main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[a] M.U.D. Titles

Welcome to AdamantMUD
Please, select your charset:
(Enter 'h' for help)
    0. KOI8
    1. DOS
    2. MAC
    3. WIN
    4. WIN (zMUD, ...)
    5. WIN (JMC, WIN TELNET, ...)
    6. WIN (s bol'shoi bukvoi YA :)
Enter Charset:

Welcome to AVATAR, a family-friendly Medieval fantasy kingdom.  /^\
Located on our own site in Snikt's subterranean cave.          /   \
                           _ _ _ _ _ _          >>>|          /     \
Diku Mud created by        ]-I-I-I-I-[             |         ]I-I-I-I[
Hans Henrik Strefeldt,      \ `   '_/             / \         |  _  |
Tom Madsen, Katjya Nyboe,    [*]  __|       ^    / ^ \   ^    | /^\ |
Michael Seifert, and         |__   ,|      / \  /    `\ / \   | |*| |
Sebastion Hammer. Merc 2.2___| ___ ,|__   /    /=_=_=_=\   \  | === |
originally created by     I_I__I_I__I_I  (====(_________)___|_|_____|___
Kahn, Hatchet, and Furey. \-\--|-|--/-/  |     I  [ ]__I I_I__|____I_I_|
                           |[*]   , '|   | []  |`__  . [  \-\--|-|--/-/
Extensive changes by the   |_________|___|_____I___|___I___|----------|
AVATAR Team.               |-|_|-|_|-|_|-|_|-|_|-|_|-|_|-|_|, ______ "|
                           | " ,  '  ,  "   '  .  ,  "  . ,| /++++++\ |
   _____  __ __   ____  ______  _____  ____=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |++++++|.|
  /     ||  |  | /    ||      |/     ||    \ ,   '   .  "  | |++++++| |
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  |  |  | \   / |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ||     \ 3000
  l__j__j  \_/  1__j__j  1__j  1__j__j1__j\_j

What name shall you be known by, adventurer?

|                       _________      __
                      / _______/|    / /| Aabahran: The                    
                  _.-/ /|______|/_ _/ /_/_  ___  ____ ___ __ ___  _  _ 
                  \ / /_/___  |    ||    ||  _|/    \| |/ /| __|| \| |
                   / ______/| |  ^ ||  ^ |_\ \ | ^  ||   < | __||    |
                  / /|_____|/ |____||_|\_\|___||_/\_||_|\_\|___||__|\|
                 / / /          / / /       ____  _ __  __   ___
                / /_/          / /_/______ /    \| \| ||  \ |  _|
               /  .-'|        /  ________/||  ^ ||    || ^ |_\ \
              /.-'  .|       /.-'  ______|/|_/\_||__|\||__/|____|     
             /.  .-'        /'  .-'( port 1848
             |.-'           |.-'                                          
   | Founded by  Virigoth,Crypticant,Athaekeetha,Latesh,Alexander         |
   |                                                                      |
   | Head Coder: Irumeru   Head Builder: Malchaeius   Staff IMP: Chayesh  |
   |                                                                      |
   | Aabahran is a customized 0 2.4 code.  Original DikuMUD               |
   | by Tom Madsen,Katya Nyoboe,Hans Staerfeldt,Michael Seifert,and       |
   | Sebastian Hammer.  Based 1 Merc 2.1 code by Hatchet,Fury,and Kahn    |
   |           ROM 2.4 copyright    c    -1 Russ Taylor                   |
Abandon hope, all ye who enter here...

[E]nter  Aabahran              Game Status: Open for Play         
[C]reate Character             Site Status: Welcome.              
[H]elp   Files                      System Time                   
[D]isconnect                   Sat Aug 15 16:42:00 2009
Your Choice>


MMHOTTTTTTOHMM-Based on CircleMUD 3.0, Created by Jeremy Elson-MMHOTTTTTTOHMM
HHHO||||||OHHH-Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,HHHO||||||OHHH
WWHO||||||OHWW-+H+-Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.+-+H+-WWHO||||||OHWW
  HOTTTTTTOH          /\                                         HOTTTTTTOH
   HOTTTTOH          /  \   __ _  ___ _____   _ _ __ ___          HOTTTTOH
   HO||||OH         / /\ \ / _` |/ _ \_  / | | | '__/ _ \         HO||||OH
   HO||||OH        / ____ \ (_| |  __// /| |_| | | |  __/         HO||||OH
   HO||||OH       /_/    \_\__,_|\___/____\__,_|_|  \___|         HO||||OH
   HO||||OH         ____      _                                   HO||||OH
   HO||||OH        / __ \    | |                                  HO||||OH
   HO||||OH       | |  | | __| |_   _ ___ ___  ___ _   _          HO||||OH
   HO||||OH       | |  | |/ _` | | | / __/ __|/ _ \ | | |         HO||||OH
   HO||||OH       | |__| | (_| | |_| \__ \__ \  __/ |_| |         HO||||OH
   HO||||OH        \____/ \__,_|\__, |___/___/\___|\__, |  5.0    HO||||OH
   HO||||OH                      __/ |              __/ |         HO||||OH
  HOTTTTTTOH                    |___/  /\/\ |_| |> |___/         HOTTTTTTOH
HHHO||||||OHHH::::::::::      (c)1994-2007 km        ::::::::::HHHO||||||OHHH
WWHO||||||OHWW%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%WWHO||||||OHWW                       -Myst, Implementress

This is an AMERICAN MUD.  You must be able to read and write ENGLISH to play it.
            * This mud is NOT for children under the age of 16. *

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

Welcome to Aalynor's Nexus!
Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Aalynor's Nexus. All Rights Reserved.
Non-members please login with "NEW".
Character Name:

Welcome to..
   __    /|                                                       
  /_ \ _/ |                      /|                        /\       
 |( \// | |                      ||                        ||         
  \)/|  | |     __      __   __  || __    __      __       ||        
    |/_ | |    /_ \  /|/_ \ /_ \ ||/_ \  /_ \  /|/_ \      ||             
    |_ \| |    __\ \ \ / |/// \/ | / \ \|/ \ \ \ / \ \     ||      
   // \/(  \  // \ | ||    ||    ||   )|||  )| ||   )|     \/             
  //_    \  \((__/ | ||    | \_  ||  // | \//  ||  //      /\   
 /__/     \_/ \__/\/ |/     \_/  |/ |/   \_/   |/ |/       \/     
Our address is : ( port 7000
Visit our web page at:
Contact the immortals at:
               ROM Version 2.4 beta
        Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
        Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
        Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
        ROM 2.4 beta copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
        Quest Code (c) 1996 Ryan Addams
        ARC 1.0 (c) 1997 by Mike Smullens and Brian Castle
With what name do you travel through the realm of Aarchon?

