courage", "fortitude", "kindness", "mastery", "surety", "quiet power", "strength", "trust", "patience", "wisdom", "compassion")
time: (either: "Renaissance")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A woman is closing the jaws of a lion. Her beneficent fortitude has already subdued the lion, which is being led by a chain of flowers.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jdfi0lxi5eypf0u/ar08.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Strength"></center>]}''Strength:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[A powerful]", "(color: purple)[An annoyed]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[animal-lover]", "(color: purple)[Leo]", "(color: purple)[messenger]")] woman is closing the jaws of a [(either: "(color: purple)[catdog]", "(color: purple)[pet]")]. [(either: "(color: purple)[Clouded with compassion, her]", "(color: purple)[Her]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[bathtime]", "(color: purple)[mothering]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[connection]", "(color: purple)[infinity]", "(color: purple)[inner strength]", "(color: purple)[captivity]", "(color: purple)[courage]", "(color: purple)[fortitude]", "(color: purple)[kindness]", "(color: purple)[mastery]", "(color: purple)[surety]", "(color: purple)[quiet power]", "(color: purple)[strength]", "(color: purple)[trust]", "(color: purple)[patience]", "(color: purple)[wisdom]", "(color: purple)[compassion]")] has already subdued the lion, led by a [(either: "(color: purple)[childlike]", "(color: purple)[wise]")] chain of flowers.
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Chariot]] | [[Next Card|The Hermit]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Hermit//
conceptual thing: (either: "fate", "possibilities", "death", "life", "guidance")
media: (either: "Led Zeppelin")
mood: (either: "lonely")
person: (either: "boatman", "Colridge", "Gandalf", "hermit", "introvert", "John Dee", "Merlin", "old man", "reaper", "guide")
physical thing: (either: "staff")
quality: (either: "introverted", "solitary")
state: (either: "isolation", "self-reflection", "sadness", "hibernation", "burden", "solitude", "peace")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
His beacon intimates that "where I am, you also may be." It is further a card which is understood quite incorrectly when it is connected with the idea of occult isolation, as the protection of personal magnetism against admixture.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zoe2gtjy5plkpl0/ar09.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Hermit"></center>]}''The Hermit:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[The boatman's]", "(color: purple)[Colridge's]", "(color: purple)[Gandalf's]", "(color: purple)[The Hermit's]", "(color: purple)[The introvert's]", "(color: purple)[John Dee's]", "(color: purple)[Merlin's]", "(color: purple)[The old man's]", "(color: purple)[The reaper's]", "(color: purple)[The guide's]")] beacon intimates that "where I am, you also may be [(either: "(color: purple)[introverted]", "(color: purple)[solitary]")]." It is a card which is understood incorrectly when connected with the idea of occult isolation, as the protection of personal magnetism against [(either: "(color: purple)[Led Zeppelin]", "(color: purple)[death]", "(color: purple)[life]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Strength]] | [[Next Card|The Wheel of Fortune]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Wheel of Fortune//
activity: (either: "occurrence")
animal: (either: "Sphinx")
conceptual thing: (either: "life", "chaos", "cartography", "directions", "karma", "Norse mythology", "ordinance", "cycles", "opportunity", "will-power")
longer phrase: (either: "what goes around")
media: (either: "Carry on Cleo")
person: (either: "Bronte")
place: (either: "Liverpool")
physical thing: (either: "pathways", "poker chip")
quality: (either: "many", "spinning", "unlimited", "unstable")
state: (either: "luck", "change", "chance", "confusion", "truth", "compassion")
verb-ed: (either: "confused")
verb: (either: "keep moving")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Behind the general notion expressed in the symbol there lies the denial of chance and the fatality which is implied therein.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y2ngt1y526oqph3/ar10.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Wheel of Fortune"></center>]}''The Wheel of Fortune:'' Behind the general notion expressed in the [(either: "(color: purple)[many]", "(color: purple)[spinning]", "(color: purple)[unlimited]", "(color: purple)[unstable]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[pathways]", "(color: purple)[poker chip]")] symbol there lies the denial of [(either: "(color: purple)[life]", "(color: purple)[chaos]", "(color: purple)[cartography]", "(color: purple)[directions]", "(color: purple)[karma]", "(color: purple)[Norse mythology]", "(color: purple)[ordinance]", "(color: purple)[cycles]", "(color: purple)[opportunity]", "(color: purple)[will-power]")] and the [(either: "(color: purple)[luck]", "(color: purple)[change]", "(color: purple)[chance]", "(color: purple)[confusion]", "(color: purple)[truth]")] which is implied therein. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[What goes around...]", "(color: purple)[Keep moving.]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Hermit]] | [[Next Card|Justice]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Justice//
action: (either: "abuse of power")
activity: (either: "trial")
conceptual thing: (either: "beauty", "structure", "morality", "order", "boom boom", "rebalance", "ordinance", "cycles")
longer phrase: (either: "laws being upheld")
mood: (either: "regal")
person: (either: "Jesus", "psychonaut", "ruler", "Rapunzel")
physical thing: (either: "scales", "government")
quality: (either: "inaccessible", "universal", "fair", "equal")
state: (either: "injustice", "familiarity", "inversion", "tyranny", "naive", "loneliness", "fear", "balance", "justice", "luck", "change", "chance", "confusion", "truth")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
It is analogous to the possession of the fairy gifts and the high gifts and the gracious gifts of the poet: we have them or have not, and their presence is as much a mystery as their absence.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3ypt5c7e6m0kft9/ar11.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Justice"></center>]}''Justice:'' It is analogous to the possession of the [(either: "(color: purple)[inaccessible]", "(color: purple)[universal]", "(color: purple)[fair]", "(color: purple)[equal]")] fairy gifts and the high gifts and the gracious gifts of the [(either: "(color: purple)[beautiful]", "(color: purple)[structured]", "(color: purple)[moral]", "(color: purple)[ordered]", "(color: purple)[boom boom]", "(color: purple)[rebalanced]", "(color: purple)[ordinance]", "(color: purple)[cyclical]")] poet: we have them or have not, and their presence is as much a [(either: "(color: purple)[regal]", "(color: purple)[governmental]")] mystery as their absence. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Laws being upheld...]", "(color: purple)[Abuse of power...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Wheel of Fortune]] | [[Next Card|The Hanged Man]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Hanged Man//
activity: (either: "tortured for being just")
conceptual thing: (either: "comedy", "bummer", "perspective")
do: (either: "wait")
person: (either: "joker", "acrobat", "scoundrel", "Bowie", "me", "gymnast", "Odin", "Peter Pan", "St. Peter", "trickster")
quality: (either: "innocent")
physical thing: (either: "trapeze")
state: (either: "delay", "self-sacrifice", "surrender", "treason", "stuck")
time: (either: "time")
verb-ed: (either: "conflicted")
verb-ing: (either: "waiting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
There is a nimbus about the head of the seeming martyr. It should be noted (1) that the tree of sacrifice is living wood, with leaves thereon; (2) that the face expresses deep entrancement, not suffering; (3) that the figure, as a whole, suggests life in suspension, but life and not death.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hv0i6ss3r2l7efz/ar12.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Hanged Man"></center>]}''The Hanged Man:'' The face expresses deep [(either: "(color: purple)[delay]", "(color: purple)[self-sacrifice]", "(color: purple)[surrender]", "(color: purple)[treason]")], not suffering. [(either: "(color: purple)[The joker]", "(color: purple)[The acrobat]", "(color: purple)[The scoundrel]", "(color: purple)[Bowie]", "(color: purple)[Myself]", "(color: purple)[The gymnast]", "(color: purple)[Odin]", "(color: purple)[Peter Pan]", "(color: purple)[St. Peter]", "(color: purple)[The trickster]")], as a whole, suggests life in [(either: "(color: purple)[conflicted]")] suspension and [(either: "(color: purple)[comedy]", "(color: purple)[a bummer]", "(color: purple)[perspective]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[(either:"(color: purple)[Tortured for being just...]")]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Justice]] | [[Next Card|Death]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Temperance//
action: (either: "sacrifice")
activity: (either: "feed", "generosity")
conceptual thing: (either: "rebalance", "alchemy", "blessings")
fashion: (either: "home perm")
food: (either: "cocktails")
nature: (either: "nature")
person: (either: "angel", "Aquarius")
physical thing: (either: "dip", "Triforce")
quality: (either: "magic", "quiet", "retroactive", "right")
state: (either: "purity", "patience", "equilibrium", "selfhood", "equality", "harmony", "balance", "change")
time: (either: "twilight")
verb-ed: (either: "transmuted")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The conventional meanings refer to changes in the seasons, perpetual movement of life and even the combination of ideas. It is called Temperance fantastically, because, when the rule of it obtains in our consciousness, it tempers, combines and harmonises the psychic and material natures.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ctsbtc707keypeq/ar14.gif"" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Temperance"></center>]}''Temperance:'' The conventional meanings refer to changes in the seasons, perpetual movement of [(either: "(color: purple)[purity]", "(color: purple)[patience]", "(color: purple)[equilibrium]", "(color: purple)[selfhood]", "(color: purple)[equality]", "(color: purple)[harmony]", "(color: purple)[balance]", "(color: purple)[change]", "(color: purple)[blessings]")] and even the [(either: "(color: purple)[magic]", "(color: purple)[quiet]", "(color: purple)[retroactive]", "(color: purple)[right]", "(color: purple)[twilight]")]. When the rule of it obtains in our [(either: "(color: purple)[dip]", "(color: purple)[Triforce]")], it tempers the psychic and [(either: "(color: purple)[angel]", "(color: purple)[Aquarius]")] natures.
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Death]] | [[Next Card|The Devil]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Devil//
activity: (either: "sin", "bondage")
animal: (either: "bat", "ibex")
body part: (either: "arse")
conceptual thing: (either: "consequences of mischief", "desires")
flavor: (either: "bitter")
longer phrase: (either: "built upon misery")
mood (either: "demented")
nature: (either: "splinter")
person: (either: "lightbringer", "devil", "man", "lovers")
place: (either: "hell")
quality: (either: "scary", "furry", "hairy", "unfulfilling")
state: (either: "addiction", "avoidance", "indulgence", "Satanic", "deceit", "temptation", "obsession", "pain", "fun")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The Dweller on the Threshold without the Mystical Garden when those are driven forth therefrom who have eaten the forbidden fruit.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bbeisqhhpqwchrz/ar15.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Devil"></center>]}''The Devil:'' The [(either: "(color: purple)[scary]", "(color: purple)[furry]", "(color: purple)[hairy]", "(color: purple)[unfulfilling]")] Dweller on the Threshold without the Mystical Garden when those [(either: "(color: purple)[demented]", "(color: purple)[lightbringers]", "(color: purple)[devils]", "(color: purple)[men]", "(color: purple)[lovers]")] are driven forth who have eaten the forbidden [(either: "(color: purple)[bitter]", "(color: purple)[splintered]")] fruit. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Consequences of mischief...]", "(color: purple)[Desires...]", "(color: purple)[Built upon misery...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Temperance]] | [[Next Card|The Tower]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Tower//
action: (either: "crash", "retribution", "escape")
activity: (either: "deconstruction of beliefs", "starting from scratch")
animal: (either: "Chinese dragon")
conceptual thing: (either: "new beginning", "world shaking changes")
do: (either: "crash", "smite")
nature: (either: "flower petals", "lightning")
person: (either: "Rapunzel")
physical thing: (either: "inferno", "wreckage")
place: (either: "Babel")
quality: (either: "tragic", "broken")
state: (either: "power", "fear", "catastrophe", "disaster", "horror", "instability", "necessity", "shock", "terror", "destruction", "anger", "childhood")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The fall into the material and animal state, destruction on the intellectual side. The Tower has been spoken of as the chastisement of pride and the intellect overwhelmed in the attempt to penetrate the Mystery of God.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ixxpxjtvzmxsz97/ar16.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Tower"></center>]}''The Tower:'' The [(either: "(color: purple)[crash]", "(color: purple)[smite]")] into the material. Spoken of as the [(either: "(color: purple)[inferno]", "(color: purple)[wreckage]")] of [(either: "(color: purple)[power]", "(color: purple)[fear]", "(color: purple)[catastrophe]", "(color: purple)[disaster]", "(color: purple)[horror]", "(color: purple)[instability]", "(color: purple)[necessity]", "(color: purple)[shock]", "(color: purple)[terror]", "(color: purple)[destruction]", "(color: purple)[anger]", "(color: purple)[childhood]")] and the intellect overwhelmed in the [(either: "(color: purple)[tragic]", "(color: purple)[broken]")] attempt to penetrate the Mystery of [(either: "(color: purple)[retribution]", "(color: purple)[the Chinese dragon]", "(color: purple)[Babel]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Deconstruction of beliefs...]", "(color: purple)[Starting from scratch...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Devil]] | [[Next Card|The Star]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Star//
action: (either: "motion")
activity: (either: "bathing", "celebration of all things")
astronomical: (either: "Polaris")
conceptual thing: (either: "beauty", "idealism", "meaning", "purpose")
do: (either: "signal", "trickle", "wish")
person: (either: "Eve", "Milton")
physical thing: (either: "fountain")
place: (either: "realms", "The Garden of Eden")
quality (either: "nice", "fair", "arcane", "peaceful")
state: (either: "wisdom", "hope", "enlightenment", "generosity", "positivity", "aspiration")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The summary of several tawdry explanations says that it is a card of hope. On other planes it has been certified as immortality and interior light.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vvuihokqwhmjvho/ar17.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Star"></center>]}''The Star:'' The summary of several [(either: "(color: purple)[nice]", "(color: purple)[fair]", "(color: purple)[arcane]", "(color: purple)[peaceful]")] explanations says that it is a card of [(either: "(color: purple)[wisdom]", "(color: purple)[hope]", "(color: purple)[enlightenment]", "(color: purple)[generosity]", "(color: purple)[positivity]", "(color: purple)[aspiration]")]. [(either: "(color: purple)[On other realms]", "(color: purple)[On Polaris]", "(color: purple)[In the Garden of Eden]")] it has been certified as [(either: "(color: purple)[beauty]", "(color: purple)[idealism]", "(color: purple)[meaning]", "(color: purple)[purpose]")] and interior [(either: "(color: purple)[bathing]", "(color: purple)[celebration of all things]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Tower]] | [[Next Card|The Moon]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Moon//
activity: (either: "sleep")
animal: (either: "wolf")
astronomical: (either: "sun")
body part: (either: "womb")
conceptual thing: (either: "life", "dream", "illusion", "subconscious", "underlying themes", "revelation", "decisions")
exclamation: (either: "bork")
mood: (either: "antsy", "anxious")
person: (either: "e. e. cummings", "mystic", "maiden")
physical thing: (either: "pot", "shadow", "reflection")
place: (either: "Rome")
nature: (either: "moonlight")
state: (either: "transition", "loneliness", "solitude", "faith lost", "frustration", "imagination", "mystery", "unrest", "positivity", "change")
verb-ing: (either: "capturing")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The card represents life of the imagination apart from life of the spirit. The path between the towers is the issue into the unknown.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/26cuyvcad8tzflb/ar18.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Moon"></center>]}''The Moon:'' The card represents [(either: "(color: purple)[transition]", "(color: purple)[loneliness]", "(color: purple)[solitude]", "(color: purple)[faith lost]", "(color: purple)[frustration]", "(color: purple)[imagination]", "(color: purple)[mystery]", "(color: purple)[unrest]", "(color: purple)[positivity]", "(color: purple)[change]")] of the imagination apart from [(either: "(color: purple)[life]", "(color: purple)[dreams]", "(color: purple)[illusions]", "(color: purple)[subconscious]", "(color: purple)[underlying themes]", "(color: purple)[revelations]", "(color: purple)[decisions]")] of [(either: "(color: purple)[e. e. cummings]", "(color: purple)[the mystic]", "(color: purple)[the maiden]")]. The path between the towers is the issue into the [(either: "(color: purple)[antsy]", "(color: purple)[anxious]")] unknown.
