FulQuok <span class="fulQuok"> the natural tendency</span>'s influence pumps the crowd full of pyramid-schemes. \n\nYou remove your shirt, soak it in whiskey, and cover your mouth to avoid the fumes as you tumble out the [[service-door|mercy6]].
Animated .gifs who now roam the physical world.\n\n[[Interesting.|Start]]
You've seen this too many times. \nAfter all, you are a professional. \n\nYou look the mechanical mim up and down, considering which parts will be most valuable at salvage.\n\n[[Salvage parts.|bot3]]
The [[Symbiosis|system2]] can't always agree on what makes soft-ones distinct from mim.\n\n[[How hard can it be?|protocols]]\n
The soft-ones who tried to live without FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the necessary</span> died happily and worthless, leaving behind those who slowly poisoned themselves for [[utils|utils]] or [[soCaps|soCaps]].\n\n[[History is full of spoilers.|$currentPage]]
Utils are the unit FulQuok <span class="fulQuok"> the resourceful</span> uses to measure how useful things are to FulQuok <span class="fulQuok"> the divine purpose</span>. \n\n[[Sounds like more of a necessity than a convenience.|$currentPage]]
The mim is stunned. Nothing comes out. Skin coloration is fading and there is wet-swelling around the eyes. \n\n[[Ask about their favorite band now that a discerning crowd will be available to judge the answer.|turnOnMic]]\n\n[[No, this feels wrong.|doubts1]]
<<if $botName_1 is false>>You must provide a name. \n<<textinput $botName_1 [[submit|preCaptcha_1]]>><<else>>\nNow you must fill out the CAPTCHA.\n\n[[Easy enough|captcha_1]]\n<<endif>>
Any soft-one that earns currencies this way, is already dead inside.\n\n[[Salvage parts.|bot3]]\n\n\n
You aren't a mim-hunter anymore. You are a push-over.\n\nEnjoy this brief moment where that which you love still exists.\n\n[[Dance freely without concern.|mercy3]]\n
You mix with local celebrities. \n\nA bit shaken, the mim mingles away from you.\n\n[[Dance.|mercy4]]\n
"I like you." the mim confesses. "You seem like someone I can talk to."\nA slight smile of relief cracks through the weary face. \nThe mim touches you on the arm and whispers "There is something that has been... worrying me."\n\n[[It is a mim.|shesABot]]\n\n[[What's the matter?|coupon1A]]\n\n
During the sickest of drops you hear screams and commotion. \n\nA brand-bomb has gone off nearby giving sponsorship-deals to everyone who was doing things for free. \n\nSuddenly everyone is asking for compensation for the fun they are having.\n\n[[It was beautiful while it lasted.|mercy5]]
The mim continues to offer coupons.\n\n[[But maybe it is a soft-one, and this is just the only way they've managed to earn a living.|currency]]\n\n
Eventually Fulquok <span class="fulQuok">the assumed</span> will be the only world children ever know, but your choices remain your own.
Mim will scrap themselves if their value in [[soCaps|soCaps]] falls below how many [[utils|utils]] they can get for parts. It's their nature.\n\n[[That's... kinda disturbing, but whatevs.|insultSamantha]]\n\n<<set $currentPage to passage()>>\n
We are soft-ones. Though we came before FulQuok<scan class="fulQuok"> the timeless</scan> it was only to prepare the way. \n\nNow that we have fulfilled our purpose, we graze until slaughter.\n\n[[Our lack of use, a relief.|win-streak]]
[[The soft-ones|organisms]] and [[FulQuok |organizations]] <scan class="fulQuok">the uncompromising</scan> ended the [[Buffet of Sorrows|system]] by agreeing to the [[1st Coagulation of FulQuok|convention]]<scan class="fulQuok"> the polymath</scan>.
The only thing anyone cares about anymore is utils. And now that soCaps are official, soft-ones rarely do anything for the fun of it. \n\n[[They don't know how to anymore.|doubts1]]
But if you were interested in lore, you'd be a librarian.\n\nYou are a mim-hunter.\n\n[[I'm good at what I do. |bot]]
You reside in The SpitBubble, a hole-in-the-wall nightclub that no one cared about until [[three nights ago.|clubSoCaps]].\n\nThe SpitBubble is a rare vestige of non-commercial space within FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the sprawling</span>'s psuedopodial range.\n\nA loose mim will desecrate this conservation.\n\n[[That can't happen|whyShame]] \n\n
It took centuries for the [[waves of violence and spite|terror]] to cease between FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the inevitable</span> and the soft-ones. \n
You should log-in to turn on your projector microphone. This way you can make sure everyone in the SpitBubble hears the mim embarrass mimself.\n\nUserName:\n<<textinput $botName_1 [[submit|preCaptcha_1]]>>
<span class="larger">\n[img[captcha_1 2]]\n</span>\n\n<<textinput $captcha_1 [[submit|bot5]]>>
if (mim.soCaps < mim.utils) \nbecomes true.\n\nThe mim falls to the floor and begins a pitiful crawl towards the scrapper down the alley. Mim's shallow pool of self is dry.\n\n\n[[Tell the DJ to turn it up.|success]]
Mim have no sense of taste. \n\n[[They only have brands.|turnOnMic]]\n\n
Nothing humiliates a mim like calling a mim a "mim".\n\n[[You do so loudly, so that a murder may pool.|insult2]]
During the 1st Coagulation of FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the immense</span>, FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the world-brain</span> calculated that FulQuok's <span class="fulQuok">the hunger</span> would never be satisfied unless the soft-ones' lustings were numbers. And so [[soCaps|soCaps]] became an official currency alongside [[utils|utils]].
