Positive Productions is Tom Carrick's group and a subdivision of JODMOFOCTOR. This newbie Kliker has created a classic saga:
This program is an exclusive, VERY LIMITED EDITION collection of the amazing series; featuring Zapp Go Get That Hamster; Ra, Ra Deluxe and the epoch-making Fred! All three are extremely wacky as Fred changes his identity by wearing different suits. When he puts on his Kung-fu gear he instantly becomes Zapp, saviour of the hamsters! Pulling on his Samari kit he becomes Ra, Ra! And in the final game of the trilogy Fred loses his suits; and must face the outside world WITHOUT HIS POWERS!
Carrick has fantastically visualised all the psychadelic images in his corrupted mind; to bring you this epic saga! Gasp as Zapp throws Shotguns, Ambulances and sonar rays; snigger as you discover billions of bugs such as on the tennis court when your lives go UP when you are hit and the totally pointless 'energy building' on level one; cry at the thrilling conclusion of the series; all this and more in the fantastic Ra, Ra trilogy!
You can't afford to be without Ra, Ra!! (*LIE MODE CANCELLED*) In order to get your hands on a copy, all you need do is e-mail me! All I ask in return is that you do ONE of the following:
a) Please vote TimesSquare/6713 as Geocities Site of the Day (I doubt that anyone will but it works for another person I know!!)
b) PLEASE don't abandon my Home Page just because the Ra, Ra Trilogy is so tacky...it isn't my fault!!! NO FLAMES PLEASE!!!! ;)
Ra, Ra Trilogy ©1997 Positive Productions Ltd. Ra, Ra Trilogy may not be altered in any way to improve gameplay. It's too messed up as it is!! Let's just say that Ra, Ra Trilogy is a brilliant example of what a completely non-talented person can do with K&P! : )
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