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Star]] | [[Next Card|The Sun]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The Sun//
activity: (either: "fostering ideas into fruition", "romp")
astronomical: (either: "sun")
conceptual thing: (either: ":D emoji", "quest", "energy", "challenge")
do: (either: "believe")
mood: (either: "conscious", "bright")
person: (either: "cherub", "nurturer", "child")
quality: (either: "future", "hot", "light", "newborn", "quaint", "relentless", "solaire", "ultimate", "new")
state: (either: "judgement", "vitality", "happiness", "peace", "hate", "fulfillment", "childhood", "truth")
time: (either: "summer")
verb-ing: (either: "passing")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
When the self-knowing spirit has dawned in the consciousness above the natural mind, that mind in its renewal leads forth the animal nature in a state of perfect conformity.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/c8pf75lxbcynmqs/ar19.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The Sun"></center>]}''The Sun:'' When the self-knowing [(either: "(color: purple)[conscious]", "(color: purple)[bright]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[:D emoji]", "(color: purple)[quest]", "(color: purple)[energy]", "(color: purple)[challenge]")] has dawned in the [(either: "(color: purple)[future]", "(color: purple)[hot]", "(color: purple)[light]", "(color: purple)[newborn]", "(color: purple)[quaint]", "(color: purple)[relentless]", "(color: purple)[solaire]", "(color: purple)[ultimate]", "(color: purple)[new]")] consciousness above the [(either: "(color: purple)[conscious]", "(color: purple)[bright]", "(color: purple)[sun]", "(color: purple)[summer]")] mind, that [(either: "(color: purple)[cherub]", "(color: purple)[nurturer]", "(color: purple)[child]")] in its [(either: "(color: purple)[belief]")] leads forth the animal nature in a state of [(either: "(color: purple)[passing]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[judgement]", "(color: purple)[vitality]", "(color: purple)[happiness]", "(color: purple)[peace]", "(color: purple)[hate]", "(color: purple)[fulfillment]", "(color: purple)[childhood]", "(color: purple)[truth]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Fostering ideas into fruition...]", "(color: purple)[Romp...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Moon]] | [[Next Card|Judgement]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Judgement//
action: (either: "adjudication", "retribution")
activity: (either: "bargaining", "decision-making", "exaltation", "on the right path", "review", "celebration")
color: (either: "black", "white")
conceptual thing: (either: "law", "bluff", "closet skeletons", "hippy culture", "Judgement Day", "rebirth", "revelation")
do: (either: "herald")
media: (either: "jazz")
mood: (either: "vulnerable", "religious")
person: (either: "zombie", "cult")
physical thing: (either: "bible", "trumpet")
place: (either: "communes")
quality: (either: "holy", "right", "unfair")
state: (either: "blind faith", "free from worldly logic", "rapture", "joy")
verb-ed: (either: "opened")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
It is the card which registers the accomplishment of the great work of transformation in answer to the summons of the Supernal--which summons is heard and answered from within.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xiz63com3h3tg4j/ar20.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Judgement"></center>]}''Judgement:'' It is the card which [(either: "(color: purple)[heralds]")] the [(either: "(color: purple)[holy]", "(color: purple)[right]", "(color: purple)[unfair]")] accomplishment of the great work of transformation in [(either: "(color: purple)[black]", "(color: purple)[white]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[law]", "(color: purple)[bluff]", "(color: purple)[closet skeletons]", "(color: purple)[rebirth]", "(color: purple)[revelation]")] to the summons of the [(either: "(color: purple)[vulnerable]", "(color: purple)[religious]")]--which summons is heard and [(either: "(color: purple)[opened]")] from within [(either: "(color: purple)[by hippy culture]", "(color: purple)[by the cult]", "(color: purple)[by zombies]", "(color: purple)[by the vulnerable]", "(color: purple)[by the religious]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Free from worldly logic...]", "(color: purple)[Judgement Day...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Sun]] | [[Next Card|The World]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with The World//
activity: (either: "parade")
conceptual thing: (either: "nonchalance", "balance")
person: (either: "dancer", "dilettante", "self", "Venus", "woman", "majorette", "cherubim")
physical thing: (either: "drum", "reflection", "throne")
place: (either: "heaven")
state: (either: "balance", "completion", "culmination", "fulfillment", "greatness", "happiness", "innocence")
state 2: (either: "end of a journey")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
It represents also the perfection and end of the Cosmos, the secret which is within it, the rapture of the universe when it understands itself in God. It is further the state of the soul in the consciousness of Divine Vision, reflected from the self-knowing spirit.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pc4nzvzjykpn6f5/ar21.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="The World"></center>]}''The World:'' It represents also the perfection and [(either: "(color: purple)[heaven]", "(color: purple)[balance]", "(color: purple)[completion]", "(color: purple)[culmination]", "(color: purple)[fulfillment]", "(color: purple)[greatness]", "(color: purple)[happiness]", "(color: purple)[innocence]")] of the Cosmos, the [(either: "(color: purple)[dancer]", "(color: purple)[dilettante]", "(color: purple)[self]", "(color: purple)[Venus]", "(color: purple)[woman]", "(color: purple)[majorette]", "(color: purple)[cherubim]")] which is within it, the [(either: "(color: purple)[drum]", "(color: purple)[reflection]", "(color: purple)[throne]")] of the universe when it understands itself in [(either: "(color: purple)[nonchalance]", "(color: purple)[balance]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[End of a journey...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Judgement]] | [[Next Card|Ace of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}[[Ace of Swords]]
[[2 of Swords]]
[[3 of Swords]]
[[4 of Swords]]
[[5 of Swords]]
[[6 of Swords]]
[[7 of Swords]]
[[8 of Swords]]
[[9 of Swords]]
[[10 of Swords]]
[[Page of Swords]]
[[Knight of Swords]]
[[Queen of Swords]]
[[King of Swords]]
[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Go back|Learn More]]
(transition: "pulse")+(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 250%")[ [[do a fresh reading|The Public Tarot]] ]{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with King of Swords//
action: (either: "force")
animal: (either: "butterflies", "hippopotamus")
conceptual thing: (either: "ENTJ", "challenge")
media: (either: "Twitter")
mood: (either: "loyal", "melancholy", "powerful", "intellectual", "logical", "stern")
person: (either: "thinker", "arbiter", "boring king", "figurehead", "giant", "liar", "Peter O'Toole", "Prince of Persia", "unhappy king", "not-so-friendly king")
physical thing: (either: "government")
place: (either: "castles in the sky", "stronghold")
quality: (either: "feminine", "neutral", "bored")
state: (either: "chill", "to-the-point", "balance")
verb-ing: (either: "reflecting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
He sits in judgment. He is the power of life and death, in virtue of his office.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/n6rifd0cmdp6pdb/swki.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="King of Swords"></center>]}''King of Swords:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[The thinker]", "(color: purple)[The arbiter]", "(color: purple)[The boring king]", "(color: purple)[The figurehead]", "(color: purple)[The giant]", "(color: purple)[The liar]", "(color: purple)[Peter O'Toole]", "(color: purple)[The Prince of Persia]", "(color: purple)[The unhappy king]", "(color: purple)[The not-so-friendly king]")] sits in [(either: "(color: purple)[chill]", "(color: purple)[balance]", "(color: purple)[castles in the sky]", "(color: purple)[the stronghold]", "(color: purple)[femininity]", "(color: purple)[neutrality]", "(color: purple)[boredom]")]. He is the power of [(either: "(color: purple)[government]", "(color: purple)[butterflies]", "(color: purple)[force]", "(color: purple)[Twitter]")] and death, in virtue of his [(either: "(color: purple)[government]", "(color: purple)[challenge]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Queen of Swords]] | [[Next Card|Ace of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Queen of Swords//
activity: (either: "delegations", "instruction", "talk")
conceptual thing: (either: "order", "directive", "hard love", "INTJ", "reason")
do: (either: "beckon")
exclamation: (either: "help")
mood: (either: "haughty", "astute", "stoic")
person: (either: "thinker", "judge", "king", "Cleopatra", "conductor", "dictator", "executioner", "master of ceremonies", "unhappy woman")
physical thing: (either: "car", "wheels")
quality: (either: "fair", "strong", "intelligent", "wise", "mean")
state: (either: "transformation", "contempt", "impertinence", "discipline")
verb-ing: (either: "cutting", "seeking of light", "welcoming")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The arm raised her countenance is severe but chastened; it suggests familiarity with sorrow. It does not represent mercy, and, her sword notwithstanding, she is scarcely a symbol of power.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mjb48anf4c3tf5y/swqu.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Queen of Swords"></center>]}''Queen of Swords:'' Her countenance does not represent [(either: "(color: purple)[delgations]", "(color: purple)[instruction]", "(color: purple)[talk]", "(color: purple)[orders]", "(color: purple)[directives]", "(color: purple)[hard love]", "(color: purple)[reason]")], and, her [(either: "(color: purple)[fairness]", "(color: purple)[strength]", "(color: purple)[intelligence]", "(color: purple)[wisdom]", "(color: purple)[meanness]")] notwithstanding, [(either: "(color: purple)[the thinker]", "(color: purple)[the judge]", "(color: purple)[the king]", "(color: purple)[Cleopatra]", "(color: purple)[the conductor]", "(color: purple)[the dictator]", "(color: purple)[the executioner]", "(color: purple)[the master of ceremonies]", "(color: purple)[the unhappy woman]") ]is scarcely a symbol of [(either: "(color: purple)[transformation]", "(color: purple)[contempt]", "(color: purple)[impertinence]", "(color: purple)[discipline]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Knight of Swords]] | [[Next Card|King of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Knight of Swords//
action: (either: "attack", "speed", "action", "charge")
activity: (either: "war", "battle", "eavesdropping", "flow", "jumping to conclusions", "meddling in others' affairs", "race")
animal: (either: "Marmaduke")
conceptual thing: (either: "ENTP", "false-alarm", "full-speed ahead")
do: (either: "fear", "attack")
mood: (either: "aggressive", "headstrong", "impetuous")
person: (either: "devil's advocate", "go-getter", "warrior")
physical thing (either: "windmill")
quality: (either: "overwhelming")
state: (either: "bravery", "impatience", "tempered nature")
verb-ed: (either: "tempered")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
He is riding in full course, as if scattering his enemies. In the design he is really a prototypical hero of romantic chivalry. He might almost be Galahad, whose sword is swift and sure because he is clean of heart.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5xsg11r76ef7ef5/swkn.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Knight of Swords"></center>]}''Knight of Swords:'' He is riding in full course, as if [(either: "(color: purple)[attacking]", "(color: purple)[charging]")] his enemies. He might almost be [(either: "(color: purple)[Marmaduke]", "(color: purple)[a devil's advocate]", "(color: purple)[a go-getter]", "(color: purple)[a warrior]")], whose sword is [(either: "(color: purple)[overwhelming]", "(color: purple)[brave]", "(color: purple)[impatient]", "(color: purple)[tempered]", "(color: purple)[flowing]")] and sure because he is [(either: "(color: purple)[aggressive]", "(color: purple)[headstrong]", "(color: purple)[impetuous]")] of heart. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Jumping to conclusions...]", "(color: purple)[Meddling in others' affairs...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Page of Swords]] | [[Next Card|Queen of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Page of Swords//
action: (either: "action", "fart", "attempt")
conceptual thing: (either: "beginning", "INTP", "preparation", "ideas", "adventure")
mood: (either: "alert", "ambitious", "bold", "defiant", "weary", "curious", "happy")
person: (either: "faux hero", "pucelle", "poseur", "warrior", "hero", "bro")
state: (either: "confidence", "bluntness", "caution", "sure-footing", "swift", "valor", "lovesick", "mistrust", "naivety", "truth")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A lithe, active figure holds a sword upright in both hands. He is alert and lithe, looking this way and that, as if an expected enemy might appear at any moment.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/az4uuvyzg7szu59/swpa.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Page of Swords"></center>]}''Page of Swords:'' A lithe, active [(either: "(color: purple)[bro]", "(color: purple)[faux hero]", "(color: purple)[pucelle]", "(color: purple)[poseur]", "(color: purple)[warrior]", "(color: purple)[hero]")] holds a sword upright. He is [(either: "(color: purple)[confident]", "(color: purple)[blunt]", "(color: purple)[cautious]", "(color: purple)[sure-footed]", "(color: purple)[swift]", "(color: purple)[valorous]", "(color: purple)[lovesick]", "(color: purple)[mistrusting]", "(color: purple)[naive]", "(color: purple)[truthful]")] and [(either: "(color: purple)[alert]", "(color: purple)[ambitious]", "(color: purple)[bold]", "(color: purple)[defiant]", "(color: purple)[weary]", "(color: purple)[curious]", "(color: purple)[happy]")], looking this way and that, as if an expected [(either: "(color: purple)[action]", "(color: purple)[fart]", "(color: purple)[attempt]", "(color: purple)[idea]", "(color: purple)[beginning]")] might appear at any moment.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|10 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|Knight of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Ace of Swords//
action: (either: "cut", "conquest")
activity: (either: "breakthrough", "simplification")
animal: (either: "seahorse")
conceptual: (either: "thought", "the mind")
do: (either: "dethrone")
exclamation: (either: "ouch")
fashion: (either: "glove")
media: (either: "1970s gameshows")
mood: (either: "cavalier", "precise")
nature: (either: "thunder", "fire")
person: (either: "Carl Theodor Dreyer", "King Arthur", "baller")
physical thing: (either: "sword")
place: (either: "Niagara Falls")
quality: (either: "correct", "forceful", "sharp")
state: (either: "power", "peace", "judgement", "clarity", "intellect", "chosen")
verb-ed: (either: "enlightened")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A hand issues from a cloud, grasping as word, the point of which is encircled by a crown. Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, triumph of force.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pirrzbi6ofl4ur6/swac.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Ace of Swords"></center>]}''Ace of Swords:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[An enlightened]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[Carl Theodor Dreyer's]", "(color: purple)[King Arthur's]", "(color: purple)[baller's]")] hand issues from a cloud, grasping a [(either: "(color: purple)[correct]", "(color: purple)[forceful]", "(color: purple)[sharp]", "(color: purple)[cavalier]", "(color: purple)[precise]")] sword, the point of which is encircled by [(either: "(color: purple)[1970s game shows]", "(color: purple)[Niagara Falls]", "(color: purple)[thunder]", "(color: purple)[fire]")]. [(either: "(color: purple)[Power]", "(color: purple)[Peace]", "(color: purple)[Judgement]", "(color: purple)[Clarity]", "(color: purple)[Intellect]")], triumph of [(either: "(color: purple)[seahorses]", "(color: purple)[conquest]", "(color: purple)[the chosen]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|King of Cups]] | [[Next Card|2 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 2 of Swords//
activity: (either: "soul-searching")
animal: (either: "bear", "salamander")
conceptual thing: (either: "choices", "decisions", "choice of destruction")
do: (either: "wait")
media: (either: "cyberpunk")
mood: (either: "vulnerable", "unbiased")
person: (either: "maiden", "braggart", "Jedi", "Princess Leia", "Xena", "judge", "initiate")
physical thing: (either: "flags")
quality: (either: "blind", "eastern")
state: (either: "uncertainty", "fear", "peace", "justice", "truce", "blindness", "indecision", "promiscuity", "silence", "stalemate")
verb-ed: (either: "blinded")
verb-ing: (either: "searching")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A hoodwinked female figure balances two swords upon her shoulders. Courage, friendship, concord in a state of arms.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/02nv2pcm185k2z9/sw02.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Two of Swords"></center>]}''2 of Swords:'' A [(either: "(color: purple)[blinded]", "(color: purple)[vulnerable]", "(color: purple)[unbiased]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[maiden]", "(color: purple)[braggart]", "(color: purple)[Jedi]", "(color: purple)[Princess Leia]", "(color: purple)[Xena]", "(color: purple)[judge]")] balances two swords upon her shoulders. Courage, friendship, concord in [(either: "(color: purple)[choices]", "(color: purple)[decisions]", "(color: purple)[a choice of destruction]", "(color: purple)[salamanders]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Ace of Swords]] | [[Next Card|3 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 3 of Swords//
action: (either: "pierce", "return")
activity: (either: "taking more than your fair share", "validation")
body part: (either: "blood", "heart")
conceptual thing: (either: "love", "heartache", "heartbreak")
exclamation: (either: "three of swords")
food: (either: "hors d'oeuvre")
person: (either: "Cupid", "Donne")
physical: (either: "hump")
quality: (either: "broken", "old", "dead")
state: (either: "passion", "pain", "emo", "loss", "betrayal", "deception")
verb-ed: (either: "broken-hearted", "twisted")
verb-ing: (either: "suffering")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Three swords piercing a heart; cloud and rain behind. Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1wqfjk94yf7675g/sw03.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Three of Swords"></center>]}''3 of Swords:'' Three [(either: "(color: purple)[broken-hearted]", "(color: purple)[twisted]", "(color: purple)[dead]", "(color: purple)[broken]", "(color: purple)[old]")] swords piercing a heart; cloud and rain behind. [(either: "(color: purple)[Love]", "(color: purple)[Heartache]", "(color: purple)[Heartbreak]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[passion]", "(color: purple)[pain]", "(color: purple)[emo]", "(color: purple)[loss]", "(color: purple)[betrayal]", "(color: purple)[deception]")], dispersion. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Taking more than your fair share...]", "(color: purple)[Validation...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|2 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|4 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 4 of Swords//
action: (either: "rest")
activity: (either: "war", "meditation", "funeral", "pulling for inner reserves of strength")
conceptual thing: (either: "death", "consequence", "magick tricks", "sleepwinter", "bad feng shui")
physical thing: (either: "waste")
place: (either: "monastery", "resting place", "tomb")
quality: (either: "historical", "monumental", "supine")
state: (either: "sorrow", "grieving", "healing", "recovery", "poor rest", "relaxation", "respite", "honor", "hibernation")
verb-ing: (either: "resting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The effigy of a knight in the attitude of prayer, at full length upon his tomb. Vigilance, retreat, solitude, hermit's repose, exile, tomb and coffin.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/tvhkc74kf6t4h9a/sw04.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Four of Swords"></center>]}''4 of Swords:'' The [(either: "(color: purple)[historical]", "(color: purple)[monumental]", "(color: purple)[supine]")] effigy of a [(either: "(color: purple)[sorrowful]", "(color: purple)[grieving]", "(color: purple)[healing]", "(color: purple)[recovering]", "(color: purple)[resting]", "(color: purple)[relaxing]", "(color: purple)[honored]", "(color: purple)[hibernating]")] knight in the attitude of prayer, at full length upon his [(either: "(color: purple)[resting place]", "(color: purple)[tomb]")]. [(either: "(color: purple)[War]", "(color: purple)[Meditation]", "(color: purple)[Pulling for inner reserves of strength]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[waste]", "(color: purple)[magick tricks]", "(color: purple)[death]", "(color: purple)[consequences]", "(color: purple)[bad feng shui]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|3 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|5 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 5 of Swords//