##[        --- Welcome to Aardwolf MUD ---        ]##########################
##[                                               ]############ /"  #########
##[         Players Currently Online: 342         ]########  _-`"""', #######
##[                                               ]#####  _-"       )  ######
##[     Game Last Rebooted on 30 Jul 14:56:33     ]### _-"          |  ######
################################################### _-"            ;  #######
######################################### __---___-"              |  ########
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#################################### _-"    ;''                 |  ,'  ; ####
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###################  /                `                    ; ################
#################  /                                      ; #################
###############  /                                       ; ##################
What be thy name, adventurer?

  ###\   ####\    ###\   #\  #|  ####\    ###\   #\  #|  #####|  ####|
 #|  #|  #|  #|  #|  #|  ##\ #|  #|  #|  #|  #|  ##\ #|  #|      #|  #|
 #####|  ####<   #####|  #|#\#|  #|  #|  #|  #|  #|#\#|  ####|   #|  #|
 #|  #|  #|  #|  #|  #|  #| ##|  #|  #|  #|  #|  #| ##|  #|      #|  #|
 #|  #|  ####/   #|  #|  #|  #|  ####/    ###/   #|  #|  #####|  ####|
              OOOO      OOO      OOO       OOOOO     O   O
             O         O   O     O  O      O          O O
             O         O   O     O   O     OOOO        O
             O         O   O     O  O      O          O O
              OOOO      OOO      OOO       OOOOO     O   O

 | - = Abandoned Codex code by Gareth, = -  |
 |    SMAUG 1.0 by Thoric.  MERC 2.1 by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.    |
 |     DikuMUD code by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,     |
 |               Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.              |
Enter your character's name or type 'new':

@|     ABANDONED REALITY                                                |@
@|                        . -           .                               |@
@|    .                    /\   _-  ___                                 |@
@|                         || _/ \ /xxx\                   .    ()      |@
@|--------,                ||/o|o||\xxxx|                               |@  
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@|   |    |   wwwwwwwwwwwwwww\   \___ |wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@
@|   |    |\             wwww/        \wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@
@|   |    | |               /\___      \    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@
@|    \   |  \             /     \      \^^ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@
@|     |__/   |          ^^       \        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@
@|    /        \____               |        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@
@|   /              \______________/           wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@   
@| _/                    /                     wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@
@|/                      |                    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|@
Based on DikuMUD created by: Hans Herik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer. Also based on MERC MUD created by 
Hatchet, Kahn and Furey and Envy 2.0 created by Hatchet, Kahn and Staff.
Account name (? for help):

//o                                                                     o\\
|| Original DikuMUD by Tom Madsen, Katya Nyoboe, Hans Staerfeldt, Michael ||
|| Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.  Based on Merc 2.1 code by Hatchet, Fury ||
|| and Kahn.  Rom 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1994 Russ Taylor.  Founded by    ||
|| Denadlyr, Rakhashe, Sarich, Stryth and Virgil.  Maintained by Burzuk.  ||

            /\                                                 _/
        ___/  \/\__             ABANDONED REALMS             _/
     _/   /        \ 9000        /\_
          \      _/                                       _/   \
           \    / \_    A Playerkilling, Roleplaying MUD  \    /\
         _/     \   \                                      \
      _ / \    /     \             ]=I==II==I=[          _/
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  /_'_-_-___-\__,__|_|_|_|_|_______|   '  , *|    _______+___,__,-/._.._.\
              _,--'    __,-'      /,_,_v_Y_,_v\\-'   -
By what name do you wish to be remembered?

                        _.-'/   _.:'`/   
                      ,'`   ( ,:;.-'`(    _    _           _   _        _
 Welcome to the ... .'      .:'`      \  / \  | |__   __ _| |_| |_ ___ (_)_ __
                   /       //    _.-';) / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | __| __/ _ \| | '__|
                 _/      _//_.-;:-'``/ / ___ \| |_) | (_| | |_| || (_) | | |
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       (((/==)/ _`;.--'"` .'--""""```  .--"```    )
        ```  ' (((/====```            ((((/======'
                ```                    ```
 SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider -, with help from
  Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog
 Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  Original DikuMUD code by:
  Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert && Sebastian Hammer
Welcome adventurer! Enter thy character's name, or type new:

 Fidonet BBS    |  _  / | __ \\___ || |   |     |/ ___/  | | \ \ | ___/| __ || |__ | |_| |\___ \
        -=Visit us Today!=-      |_|  \_\|____|\____||____||_| |_||____/

                    This MUD is based on ROM Version 2.4 beta
                Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
                Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.
                  ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
                                                       <ascii by Zamiel>
By what name do you wish to be known?

Accepting connection: at Sat Aug 15 16:50:59 2009
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 -Dragonheart Reborn-  Where players have the ability to make decisions.

What is your name? Time out
Closing down.

Accursed Lands.
Detecting terminal type...
Remote system reports 0.
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                              \ \    .' .-~      .-~       :/~-.~-./:
                                ++  /_~_ _ . - ~                 ~-.~-._
                               telnet port 8000
~(@)~ Ready for a roleplaying challenge? Welcome.

Accursed Lands is running what was once a Lima Mudlib with MudOS v22.2a25

What is your out of character account name?

Rapture Runtime Environment v2.1.3 -- (c) 2007 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0000-000


                 Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands

                 "Your fate and fame shall be
               an echo and a light unto eternity."


           Achaea's IP address is
           For general questions e-mail
           205 adventurers are currently in the realms.

           1. Enter the game.
           2. Create a new character.
           3. Quit.

Enter an option or enter your character's name.

                                                    ,   _|.|_   ,
Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, _|I|  |I .|  |.|_
Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer \II||^^| |^^||  /
Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn `\^|-------|^/'
ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor          \|II I ..|/
                                                /\    |II.    |    /\
                                               /  \  _|III .  |_  /  \
      Acropolis                                |-^| /(|I.I I  |)\ |^-|
                                             _/(I | +-----------+ |. )\_
In loving memory of Kyrin, the best          \^-----/____-^-____\-----^/
Implemetor a MUD cold have, and the           |I.III|  /(===)\  |  .. |
greatest friend anyone could ask for.         /^^^-----_________---^^^\
You will be missed.                          `##########!\-#####%!!!!!| |\
    Implementors:  Dinchak                   ^)#################!!!!!/^^--\_
                   Malloc                 __ /#####################%%!!!!/ /
                                          /!!!!\ \ \^-_###########%%%!!!!\
   *NOW IN BETA MODE*                    /#####!!!!!!!\^-_#######%%%!!!!!!\_

By what name do you wish to be known?

