Import Gaming
Ack, this page is terrible... It's one of the first pages I ever did, and I never updated the icons so it looks pathetic! -_-' However, I stand by the quality of the section's content, the advice is reliable and I think I worded it quite nicely (my opinion is obviously biased, but WTH)... Anyway, a quick update (12/01/02, best mark your calenders) to add a nice little text link.
And now? On with the page! The icons may look crap, but if you're interested, have a look! Just because I can't draw doesn't mean that I don't know about this stuff!!
In writing this, I'm assuming that you have an English (PAL) machine, and are wanting to play imported American games. Maybe even a couple of Japanese ones (not recommended for RPGs, although a few Japanese games are almost entirely in English - they think our language is "cool"). All console makers put "territorial lockout" on their machines... God knows WHY, but they reckon it helps their schedule of release dates (yeah, a UK game gets released a year or two after the Jap-o-vision one :/). However, there are various methods of getting past this, which depend on your machine... click on one!!
- Annoyboy