action: (either: "snicker")
activity: (either: "war", "making ends on the work of others", "battle")
conceptual thing: (either: "fruitless victory", "opportunity")
do: (either: "vanquish")
exclamation: (either: "bye")
person: (either: "Robin Hood", "explorer", "bounder", "cheater", "Ganondorf", "helper")
physical thing: (either: "loot", "train", "remnants")
state: (either: "defeat", "ambition", "corruption", "delusion", "dishonesty", "impunity", "victory at expense of others", "turmoil", "conflict", "deceit", "betrayal")
winter: (either: "time")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A disdainful man looks after two retreating and dejected figures. Their swords lie upon the ground. He is the master in possession of the field.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/twkkv274jrpyqt4/sw05.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Five of Swords"></center>]}''5 of Swords:'' A disdainful [(either: "(color: purple)[Robin Hood]", "(color: purple)[Ganondorf]", "(color: purple)[vanquisher]", "(color: purple)[looter]")] looks after two retreating and dejected [(either: "(color: purple)[explorers]", "(color: purple)[bounders]", "(color: purple)[cheaters]", "(color: purple)[helpers]")]. Their swords lie upon the ground. He is the master in possession of [(either: "(color: purple)[defeat]", "(color: purple)[ambition]", "(color: purple)[corruption]", "(color: purple)[delusion]", "(color: purple)[dishonesty]", "(color: purple)[impunity]", "(color: purple)[a victory at expense of others]", "(color: purple)[turmoil]", "(color: purple)[conflict]", "(color: purple)[deceit]", "(color: purple)[betrayal]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|4 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|6 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 6 of Swords//
action: (either: "immigration", "push", "movement", "journey", "escape")
activity: (either: "emigration")
do: (either: "uproot", "row")
food: (either: "Jello")
person: (either: "traveller", "deserter", "refugee", "man")
physical thing (either: "boat", "passage", "profit")
place: (either: "River of Styx")
state: (either: "transition", "depression", "incognito", "safety", "sadness")
verb-ing: (either: "going", "leaving")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A ferryman carrying passengers in his punt to the further shore. The course is smooth, and seeing that the freight is light, it may be noted that the work is not beyond his strength.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w1ove2ik8z2fac7/sw06.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Six of Swords"></center>]}''6 of Swords:'' A [(either: "(color: purple)[traveller]", "(color: purple)[deserter]", "(color: purple)[refugee]", "(color: purple)[man]")] carrying passengers in his [(either: "(color: purple)[boat]", "(color: purple)[passage]", "(color: purple)[profit]")] to [(either: "(color: purple)[River of Styx]", "(color: purple)[escape]"). The (either: "(color: purple)[immigration]", "(color: purple)[emigration]", "(color: purple)[journey]", "(color: purple)[transition]", "(color: purple)[depression]", "(color: purple)[incognito]", "(color: purple)[safety]", "(color: purple)[sadness]")] is smooth and the freight is light.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|5 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|7 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 7 of Swords//
action: (either: "sneak")
activity: (either: "taking from the till", "mischief")
animal: (either: "fox")
conceptual thing: (either: "ego", "secrets trapped")
do: (either: "steal")
mood: (either: "cunning", "scurrilous")
person: (either: "Jimmy Hill", "thief", "juggler")
physical thing: (either: "tools")
quality: (either: "clumsy", "too much")
state: (either: "bounty", "arrogance", "danger", "imbalance", "impulsiveness", "vanity", "stealth", "deceit", "burden", "betrayal", "deception")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A man in the act of carrying away five swords rapidly; the two others of the card remain stuck in the ground. A camp is close at hand. Quarrelling, a plan that may fail, annoyance.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/blobk73pi2dvzic/sw07.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Seven of Swords"></center>]}''7 of Swords:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[Jimmy Hill is]", "(color: purple)[A thief]", "(color: purple)[A juggler]")] in the act of carrying away five swords [(either: "(color: purple)[sneakily]", "(color: purple)[arrogantly]", "(color: purple)[dangerously]", "(color: purple)[deceptively]", "(color: purple)[scurrilously]", "(color: purple)[with cunning]")]; the two others remain stuck in the ground. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Taking from the till...]", "(color: purple)[Secrets trapped...]", "(color: purple)[Mischief...]", "(color: purple)[Too much...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|6 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|8 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 8 of Swords//
action: (either: "punishment", "execution")
activity: (either: "bondage", "can't see situation as is", "hide and seek", "trial")
conceptual thing: (either: "consequence", "answer", "constant interruptions")
do: (either: "overcome", "reflect")
mood: (either: "powerless", "self-inflicted")
nature: (either: "tiger-lily")
person: (either: "damsel in distress", "drama queen", "prisoner", "victim")
physical thing: (either: "trap", "obstacle")
quality: (either: "captive", "hidden", "brutal")
state: (either: "imprisonment", "injustice", "safety", "stuck")
verb-ed: (either: "incapacitated", "restricted", "trapped")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A woman, bound and hoodwinked, with the swords of the card about her. Yet it is rather a card of temporary durance than of irretrievable bondage.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/sl35w9ilhb1klbu/sw08.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Eight of Swords"></center>]}''8 of Swords:'' A person: [(either: "(color: purple)[damsel in distress]", "(color: purple)[drama queen]", "(color: purple)[prisoner]", "(color: purple)[victim]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[captive]", "(color: purple)[hidden]", "(color: purple)[brutal]") and (either: "(color: purple)[powerless]", "(color: purple)[self-inflicted]")], with the swords about her. It is rather a card of temporary [(either: "(color: purple)[execution]", "(color: purple)[imprisonment]", "(color: purple)[injustice]", "(color: purple)[safety]", "(color: purple)[consequence]", "(color: purple)[answer]", "(color: purple)[constant interruptions]")] than of irretrievable bondage.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|7 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|9 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 9 of Swords//
activity: (either: "biplanes in formation")
conceptual thing: (either: "bad dream", "nightmare", "sleepless nights")
do: (either: "listen")
mood: (either: "helpless", "sad")
physical thing: (either: "miniblinds")
quality: (either: "typical")
state: (either: "turmoil", "shame", "fear", "agony", "anguish", "distress", "insomnia", "trauma", "worry", "regret", "anxiety", "terror")
time: (either: "Monday")
verb-ing: (either: "compensating", "grieving", "impending")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
One seated on her couch in lamentation, with the swords over her. She is as one who knows no sorrow which is like unto hers. It is a card of utter desolation.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fwbhayd3bzf62it/sw09.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Nine of Swords"></center>]}''9 of Swords:'' One, [(either: "(color: purple)[helpless]", "(color: purple)[sad]")], seated on her couch in [(either: "(color: purple)[turmoil]", "(color: purple)[shame]", "(color: purple)[fear]", "(color: purple)[agony]", "(color: purple)[anguish]", "(color: purple)[distress]", "(color: purple)[insomnia]", "(color: purple)[trauma]", "(color: purple)[worry]", "(color: purple)[regret]", "(color: purple)[anxiety]", "(color: purple)[terror]")], with the swords over her. She is as one who knows no sorrow which is like unto [(either: "(color: purple)[biplanes in formation]", "(color: purple)[listening]")]. It is a card of [(either: "(color: purple)[compensating]", "(color: purple)[grieving]", "(color: purple)[impending]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[bad dreams]", "(color: purple)[nightmares]", "(color: purple)[miniblinds]", "(color: purple)[Mondays]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|8 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|10 of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 10 of Swords//
action: (either: "pressure", "assassination", "execution", "retaliation", "return")
conceptual thing: (either: "new beginning", "unexpected results", "death")
longer phrase: (either: "don't believe", "et tu brute?")
person: (either: "enemies", "Ace Ventura", "Caesar")
quality (either: "dead", "mortal", "inevitable", "grim")
state: (either: "end", "defeat", "brutality", "defeatism", "pain", "peace", "completion", "betrayal")
verb-ed: (either: "warned", "backstabbed")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A prostrate figure, pierced by all the swords belonging to the card. Pain, affliction, desolation. It is not especially a card of violent death.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5feb8776l4a5mlu/sw10.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Ten of Swords"></center>]}''10 of Swords:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[A dead]", "(color: purple)[A mortal]", "(color: purple)[An inevitable]", "(color: purple)[A grim]")] prostrate figure, pierced by [(either: "(color: purple)[new beginnings]", "(color: purple)[unexpected results]")]. Affliction, [(either: "(color: purple)[end]", "(color: purple)[defeat]", "(color: purple)[brutality]", "(color: purple)[defeatism]", "(color: purple)[pain]", "(color: purple)[peace]", "(color: purple)[completion]", "(color: purple)[betrayal]", "(color: purple)[return]", "(color: purple)[retaliation]")]. It is not especially a card of violent death.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|9 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|Page of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}[[Ace of Pentacles]]
[[2 of Pentacles]]
[[3 of Pentacles]]
[[4 of Pentacles]]
[[5 of Pentacles]]
[[6 of Pentacles]]
[[7 of Pentacles]]
[[8 of Pentacles]]
[[9 of Pentacles]]
[[10 of Pentacles]]
[[Page of Pentacles]]
[[Knight of Pentacles]]
[[Queen of Pentacles]]
[[King of Pentacles]]
[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Go back|Learn More]]
(transition: "pulse")+(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 250%")[ [[do a fresh reading|The Public Tarot]] ][[Ace of Wands]]
[[2 of Wands]]
[[3 of Wands]]
[[4 of Wands]]
[[5 of Wands]]
[[6 of Wands]]
[[7 of Wands]]
[[8 of Wands]]
[[9 of Wands]]
[[10 of Wands]]
[[Page of Wands]]
[[Knight of Wands]]
[[Queen of Wands]]
[[King of Wands]]
[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Go back|Learn More]]
(transition: "pulse")+(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 250%")[ [[do a fresh reading|The Public Tarot]] ][[Ace of Cups]]
[[2 of Cups]]
[[3 of Cups]]
[[4 of Cups]]
[[5 of Cups]]
[[6 of Cups]]
[[7 of Cups]]
[[8 of Cups]]
[[9 of Cups]]
[[10 of Cups]]
[[Page of Cups]]
[[Knight of Cups]]
[[Queen of Cups]]
[[King of Cups]]
[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Go back|Learn More]]
(transition: "pulse")+(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 250%")[ [[do a fresh reading|The Public Tarot]] ]{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with King of Wands//
animal: (either: "lizard")
conceptual thing: (either: "answer")
do: (either: "oversee")
media: (either: "Twitter")
mood: (either: "dauntless", "passionate", "uncomfortable", "watchful", "brooding", "aloof")
person: (either: "firebrand", "King Geoffrey", "king of kings", "king with a stick", "mentor", "friend", "master")
quality: (either: "authoritarian", "imminent", "silent", "noble", "patriarchal")
state: (either: "strength", "warmth", "distraction", "doom", "firm", "passivity", "honesty", "power")
verb-ed: (either: "disengaged")
verb-ing: (either: "awaiting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The physical and emotional nature to which this card is attributed is dark, ardent, lithe, animated, impassioned, noble. The King uplifts a flowering wand, and wears, like his three correspondences in the remaining suits, what is called a cap of maintenance beneath his crown. He connects with the symbol of the lion, which is emblazoned on the back of his throne. Divinatory Meanings: Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/sepi13abu2qhao6/waki.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="King of Wands"></center>]}''King of Wands:'' The physical and emotional [(either: "(color: purple)[strength]", "(color: purple)[warmth]", "(color: purple)[distraction]", "(color: purple)[doom]", "(color: purple)[firmness]", "(color: purple)[passivity]", "(color: purple)[honesty]", "(color: purple)[power]")] to which this card is attributed is [(either: "(color: purple)[dauntless]", "(color: purple)[passionate]", "(color: purple)[uncomfortable]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[watchful]", "(color: purple)[brooding]", "(color: purple)[aloof]", "(color: purple)[disengaged]", "(color: purple)[overseeing]", "(color: purple)[patriarchal]")]. [(either: "(color: purple)[The firebrand]", "(color: purple)[King Geoffrey]", "(color: purple)[The king of kings]", "(color: purple)[The king with a stick]", "(color: purple)[The mentor]", "(color: purple)[The friend]", "(color: purple)[The master]")] uplifts a flowering wand. [(either: "(color: purple)[Authoritarian]", "(color: purple)[Imminent]", "(color: purple)[Silent]", "(color: purple)[Noble]")] man, [(either: "(color: purple)[disengaged]", "(color: purple)[awaiting]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Queen of Wands]] | [[Next Card|Ace of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Queen of Wands//
animal: (either: "familiar", "Reily", "cat")
body part: (either: "jaw")
conceptual thing: (either: "love", "ideas", "Halloween", "ISFJ", "reign")
mood: (either: "powerful", "bright", "commanding", "confrontational", "lively", "satisfied", "self-assured", "stoic", "superstitious")
person: (either: "leader", "cat-lover", "diva", "gay queen", "King Richard III", "lesbian queen", "sister", "witch", "guide")
quality: (either: "inspirational", "secure", "noble", "creative")
state: (either: "command", "power")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The Wands throughout this suit are always in leaf, as it is a suit of life and animation. Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen's personality corresponds to that of the King, but is more magnetic. Divinatory Meanings: A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honourable.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vk4rmg7eqnno6n6/waqu.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Queen of Wands"></center>]}''Queen of Wands:'' The Wands throughout this suit are always in [(either: "(color: purple)[love]", "(color: purple)[Halloween]", "(color: purple)[reign]")], as it is a suit of [(either: "(color: purple)[inspiration]", "(color: purple)[security]", "(color: purple)[nobility]", "(color: purple)[creativity]")] and [(either: "(color: purple)[cats]", "(color: purple)[Reily]", "(color: purple)[familiars]"). A (either: "(color: purple)[leader]", "(color: purple)[cat-lover]", "(color: purple)[diva]", "(color: purple)[gay queen]", "(color: purple)[King Richard III]", "(color: purple)[lesbian queen]", "(color: purple)[sister]", "(color: purple)[witch]", "(color: purple)[guide]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[powerful]", "(color: purple)[bright]", "(color: purple)[commanding]", "(color: purple)[confrontational]", "(color: purple)[lively]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[satisfied]", "(color: purple)[self-assured]", "(color: purple)[stoic]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[commanding]", "(color: purple)[powerful]", "(color: purple)[superstitious]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Knight of Wands]] | [[Next Card|King of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Page of Wands//
action: (either: "inspection")
activity: (either: "testing")
conceptual thing: (either: "freedom of choice", "boast", "ISFP", "new ideas", "prospect", "royalty", "ideas", "ego")
mood: (either: "prideful")
person: (either: "aristocracy", "Charlie Chaplin", "connoisseur", "traveller", "messenger", "bard")
place: (either: "here")
quality: (either: "reliable", "visionary", "sturdy", "youthful", "inquisitive")
state: (either: "solo", "not well planned out", "repose", "admiration", "curiosity", "confusion")
verb-ed: (either: "motivated", "planned")
verb-ing: (either: "studying", "thinking")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
In a scene similar to the former, a young man stands in the act of proclamation. He is unknown but faithful, and his tidings are strange. Divinatory Meanings: Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a postman. Beside a man, he will bear favourable testimony concerning him.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0ir66tehz8265ni/wapa.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Page of Wands"></center>]}''Page of Wands:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[The aristocrat]", "(color: purple)[Charlie Chaplin]", "(color: purple)[The connoisseur]", "(color: purple)[The traveller]", "(color: purple)[The messenger]", "(color: purple)[The bard]")] stands in the act of [(either: "(color: purple)[freedom of choice]", "(color: purple)[inspection]", "(color: purple)[testing]")]. He is [(either: "(color: purple)[reliable]", "(color: purple)[visionary]", "(color: purple)[sturdy]", "(color: purple)[youthful]", "(color: purple)[inquisitive]")] but faithful, and his [(either: "(color: purple)[studying]", "(color: purple)[thinking]")] is strange. He will bear favourable [(either: "(color: purple)[repose]", "(color: purple)[admiration]", "(color: purple)[curiosity]", "(color: purple)[confusion]", "(color: purple)[new ideas]", "(color: purple)[prospects]", "(color: purple)[boasting]")] concerning him.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|10 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|Knight of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Knight of Wands//
action: (either: "hoist", "force", "journey", "charge")
conceptual thing: (either: "ESFP", "news", "adventure", "arrival")
do: (either: "spark")
mood: (either: "adventurous", "unprepared", "impetuous", "charming")
nature: (either: "fire")
person: (either: "authority", "Lancelot", "show-off", "friend", "protector", "knight", "badass")
physical thing: (either: "money")
place: (either: "Pyramids of Giza")
quality: (either: "creative")
state: (either: "enthusiasm", "passion", "pride", "power")
verb-ed: (either: "hurried")
verb-ing: (either: "coming")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
He is shewn as if upon a journey, armed with a short wand, and although mailed is not on a warlike errand. He is passing mounds or pyramids. The motion of the horse is a key to the character of its rider. Departure, absence, flight, emigration.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kji0oyho0mw4fb7/wakn.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Knight of Wands"></center>]}''Knight of Wands:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[The authority]", "(color: purple)[Lancelot]", "(color: purple)[The show-off]", "(color: purple)[The friend]", "(color: purple)[The protector]", "(color: purple)[The knight]")] is shewn as if upon a journey. Although [(either: "(color: purple)[adventurous]", "(color: purple)[unprepared]", "(color: purple)[impetuous]", "(color: purple)[charming]")] is not on a [(either: "(color: purple)[hurried]")] errand. He is passing [(either: "(color: purple)[the Pyramids of Giza]"). Departure, (either: "(color: purple)[money]", "(color: purple)[creation]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[news]", "(color: purple)[adventure]", "(color: purple)[hurrying]", "(color: purple)[arrival]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Page of Wands]] | [[Next Card|Queen of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Ace of Wands//
activity: (either: "justifying every action", "planting a tree", "unwillingness to change", "satisfying needs only of thyself")
conceptual thing: (either: "creation", "innuendo", "venture", "new beginning", "energy")
do: (either: "create")
nature: (either: "twig", "fire", "tree", "nature")
person: (either: "creator", "explorer")
physical thing: (either: "club", "staff")
state: (either: "dumbstruck", "glow", "stupidity", "lust", "responsibility", "passion", "growth")
verb-ed: (either: "assured")