                          Welcome to AddictMUD

                       Based on CircleMUD 3.0bpl10,

                 "It's not just a game, it's an addiction"

                    A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)
                                Created by
                    Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
              Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

            A world of mindless killing for experience (and fun).

By what name are ye known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

    Adults Only         

You've reached Adults Only! 
If you are not 18 or older, leave!
                                  {} {}
                            !  !  II II  !  !
                         !  I__I__II II__I__I  !
                         I_/|--|--|| ||--|--|\_I
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  -|--|--|   ||-|--|--|--|--|--|--|| ||--|--|--|--|--|--|-||   |--|--|-
   |  |  |=  || |  |  |  |  |  |  || ||  |  |  |  |  |  | ||=  |  |  |
   |  |  |-  || |  |  |  |  |  |  || ||  |  |  |  |  |  | ||   |  |  |
  _|__|__|=  || |  |  |  |  |  |  || ||  |  |  |  |  |  | ||=  |__|__|_
  -|--|--|=  || |  |  |  |  |  |  || ||  |  |  |  |  |  | ||   |--|--|-
  _|__|__|   ||_|__|__|__|__|__|__|| ||__|__|__|__|__|__|_||-  |__|__|_
  -|--|--|=  ||-|--|--|--|--|--|--|| ||--|--|--|--|--|--|-||=  |--|--|-
   |  |  |-  || |  |  |  |  |  |  || ||  |  |  |  |  |  | ||-  |  |  |
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to that character. 

  "WHO" shows you who is connected.
  "QUIT" exits the site.
This site contains extreme content!
By logging in you state you are 18 or older and wave any legal claim you feel you have toward the staff, players or anyone associated with the site.
This site is screen reader accessible.

Do you want ANSI? (Y/n)

                         /|                 |\
                        / | ___.--^^^--.___ | \
   ...--=.._           /  ^^___^\_   _/^___^^  \        _..=--...
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||     /\  \_)\\        AAA       AAA    WW       WW      ((\_)\        ||
||    /((\_)\ ))\      AA AA     AA AA   WW       WW    (((( /\_))      ||
||   (((__\  __)))    AA   AA   AA   AA  WW       WW   (((^^  ^/ )))    ||
||   ))) o . o (((   AA     AA AA     AA WW       WW   ))) O`.'0 (((    ||
||   (\    |    /)   AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA WW   W   WW  (((\   |   /)))   ||
||    |\   ^   /|    A       A A       A  WW W W WW   ))))\  ^  /((((   ||
||    | \_____/ |    AA     AA AA     AA   WW   WW   (((((|\___/|)))((  ||
||    |_ -___- _|                                    )))((|_-_-_|(((((  ||
||     --+- --+-      ADVENTURES FOR ANCIENT WISDOM   ))))  -+-- ))))   ||
||     ; ;  ; ;              NEW ADVENTURES           (((( ; ; ; ((((   ||
||      ;  ;  ;                                        ))) ; ; ; )))    ||
||     ;  ;  ;  ;         EnvyMUD with a twist              ;  ; ;      ||
||       ;    ;          DikuMUD was created by             ;   ;       ||
||      ;  ; ; ;         Hans Henrik Staerfeldt             ;  ; ;      ||
||    ;   ;   ; ;       Katja Nyboe / Tom Madsen           ; ;  ;       ||
 \\      ; ; ; ;   Sabastian Hammer / Michael Seifert       ; ; ;      //
State thy name:

                  .              .                 .              .      .    
    |     .   @@@@@@    @@@@@@@@  . @@@@@@   @@@  .@@@@@@@
   -*-       @@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@  .@@@   @@@@@@@@
    |        @@!  @@@   @@! .      !@@  .    @@!   @@!  @@@   * 
             !@!  @!@   !@!   .    !@!    .  !@!   !@!  @!@ .          :.  
        *    @!@!@!@!   @!!!:!     !!@@!!    !!@   @!@!!@!         | 
 .           !!!@!!!!   !!!!!:  |   !!@!!!   !!!.  !!@!@!         -*-
        . .  !!:  !!!   !!:    -*-     !:!   !!:   !!: :!!         |        
             :!:  !:!   :!:     |      !:!   !!:   :!:  !:! . .
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              :   : :   : :: ::    :: : :    :   *  :   : :
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           .     *    .'  `.      .     .     *      .                  .
  :             .    /      \  _ .________________  .                    .
       |            `.+-``-+.'/.' `.^^^^^^^^\     \.                      .
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       |              |   u|.'       `." "  |" " "|                        .
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     aaa@@@@@@aa   |===|||||_||      |===|_.|u|_.|+HH+|_/_/_/_/aa   a@@@@@@@@
 aa@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a |""|''''\---/"-.._|--.---------.````.__ _.@@@@@@a  
                    \_\\ \  \/" //\  "."|  __   | |`.   :||  
                     a\`| `   _//  | / _| || |  | `.'  ,''|     aa@@@@@@@a
 aaa   aaaa       a@@@@\| \  //'   |  // \`| |  `.'  .' | | aa@@@@@@@@@@@@@a
@@@@@a@@@@@@a           \\`//| | \ \//   \`  .-'  .' | '/Based on Merc 2.1 by
@S.C.E.S.W.@@@@a          \// |.`  ` ' /"  :-'   .'|  '/' Hatchet,Furey,Kahn
----- ------          a@@@|   \\ |   // .'    .'| |  |@@@@@@a
Based on ROM Version 2.3@@\   | `| ''.'     .' | ' /@@@@@@@@@a       
Original DikuMUD by  a@@@@@|  | `|  /     .'  /  ' |@@@@@@@@@@a
Hans Staerfeldt,Katja Nyboe,Tom Madsen,Micheal Seifert,Sebastian Hammer    
web page=
Credits: Thanks to Neutopia for everything! All mods by Frostfyre.

What is the name we may call you?

Rapture Runtime Environment v2.1.3 -- (c) 2007 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0001-000

       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                         - A E T O L I A -

                  T h e   M i d n i g h t   A g e

       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
         For general questions, e-mail

               There are 75 people currently online.

                 1. Enter the game.
                 2. Create a new character.
                 3. Quit.

Enter an option or enter your character's name.