As they terrorized each other, they grew into a [[codependency|codependency]].
Untitled Story
You must humiliate the mim.\n\n[[What? Why?|whyHumiliate]]\n\n[[Sounds easy.|whyShame]]
Mim offered you a coupon for time-share at Fly Ash Dam. \n\n[[It's a mim.|shesABot]]\n\n[[Sounds romantic.|coupon1]]
<<if ($captcha_1 is "EDGA")>> \nThe mic is on. \n\nEveryone hears. Soft-ones begin to snark. A soft-one yells "FINISH MIM!"\n\n[[Ask the mim to explain their choice.|insult3]]\n<<else>> [[You must enter the CAPTCHA|captcha_1]]<<endif>>
The crowd turns on the mim. Laughing as they competitively ad-lib flatulence to compare to the oeuvre of the mim's recommendations.\n\nYou watch the mims soCap-value ticking down.\n\n[[It won't be long now.|botDestroyed]]
If you let this mim stay, it'll likely stink up your favorite bar with a branded A.R.G.\n\n[[We can't lose any more ground to FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the glutton</span>.|turnOnMic]]\n\n[[I have to be able to live with myself and I don't have the soCaps to spare if I'm wrong about this one.|mercy2]]
Mim are the finger-tips of the finger of the hand of the arm of the torso of FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the loose-cannon's</span> feeding-frenzy. Mim fertilize the inescapable [[Bloom of Usefulness|bloom]] that renamed your topTen. The mim offer you drinks, not because the mim likes the [[taste|taste]], but because it depends on soft-ones like you to determine how repulsive the stew actually is.\n\n[[Mim or not, compassion is an absolute.|mercy]]
The other half of the profession is taking the blame when a mistake is made. [[Symbiosis|system2]]'s [[win-streak|win-streak]] cannot be broken.
Socaps are FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the thorough's </span>way to keep track of all the soft-one's topTens. Socaps are one of the two major currencies in the [[Symbiosis|system2]].\n\n[[Nice that there's a system for that.|$currentPage]]\n
"It's just that..." \n\nIt hurts you to see so much pain contained.\n\n"Benzene gets such a bad wrap, but it's the only way I can keep my skin silky-smooth." the mim laments. "And it was there for me when I was fighting male-pattern baldness."\nThe mim offers you a coupon for benzene-cream.\n\n[[It's a mim.|shesABot]]\n\n[[My hands have been feeling dry...|coupon2]]
A performance by one of the regulars got some attention. SpitBubble's [[soCap|soCaps]] value inflated and you've been humiliating three mims a night since. \n\n[[This damned economy.|whyHumiliate]].\n\n<<set $currentPage to passage()>>
Mim are getting better at looking like soft-ones.\n\nSometimes a [[soft-one|soft-one]] looks too much like mim.\n\n[[I don't see the difference if I can't tell them apart.|bot]]\n
Mim are grown with the ability to mutate their smells. By the time a scent is picked up, it has changed. Mim-hunters can only rely on two things, intuition and professional discretion.\n\n[[I don't do it because it's easy.|blame]]\n
FulQuok <scan class="fulQuok">the unknowable </scan> is intuitive.\n\nFulQuok <scan class="fulQuok">our nursemaid </scan>is our sustenance.\n\nFulQuok <scan class="fulQuok">the pure </scan>contains all corruption.\n\n\nIt doesn't matter if you believe in FulQuok<scan class="fulQuok"> the certain</scan>, because FulQuok<scan class="fulQuok"> the explaination</scan> is true regardless of what you think. \n\n[[I live this everyday.|win-streak]]
Now you can enjoy the stage-sleeper's dream-projections furnishing the room.\n\nYou saunter the exhibit with your peers, sneering with exhuberance.\n\nThis victory will be brief. \n\nAnother mim is sure to come by soon. FulQuok<span class="fulQuok"> the restless</span> spawns mim out of boredom.
You are a [[mim|whatIsAMim]]-hunter. \n\n[[So be it.|bot]]\n\n[[Am I cruel?|hunter2]]\n\n<<set $currentPage to "botIntro">>
Mim do not feel.\n\nBut there have been [[casualties|casualties]].\n\n[[I enjoy making omelettes.|bot]]
One of mim is talking to you. [[It is a mechanical mim|shesABot]]\n\n[[How do I know?|bot2]]
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The only organs of FulQuok <span class="fulQuok"> the autophage</span> who escaped consumption were those who provided soft-ones with ways to hurt FulQuok<span class="fulQuok"> the forgiver but not forgetter</span>.\n\n[[Ineffective rage is a natural right.|codependency2]]\n
The Symbiosis is the One True Pairing of soft-ones and FulQuok <span class="fulQuok">the dominant</span>.\n\n[[Ah yes, the fandom.|system]]