verb-ing: (either: "idea-planning")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A hand issuing from a cloud grasps a stout wand or club. Creation, invention, enterprise, the powers which result in these; principle, beginning, source; birth, family, origin, and in a sense the virility which is behind them.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xjmb0357vyaz6ed/waac.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Ace of Wands"></center>]}''Ace of Wands:'' A hand issuing from a cloud grasps a stout [(either: "(color: purple)[club]", "(color: purple)[staff]")]. [(either: "(color: purple)[Creation]", "(color: purple)[Innuendos]", "(color: purple)[Ventures]", "(color: purple)[New beginnings]", "(color: purple)[Energies]")], the powers which result in these; [(either: "(color: purple)[being dumbstruck]", "(color: purple)[glowing]", "(color: purple)[stupidity]", "(color: purple)[lust]", "(color: purple)[responsibility]", "(color: purple)[passion]", "(color: purple)[idea-planning]", "(color: purple)[growth]")]; [(either: "(color: purple)[creator]", "(color: purple)[explorer]")], origin, and in a sense the [(either: "(color: purple)[twig]", "(color: purple)[fire]", "(color: purple)[tree]", "(color: purple)[nature]")] which is behind them. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Justifying every action...]", "(color: purple)[Planting a tree...]", "(color: purple)[Unwillingness to change...]", "(color: purple)[Satisfying needs only of thyself...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The World]] | [[Next Card|2 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 2 of Wands//
activity: (either: "crossing the Delaware River")
conceptual thing: (either: "choices", "quiet life", "phase", "plan", "enterprise")
do: (either: "explore", "ponder")
media: (either: "Van Halen")
nature: (either: "tree")
person: (either: "assistant", "George Washington", "Hamlet", "Marco Polo")
physical thing: (either: "sticks")
quality: (either: "Roman")
state: (either: "aspiration", "dominion", "longing", "contemplation", "ambition")
verb-ing: (either: "planning", "viewing")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
He holds a globe in his right hand, while a staff in his left rests on the battlement; another is fixed in a ring. On the one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence; on the other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/iv9sx7d66kv0tpr/wa02.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Two of Wands"></center>]}''2 of Wands:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[The assistant]", "(color: purple)[George Washington]", "(color: purple)[Hamlet]", "(color: purple)[Marco Polo]")] holds a globe in his right hand, while a staff in his left rests on the battlement; another is fixed in a ring. On the one hand, [(either: "(color: purple)[choices]", "(color: purple)[quiet life]", "(color: purple)[phase]", "(color: purple)[plan]", "(color: purple)[enterprise]")]; on the other, [(either: "(color: purple)[aspiration]", "(color: purple)[dominion]", "(color: purple)[longing]", "(color: purple)[contemplation]", "(color: purple)[ambition]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[exploration]", "(color: purple)[pondering]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Ace of Wands]] | [[Next Card|3 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 3 of Wands//
action: (either: "conquest", "journey")
conceptual thing: (either: "long-term vision", "new life", "plan in motion", "friendship", "enterprise", "progress")
flavor: (either: "bittersweet", "bland")
mood: (either: "hesitant")
nature: (either: "saplings")
person: (either: "community")
physical thing: (either: "horizon")
place: (either: "barren desert", "desert", "homestead")
quality: (either: "dorsal", "preparedness", "vast potential", "Wiccan")
state: (either: "patience", "acquisition", "dire straits", "homesick", "abandonment", "contemplation")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A calm, stately personage, with his back turned, looking from a cliff's edge at ships passing over the sea. He symbolizes established strength, enterprise, effort, trade, commerce, discovery; those are his ships, bearing his merchandise, which are sailing over the sea.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0km0qqft197og50/wa03.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Three of Wands"></center>]}''3 of Wands:'' A calm, [(either: "(color: purple)[hesitant]", "(color: purple)[dorsal]", "(color: purple)[Wiccan]")] personage, with his back turned, looking from a cliff's edge at the [(either: "(color: purple)[barren desert]", "(color: purple)[desert]", "(color: purple)[homestead]")]. He symbolizes established [(either: "(color: purple)[patience]", "(color: purple)[acquisition]", "(color: purple)[dire straits]", "(color: purple)[homesick]", "(color: purple)[abandonment]", "(color: purple)[contemplation]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[bittersweet]", "(color: purple)[bland]")] trade, [(either: "(color: purple)[friendship]", "(color: purple)[enterprise]")]; those are his ships, bearing his [(either: "(color: purple)[conquest]", "(color: purple)[journey]")], which are sailing over the sea. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Long-term vision...]", "(color: purple)[New life...]", "(color: purple)[Plan in motion...]", "(color: purple)[Progress...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|2 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|4 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 4 of Wands//
activity: (either: "party", "marriage", "celebration")
conceptual thing: (either: "holidays", "wedding")
do: (either: "rejoice", "celebrate")
mood: (either: "vulnerable")
nature: (either: "spring", "young trees", "harvest")
person: (either: "C. S. Lewis", "sniper")
physical thing: (either: "canopy")
place: (either: "settlement", "shanty house", "shelter", "among enemies", "home")
quality: (either: "ceremonious", "careless")
state: (either: "prosperity", "nostalgia", "success", "stability")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
From the four great staves planted in the foreground there is a great garland suspended; two female figures uplift nosegays; at their side is a bridge over a moat, leading to an old manorial house. Country life, haven of refuge, a species of domestic harvest-home, repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace, and the perfected work of these.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/atqb05183761zlo/wa04.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Four of Wands"></center>]}''4 of Wands:'' From the four great staves planted in the foreground there is a great garland suspended; [(either: "(color: purple)[C. S. Lewis uplifted]", "(color: purple)[snipers uplift]")] nosegays; at their side is a [(either: "(color: purple)[ceremonious]", "(color: purple)[careless]")] bridge over a moat, leading to an old [(either: "(color: purple)[settlement]", "(color: purple)[shanty house]", "(color: purple)[shelter]", "(color: purple)[home]")]. Country life, [(either: "(color: purple)[prosperity]", "(color: purple)[nostalgia]", "(color: purple)[success]", "(color: purple)[stability]")] of refuge, a species of domestic [(either: "(color: purple)[spring]", "(color: purple)[young trees]", "(color: purple)[harvest]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[rejoicing]", "(color: purple)[celebration]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|3 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|5 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 5 of Wands//
activity: (either: "argument", "kerfluffle", "Morris dancing", "need to be important", "struggle to be noticed", "vying for attention", "squabbling", "game", "fight", "battle", "work", "teamwork", "competition", "sacrifice")
conceptual: (either: "bandlife")
people: (either: "circus clowns")
physical thing: (either: "maypole")
state: (either: "disagreement", "discord", "entrapment", "fluster", "multiplicity", "conflict", "struggle", "strife")
verb-ing: (either: "jousting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A posse of youths, who are brandishing staves, as if in sport or strife. It is mimic warfare, and hereto correspond the Divinatory Meanings: Imitation, as, for example, sham fight, but also the strenuous competition and struggle of the search after riches and fortune. In this sense it connects with the battle of life.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y40kt143zlza4cs/wa05.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Five of Wands"></center>]}''5 of Wands:'' A posse of youths, who are [(either: "(color: purple)[jousting]")] staves, as if in [(either: "(color: purple)[bandlife]", "(color: purple)[battle]", "(color: purple)[work]", "(color: purple)[teamwork]", "(color: purple)[competition]", "(color: purple)[sacrifice]")]. The strenuous [(either: "(color: purple)[argument]", "(color: purple)[kerfluffle]")] and struggle of the search after [(either: "(color: purple)[circus clowns]", "(color: purple)[maypoles]", "(color: purple)[Morris dancing]")]. In this sense it connects with the [(either: "(color: purple)[disagreement]", "(color: purple)[discord]", "(color: purple)[entrapment]", "(color: purple)[fluster]", "(color: purple)[multiplicity]", "(color: purple)[conflict]", "(color: purple)[struggle]", "(color: purple)[strife]")] of life. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Need to be important...]", "(color: purple)[Struggle to be noticed...]", "(color: purple)[Vying for attention...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|4 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|6 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 6 of Wands//
action: (either: "recognition", "charge")
activity: (either: "parade", "celebration of success", "pilgrimage", "ritual")
animal: (either: "horse")
conceptual thing: (either: "patriarchy", "survey")
food: (either: "carrot")
nature: (either: "laurels")
person: (either: "community", "Napoleon", "Errol Flyn", "hero", "Caesar")
place: (either: "utopia")
quality: (either: "triumphant")
state: (either: "success", "folly", "triumph", "victory")
verb-ed: (either: "assembled")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A laurelled horseman bears one staff adorned with a laurel crown; footmen with staves are at his side. Divinatory Meanings: The card has been so designed that it can cover several significations; on the surface, it is a victor triumphing, but it is also great news.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/srzdeiwxhgyp9mw/wa06.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Six of Wands"></center>]}''6 of Wands:'' A laurelled [(either: "(color: purple)[community]", "(color: purple)[Napoleon]", "(color: purple)[Errol Flyn]", "(color: purple)[hero]", "(color: purple)[Caesar]")] bears one staff [(either: "(color: purple)[assembled]")] with a laurel crown; footmen with [(either: "(color: purple)[carrots]")] at his side. It is a victor [(either: "(color: purple)[in success]", "(color: purple)[in folly]", "(color: purple)[triumphant]", "(color: purple)[victorious]")], but it is also [(either: "(color: purple)[utopia]", "(color: purple)[patriarchy]", "(color: purple)[a parade]", "(color: purple)[a celebration of success]", "(color: purple)[a pilgrimage]", "(color: purple)[a ritual]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|5 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|7 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 7 of Wands//
activity: (either: "war", "fight", "work", "battle", "defense", "exertion", "training", "uprising", "practice")
conceptual thing: (either: "hallucination", "challenge")
mood: (either: "silly")
person: (either: "Calvinist", "David from the Bible", "farmer", "Robin Hood")
quality: (either: "unbalanced")
state: (either: "struggle", "conflict", "fury", "opposition", "destruction", "anger", "hardship")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A young man on a craggy eminence brandishing a staff; six other staves are raised towards him from below. Divinatory Meanings: It is a card of valour, for, on the surface, six are attacking one, who has, however, the vantage position. On the intellectual plane, it signifies discussion, wordy strife; in business--negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3g0wmtyox3emqlp/wa07.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Seven of Wands"></center>]}''7 of Wands:'' A young man on a craggy eminence brandishing a staff. It is a card of [(either: "(color: purple)[unbalanced]", "(color: purple)[silly]")] valour. On the intellectual plane, it signifies [(either: "(color: purple)[struggle]", "(color: purple)[conflict]", "(color: purple)[fury]", "(color: purple)[opposition]", "(color: purple)[destruction]", "(color: purple)[anger]")], wordy [(either: "(color: purple)[hallucination]", "(color: purple)[challenge]")]; in business [(either: "(color: purple)[war]", "(color: purple)[fighting]", "(color: purple)[working]", "(color: purple)[battle]", "(color: purple)[defense]", "(color: purple)[exertion]", "(color: purple)[training]", "(color: purple)[uprising]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[exertion]", "(color: purple)[training]", "(color: purple)[uprising]", "(color: purple)[hardship]", "(color: purple)[practice]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|6 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|8 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 8 of Wands//
action: (either: "acceleration", "fast movement", "fast pace", "swiftness")
activity: (either: "war", "arrows flying in air", "flight", "learning from past mistakes", "screaming for vengeance")
conceptual thing: (either: "choices", "echoes", "storage", "steps of difficulty", "freedom of choice", "aggression")
do: (either: "go")
longer phrase: (either: "beacons are lit")
physical thing: (either: "weaponized sticks")
quality: (either: "parallel")
state: (either: "domination", "expedience", "uncertainty", "unity", "chill")
verb-ing: (either: "flying")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The card represents motion through the immovable-a flight of wands through an open country; but they draw to the term of their course. That which they signify is at hand; it may be even on the threshold. Divinatory Meanings: Activity in undertakings, the path of such activity, swiftness, as that of an express messenger; great haste, great hope, speed towards an end which promises assured felicity; generally, that which is on the move; also the arrows of love.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/r8ggwdpo5bv6j30/wa08.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Eight of Wands"></center>]}''8 of Wands:'' The card represents [(either: "(color: purple)[domination]", "(color: purple)[expedience]", "(color: purple)[uncertainty]", "(color: purple)[unity]", "(color: purple)[chillness]")] through the immovable-a flight of [(either: "(color: purple)[weaponized sticks]")] through open [(either: "(color: purple)[acceleration]", "(color: purple)[fast movement]", "(color: purple)[swiftness]")]. Activity in undertakings, [(either: "(color: purple)[flying]", "(color: purple)[parallel]")]; great [(either: "(color: purple)[choices]", "(color: purple)[echoes]", "(color: purple)[storage]")]. Also, the arrows of [(either: "(color: purple)[flight]", "(color: purple)[learning from past mistakes]", "(color: purple)[screaming for vengeance]", "(color: purple)[aggression]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|7 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|9 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 9 of Wands//
activity: (either: "fencing", "football")
longer phrase: (either: "someone or something no longer there")
mood: (either: "defensive", "insecure", "protective", "cunning")
nature: (either: "crops")
person: (either: "Jack")
physical thing: (either: "badly drawn forest", "barrier", "fence", "wall
place: (either: "lookout")
quality: (either: "excessive", "suspicious")
state: (either: "anxiety of the known", "exhaustion", "insecurity", "paranoia", "stubbornness", "suspicion", "maintaining guard", "resilience", "independence", "hope", "godliness")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The figure leans upon his staff and has an expectant look, as if awaiting an enemy. Behind are eight other staves--erect, in orderly disposition, like a palisade. Divinatory Meanings: The card signifies strength in opposition. If attacked, the person will meet an onslaught boldly.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zeeu6uckfks7h83/wa09.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Nine of Wands"></center>]}''9 of Wands:'' The figure leans upon his staff and has [(either: "(color: purple)[a godly]", "(color: purple)[a defensive]", "(color: purple)[an insecure]", "(color: purple)[a protective]", "(color: purple)[a cunning]", "(color: purple)[a suspicious]", "(color: purple)[an excessive]")] look, as if awaiting [(either: "(color: purple)[football]", "(color: purple)[crops]")]. The card signifies [(either: "(color: purple)[anxiety of the known]", "(color: purple)[exhaustion]", "(color: purple)[insecurity]", "(color: purple)[paranoia]", "(color: purple)[stubbornness]", "(color: purple)[suspicion]", "(color: purple)[maintaining guard]", "(color: purple)[resilience]", "(color: purple)[independence]", "(color: purple)[hope]")] in opposition. If attacked, the person will meet an onslaught with a [(either: "(color: purple)[badly drawn forest]", "(color: purple)[barrier]", "(color: purple)[fence]", "(color: purple)[wall]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|8 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|10 of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 10 of Wands//
action: (either: "recapitulation")
activity: (either: "doing it all oneself and never asking for help", "tidy up all the mess", "hoarding")
conceptual thing: (either: "productivity")
do: (either: "gather", "share")
longer phrase: (either: "ready or not")
nature: (either: "fire", "firewood")
physical thing: (either: "bundle", "so many sticks")
place: (either: "farm", "street")
quality: (either: "hard", "heavy")
state: (either: "struggle", "work", "chagrin", "hardship", "strain", "solace", "despair", "burden")
verb-ed: (either: "burdened", "cherished")
verb-ing: (either: "carrying", "weeping")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A man oppressed by the weight of the ten staves which he is carrying. Divinatory Meanings: A card of many significances, and some of the readings cannot be harmonized. I set aside that which connects it with honour and good faith. The chief meaning is oppression simply, but it is also fortune, gain, any kind of success, and then it is the oppression of these things. It is also a card of false-seeming, disguise, perfidy.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2vn7b07oxw4kwew/wa10.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Ten of Wands"></center>]}''10 of Wands:'' A man [(either: "(color: purple)[burdened]", "(color: purple)[cherished]")] by the weight of the ten [(either: "(color: purple)[hard]", "(color: purple)[heavy]")] staves which he is carrying. The chief meaning is [(either: "(color: purple)[struggle]", "(color: purple)[work]", "(color: purple)[chagrin]", "(color: purple)[hardship]", "(color: purple)[strain]", "(color: purple)[solace]", "(color: purple)[despair]", "(color: purple)[burden]")] simply, but it is also [(either: "(color: purple)[productivity]", "(color: purple)[recapitulation]")] and then it is the [(either: "(color: purple)[carrying]", "(color: purple)[weeping]", "(color: purple)[hoarding]")] of these things. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Doing it all oneself and never asking for help...]", "(color: purple)[Tidy up all the mess...]", "(color: purple)[Hoarding...]", "(color: purple)[Ready or not...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|9 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|Page of Wands]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with King of Cups//
activity: (either: "looking beyond the horizon", "measure", "double-fisting")
animal: (either: "Leviathan")
conceptual thing: (either: "circumstance", "ENFJ")
do: (either: "win", "go")
food: (either: "food")
mood: (either: "diplomatic", "suave", "stoic")
person: (either: "master", "jester", "king", "leader", "Elvis Presley", "guest of honor", "magician", "passenger", "Poseidon")
physical thing: (either: "TV")
quality: (either: "enlightened", "attuned", "balanced", "nonchalant", "oblivious", "cold")
state: (either: "kind", "attuned", "full of passion", "temperament", "confidence")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
He holds a short sceptre in his left hand and a great cup in his right; his throne is set upon the sea; on one side a ship is riding and on the other a dolphin is leaping. Fair man, man of business, law, or divinity.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5qvcurbw4glhzov/cuki.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="King of Cups"></center>]}''King of Cups:'' He holds a [(either: "(color: purple)[diplomatic]", "(color: purple)[suave]", "(color: purple)[stoic]")] sceptre in his left hand and [(either: "(color: purple)[an attuned]", "(color: purple)[a balanced]", "(color: purple)[a nonchalant]", "(color: purple)[an oblivious]", "(color: purple)[a cold]", "(color: purple)[an enlightened]")] cup in his right; [(either: "(color: purple)[The master's]", "(color: purple)[The jester's]", "(color: purple)[The king's]", "(color: purple)[The leader's]", "(color: purple)[Elvis Presley's]", "(color: purple)[The guest of honor's]", "(color: purple)[The magician's]", "(color: purple)[The passenger's]", "(color: purple)[Poseidon's]")] throne is set upon the sea. [(either: "(color: purple)[Kind]", "(color: purple)[Attuned]", "(color: purple)[Confident]")] man of (either: "(color: purple)[looking beyond the horizon]", "(color: purple)[measure]", "(color: purple)[double-fisting]").