     ===========    _____    _______   ________   _______   _____
     ||       ||   /%%%%%\  |%%%%%%%| |%%%%%%%%| |%%%%%%%| |%%%%%%\
     ||**   **||  |%%|_|%%| |%%|__       |%%|    |%%|__    |%%|__|%|    
     | \*****/ |  |%%%%%%%| |%%%%%|      |%%|    |%%%%%|   |%%%%%%/
     |  \***/  |  |%%| |%%| |%%|         |%%|    |%%|____  |%%| \%%\
     |   \*/   |  |%%| |%%| |%%|         |%%|    |%%%%%%%| |%%|  |%%|
     |   |*|   |   __   __    _____    __    __   _____        _____
     |   /*\   |  |%%| |%%|  /%%%%%\  |%%|  |%%| |%%%%%%\    /%%%%%%|
     |  / * \  |  |%%|_|%%| |%%| |%%| |%%|  |%%| |%%|__|%|  |%%|___
     | / *** \ |  |%%%%%%%| |%%| |%%| |%%|  |%%| |%%%%%%/    \%%%%%\
     |/ ***** \|  |%%| |%%| |%%|_|%%| |%%|__|%%| |%%| \%%\   ____|%%|
     ||*******||  |%%| |%%|  \%%%%%/   \%%%%%%/  |%%|  |%%| |%%%%%%/  
     ===========     Please use guest if you want to look around.

What is your name:

             .- ..-. - . .-.   - .... .   .--. .-.. .- --. ..- .
            _____   _____  __                   __  .__
           /  _  \_/ ____\/  |_  ___________  _/  |_|  |__   ____
          /  /_\  \   __\\   __\/ __ \_  __ \ \   __\  |  \_/ __ \
         /    |    \  |   |  | \  ___/|  | \/  |  | |   Y  \  ___/
         \____|__  /__|   |__|  \___  >__|     |__| |___|  /\___  >
                 \/                 \/                   \/     \/
                __________.__    Welcome to
                \______   \  | _____     ____  __ __   ____
                 |     ___/  | \__  \   / ___\|  |  \_/ __ \
                 |    |   |  |__/ __ \_/ /_/  >  |  /\  ___/
                 |____|   |____(____  /\___  /|____/  \___  >
                                    \//_____/             \/
             .- ..-. - . .-.   - .... .   .--. .-.. .- --. ..- .
Final version.......................................Hunt for the Red Bugs!
      Driver: MudOS v22.2b14        Mudlib: CoreDump (4.5)
      Http:       Admin email:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

After a long and dizzy journey you suddenly stop.
As you look around you recognize that you are floating in a chilly void...
The only thing that you see is a little wooden door near to you.
(For OOC access give @yourname below.)
You knock on the door and an old voice snarls at you:
'Who stands at the door?'

|                   ***** Welcome to AfterFive *****                          |
|          Copyright 1991-2002  S. Howard All Rights Reserved                 |

NOTE That you do NOT type < or > in the example given below!
To connect to your existing character, type   connect <name> <password>
To create a new character, type   create <name> <password>
Send email to requesting your character, and please include 
at least two alternate names, and a password. No matter how unique you 
feel your name request is, chances are, someone has thought of it before.
PLEASE NOTE: Only ONE character per email address/person!!!!!!

Use the QUIT command to disconnect.
Use the WHO command to find out who is currently active.

### end of messages ###

One moment please...

       ##                                                  /##
     /####                                               #/ ###
    /  ###                           .-.                 ##   ###
       /##                          (0.0)                ##
      /  ##                       .='/@\`=.              ##
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     /    ##       /  ###  / / ###   \@/       / ###   / #####
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    /      ##    ##     ## ##    ### @8@     ##     ##   ##
    /########    ##     ## ########  @8@     ##     ##   ##
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   #        ##   ##     ## ##   (@__/@8@\__@)##     ##   ##
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  /   ####    ## / ########  ######/ |:|      ######     ##
/     ##      #/    ### ###  #####   |:|       ####       ##
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  ##                ####   ###       |:|
                 /######  /#         |:|
                /     ###/           |:|
         # ###      /                |:|
       /  /###  / #/                 |:|
      /  /  ###/  ##                 |:|
     /  ##   ##   ##                 |:|
    /  ###        ##                 |:|
   ##   ##        ##  /##      /###  |:| /###     /###
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   ##   ##        ##     ## ##    ## #^    ## ####
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      ###     /   ##     ## ##    /# ##    ##  /###  ##
        #####/    ##     ##  ####/ ## ######  / #### /
         ###       ##    ##   ###   ## ####      ###/ 

By what name do you wish to be known?

 |                   __                                               |
 |                .-'  `.    _.-----------'-----------..__            |
 |              .'       | .'             |`.            /            |
 |            .'     o   |.      .--.    .' |    _____  /             |
 |          .'           ||     '   __\ /__ |       / `/              |
 |         /.-.    .     ||    |   /_     / |    __/  .\              |
 |        ,'   `. / \    |`.   `.___.'   |  |    \__.-' \             |
 |               `  | _  |  .            |  |          __\            |
 |                  '` `.|   `-._____    | .'____..-- '  `            |
 |      _____            `          /    |                            |
 |     `.   .'                   of/_____|                            |
 |     /   /      .--._.   .-.    .--._.  _.-.    ____.----.   .----. |
 |    /   /      /  .__/ .'   `. /  .__/  .   |  /  .'/     `./ .-. / |
 |   /   /   _.//   _\  /  .^-,//   _\    /   | /  / /  /|   /\ `. `  |
 |  /    `--' //   (_.-.  / ___/   (_.-. /    |/  / /  //   //\  `.   |
 | /         / |      /|  \_> /|      / /  /|    / /  /'   //  `   /  |
 |'  _..--../  `.___./ `.___.' `.___./ /  / `.__/.'______.' `.___.'   |
 ||.'                                 | /                             |
 |'                                   '/                              |
 +----------o-     T a l e s   o f   t'h e   L a n c e    -o----------+
 Based on CircleMUD 3.0, Created by Jeremy Elson                       
 A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)                                   
 Created by, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,          
 Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer                                 

Before creating please goto: for rules on creating a character.

To email the owner:

By what unique name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

 |                   __                                               |
 |                .-'  `.    _.-----------'-----------..__            |
 |              .'       | .'             |`.            /            |
 |            .'     o   |.      .--.    .' |    _____  /             |
 |          .'           ||     '   __\ /__ |       / `/              |
 |         /.-.    .     ||    |   /_     / |    __/  .\              |
 |        ,'   `. / \    |`.   `.___.'   |  |    \__.-' \             |
 |               `  | _  |  .            |  |          __\            |
 |                  '` `.|   `-._____    | .'____..-- '  `            |
 |      _____            `          /    |                            |
 |     `.   .'                   of/_____|                            |
 |     /   /      .--._.   .-.    .--._.  _.-.    ____.----.   .----. |
 |    /   /      /  .__/ .'   `. /  .__/  .   |  /  .'/     `./ .-. / |
 |   /   /   _.//   _\  /  .^-,//   _\    /   | /  / /  /|   /\ `. `  |
 |  /    `--' //   (_.-.  / ___/   (_.-. /    |/  / /  //   //\  `.   |
 | /         / |      /|  \_> /|      / /  /|    / /  /'   //  `   /  |
 |'  _..--../  `.___./ `.___.' `.___./ /  / `.__/.'______.' `.___.'   |
 ||.'                                 | /                             |
 |'                                   '/                              |
 +----------o-     T a l e s   o f   t'h e   L a n c e    -o----------+
 Based on CircleMUD 3.0, Created by Jeremy Elson                       
 A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)                                   
 Created by, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,          
 Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer                                 

Before creating please goto: for rules on creating a character.

To email the owner:

Enter your account name:

               _     ___    ____            -------
              / \   | __|  | ___|           \/\/\//
             |   |  ||     | __              -----
             | _ |  || __  | __|             |  /|       Based on
             || ||  ||_||  | ___             | / |       CircleMUD 3.0
             || ||  |___|  |____|            |/  |       by Jeremy Elson
                  _    ___                   |  /|
                 | |  | __|                  | / |       CircleMUD based
                 | |  | _|                   |/  |       DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)
                 |_|  | |                    |  /|       By Hans Henrik
             __   __    _    ___             | / |       Staerfeldt, Katja
             \ \ / /   / \   |  \            |/  |       Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
             | | | |  |   |  |  |            |  /|       Michael Seifert,
             |  -  |  | _ |  |  /            | / |       and Sebastian
             \     /  || ||  ||\\            |/  |       Hammer
           -  \/-\/   || ||  || \\           |  /|
          //                                 | / |       Implementors are:
    |/\/\/||ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ>   -----       VonHenlen
          \\                                /\/\/\\      
           -                                -------      
                                  Mud Email:

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

           _____                           _____    __  ___ 
          /  _  \    ____   ____     _____/ ____\ _/  |_|  |__   ____ 
         /  /_\  \  / ___\_/ __ \   /  _ \   __\  \   __\  |  \_/ __ \
        /    |    \/ /_/  >  ___/  (  <_> )  |     |  | |   Y  \  ___/ 
        \____|__  /\___  / \___  >  \____/|__|     |__| |___|  /\___  >
                \//_____/      \/                            \/     \/
         _____                .__               __
        /  _  \   ____   ____ |__| ____   _____/  |_  ______  /\         
       /  /_\  \ /    \_/ ___\|  |/ __ \ /    \   __\/  ___/  \/         
      /    |    \   |  \  \___|  \  ___/|   |  \  |  \___ \   /\         
      \____|__  /___|  /\___  >__|\___  >___|  /__| /____  >  \/
              \/     \/     \/        \/     \/          \/
                             Second Age

                         WolfPaw Mud Engine Version 6.0  
 WolfPaw Mud Engine written by Dale Corse (, and is Based on
 SMAUG 1.02a by Derek Snider. MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.
 Original DikuMUD code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
 Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.
 | Please use the name NEW at this prompt to begin a new character |

 A Cloaked Templar Approaches you, and says,'By what name are you known?'

## AOTT Gameworld, (c) 2001 AOTT Inc.

         ## ###
         ##  #######   ###     ###
        ## ######    ######  #####
        #### ###    ##  ##   ## ##
     ####    ###    ## ###   ####
      ##     ###   #######  ###
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     ##      ###   ### ###  ######
     ##      ##    ### ##   ###                     ###
                       ##            ###           ###
                       ##           ##        ##   ##
                       ##           ##       ###   ##
                       ##         ###        ##   ##
                       ##   #####  ####    ######### ##    ####
                      ##    #####  ##        ##   #####    ####
                      ##   #####  ##         ##   #####   ####
                    ###    ## ##  ##        ##    ## #######  #
               ###          ###   ##        ##### ## #### #####
              ####         ##     ##        ###  ##  ##   ###
      ######  ##                  ##
 ##########   ##                 ##
#### ###     ##                  ##
 ##  ##      ##                 ##
     ##      ##         ###### #####   ###  ##      ###
    ##       ## ###   ######  ######  ###  ###    #####
    ##      ## ####     ###   ##  ## #########    ## ##
    ##      #######     ##   ### ##    #######    ####
    ##      ### ###    ###   ### ##    ### ###   ###
    ##      ###  ## ## ###   #####    ###  ##### ###  ##
   ##       ##   ####  ###    ###     ##   ###   ######
            ##   ##           ##      ##   ##    ###

Visit the Age of the Throne website at

Please, my friend, tell me your name:

          Welcome to 

    ***     **                          **
    ***     **                          **
   ** **    **                          **
   ** **    **   **   *****   ** ****   ** ***     *****   ** ***
   ** **    **  **   *******  ********  *******   *******  ******
  **   **   ** **    **   **  ***   **  ***  ***  **   **  ***
  **   **   *****       ****  **    **  **    **     ****  **
  *******   ******    ******  **    **  **    **   ******  **
 *********  *** **   ***  **  **    **  **    **  ***  **  **
 **     **  **  **   **   **  **    **  ***  ***  **   **  **             
 **     **  **   **  *******  **    **  *******   *******  **
**       ** **   **   **** ** **    **  ** ***     **** ** **

All of Akanbar is Copyright 2003-2009 to Akanbar. All Rights Reserved.
Please enter your character's name to login or create a new character.
If creating a new character HELP will provide general advice on selecting a