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Queen of Cups]] | [[Next Card|Ace of Swords]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Queen of Cups//
conceptual thing: (either: "divination", "grudge", "INFJ")
do: (either: "contemplate", "materialize")
fashion: (either: "hat")
longer phrase: (either: "in touch with emotions", "nothing comes to mind")
mood: (either: "compassionate", "youthful", "compassionate", "complacent", "contemplative", "moody", "psychic", "sensitive", "curious")
person: (either: "nurturer", "mother", "Aphrodite", "gypsy", "lord", "psychic")
physical thing: (either: "cups", "ark")
quality: (either: "complex", "cursed", "dubious")
state: (either: "wealth", "emotionally in tune", "erosion", "fascination", "kind" "intuitive", "fertility", "introspection", "boredom", "frustration")
verb-ing: (either: "nurturing")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Beautiful, fair, dreamy--as one who sees visions in a cup. Loving intelligence.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/tjx3szxmzacfdh0/cuqu.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Queen of Cups"></center>]}''Queen of Cups:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[Compassionate]", "(color: purple)[Youthful]", "(color: purple)[Complacent]", "(color: purple)[Contemplative]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[moody]", "(color: purple)[psychic]", "(color: purple)[sensitive]", "(color: purple)[curious]")]--as one who sees visions in [(either: "(color: purple)[complex]", "(color: purple)[cursed]", "(color: purple)[dubious]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[cups]", "(color: purple)[arks]")]. Loving...{(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[divination.]", "(color: purple)[grudge.]", "(color: purple)[, emotionally in tune.]", "(color: purple)[wealth.]", "(color: purple)[erosion.]", "(color: purple)[fascination.]", "(color: purple)[kindness.]", "(color: purple)[intuition.]", "(color: purple)[fertility.]", "(color: purple)[introspection.]", "(color: purple)[boredom.]", "(color: purple)[frustration.]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Knight of Cups]] | [[Next Card|King of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Page of Cups//
activity: (either: "decanting a fish", "peacocking")
animal (either: "fish", "moray eel")
conceptual thing: (either: "confessions", "emotions", "INFP", "new love")
exclamation: (either: "Really, dude?")
media: (either: "GWAR")
mood: (either: "immature", "jolly", "sympathetic", "wistful")
person: (either: "character from tudors", "dreamer", "jive mama", "listener", "Pisces", "puer aeternis", "volunteer", "fool", "jester", "goofball")
physical thing: (either: "money")
place: (either: "seaside")
quality: (either: "creative", "thirsty")
state: (either: "elegance", "admiration", "magic")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A fair, pleasing, somewhat effeminate page, of studious and intent aspect, contemplates a fish rising from a cup to look at him. It is the pictures of the mind taking form.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2xl1tburam878mw/cupa.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Page of Cups"></center>]}''Page of Cups:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[An immature]", "(color: purple)[A jolly]", "(color: purple)[A sympathetic]", "(color: purple)[A wistful]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[character from The Tudors]", "(color: purple)[dreamer]", "(color: purple)[jive mama]", "(color: purple)[listener]", "(color: purple)[Pisces]", "(color: purple)[puer aeternis]", "(color: purple)[ volunteer]", "(color: purple)[fool]", "(color: purple)[jester]", "(color: purple)[goofball]")], of [(either: "(color: purple)[creative]", "(color: purple)[thirsty]")] aspect, contemplates [(either: "(color: purple)[an elegant]", "(color: purple)[an admirable]", "(color: purple)[a magic]")] fish rising from a cup.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|10 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|Knight of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Knight of Cups//
action: (either: "journey")
animal: (either: "steed")
conceptual thing: (either: "romance", "rule", "cavalcade", "chivalry", "ENFP", "service")
mood: (either: "austere", "bemused", "pleased", "vain", "charming", "stupid")
person: (either: "Errol Flyn", "charmer", "flirt", "hell's angel", "initiate", "knight in shining armor", "Prince Charming", "valiant soldier", "protector")
physical thing: (either: "holy grail", "cups")
quality: (either: "mystical")
state: (either: "stability", "victory")
verb-ed: (either: "determined", "doomed")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Graceful, but not warlike; riding quietly. He is a dreamer, but the images of the side of sense haunt him in his vision.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/h6vos01kypd5szd/cukn.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Knight of Cups"></center>]}''Knight of Cups:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[Austere]", "(color: purple)[Bemused]", "(color: purple)[Pleased]", "(color: purple)[Vain]", "(color: purple)[Charming]", "(color: purple)[Stupid]", "(color: purple)[Mystical]")], riding quietly. [(either: "(color: purple)[Errol Flyn]", "(color: purple)[The charmer]", "(color: purple)[The flirt]", "(color: purple)[The hell's angel]", "(color: purple)[The initiate]", "(color: purple)[The knight in shining armor]", "(color: purple)[Prince Charming]", "(color: purple)[The valiant soldier]", "(color: purple)[The protector]")] is a dreamer, but the [(either: "(color: purple)[holy grail haunts]", "(color: purple)[cups haunt]")] him in his vision.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Page of Cups]] | [[Next Card|Queen of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Ace of Cups//
activity: (either: "water overflowing", "not actualizing full potential")
conceptual thing: (either: "love", "beginning of emotions", "feelings", "new relationships", "religion")
mood: (either: "ostentatious")
physical thing: (either: "communion wafer", "cornucopia", "FA cup", "fountain of life", "trophy", "steel", "water")
quality (either: "fluid", "unrealized", "upside-down", "plenty")
state: (either: "abundance", "emotion", "overflow", "sagacity", "satiation")
verb-ing: (either: "overflowing", "thinking")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The dew of water is falling on all sides. House of the true heart, joy, content, abode, nourishment, abundance, fertility; Holy Table, felicity hereof.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w8du91xtjbd0dup/cuac.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Ace of Cups"></center>]}''Ace of Cups:'' The dew of water is [(either: "(color: purple)[overflowing]", "(color: purple)[thinking]")] on all sides. House of the true [(either: "(color: purple)[abundance]", "(color: purple)[emotion]", "(color: purple)[overflow]", "(color: purple)[sagacity]", "(color: purple)[satiation]")],[(either: "(color: purple)[love]", "(color: purple)[beginning of emotions]", "(color: purple)[feelings]", "(color: purple)[new relationships]", "(color: purple)[religion]")]; Holy [(either: "(color: purple)[communion wafer]", "(color: purple)[cornucopia]", "(color: purple)[FA cup]", "(color: purple)[fountain of life]", "(color: purple)[trophy]", "(color: purple)[steel]", "(color: purple)[water]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[fluid]", "(color: purple)[unrealized]", "(color: purple)[upside-down]", "(color: purple)[plenty]")] hereof. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Water overflowing...]", "(color: purple)[Not actualizing full potential...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|10 of Wands]] | [[Next Card|2 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 2 of Cups//
activity: (either: "gossip", "marriage", "coming to an agreement", "debate", "draw", "cooperation")
animal: (either: "Aslan", "griffin")
conceptual thing: (either: "love", "partnership", "relationship", "romance", "friendship", "deal", "mutual respect", "pact", "collaboration")
food: (either: "drinks")
person: (either: "lovers", "equals", "brothers by blood", "servant")
media: (either: "Twine")
physical thing: (either: "medicine")
state: (either: "truce", "happiness", "sweet passion", "un-PC")
verb-ed: (either: "combined")
verb-ing: (either: "sharing")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Love, passion, friendship, affinity, union, concord, sympathy, the interrelation of the sexes, and--as a suggestion apart from all offices of divination--that desire which is not in Nature, but by which Nature is sanctified.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lllttcbew3tfx2v/cu02.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Two of Cups"></center>]}''2 of Cups:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[Love]", "(color: purple)[Partnerships]", "(color: purple)[Relationships]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[romance]", "(color: purple)[friendships]", "(color: purple)[deals]", "(color: purple)[Twine]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[mutual respect]", "(color: purple)[pacts]", "(color: purple)[collaboration]")], the interrelation of [(either: "(color: purple)[lovers]", "(color: purple)[equals]", "(color: purple)[brothers by blood]", "(color: purple)[servants]")], and that desire by which [(either: "(color: purple)[gossip]", "(color: purple)[marriage]", "(color: purple)[coming to an agreement]", "(color: purple)[debate]", "(color: purple)[drawing]", "(color: purple)[sharing]", "(color: purple)[combination]", "(color: purple)[cooperation]")] is sanctified.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Ace of Cups]] | [[Next Card|3 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 3 of Cups//
activity: (either: "celebration", "party", "revelry")
conceptual thing: (either: "reunion", "ideas", "freedom to enjoy life", "friendship")
do: (either: "celebrate", "rejoice")
food: (either: "mimosas")
media: (either: "Monty Python")
mood: (either: "celebratory", "joyous", "successful", "supportive")
person: (either: "friend", "women", "girl", "vegan")
physical thing: (either: "maypole")
place: (either: "hangout", "festival")
quality: (either: "strong", "drunken")
state: (either: "fun", "playfulness")
verb-ing: (either: "sharing", "toasting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Maidens in a garden-ground with cups uplifted, as if pledging one another. Divinatory Meanings: The conclusion of any matter in plenty, perfection and merriment; happy issue, victory, fulfilment, solace, healing.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/g4617kg7988uck0/cu03.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Three of Cups"></center>]}''3 of Cups:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[Friends]", "(color: purple)[Women]", "(color: purple)[Girls]", "(color: purple)[Vegans]")] in a [(either: "(color: purple)[hangout]", "(color: purple)[festival]")] with cups uplifted, as if [(either: "(color: purple)[sharing]", "(color: purple)[toasting]")] one another. The conclusion of any matter in [(either: "(color: purple)[strong]", "(color: purple)[drunken]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[fun]", "(color: purple)[playfulness]")], [(either:
"(color: purple)[reunion]", "(color: purple)[celebration]", "(color: purple)[party]", "(color: purple)[revelry]", "(color: purple)[mimosas]")] and merriment.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|2 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|4 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 4 of Cups//
activity: (either: "dreaming of a new day", "helping someone", "tantrum", "meditation")
conceptual thing: (either: "expostulation", "opportunities that are literally laid down at your feet again and again")
do: (either: "overwhelm", "do")
mood: (either: "lonely", "jaded", "petulant", "pissed off", "positive", "stubborn", "drunk")
person: (either: "drinker", "muse")
quality: (either: "excess")
state: (either: "withdrawn", "demand", "dissatisfaction", "doldrums", "resistance", "introspection", "boredom", "loneliness", "temptation", "solitude", "peace", "zen")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A young man is seated under a tree and contemplates three cups set on the grass before him; an arm issuing from a cloud offers him another cup. Weariness, disgust, aversion, imaginary vexations, as if the wine of this world had caused satiety only.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mhqfvmlu70icf6x/cu04.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Four of Cups"></center>]}''4 of Cups:'' A young, [(either: "(color: purple)[lonely]", "(color: purple)[jaded]", "(color: purple)[petulant]", "(color: purple)[pissed off]", "(color: purple)[positive]", "(color: purple)[stubborn]", "(color: purple)[drunk]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[drinker]", "(color: purple)[muse]")] is seated under a tree and contemplates three cups set on the grass before him; an arm issuing from a cloud offers him another [(either: "(color: purple)[introspective]", "(color: purple)[lonely]", "(color: purple)[tempting]", "(color: purple)[peaceful]", "(color: purple)[withdrawn]", "(color: purple)[demanding]")] cup, as if the wine of this [(either: "(color: purple)[overwhelming]", "(color: purple)[excessive]")] world had caused [(either: "(color: purple)[dissatisfaction]", "(color: purple)[doldrums]", "(color: purple)[boredom]", "(color: purple)[loneliness]", "(color: purple)[temptation]", "(color: purple)[solitude]", "(color: purple)[peace]", "(color: purple)[zen]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Dreaming of a new day...]", "(color: purple)[Helping someone...]", "(color: purple)[Opportunities that are literally laid down at your feet again and again...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|3 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|5 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 5 of Cups//
activity: (either: "destructive behavior", "not seeing the good")
conceptual thing: (either: "burned bridges", "rebirth", "death", "wasted potential")
do: (either: "reflect")
exclamation: (either: "whoops")
mood: (either: "lonely", "drunk", "smug")
person: (either: "John Uskglass")
place: (either: "void", "heaven")
state: (either: "oblivion", "sorrow", "defeat", "greed", "shame", "depression", "loneliness", "despair", "sadness", "solitude", "loss")
verb-ing: (either: "mourning")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A dark, cloaked figure, looking sideways at three prone cups two others stand upright behind him. It is a card of loss, but something remains over; it is a card of inheritance, patrimony, transmission; a card of marriage, but not without bitterness or frustration.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/07eoiyi6fg2upts/cu05.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Five of Cups"></center>]}''5 of Cups:'' A [(either: "(color: purple)[lonely]", "(color: purple)[drunk]", "(color: purple)[smug]")], cloaked figure, looking sideways at [(either: "(color: purple)[oblivion]", "(color: purple)[sorrow]", "(color: purple)[defeat]", "(color: purple)[greed]", "(color: purple)[shame]", "(color: purple)[depression]", "(color: purple)[loneliness]", "(color: purple)[despair]", "(color: purple)[sadness]", "(color: purple)[solitude]", "(color: purple)[loss]")]. It is a card of [(either: "(color: purple)[burned bridges]", "(color: purple)[rebirth]", "(color: purple)[death]")]. It is a card of [(either: "(color: purple)[the void]", "(color: purple)[heaven]")], of [(either: "(color: purple)[destructive behavior]", "(color: purple)[not seeing the good]", "(color: purple)[wasted potential]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|4 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|6 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 6 of Cups//
activity: (either: "generosity", "marriage", "deceiving another person")
conceptual thing: (either: "rebirth", "inner child", "memories", "smell")
do: (either: "fear")
mood: (either: "charming", "whimsical", "stupid", "charitable")
person: (either: "child", "jester", "goblin", "Gulliver", "kid", "munchkin")
place: (either: "new house", "town")
state: (either: "childhood", "innocence", "nostalgia", "absentmindedness", "trickery")
time: (either: "past")
verb-ing: (either: "going", "giving")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Children in an old garden, their cups filled with flowers. A card of the past and of memories, looking back. Things that have vanished.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/eccgv3kxc67ok1g/cu06.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Six of Cups"></center>]}''6 of Cups:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[Children]", "(color: purple)[Jesters]", "(color: purple)[Goblins]", "(color: purple)[Gulliver]", "(color: purple)[Kids]", "(color: purple)[Munchkins]")] in an old garden, their cups filled with [(either: "(color: purple)[childhood]", "(color: purple)[innocence]", "(color: purple)[nostalgia]", "(color: purple)[absentmindedness]", "(color: purple)[trickery]")]. A card of the past and of [(either: "(color: purple)[rebirth]", "(color: purple)[the inner child]", "(color: purple)[memories]", "(color: purple)[smell]"), (either: "(color: purple)[going]", "(color: purple)[giving]")]. Things that have been [(either: "(color: purple)[charming]", "(color: purple)[whimsical]", "(color: purple)[stupid]", "(color: purple)[charitable]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|5 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|7 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 7 of Cups//
activity: (either: "game", "unable to take charge")
conceptual thing: (either: "opportunity", "choices", "difficulty completing tasks", "fantasy", "fever dreams", "options", "dream", "illusions", "decisions")
mood: (either: "playful")
nature: (either: "laurels")
person: (either: "collector", "Medusa", "phantasm", "ghosts")
physical thing: (either: "chess", "cups")
place: (either: "Turin")
quality: (either: "holy", "bountiful")
state: (either: "confusion", "temptation", "wealth", "bounty", "demise", "too many choices", "too many options")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Strange chalices of vision, but the images are more especially those of the fantastic spirit. Fairy favours, images of reflection, sentiment, imagination, things seen in the glass of contemplation; nothing permanent or substantial.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rtoeeqg83fxhwk0/cu07.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Seven of Cups"></center>]}''7 of Cups:'' Strange chalices of [(either: "(color: purple)[confusion]", "(color: purple)[temptation]", "(color: purple)[wealth]", "(color: purple)[bounty]", "(color: purple)[demise]", "(color: purple)[too many choices]", "(color: purple)[too many options]")], but the images are those of the [(either: "(color: purple)[ghost]", "(color: purple)[collector]", "(color: purple)[Medusa]", "(color: purple)[phantasm]")]. Fairy favours, images of [(either: "(color: purple)[holy]", "(color: purple)[bountiful]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[opportunities]", "(color: purple)[choices]", "(color: purple)[difficulty completing tasks]", "(color: purple)[fantasies]", "(color: purple)[fever dreams]", "(color: purple)[options]", "(color: purple)[dreams]", "(color: purple)[illusions]", "(color: purple)[decisions]")] seen in the glass of contemplation.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|6 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|8 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 8 of Cups//