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.  See
::::::::::::::::::::In the world after the Shadow Rift... ::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .oo OOO OOO oo. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::  oOO'              `OOo  :::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::  oOO                       OOo  ::::::::::::::::::
 -   -_, ,,  ::::::  OO                     -_____  OO  ::::::::::::::::
(  ~/||  ||     _          '   _              ' | -,    _   ; ::::::::::
(  / ||  ||/\  < \, ,._-_ \\  < \, \\/\\     /| |  |`  < \, \\/\/\ \\/\\
 \/==||  ||_<  /-||  ||   ||  /-|| || ||     || |==||  /-|| || | | || ||
 /_ _||  || | (( ||  ||   || (( || || ||    ~|| |  |, (( || || | | || ||
(  - \\, \\,\  \/\\  \\,  \\  \/\\ \\ \\     ~-____,   \/\\ \\/\\/ \\ \\
   .---.    __  ~~^~~^~~^############_########## __~~^~~^~~^~^~~^ .---.
  /  .  \  (_ |_  _  _| _     _   _ (_   _  _   |_  _  _ . _ _   /  .  \
 |   |\_/| __)| )(_|(_|(_)\)/_)  (_)|   (_|| )  |__||||_)|| (-' |\_/|   |
 |\  |   |                                            |         |   |  /|
 | \ |   |            An original themed fantasy MUSH           |   | / |
 |  '----------------------------------------------------------------'  |
 |                 To make a character, CREATE name password            |
 |        To connect to an existing character, CONNECT name password    |
 |           To connect as a guest to look around, CONNECT guest        |
 \                            To leave, QUIT                            /

                        / \          JL         
                       /   \         TT                                 
                      /_____\        LJ          
                      L=====J       J==L           
                      J #   L\      T: T              Welcome to
                       L===J  \     L==J
                 .     T   T--J   =J    L=             Akashat 
                / \    | ::|==|    T  ::T
               /---\   |===|  |    L====J             the City of
               L===J   |   |  |H__H__H |
               T  |H__H|__H|==|     /  |               Dreams
               J===\     /::  |====|H__H__H
       _--^I^--_ ..|| ..|   ::| :: |     /
      //~~|~~\\==||===|/\  /\____|====|
     //   |   \\ ||   /__\/__\ ___  ___
    ||    |    ||  |===|||  ||  | | :| |          
----||    |    ||-----------------------------------------------------------
    ||    |    ||          "connect <name> <password>" connects a character.
    ||    o    ||        "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
    ||    |    ||                              Use real sounding names only.
    ||    |    ||         "Connect Visitor" connects to the Guest character.
    ||    |    ||              "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game.
    ||    |    ||            "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  This is an Adults Only game! For those who are at least 18 years or older.
  All PCs must ICly be mature 18 years old at the very least, in age, clothing,
  behaviour, rping style. No underage play is allowed on Akashat.  
  We take no legal responsibility for what is written on your screen,
  regardless of your age. Proceeding further than this screen means that 
  you waive any legal action towards the staff, players, and anyone else
  connected to this MUX for any reason. If it is discovered that you are
  not of legal age, your character will be @nuked immediately and removed
  from the game. Period. If you cannot accept these terms then type 'QUIT' now.

     ###     ###     ###     ###   ###   ##   ##
    ####    ####    ####    ####  ## ##  ##   ##========================
   ## ##   ## ##   ## ##   ## ## ##   ## ##   ##          | |         ||
  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ## ##   ## #######                      ||
 ####### ##   ## ####### ##   ## ##   ## ##   ##          veni        ||
 ##   ## ##   ## ##   ## ##   ##  ## ##  ##   ##--------- vidi -------//
 ##   ## ##   ## ##   ###########  ###   ##   ##\-------- vici ------//
                        ##     ##               \\                  //
                               ||  /             \\       | |      //
   by Konstantin Voloshin      ||------------------------------------\
    & Anton Parfenov  O////////++    ---  powered by SOVINTEL  --     )
 Based on ROM Version 2.4 beta ||  \                 \\   | |   //
 Original DikuMUD by HansStaerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,     \\  | |  //
 Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, Sebastian Hammer         +=======+
 Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
 ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor

Available charsets:: 1) KOI8, 2) Win1251, 3) DOS/Alt/866
Note: For JMC or Windows telnet enter '2j' for others '2' only
Make your choice:[2]

              0               A blue, swirling mist  appears  and begins
           __(|)__            to crackle  with energy  as  you  slip the
         /#########\          portal pass  into  the slot  on  the stone
       /##/  .    \##\        sculpture.   You see in front of you vague
     /##/ . ,    ,  \##\      swirling pictures  of  other worlds,  some
    |##/  , . . .   .\##|     strange and  beautiful,  some obscene  and
    |#|  .    ,  .  . |#|     grotesque.  Pictures range  from  floating
    |#|  .  ,  .  ,   |#|     cities to stone huts. You suddenly realize
  _ |#|   ,   .    ,  |#| _   this world  you have mastered  is just the
 (_)|#| .      ,    . |#|(_)  beginning,  just a start.   The stone arch
 | ||#|   .   .    ,  |#|| |  throbs  with  energy.   You have found the
_|_||_|_______________|_||_|_ Gateway... many other worlds await you...

       //                  -= =-
      / |latia - The Legends of the Lost Worlds (LPmud 3.2.9-dev.438)
     /--|        To just look around please login as guest
    /   |           Celebrating 14 years on the Internet!

Welcome to the gate to Alatia, stranger. Please login with the name you want
to use. If you want me to suggest a few names, enter "suggest" or "suggest2"
for different styles. If you want to read the disclaimer, enter "disclaimer".
To disconnect, enter "quit".
Login   :

You pass the gate to another world ...
                                           _   __,----'~~~~~~~~~`-----.__
                                    .  .    `//====-              ____,-'~`
                    -.            \_|// .   /||\\  `~~~~`---.___./
              ______-==.       _-~o  `\/    |||  \\           _,'`
        __,--'   ,=='||\=_    ;_,_,/ _-'|-   |`\   \\        ,'
     _-'      ,='    | \\`.    '',/~7  /-   /  ||   `\.     /
   .'       ,'       |  \\  \_  "  /  /-   /   ||      \   /
  / _____  /         |     \\.`-_/  /|- _/   ,||       \ /
 ,-'     `-|--'~~`--_ \     `==-/  `| \'--===-'       _/`
           '         `-|      /|    )-'\~'      _,--"'
                       '-~^\_/ |    |   `\_   ,^             /\
                            /  \     \__   \/~               `\__
                        _,-' _/'\ ,-'~____-'`-/                 ``===\
                       ((->/'    \|||' `.     `\.  ,                _||
         ./                       \_     `\      `~---|__i__i__\--~'_/
        <_n_                     __-^-_    `)  \-.______________,-~'
         `B'\)                  ///,-'~`__--^-  |-------~~~~^'
         /^>                           ///,--~`-\
        `  `
Welcome, Adventurer to the Realm of Aldebaran!             In memory of Nemesis
In case of problems email:                     
What is your name [enter ? for help]:

<This is where you announce that they've connected to your MUSH>
<It's a good idea to include the version/patchlevel of MUSH you're running>
<It's a good idea to include an email address for questions about the MUSH>
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.
Yell at your local god to personalize this file!

                       Welcome to AlexMUD V

           Based upon DikuMUD I (GAMMA 0.0) created by
               Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
        Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

           Visit our webpages at:


 [1] Enter as an existing character
 [2] Start a new character
 [3] Read the background story

 [0] Disconnect


Validating socket, looking up hostname.  This may take a moment.
                   ___    ___
                  /   |  / (_)__  ____  _____   _   _______
                 / /| | / / / _ \/ __ \/ ___/  | | / / ___/
                / ___ |/ / /  __/ / / (__  )   | |/ (__  )  (c) 1997-2008
               /_/__|_/_/_/\___/_/ /_/____/  __|___/____(_)
                / __ \________  ____/ /___ _/ /_____  _____
               / /_/ / ___/ _ \/ __  / __  __/ __ \/ ___/
              / ____/ /  /  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / /
             /_/   /_/   \___/\__,_/\__,_/\__/\____/_/  THE MUD 4000  (

  Based on LexiMUD,  a creation of Chris Jacobson and the AvP Team,  with code
  created by, or based on code by, George Greer, Eric Green, Stefan Wasilewski
  David Berry, Jushua Mentzer,  Harvey Gilpin, Brian Williams,  Daniel Muller.
  A derivative of CircleMUD 3.0, by Jeremy Elson;  and DikuMUD, by Hans Henrik
  Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert,  and Sebastian Hammer

On your feet soldier!  Name?

            .-------------'---`---.______  Valid Commands:
            `-`[|___]===(-_______.------'     connect <player> <password>   
             __.--'  /   `--_--'              connect Guest
 __________-'-------'___                      create <player> <password>

                ##   ##                        #
     ##### #   #  # #  #                      #
    ##    #    #  # #  #                      #          #
   ##     #    # #  # #   ### #  # ###     ####   #           ### #
   #      #    ##   ##  ##   ##  ##   #   #   #   ###    #  ##   ##     #
   #      #    #    #   #     #  #    #  #    #  #   #   #  #     #    #
   ##   ## #  # #  # #  #    ## ##    #  #   ##  #   #  ##  #    ##  ##
    #####   ##   ##   ## #### ## #     ## ###  ##     ##  ## ####  ##
                                                    |  |
                _____________________________-------|  |__
___---""""""""""                                    |  |  """"""----------___
         Welcome to Allandria,       /        <==>  |D |
    /                                               |  |        /
        \                  KatMud v1.5    \         |  |   \
                                                    |  |              /
   /   Original Developers:      \     Additional Contributions:
       Katrina, Flar, Geofram          Jayden, Tyserian|            \
                                                    |  |

What is thy name :

Do you want ANSI[y/n]? 

Timed out... goodbye.

     A derivation of the old classics Eltanin and Challenger.
                             HnS 1.0

Diku Mud was created by some badass Danes named:
Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

Read "help newbie" for info on what to kill first.

What name do you wish to enter the realm with?

DentinMud v2.05 - alter aeon
            *          **          *                                 
           * *          *          *                                
           *  *         *        ***                               
          *  **          *     **  ***                            
          ******         *         *          * * *      *  * *  
         **    **         *        *        *    **       **   *   
    ***  *      *         *        *        *  **          *       
   * ** *       **  *     *        *         **     *       *   
    ****          ***      **       ***       * * *       ***    

                  ####          ######          ####      ##   #####  
                 #  ###        #     ##       ###   #      ## ##    # 
                       #       #  #####      ##      #      ###      # 
                 ##### #       ####          #       #      ##       #
                #     ##       ##     #      #      ##      #        #
                # ##   #       ##    ##       #   ###       #       ##
                 ##### #        #######         ####      ###      ###

Coded from scratch by Dentin.

(To log on an existing character, enter the name now.)
Would you like to create a new character?

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
              Welcome to:
              ______                                 ___
    _________/  /  /________________________________/  /
   /_____   /  /  ___/  ___   /  ___/  ___   /  ___   /   Transformation
  /  ___   /  /  /__/  ______/  /  /  ______/  /__/  /     Role-Playing
 /________/__/_____/________/  /  /________/________/_________________
 \   ___  \   _____\   ___  \  \     \  \___   __\  \   _____\   _____\
  \   __  <\   _____\   ___  \  \_____\  \  \  \  \  \   _____\______  \
   \__\ \  |\________\__\  \__\________\__\  \__\  \__\________\________\
                     What do you want to be today? (TM)
      AR Copyright 1997-2007 by AR. All rights reserved.
      Authors retain rights to materials published in this environment.
  To connect to your character use 'connect <playername> <password>'
  To connect as a guest type 'connect guest guest'
  To obtain a character, try to page a wizard online, or visit

  This MUCK may contain mature content.  If you are underage or find adult
  material offensive, please disconnect now by typing 'QUIT'.

Connected to AlteredReality.

             .$$$L                       .cd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bo.
           .$$$$$$                      d$$$$$$$P""       ""Y$$$$$$$b
          d$$Y$$$  Jason Dean           $$$$$P"               "Y$$$$$
        z$$".$$$  James Y. Knight       $$$P    AlteredReality   Y$$$
       $$" .$$P  Podunk's your daddy    $$P        v2.1 BETA      Y$$
      $$$$z$$F  Joseph Tomczyk          $P                         Y$
    s$P$$$$$"                           $                           $
   $$"  4$$F   .o                       $   (c)1996-2005 AR Staff   $
  $$"   $$$ .odP"                       $    all rights reserved    $
"YP    4$$$$$P".vd$$$$$$$bc.            $b                         d$
       "Y$$P"d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c           $$b       Based upon      d$$
           d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L          $$$b    ROM 2.4b6 Code   d$$$
          "Y$b.  .dP"    "4$P           $$$$$b.               .d$$$$$
               .d$"    .d$$P            Y$$$$$$$bo.       .od$$$$$$$P
             .z$P   .ed$$$P              "Y$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P"
           $$$$bo.                    Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt,
          4$$$$$$$bo.                   Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
         d$P  "Y$$$$$                     Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.
        d$P       "Y$$                 ROM 2.4 (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor
        ""         .$$$                 Quest Code (c) 1996 Ryan Addams
                                   Portions of AR (c)1996-1998 Alexander Yee

Enter THiNE Name:

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.
Welcome to Slice of Life!
We are running PennMUSH version 1.8.3

Welcome to Slice of Life MUSH!