action: (either: "retreat", "journey")
activity: (either: "accounting", "choosing a harder way of life", "exploration", "theft", "procession")
do: (either: "abandon", "hike")
exclamation: (either: "farewell")
person: (either: "Scott Walker", "companion to nature", "hiker")
quality: (either: "undesirable")
state: (either: "contemplation", "abandonment", "release", "sorrow", "loneliness", "anger")
time: (either: "twilight")
verb-ed: (either: "ignored", "isolated", "punctured")
verb-ing: (either: "walking")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A man of dejected aspect is deserting the cups of his felicity, enterprise, undertaking or previous concern.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/idi4qv3sf7scm7f/cu08.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Eight of Cups"></center>]}''8 of Cups:'' A man of [(either: "(color: purple)[ignored]", "(color: purple)[isolated]", "(color: purple)[punctured]")] aspect is deserting the cups of his [(either: "(color: purple)[contemplation]", "(color: purple)[abandonment]", "(color: purple)[release]", "(color: purple)[sorrow]", "(color: purple)[loneliness]", "(color: purple)[anger]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Choosing a harder way of life...]", "(color: purple)[Farewell...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|7 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|9 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 9 of Cups//
activity: (either: "ulterior motives", "sitting pretty")
conceptual thing: (either: "false sense of pride", "humours", "wish")
mood: (either: "pompous", "drunk", "smug", "self-satisfied", "proud")
person: (either: "barman", "salesman", "merchant")
physical thing: (either: "cups", "night terror")
place: (either: "Pop in th' Attic")
state: (either: "fulfillment", "wealth", "greed", "commitment", "conceit", "content", "wishfulness", "greed", "misery")
verb-ing: (either: "squatting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A goodly personage has feasted to his heart's content, and abundant refreshment of wine.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kpgfho2gbi59exy/cu09.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Nine of Cups"></center>]}''9 of Cups:'' A [(either: "(color: purple)[pompous]", "(color: purple)[drunk]", "(color: purple)[smug]", "(color: purple)[self-satisfied]", "(color: purple)[proud]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[barman]", "(color: purple)[salesman]", "(color: purple)[merchant]")] has feasted to his heart's content, and abundant refreshment of [(either: "(color: purple)[greed]", "(color: purple)[fulfillment]", "(color: purple)[wealth]", "(color: purple)[greed]", "(color: purple)[commitment]", "(color: purple)[conceit]", "(color: purple)[content]", "(color: purple)[wishfulness]", "(color: purple)[misery]", "(color: purple)[night terrors]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Sitting pretty...]", "(color: purple)[False sense of pride...]", "(color: purple)[Self-satisfied...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|8 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|10 of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 10 of Cups//
activity: (either: "celebration")
conceptual thing: (either: "sympathetic magic", "the end", "perfect ending", "promise")
exclamation: (either: "goodbye")
mood: (either: "emotional", "happy")
people: (either: "family", "savior")
place: (either: "home", "hills", "Oz", "the world")
quality: (either: "galore")
state: (either: "fulfillment", "happiness", "joy", "abundance", "bounty", "equality", "cheer", "contentment")
verb-ed: (either: "blessed", "entertained")
verb-ing: (either: "beaming")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A rainbow contemplated in wonder and ecstacy. Contentment, repose of the entire heart; the perfection of that state; also perfection of human love and friendship.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/25pojiht1jct4hx/cu10.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Ten of Cups"></center>]}''10 of Cups:'' A rainbow contemplated in [(either: "(color: purple)[fulfillment]", "(color: purple)[happiness]", "(color: purple)[joy]", "(color: purple)[abundance]", "(color: purple)[bounty]", "(color: purple)[equality]", "(color: purple)[cheer]", "(color: purple)[contentment]")] and ecstacy. Contentment, repose of [(either: "(color: purple)[home]", "(color: purple)[hills]", "(color: purple)[Oz]", "(color: purple)[the world]")]; perfection of human [(either: "(color: purple)[sympathetic magic]", "(color: purple)[promise]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[The end...]", "(color: purple)[Perfect ending...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|9 of Cups]] | [[Next Card|Page of Cups]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with King of Pentacles//
activity: (either: "watch", "pantomime")
conceptual thing: (either: "ESTJ", "more")
do: (either: "invest")
longer phrase: (either: "I have it all")
media: (either: "Black Sabbath", "CTHON")
mood: (either: "thoughtful", "unsure", "sad", "hesitant")
physical thing: (either: "death mask", "DMT")
person: (either: "king", "father", "Marc Bolan", "son", "Napoleon")
quality: (either: "corporate", "organic", "overgrown", "wealthy", "rich")
state: (either: "wealth", "pride", "conflict", "security", "decay", "disgust", "practicality", "state")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
Courage, but somewhat lethargic in tendency. Valour, realizing intelligence, business and normal intellectual aptitude.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ta9m2aim2jxk3nb/peki.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="King of Pentacles"></center>]}''King of Pentacles:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[Corporate]", "(color: purple)[Organic]", "(color: purple)[Overgrown]", "(color: purple)[Wealthy]", "(color: purple)[Rich]")], but somewhat [(either: "(color: purple)[thoughtful]", "(color: purple)[unsure]", "(color: purple)[sad]", "(color: purple)[hesitant]") ]in tendency. Valour, normal [(either: "(color: purple)[kingly]", "(color: purple)[fatherly]", "(color: purple)[Marc Bolan]", "(color: purple)[son]", "(color: purple)[Napoleonic]")] aptitude.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Queen of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|The Fool]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Queen of Pentacles//
animal: (either: "octopus")
color: (either: "golden", "green")
do: (either: "command", "think")
conceptual thing: (either: "ISTJ")
mood: (either: "sad", "unwanted", "charitable")
nature: (either: "mother nature")
person: (either: "ruler", "baby", "matron", "nurturer", "child")
physical thing: (either: "birdcage")
quality: (either: "precious", "fruitful", "steady", "unable", "lush", "caring")
state: (either: "security", "curiosity", "lost", "association", "care", "pregnancy", "wealth", "sadness", "contemplation")
verb-ed: (either: "bored")
verb-ing: (either: "waiting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The face suggests that of a dark woman, whose qualities might be summed up in the idea of greatness of soul; she contemplates her symbol and may see worlds therein.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3jvptoanc5fnffy/pequ.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Queen of Pentacles"></center>]}''Queen of Pentacles:'' The [(either: "(color: purple)[precious]", "(color: purple)[fruitful]", "(color: purple)[steady]", "(color: purple)[unable]", "(color: purple)[lush]", "(color: purple)[caring]")] face suggests that of [(either: "(color: purple)[a golden woman]", "(color: purple)[a green woman]", "(color: purple)[an octopus]", "(color: purple)[Mother Nature]", "(color: purple)[a ruler]", "(color: purple)[a baby]", "(color: purple)[a matron]", "(color: purple)[a nurturer]", "(color: purple)[a child]")], whose qualities might be summed up in the idea of [(either: "(color: purple)[security]", "(color: purple)[curiosity]", "(color: purple)[lost]", "(color: purple)[association]", "(color: purple)[care]", "(color: purple)[pregnancy]", "(color: purple)[wealth]", "(color: purple)[sadness]", "(color: purple)[contemplation]")] of soul.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Knight of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|King of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Page of Pentacles//
activity: (either: "new job", "pantomime")
astronomical: (either: "sun", "moon")
conceptual thing: (either: "financial opportunity", "ideology", "ISTP", "opportunities")
do: (either: "praise")
fashion: (either: "monocle")
media: (either: "poetry")
mood: (either: "critical", "dreamy", "practical", "happy")
person: (either: "minstrel", "boy", "informant", "student", "winner", "messenger")
physical thing: (either: "new money", "prize")
quality: (either: "artistic", "precious")
state: (either: "obsession", "enchantment", "full of wonder", "resourcefulness", "admiration")
verb-ing: (either: "awaiting", "reflecting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A youthful figure, looking intently at the pentacle which hovers over his raised hands. He moves slowly, insensible of that which is about him. Application, study, scholarship.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ew5cpsjbwu6i0ey/pepa.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Page of Pentacles"></center>]}''Page of Pentacles:'' A youthful [(either: "(color: purple)[minstrel]", "(color: purple)[boy]", "(color: purple)[informant]", "(color: purple)[student]", "(color: purple)[winner]", "(color: purple)[messenger]")], looking intently at the [(either: "(color: purple)[critical]", "(color: purple)[dreamy]", "(color: purple)[practical]", "(color: purple)[happy]")] pentacle which hovers over his raised hands. He moves slowly, insensible of that which is [(either: "(color: purple)[obsession]", "(color: purple)[enchantment]", "(color: purple)[full of wonder]", "(color: purple)[resourcefulness]", "(color: purple)[admiration]", "(color: purple)[awaiting]", "(color: purple)[reflecting]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|10 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|Knight of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Knight of Pentacles//
action: (either: "strike")
activity: (either: "delivery")
animal: (either: "turtle")
body part: (either: "buttock")
conceptual thing: (either: "balance", "darkness is coming", "ESTP", "idea about to take off", "praise", "strategy")
mood: (either: "loyal", "careful", "methodical", "steadfast", "proud")
person: (either: "advisor", "dowser", "enforcer", "lawman", "protector", "warrior", "messenger")
physical thing: (either: "money")
quality: (either: "slow")
state: (either: "honor", "acceptance", "derision", "efficiency", "worthiness", "trust", "duty", "reserve")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
He rides a slow, enduring, heavy horse, to which his own aspect corresponds. Utility, interest, responsibility.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4usesl02so7tode/pekn.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Page of Pentacles"></center>]}''Knight of Pentacles:'' The [(either: "(color: purple)[advisor]", "(color: purple)[dowser]", "(color: purple)[enforcer]", "(color: purple)[lawman]", "(color: purple)[protector]", "(color: purple)[warrior]", "(color: purple)[messenger]")] rides a [(either: "(color: purple)[loyal]", "(color: purple)[careful]", "(color: purple)[methodical]", "(color: purple)[steadfast]", "(color: purple)[proud]", "(color: purple)[slow]")] horse. Utility, [(either: "(color: purple)[honor]", "(color: purple)[acceptance]", "(color: purple)[derision]", "(color: purple)[efficiency]", "(color: purple)[worthiness]", "(color: purple)[trust]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[praise]", "(color: purple)[strategy]", "(color: purple)[reserve]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Idea about to take off...]", "(color: purple)[Duty...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Page of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|Queen of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Ace of Pentacles//
activity: (either: "feng shui", "provide a secure future", "taking care of business and finances")
astronomical: (either: "sun")
body part: (either: "palm")
conceptual thing: (either: "beginning", "religion", "fortune", "icon", "new opportunities", "offer", "project")
do: (either: "give")
mood: (either: "worldly")
nature: (either: "garden")
person: (either: "Judah", "witch")
physical thing: (either: "coin", "cradle", "first penny of many", "lucky penny", "material", "new pound coin", "gift", "money")
place: (either: "utopia")
quality: (either: "mundane", "open")
state: (either: "illumination", "wealth")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A hand issuing from a cloud holds up a pentacle. Perfect contentment, felicity, ecstasy.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/a3rnks4e5fewsaq/peac.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Ace of Pentacles"></center>]}''Ace of Pentacles:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[Judah's]", "(color: purple)[A witch's]") hand issuing from (either: "(color: purple)[a mundane]", "(color: purple)[an open]")] cloud holds up [(either: "(color: purple)[a sun]", "(color: purple)[a coin]", "(color: purple)[a cradle]", "(color: purple)[the first penny of many]", "(color: purple)[a lucky penny]", "(color: purple)[material]", "(color: purple)[a new pound coin]", "(color: purple)[a gift]", "(color: purple)[money]")]. Perfect [(either: "(color: purple)[illumination]", "(color: purple)[wealth]"), (either: "(color: purple)[beginnings]", "(color: purple)[religion]", "(color: purple)[fortune]", "(color: purple)[icon]", "(color: purple)[new opportunities]", "(color: purple)[offers]", "(color: purple)[projects]")], [(either: "(color: purple)[utopia]", "(color: purple)[palms]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|10 of Swords]] | [[Next Card|2 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 2 of Pentacles//
activity: (either: "changing the balance", "juggling", "rumination")
conceptual thing: (either: "never-ending loop", "no agenda", "science", "trick")
do: (either: "juggle")
mood: (either: "melancholy", "aloof", "foolish", "frivolous", "unbiased")
person: (either: "juggler", "joker", "trickster", "Ken Dodd")
physical thing: (either: "money")
place: (either: "circus")
quality: (either: "infinite")
state: (either: "balance", "flux", "promotion")
time: (either: "eternity")
verb-ing: (either: "infinite looping", "juggling", "multitasking")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A young man, in the act of dancing. A card of gaiety, recreation, also news and messages in writing, as obstacles, agitation.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5cqlm9q7z5xtzf5/pe02.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Two of Pentacles"></center>]}''2 of Pentacles:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[A melancholy]", "(color: purple)[An aloof]", "(color: purple)[A foolish]", "(color: purple)[A frivolous]", "(color: purple)[An unbiased]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[juggler]", "(color: purple)[joker]", "(color: purple)[trickster]", "(color: purple)[Ken Dodd]")], in the act of [(either: "(color: purple)[infinite looping]", "(color: purple)[juggling]", "(color: purple)[multitasking]")]. A card of [(either: "(color: purple)[balance]", "(color: purple)[flux]", "(color: purple)[promotion]"), (either: "(color: purple)[money]", "(color: purple)[eternity]", "(color: purple)[circuses]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Changing the balance...]", "(color: purple)[Never-ending loop...]", "(color: purple)[Infinite...]", "(color: purple)[Trick...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|Ace of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|3 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 3 of Pentacles//
action: (either: "cut the apron strings")
activity: (either: "gossip", "work", "teamwork", "marriage", "counseling", "exchange", "using the wrong tools", "seeking help", "stop asking for advice")
conceptual thing: (either: "plan", "collaboration", "structure", "wedding", "design", "art", "shady deals")
do: (either: "teach")
person: (either: "fool", "monk", "trainee", "scholar")
physical thing: (either: "plank")
place: (either: "church", "chapel")
quality: (either: "archaic")
state: (either: "harmony", "unity", "confrontation", "endorsement", "medieval craftsmanship", "objectivity")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The apprentice or amateur has received his reward and is now at work in earnest.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/x5ci78lv68p6z6f/pe03.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Three of Pentacles"></center>]}''3 of Pentacles:'' The [(either: "(color: purple)[fool]", "(color: purple)[monk]", "(color: purple)[trainee]", "(color: purple)[scholar]")] has received his [(either: "(color: purple)[planking]", "(color: purple)[archaic]")] reward and is now at work in [(either: "(color: purple)[harmony]", "(color: purple)[unity]", "(color: purple)[confrontation]", "(color: purple)[endorsement]", "(color: purple)[medieval craftsmanship]", "(color: purple)[objectivity]", "(color: purple)[art]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Cut the apron strings...]", "(color: purple)[Stop asking for advice...]", "(color: purple)[Teamwork...]", "(color: purple)[Exchange...]", "(color: purple)[Shady deals...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|2 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|4 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 4 of Pentacles//
action: (either: "squeeze")
activity: (either: "savour", "hoarding", "stuntin'")
conceptual thing: (either: "trick", "scared of loss")
longer phrase: (either: "I want all")
mood: (either: "silly", "frugal", "miserly", "selfish", "smug")
person: (either: "castaway", "Macbeth", "penny-pincher", "Syd Barrett", "the master magician", "master")
physical thing: (either: "foundation")
quality: (either: "short", "Soviet", "tricky")
state: (either: "pride", "greed", "doubt", "foundation", "doubt", "frugality", "worship", "ridicule", "security", "inequality", "stability", "safety")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A crowned figure, having a pentacle over his crown, clasps another with hands and arms; two pentacles are under his feet. The surety of possessions.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/uwtju9tvhjijcdh/pe04.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Four of Pentacles"></center>]}''4 of Pentacles:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[A castaway]", "(color: purple)[Macbeth]", "(color: purple)[A penny-pincher]", "(color: purple)[Syd Barrett]", "(color: purple)[The master magician]", "(color: purple)[A master]")], having a pentacle over his [(either: "(color: purple)[silly]", "(color: purple)[frugal]", "(color: purple)[miserly]", "(color: purple)[selfish]", "(color: purple)[smug]", "(color: purple)[tricky]")] crown, clasps another with hands and arms; two pentacles are under his feet. The surety of [(either: "(color: purple)[stuntin']", "(color: purple)[pride]", "(color: purple)[greed]", "(color: purple)[doubt]", "(color: purple)[foundation]", "(color: purple)[doubt]", "(color: purple)[frugality]", "worship", "ridicule", "security", "inequality", "stability", "safety")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Scared of loss...]", "(color: purple)[I want all...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [ [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|3 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|5 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 5 of Pentacles//
activity: (either: "braving the cruelty of the world in spite of your limitations")
conceptual thing: (either: "Christmas", "hard times", "bright future", "fair shares")
media: (either: "Les Miserables")
mood: (either: "lonely")
nature: (either: "blizzard")
person: (either: "orphans")
physical thing: (either: "glass", "stained glass")
place (either: "church")
quality: (either: "abject", "cold", "destitute")
state: (either: "loss", "anxiety", "exile", "faith", "hopelessness", "hypocrisy", "poverty", "salvation", "sickness", "strife")
time: (either: "winter")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The card foretells material trouble above all, whether in the form illustrated--that is, destitution--or otherwise.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cgd3vetyfki5avg/pe05.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Five of Pentacles"></center>]}''5 of Pentacles:'' The card foretells [(either: "(color: purple)[abject]", "(color: purple)[cold]", "(color: purple)[destitute]") (either: "(color: purple)[loss]", "(color: purple)[anxiety]", "(color: purple)[exile]", "(color: purple)[faith]", "(color: purple)[hopelessness]", "(color: purple)[hypocrisy]", "(color: purple)[poverty]", "(color: purple)[salvation]", "(color: purple)[sickness]", "(color: purple)[strife]", "(color: purple)[fair shares]")] above all, whether in the [(either: "(color: purple)[glass]", "(color: purple)[stained glass]")] illustrated [(either: "(color: purple)[during Christmas]", "(color: purple)[in hard times]", "(color: purple)[in winter]", "(color: purple)[bright future]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|4 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|6 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 6 of Pentacles//
action: (either: "investment")
activity: (either: "giving-away", "look what I found at the flea market")
conceptual thing: (either: "bureaucracy", "charity", "ratio", "sanction")
do: (either: "forgive")
nature: (either: "seeds")
person: (either: "king", "merchant", "beggar", "Benjamin")
physical thing: (either: "gift", "alms", "childrens' book")
quality: (either: "equal", "benevolent", "horrible", "poor", "rich")
state: (either: "inequality", "wealth", "duty", "pity")
verb-ing: (either: "giving", "rebalancing")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A person in the guise of a merchant weighs money in a pair of scales and distributes it to the needy and distressed. Gratification; another account says attention.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ew8twpwlswamv7b/pe06.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Six of Pentacles"></center>]}''6 of Pentacles:'' A [(either: "(color: purple)[king]", "(color: purple)[beggar]", "(color: purple)[Benjamin]")] in the guise of a merchant weighs money in a pair of scales and distributes it to the [(either: "(color: purple)[equal]", "(color: purple)[benevolent]", "(color: purple)[horrible]", "(color: purple)[poor]", "(color: purple)[rich]")] and distressed. [(either: "(color: purple)[Investment]", "(color: purple)[Inequality]", "(color: purple)[Wealth]", "(color: purple)[Duty]", "(color: purple)[Pity]")]; another account says [(either: "(color: purple)[bureaucracy]", "(color: purple)[charity]", "(color: purple)[ratios]", "(color: purple)[sanction]", "(color: purple)[seeds]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Look what I found at the flea market...]", "(color: purple)[Giving away...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|5 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|7 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 7 of Pentacles//
activity: (either: "work", "gardening", "waiting for opportunities instead of making them", "manual labor", "seeing rewards of hard work")
do: (either: "reflect", "appreciate")
food: (either: "pumpkin")
mood: (either: "sad", "reflective")
nature: (either: "harvest")
person: (either: "learner", "farmer")
physical thing: (either: "reward", "fruitful harvest", "fume")
quality: (either: "plenty", "accomplished", "over-abundant")
state: (either: "boredom", "disappointment", "gloom", "rut", "patience", "growth", "promotion")
time: (either: "seasons")
verb-ing: (either: "harvesting", "waiting")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A young man, leaning on his staff, looks intently at seven pentacles attached to a clump of greenery on his right; one would say that these were his treasures and that his heart was there.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ysdj5s8v3029rf3/pe07.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Seven of Pentacles"></center>]}''7 of Pentacles:'' A young [(either: "(color: purple)[learner]", "(color: purple)[farmer]")], leaning on his [(either: "(color: purple)[rewards]", "(color: purple)[fruitful harvest]", "(color: purple)[fumes]")], looks [(either: "(color: purple)[sad]", "(color: purple)[reflective]")] at seven pentacles attached to a clump of [(either: "(color: purple)[plenty]", "(color: purple)[accomplishment]")] on his right; one would say that these were his [(either: "(color: purple)[seasons]", "(color: purple)[pumpkins]")] and that his heart was there.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|6 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|8 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 8 of Pentacles//
action: (either: "repeating the same pattern")
activity: (either: "work", "craft", "go outside your comfort zone", "try a different approach", "working steadily towards goals", "production", "craftsmanship")
animal: (either: "sloth")
conceptual thing: (either: "purpose", "project", "career", "hard work")
do: (either: "learn", "attempt")
mood: (either: "meticulous")
person: (either: "devil", "artisan", "blacksmith", "carpenter", "craftsman", "engineer", "hardworker", "organizer", "worker")
physical thing: (either: "hammer", "tool")
place: (either: "school")
state: (either: "aspiration", "patience", "concentration", "diligence", "industry", "mastery of skill", "spontaneity")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
An artist in stone at his work, which he exhibits in the form of trophies. Skill in craft and business, perhaps in the preparatory stage.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nd5obqxw8tsxxa0/pe08.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Eight of Pentacles"></center>]}''8 of Pentacles:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[A sloth]", "(color: purple)[A devil]", "(color: purple)[An artisan]", "(color: purple)[A blacksmith]", "(color: purple)[A carpenter]", "(color: purple)[A craftsman]", "(color: purple)[An engineer]", "(color: purple)[A hardworker]", "(color: purple)[An organizer]", "(color: purple)[A worker]")] in stone at his work, which he exhibits in the form of [(either: "(color: purple)[aspiration]", "(color: purple)[patience]", "(color: purple)[concentration]", "(color: purple)[diligence]", "(color: purple)[industry]", "(color: purple)[mastery of skill]", "(color: purple)[spontaneity]")]. Skill in [(either: "(color: purple)[craft]", "(color: purple)[work]")] and [(either: "(color: purple)[purpose]", "(color: purple)[projects]", "(color: purple)[career]", "(color: purple)[hard work]")], perhaps in the [(either: "(color: purple)[meticulous]")] stage. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[Repeating the same pattern...]", "(color: purple)[Working steadily towards goals...]", "(color: purple)[Go outside your comfort zone...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|7 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|9 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 9 of Pentacles//
activity: (either: "chaos brewing")
animal: (either: "bird", "birdy", "dogs")
conceptual thing: (either: "holidays", "history", "legacy", "plot", "privilege")
exclamation: (either: "hark")
mood: (either: "brooding")
person: (either: "Boy George", "falcon handler", "lady of leisure", "model", "philosopher", "princess")
physical thing: (either: "inheritance")
place: (either: "city", "market", "Pontypool market")
quality: (either: "innocent", "akin", "gay", "noble")
state: (either: "abundance", "stability", "prosperity", "success", "pride", "apotheosis", "decadence", "highlight", "luxury", "self-confidence", "tender", "loyalty", "patience")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A woman, with a bird upon her wrist, stands amidst a great abundance of grapevines in the garden of a manorial house. Possibly it is her own possession and testifies to material well-being.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/aniiwhqxux253ey/pe09.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Nine of Pentacles"></center>]}''9 of Pentacles:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[An innocent]", "(color: purple)[A gay]", "(color: purple)[A noble]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[Boy George]", "(color: purple)[falcon handler]", "(color: purple)[lady of leisure]", "(color: purple)[model]", "(color: purple)[philosopher]", "(color: purple)[princess]")], with a bird upon her wrist, stands amidst a great [(either: "(color: purple)[abundance]", "(color: purple)[stability]", "(color: purple)[prosperity]", "(color: purple)[success]", "(color: purple)[pride]", "(color: purple)[apotheosis]", "(color: purple)[decadence]", "(color: purple)[highlight]", "(color: purple)[luxury]", "(color: purple)[self-confidence]", "(color: purple)[tender]", "(color: purple)[loyalty]", "(color: purple)[inheritance]")] of grapevines in the garden of [(either: "(color: purple)[a city]", "(color: purple)[a market]", "(color: purple)[Pontypool market]")]. Possibly it is her own possession and testifies to [(either: "(color: purple)[brooding]", "(color: purple)[holidays]", "(color: purple)[history]", "(color: purple)[legacy]", "(color: purple)[plot]", "(color: purple)[privilege]", "(color: purple)[chaos brewing]", "(color: purple)[patience]")].
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|8 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|10 of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with 10 of Pentacles//
conceptual thing: (either: "observations")
do: (either: "quarrel")
mood: (either: "underhanded", "uneasy", "social")
place: (either: "city")
quality: (either: "ultimate", "rich", "unharmonious", "complete")
state: (either: "ennui", "completion")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
A man and woman beneath an archway which gives entrance to a house and domain. They are accompanied by a child, who looks curiously at two dogs accosting an ancient personage seated in the foreground. Gain, riches; family matters, archives.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/haqo097id3xd9j7/pe10.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Ten of Pentacles"></center>]}''10 of Pentacles:'' [(either: "(color: purple)[An ultimate]", "(color: purple)[A rich]", "(color: purple)[An unharmonious]", "(color: purple)[A complete]")] man and woman beneath an archway. They are accompanied by a [(either: "(color: purple)[quarrelsome]")] child, who looks curiously at two dogs accosting [(either: "(color: purple)[an underhanded]", "(color: purple)[an uneasy]", "(color: purple)[a social]")] personage seated in the foreground. Gain, [(either: "(color: purple)[ennui]", "(color: purple)[completion]", "(color: purple)[cities]", "(color: purple)[observations]")], archives.
{(if: $learnmore is 1)[ ######[[Minor Arcana]] | [[Major Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|9 of Pentacles]] | [[Next Card|Page of Pentacles]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}{(set: $thefool to 0)
(set: $themagician to 0)
(set: $thehighpriestess to 0)
(set: $theempress to 0)
(set: $theemperor to 0)
(set: $thehierophant to 0)
(set: $thelovers to 0)
(set: $thechariot to 0)
(set: $strength to 0)
(set: $thehermit to 0)
(set: $thewheeloffortune to 0)
(set: $justice to 0)
(set: $thehangedman to 0)
(set: $death to 0)
(set: $temperance to 0)
(set: $thedevil to 0)
(set: $thetower to 0)
(set: $thestar to 0)
(set: $themoon to 0)
(set: $thesun to 0)
(set: $judgement to 0)
(set: $theworld to 0)
(set: $twoofcups to 0)
(set: $threeofcups to 0)
(set: $fourofcups to 0)
(set: $fiveofcups to 0)
(set: $sixofcups to 0)
(set: $sevenofcups to 0)
(set: $eightofcups to 0)
(set: $nineofcups to 0)
(set: $tenofcups to 0)
(set: $aceofcups to 0)
(set: $kingofcups to 0)
(set: $knightofcups to 0)
(set: $pageofcups to 0)
(set: $queenofcups to 0)
(set: $twoofpentacles to 0)
(set: $threeofpentacles to 0)
(set: $fourofpentacles to 0)
(set: $fiveofpentacles to 0)
(set: $sixofpentacles to 0)
(set: $sevenofpentacles to 0)
(set: $eightofpentacles to 0)
(set: $nineofpentacles to 0)
(set: $tenofpentacles to 0)
(set: $aceofpentacles to 0)
(set: $kingofpentacles to 0)
(set: $knightofpentacles to 0)
(set: $pageofpentacles to 0)
(set: $queenofpentacles to 0)
(set: $twoofswords to 0)
(set: $threeofswords to 0)
(set: $fourofswords to 0)
(set: $fiveofswords to 0)
(set: $sixofswords to 0)
(set: $sevenofswords to 0)
(set: $eightofswords to 0)
(set: $nineofswords to 0)
(set: $tenofswords to 0)
(set: $aceofswords to 0)
(set: $kingofswords to 0)
(set: $knightofswords to 0)
(set: $pageofswords to 0)
(set: $queenofswords to 0)
(set: $twofwands to 0)
(set: $threeofwands to 0)
(set: $fourofwands to 0)
(set: $fiveofwands to 0)
(set: $sixofwands to 0)
(set: $sevenofwands to 0)
(set: $eightofwands to 0)
(set: $nineofwands to 0)
(set: $tenofwands to 0)
(set: $aceofwands to 0)
(set: $kingofwands to 0)
(set: $knightofwands to 0)
(set: $pageofwands to 0)
(set: $queenofwands to 0)
(set: $learnmore to 0)}[[Minor Arcana - Wands]]
[[Minor Arcana - Cups]]
[[Minor Arcana - Swords]]
[[Minor Arcana - Pentacles]]
[[Major Arcana]] | [[Go back|Learn More]]
(transition: "pulse")+(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 250%")[ [[do a fresh reading|The Public Tarot]] ]{(set: $learnmore to 1)
(set: $draw to 0)}[[Major Arcana]]
[[Minor Arcana]]
(transition: "pulse")+(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 250%")[ [[do a fresh reading|The Public Tarot]] ]</div>{(hidden:)|truth>[//This is a list of keywords associated with Death//
action: (either: "warning", "conquest")
activity: (either: "protest", "war")
animal: (either: "chrysalis")
conceptual thing: (either: "new adventure", "new beginning")
longer phrase: (either: "beginning of the end")
nature: (either: "flower")
person: (either: "king", "The White Walker", "Scott Walker")
place: (either: "Tiananmen Square")
quality: (either: "awesome", "busy", "monochrome", "inevitable")
state: (either: "finality", "height", "vice", "mercy", "metamorphosis", "transformation", "end")
//This is the original text in A.E. Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.//
The veil or mask of life is perpetuated in change, transformation and passage from lower to higher, and this is more fitly represented in the rectified Tarot by one of the apocalyptic visions than by the crude notion of the reaping skeleton.]}{(if: $learnmore is 1)[<center><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/gbofuhbncrh1mmt/ar13.gif" width="50%" height="50%" alt="Death"></center>]}''Death:'' The veil or mask of life is perpetuated in [(either: "(color: purple)[awesome]", "(color: purple)[busy]", "(color: purple)[monochrome]", "(color: purple)[inevitable]")] [(either: "(color: purple)[finality]", "(color: purple)[height]", "(color: purple)[vice]", "(color: purple)[mercy]", "(color: purple)[metamorphosis]", "(color: purple)[end]")], transformation and passage from lower to higher, and this is represented by one of the apocalyptic visions than by the [(either: "(color: purple)[awesome]", "(color: purple)[busy]", "(color: purple)[monochrome]", "(color: purple)[inevitable]")] notion of the reaping [(either: "(color: purple)[leader]", "(color: purple)[king]", "(color: purple)[White Walker]", "(color: purple)[Scott Walker]")]. {(text-style: "fade-in-out")[ (either: "(color: purple)[New adventure...]", "(color: purple)[New beginning...]", "(color: purple)[Beginning of the end...]") ]}
{(if: $learnmore is 1) [###### [[Major Arcana]] | [[Minor Arcana]] | [[Previous Card|The Hanged Man]] | [[Next Card|Temperance]] ] (if: $draw is 0)[###### (link-goto: "Refresh", (passage:)'s name) | [[Do a Fresh Reading|The Public Tarot]] ]}//Add to footer//
{(live: 120s)[(go-to: "The Public Tarot")]}<div class="googleFont">A generative tarot reader by <a href="http://marilynroxie.com" target="_blank">Marilyn Roxie</a>. ''The Public Tarot: Generative Fortunes'' was made with open-source, interactive fiction software Twine. (color:purple)[Purple text] indicates word associations with the 78 Rider-Waite tarot images given by 31 survey respondents who ranged in familiarity or lack thereof with the tarot. These responses were then remixed with text from A.E. Waite's <a href="http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/index.htm" target="_blank">//The Pictorial Key to the Tarot//</a> (1911), which is in the public domain.
The tarot card images are of the 1909 Rider-Waite deck illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith, originally scanned by Holly Voley and sourced from the <a href="http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot/xr/index.htm" target="_blank">Internet Sacred Text Archive</a>. These images are in the public domain and have been passed through a 16-bit color filter. You can explore the card meanings individually [[here|Learn More]].
Special thanks to survey-takers, troubleshooters, and play-testers:
Hune Ceaulage, ChapelR, Barbara D’Aversa, Devon, the Digital Futures class at Manchester Metropolitan University, feodoric, GoblinSpaceWizard, Nolan Harris, Kelly Jones, Michelle Jones, Ciel King-Williams, Ryan Daniel Koenig, litrouke, The Mad Exile, Ruth Miller, Natari, Ocean, Fex Orumwense, Daisy Polaski, Elsie Profilio, qdot, Ruune, Ant Shea, Tala, Nicholas van der Waard, Wendy, Nam Vo, Bishop Xiong, and all anonymous survey respondents.
The background image is a photograph taken by
<a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/8P-uQaTd8rw" target="_blank">Rodion Kutsaev</a>, the photo for Divinatory Meanings is by <a href="https://pixabay.com/en/craft-tarot-divination-2728227/" target="_blank">Daniel Albany (AlbanyColley)</a>, and the cursor icons are by <a href="https://opengameart.org/content/patreon-public-domain-art-tarot-arcana-icons" target="_blank">MadameBerry</a>, all licensed in the public domain.
//Release history and news://
Initial release, February 3rd, 2018
Gallery showing at Manchester Metropolitan University, February 8th, 2018
Update, February 12th, 2018: added Card of the Day and Celtic Cross readings, made Divinatory Meanings section easier to find, added clearer instructions for when to click and scroll, added links for public domain assets<style>
img {
opacity: 0;
animation-name: fadeIn;
animation-duration: 3s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
@keyframes fadeIn {
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</style>{(set: $draw to 1)}Your card of the day:{(set: $deck to (a: '(set: $thefool to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lzzn4qh5nsiluh1/ar00.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Fool">', '(set: $themagician to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/whlmjb8lfwcwtwn/ar01.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Magician">', '(set: $thehighpriestess to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/yhsa45vsmpez6ov/ar02.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The High Priestess">', '(set: $theempress to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/drk0qkg02bvahz0/ar03.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Empress">', '(set: $theemperor to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/43zsr55ivu2dwty/ar04.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Emperor">', '(set: $thehierophant to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/9e77nz8qa7ezmv8/ar05.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Hierophant">', '(set: $thelovers to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/i4oze812241aa3j/ar06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Lovers">', '(set: $thechariot to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nispfb8mh69do9k/ar07.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Chariot">', '(set: $strength to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jdfi0lxi5eypf0u/ar08.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Strength">', '(set: $thehermit to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zoe2gtjy5plkpl0/ar09.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Hermit">', '(set: $thewheeloffortune to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y2ngt1y526oqph3/ar10.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Wheel of Fortune">', '(set: $justice to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3ypt5c7e6m0kft9/ar11.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Justice">', '(set: $thehangedman to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hv0i6ss3r2l7efz/ar12.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Hanged Man">', '(set: $death to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/gbofuhbncrh1mmt/ar13.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Death">', '(set: $temperance to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ctsbtc707keypeq/ar14.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Temperance">', '(set: $thedevil to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bbeisqhhpqwchrz/ar15.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Devil">', '(set: $thetower to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ixxpxjtvzmxsz97/ar16.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Tower">', '(set: $thestar to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vvuihokqwhmjvho/ar17.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Star">', '(set: $themoon to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/26cuyvcad8tzflb/ar18.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Moon">', '(set: $thesun to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/c8pf75lxbcynmqs/ar19.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Sun">', '(set: $judgement to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xiz63com3h3tg4j/ar20.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Judgement">', '(set: $theworld to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pc4nzvzjykpn6f5/ar21.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The World">', '(set: $twoofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lllttcbew3tfx2v/cu02.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Two of Cups">', '(set: $threeofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/g4617kg7988uck0/cu03.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Three of Cups">', '(set: $fourofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mhqfvmlu70icf6x/cu04.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Four of Cups">', '(set: $fiveofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/07eoiyi6fg2upts/cu05.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Five of Cups">', '(set: $sixofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/eccgv3kxc67ok1g/cu06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Six of Cups">', '(set: $sevenofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rtoeeqg83fxhwk0/cu07.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Seven of Cups">', '(set: $eightofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/idi4qv3sf7scm7f/cu08.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Eight of Cups">', '(set: $nineofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kpgfho2gbi59exy/cu09.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Nine of Cups">', '(set: $tenofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/25pojiht1jct4hx/cu10.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ten of Cups">', '(set: $aceofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w8du91xtjbd0dup/cuac.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ace of Cups">', '(set: $kingofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5qvcurbw4glhzov/cuki.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="King of Cups">', '(set: $knightofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/h6vos01kypd5szd/cukn.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Knight of Cups">', '(set: $pageofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2xl1tburam878mw/cupa.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Page of Cups">', '(set: $queenofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/tjx3szxmzacfdh0/cuqu.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Queen of Cups">', '(set: $twoofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5cqlm9q7z5xtzf5/pe02.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Two of Pentacles">', '(set: $threeofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/x5ci78lv68p6z6f/pe03.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Three of Pentacles">', '(set: $fourofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/uwtju9tvhjijcdh/pe04.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Four of Pentacles">', '(set: $fiveofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cgd3vetyfki5avg/pe05.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Five of Pentacles">', '(set: $sixofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ew8twpwlswamv7b/pe06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Six of Pentacles">', '(set: $sevenofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ysdj5s8v3029rf3/pe07.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Seven of Pentacles">', '(set: $eightofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nd5obqxw8tsxxa0/pe08.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Eight of Pentacles">', '(set: $nineofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/aniiwhqxux253ey/pe09.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Nine of Pentacles">', '(set: $tenofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/haqo097id3xd9j7/pe10.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ten of Pentacles">', '(set: $aceofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/a3rnks4e5fewsaq/peac.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ace of Pentacles">', '(set: $kingofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ta9m2aim2jxk3nb/peki.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="King of Pentacles">', '(set: $knightofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4usesl02so7tode/pekn.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Knight of Pentacles">', '(set: $pageofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ew5cpsjbwu6i0ey/pepa.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Page of Pentacles">', '(set: $queenofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3jvptoanc5fnffy/pequ.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Queen of Pentacles">', '(set: $twoofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/02nv2pcm185k2z9/sw02.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Two of Swords">', '(set: $threeofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1wqfjk94yf7675g/sw03.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Three of Swords">', '(set: $fourofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/tvhkc74kf6t4h9a/sw04.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Four of Swords">', '(set: $fiveofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/twkkv274jrpyqt4/sw05.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Five of Swords">', '(set: $sixofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w1ove2ik8z2fac7/sw06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Six of Swords">', '(set: $sevenofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/blobk73pi2dvzic/sw07.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Seven of Swords">', '(set: $eightofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/sl35w9ilhb1klbu/sw08.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Eight of Swords">', '(set: $nineofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fwbhayd3bzf62it/sw09.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Nine of Swords">', '(set: $tenofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5feb8776l4a5mlu/sw10.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ten of Swords">', '(set: $aceofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pirrzbi6ofl4ur6/swac.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ace of Swords">', '(set: $kingofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/n6rifd0cmdp6pdb/swki.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="King of Swords">', '(set: $knightofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5xsg11r76ef7ef5/swkn.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Knight of Swords">', '(set: $pageofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/az4uuvyzg7szu59/swpa.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Page of Swords">', '(set: $queenofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mjb48anf4c3tf5y/swqu.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Queen of Swords">', '(set: $twofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/iv9sx7d66kv0tpr/wa02.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Two of Wands">', '(set: $threeofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0km0qqft197og50/wa03.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Three of Wands">', '(set: $fourofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/atqb05183761zlo/wa04.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Four of Wands">', '(set: $fiveofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y40kt143zlza4cs/wa05.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Five of Wands">', '(set: $sixofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/srzdeiwxhgyp9mw/wa06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Six of Wands">', '(set: $sevenofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3g0wmtyox3emqlp/wa07.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Seven of Wands">', '(set: $eightofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/r8ggwdpo5bv6j30/wa08.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Eight of Wands">', '(set: $nineofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zeeu6uckfks7h83/wa09.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Nine of Wands">', '(set: $tenofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2vn7b07oxw4kwew/wa10.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ten of Wands">', '(set: $aceofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xjmb0357vyaz6ed/waac.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ace of Wands">', '(set: $kingofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/sepi13abu2qhao6/waki.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="King of Wands">', '(set: $knightofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kji0oyho0mw4fb7/wakn.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Knight of Wands">', '(set: $pageofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0ir66tehz8265ni/wapa.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Page of Wands">', '(set: $queenofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vk4rmg7eqnno6n6/waqu.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Queen of Wands">'))}{(set: $shuffledDeck to (shuffled: ...$deck))}
{<center><div style="max-width:83%; width:250px; max-height:20px; display:inline-block;">(print: (1) of $shuffledDeck)</div></center>}{(display: "Initialize")}
{(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 150%")[ [[click to shuffle and draw again|The Public Tarot]] ]}
Scroll down to read more about your fortune:
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (1) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Today —'' (if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}{(display: "Initialize")}A generative tarot reader by Marilyn Roxie. |1)[(display:"More Information")
(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 150%")[ [[click to shuffle and draw again|The Public Tarot]] ]
](link:"Click for more information.")[(show:?1)]<style>
img {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
opacity: 0;
animation-name: fadeIn;
animation-duration: 3s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
@keyframes fadeIn {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 1;
</style>Celtic Cross:{(display: "Shuffled Deck")}
{<table border="0">
<table style="margin-left:10px;">
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
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<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>}
<td align="center"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (1) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (2) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
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<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (3) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<td align="center"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (4) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"><p align="left"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165""><div class="rotateimg-90 coversyou" >(print: (6) of $shuffledDeck)</div><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (5) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<b> </b><b>
One &</b></a> <b>
<td align="center"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (7) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<td align="center"></td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (8) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (9) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"></td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
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<td align="center"> </td>
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<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"><div style="border="0" width="100" height="165"">(print: (10) of $shuffledDeck)</div><br>
<b>Seven</b></a> </td>
{(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 150%")[ [[click to shuffle and draw again|The Public Tarot]] ]}
Scroll down to read more about your fortune:
{(display: "Initialize")}{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (5) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''One — What Covers You — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (6) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Two — What Crosses You — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (9) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Three — What Crowns You — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (4) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Four — What is Beneath You — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (2) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Five — What is Behind You — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (7) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Six — What is Before You — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (10) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Seven — Yourself — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (8) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Eight — Your House — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (3) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Nine — Your Hopes and Fears — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
{<div style="max-width:0%; width:0px; max-height:0px; display:inline-block;">(print: (1) of $shuffledDeck)</div>}{<span style="background-color: #EDE6F3"><font color="black">''Ten — What Will Come — ''(if: $thefool is 1)[(display: "The Fool")](if: $themagician is 1)[(display: "The Magician")](if: $thehighpriestess is 1)[(display: "The High Priestess")](if: $theempress is 1)[(display: "The Empress")](if: $theemperor is 1)[(display: "The Emperor")](if: $thehierophant is 1)[(display: "The Hierophant")](if: $thelovers is 1)[(display: "The Lovers")](if: $thechariot is 1)[(display: "The Chariot")]
(if: $strength is 1)[(display: "Strength")]
(if: $thehermit is 1)[(display: "The Hermit")]
(if: $thewheeloffortune is 1)[(display: "The Wheel of Fortune")]
(if: $justice is 1)[(display: "Justice")]
(if: $thehangedman is 1)[(display: "The Hanged Man")]
(if: $death is 1)[(display: "Death")]
(if: $temperance is 1)[(display: "Temperance")]
(if: $thedevil is 1)[(display: "The Devil")]
(if: $thetower is 1)[(display: "The Tower")]
(if: $thestar is 1)[(display: "The Star")]
(if: $themoon is 1)[(display: "The Moon")]
(if: $thesun is 1)[(display: "The Sun")]
(if: $judgement is 1)[(display: "Judgement")]
(if: $theworld is 1)[(display: "The World")]
(if: $twoofcups is 1)[(display: "2 of Cups")]
(if: $threeofcups is 1)[(display: "3 of Cups")]
(if: $fourofcups is 1)[(display: "4 of Cups")]
(if: $fiveofcups is 1)[(display: "5 of Cups")]
(if: $sixofcups is 1)[(display: "6 of Cups")]
(if: $sevenofcups is 1)[(display: "7 of Cups")]
(if: $eightofcups is 1)[(display: "8 of Cups")]
(if: $nineofcups is 1)[(display: "9 of Cups")]
(if: $tenofcups is 1)[(display: "10 of Cups")]
(if: $aceofcups is 1)[(display: "Ace of Cups")]
(if: $kingofcups is 1)[(display: "King of Cups")]
(if: $knightofcups is 1)[(display: "Knight of Cups")]
(if: $pageofcups is 1)[(display: "Page of Cups")]
(if: $queenofcups is 1)[(display: "Queen of Cups")]
(if: $twoofpentacles is 1)[(display: "2 of Pentacles")]
(if: $threeofpentacles is 1)[(display: "3 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fourofpentacles is 1)[(display: "4 of Pentacles")]
(if: $fiveofpentacles is 1)[(display: "5 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sixofpentacles is 1)[(display: "6 of Pentacles")]
(if: $sevenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "7 of Pentacles")]
(if: $eightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "8 of Pentacles")]
(if: $nineofpentacles is 1)[(display: "9 of Pentacles")]
(if: $tenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "10 of Pentacles")]
(if: $aceofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Ace of Pentacles")]
(if: $kingofpentacles is 1)[(display: "King of Pentacles")]
(if: $knightofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Knight of Pentacles")]
(if: $pageofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Page of Pentacles")]
(if: $queenofpentacles is 1)[(display: "Queen of Pentacles")]
(if: $twoofswords is 1)[(display: "2 of Swords")]
(if: $threeofswords is 1)[(display: "3 of Swords")]
(if: $fourofswords is 1)[(display: "4 of Swords")]
(if: $fiveofswords is 1)[(display: "5 of Swords")]
(if: $sixofswords is 1)[(display: "6 of Swords")]
(if: $sevenofswords is 1)[(display: "7 of Swords")]
(if: $eightofswords is 1)[(display: "8 of Swords")]
(if: $nineofswords is 1)[(display: "9 of Swords")]
(if: $tenofswords is 1)[(display: "10 of Swords")]
(if: $aceofswords is 1)[(display: "Ace of Swords")]
(if: $kingofswords is 1)[(display: "King of Swords")]
(if: $knightofswords is 1)[(display: "Knight of Swords")]
(if: $pageofswords is 1)[(display: "Page of Swords")]
(if: $queenofswords is 1)[(display: "Queen of Swords")]
(if: $twofwands is 1)[(display: "2 of Wands")]
(if: $threeofwands is 1)[(display: "3 of Wands")]
(if: $fourofwands is 1)[(display: "4 of Wands")]
(if: $fiveofwands is 1)[(display: "5 of Wands")]
(if: $sixofwands is 1)[(display: "6 of Wands")]
(if: $sevenofwands is 1)[(display: "7 of Wands")]
(if: $eightofwands is 1)[(display: "8 of Wands")]
(if: $nineofwands is 1)[(display: "9 of Wands")]
(if: $tenofwands is 1)[(display: "10 of Wands")]
(if: $aceofwands is 1)[(display: "Ace of Wands")]
(if: $kingofwands is 1)[(display: "King of Wands")]
(if: $knightofwands is 1)[(display: "Knight of Wands")]
(if: $pageofwands is 1)[(display: "Page of Wands")]
(if: $queenofwands is 1)[(display: "Queen of Wands")]</font></span>}
{(display: "Initialize")}
A generative tarot reader by Marilyn Roxie. |1)[(display:"More Information")
(text-style: "mark")+(css: "font-size: 150%")[ [[click to shuffle and draw again|The Public Tarot]] ]
](link:"Click for more information.")[(show:?1)]{(set: $draw to 1)}{(set: $deck to (a: '(set: $thefool to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lzzn4qh5nsiluh1/ar00.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Fool">', '(set: $themagician to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/whlmjb8lfwcwtwn/ar01.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Magician">', '(set: $thehighpriestess to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/yhsa45vsmpez6ov/ar02.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The High Priestess">', '(set: $theempress to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/drk0qkg02bvahz0/ar03.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Empress">', '(set: $theemperor to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/43zsr55ivu2dwty/ar04.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Emperor">', '(set: $thehierophant to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/9e77nz8qa7ezmv8/ar05.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Hierophant">', '(set: $thelovers to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/i4oze812241aa3j/ar06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Lovers">', '(set: $thechariot to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nispfb8mh69do9k/ar07.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Chariot">', '(set: $strength to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jdfi0lxi5eypf0u/ar08.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Strength">', '(set: $thehermit to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zoe2gtjy5plkpl0/ar09.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Hermit">', '(set: $thewheeloffortune to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y2ngt1y526oqph3/ar10.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Wheel of Fortune">', '(set: $justice to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3ypt5c7e6m0kft9/ar11.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Justice">', '(set: $thehangedman to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hv0i6ss3r2l7efz/ar12.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Hanged Man">', '(set: $death to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/gbofuhbncrh1mmt/ar13.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Death">', '(set: $temperance to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ctsbtc707keypeq/ar14.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Temperance">', '(set: $thedevil to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bbeisqhhpqwchrz/ar15.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Devil">', '(set: $thetower to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ixxpxjtvzmxsz97/ar16.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Tower">', '(set: $thestar to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vvuihokqwhmjvho/ar17.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Star">', '(set: $themoon to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/26cuyvcad8tzflb/ar18.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Moon">', '(set: $thesun to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/c8pf75lxbcynmqs/ar19.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The Sun">', '(set: $judgement to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xiz63com3h3tg4j/ar20.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Judgement">', '(set: $theworld to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pc4nzvzjykpn6f5/ar21.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="The World">', '(set: $twoofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lllttcbew3tfx2v/cu02.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Two of Cups">', '(set: $threeofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/g4617kg7988uck0/cu03.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Three of Cups">', '(set: $fourofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mhqfvmlu70icf6x/cu04.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Four of Cups">', '(set: $fiveofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/07eoiyi6fg2upts/cu05.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Five of Cups">', '(set: $sixofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/eccgv3kxc67ok1g/cu06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Six of Cups">', '(set: $sevenofcups to 1)<img 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1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2xl1tburam878mw/cupa.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Page of Cups">', '(set: $queenofcups to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/tjx3szxmzacfdh0/cuqu.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Queen of Cups">', '(set: $twoofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5cqlm9q7z5xtzf5/pe02.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Two of Pentacles">', '(set: $threeofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/x5ci78lv68p6z6f/pe03.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Three of Pentacles">', '(set: $fourofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/uwtju9tvhjijcdh/pe04.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Four of Pentacles">', '(set: $fiveofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cgd3vetyfki5avg/pe05.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Five of Pentacles">', '(set: $sixofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ew8twpwlswamv7b/pe06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Six of Pentacles">', '(set: $sevenofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ysdj5s8v3029rf3/pe07.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Seven of Pentacles">', '(set: $eightofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nd5obqxw8tsxxa0/pe08.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Eight of Pentacles">', '(set: $nineofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/aniiwhqxux253ey/pe09.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Nine of Pentacles">', '(set: $tenofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/haqo097id3xd9j7/pe10.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ten of Pentacles">', '(set: $aceofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/a3rnks4e5fewsaq/peac.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ace of Pentacles">', '(set: $kingofpentacles to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ta9m2aim2jxk3nb/peki.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="King of Pentacles">', '(set: $knightofpentacles to 1)<img 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alt="Five of Swords">', '(set: $sixofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w1ove2ik8z2fac7/sw06.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Six of Swords">', '(set: $sevenofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/blobk73pi2dvzic/sw07.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Seven of Swords">', '(set: $eightofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/sl35w9ilhb1klbu/sw08.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Eight of Swords">', '(set: $nineofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fwbhayd3bzf62it/sw09.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Nine of Swords">', '(set: $tenofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5feb8776l4a5mlu/sw10.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ten of Swords">', '(set: $aceofswords to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pirrzbi6ofl4ur6/swac.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Ace of Swords">', '(set: $kingofswords to 1)<img 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of Wands">', '(set: $kingofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/sepi13abu2qhao6/waki.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="King of Wands">', '(set: $knightofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kji0oyho0mw4fb7/wakn.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Knight of Wands">', '(set: $pageofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0ir66tehz8265ni/wapa.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Page of Wands">', '(set: $queenofwands to 1)<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vk4rmg7eqnno6n6/waqu.gif" width="90%" height="90%" alt="Queen of Wands">'))}{(set: $shuffledDeck to (shuffled: ...$deck))}(text-style: "fade-in-out")+(text-style: "italic")[Please wait a few seconds while we shuffle your cards...]{(live:0.1s)[(goto: "Celtic Cross")]}(text-style: "fade-in-out")+(text-style: "italic")[Please wait a few seconds while we shuffle your cards...]{(live:0.1s)[(goto: "Draw")]}