A Multithemed Adventure!

 Logins:                                 +  Rated R +       
create character name password                                     
connect <name> <password>        
connect Guest to login as a guest.
 QUIT to logout.                                  
 WHO to find who is online currently.                 

SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,
Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer
 ::____    `````-,   .`-`.------`-,         _..--.,..,
      [```-,,_    `-(.,__ _...,,___]-:+--,.'   ____( )()
       '`-,,_ `-,        .'  o ]   _/    _.-`'-..-.  |`;\
             `-._`-.     `:,..-'.''  ..-`,..,\ |_.-\ | `|
                 `, `]      _.-`  -'` ..\ |,_.\|_.-.\| /
          _,..,___,+.+   _.' _.-`_.-'|-._\|,_.-`_.-..` |
         `--..__      :.-  .''.-..-\ |-._-`,_.-`_.|` \ |
                '-,    /  /  -\ |.-`\|-._`-,_.:,` |   \|
                _.''  /  /  |..\|.-`_`-._`-;; |  \|    `
           _.-''      ;  |  \  ,`.-`_.-.. |  \|   `
          ;__.--```)   :,\   \/|  .,.`\|`\|   `
                 :'  .' -`;,   |_ /| ..`/|` ,
               .`  .'  `:---`,   : |   , |\/|  ,
             .' .-'   '>;:==>,:-, '`, /|  / |,/|
          .-` .'     /`--. ,,,J:I`,_ `.|   , / |
        .` .'/     .       ...>/ \ `-, `\,/|   |,
         `` /     `         .[:`-`    `,  \|    |    /\ ._ _ o_|_ _    ._  _
           :     |          ;`          `, `-...:   /--\| | || |_(_)|_|| |(/_
           |     |         \              ``-.-`
Amitoune is based on SMAUG 1.4a with mods by Izol, Altarus, and Vhul.

Enter your name (or type 'new' to start a new character):

Welcome to Anarres II

1) Code may be distributed only with permission from Arren.
2) Do not harass or abuse people.
3) You may encounter material which you consider offensive.

The official address of this MUD is port 5000.
Please make SURE that you are using that address and not an alias.

New users or guests may log in with any name.


Due to feature changes in the driver, passwords are now echoed.
This is temporary. Please check that nobody is looking over your

Welcome to Anarres II
Experimental system running on mudlib Anarres II version 1.3.1-coords

Anarres II login:

                                .            .   .
                      .            - ~~~~T          .
                          .   ~ -~~~ ~-~~|             .
 Welcome to...         .        ~  -~~~~~|  .   *   .
                           .     .    .  |       .         .
        _,           .      .     __ .  _|_  .  __     .
      /||                *     . {__|__| _ |__ |__}.
     / ||              .          |__ |_____|__ _|   .
    /==|| n c i e n t       .    . |_|_ |_ |__|_|  .                A Realtime
   /   || n g u i s h          .    |_|___|__|_|      Multiuser Adventure Game
  (    \\,                       .  |_ |_ _|___|  .
                                    |___|____|_|      LPMud 3.2.1@141 (Native)

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced.
Use Guest if you just want to look around.

What is your name:

      .o.                              o8o                            .
     .888.                             `"'                          .o8
    .8"888.     ooo. .oo.    .ooooo.  oooo   .ooooo.  ooo. .oo.   .o888oo
   .8' `888.    `888P"Y88b  d88' `"Y8 `888  d88' `88b `888P"Y88b    888
  .88ooo8888.    888   888  888        888  888ooo888  888   888    888
 .8'     `888.   888   888  888   .o8  888  888    .o  888   888    888 .
o88o     o8888o o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' o888o `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o   "888"

oooooooooooo                               o8o
`888'     `8                               `"'
 888         ooo. .oo.  .oo.   oo.ooooo.  oooo  oooo d8b  .ooooo.   .oooo.o
 888oooo8    `888P"Y88bP"Y88b   888' `88b `888  `888""8P d88' `88b d88(  "8
 888    "     888   888   888   888   888  888   888     888ooo888 `"Y88b.
 888       o  888   888   888   888   888  888   888     888    .o o.  )88b
o888ooooood8 o888o o888o o888o  888bod8P' o888o d888b    `Y8bod8P' 8""888P'

 For information on this mud use 'gameinfo' as a login.

Gamedriver version:  AED.0408Mudlib version:  CD.01.00

Please enter your name:

Welcome to the Ancient Mists....

Do you want ANSI color? [Y/N]

Frankfurt (Main), Germany. Local time: Sun Aug 16 01:29:39 2009 MET

AnderLand LPmud, NATIVE mode, driver version 03.02.1@148

Ein ander' Zeit, Ein ander' Land...

Willkommen im

       _    _   _ ____  _____ ____  _        _    _   _ ____  
      / \  | \ | |  _ \| ____|  _ \| |      / \  | \ | |  _ \ 
     / _ \ |  \| | | | |  _| | |_) | |     / _ \ |  \| | | | |
    / ___ \| |\  | |_| | |___|  _ <| |___ / ___ \| |\  | |_| |
   /_/   \_\_| \_|____/|_____|_| \_\_____/_/   \_\_| \_|____/ 


(Fuer 'nen kurzen Blick kannst Du Dich als 'gast' einloggen)

Wenn Du einen neuen Spieler anlegen moechtest, gib Dir einfach einen Namen,
der noch nicht belegt ist.

Wie heisst Du denn ?

           ::,                                          ::    
          .;:   :                                   .  .:,,       
          :;  :  .                                  ,  . .,     
          :;  :  ;                                  , :   ;        
          .,  :: :.                                ,. :  .,       
        .  ,:  , .;     .                          ; .,  :, .         
         . :,  :: ,,   :,,                 :,,    ;: ,: :; .:      
         ,  ,, .; :,:  ;,                   :;.  ,; :, .;,  ,   
         ,  .;; ,, ,; .;                     ,, ,,, ,: ;,  ,:       
         .,  .;,:;,:;, ;                     :, ;; ,, ,,   ;        
          ,:. :,:,;:,;:;                     ,,,;:,,:,;.  :,       
          :; : .;,;;:;;,:                    ;;,,:;,:,. ,:,        
           ,,:, :;:;;,;,,                   .;;;.;,:;. , ,:        
            ,;,;:,,,;,,;,.                  ,;,,,,,;:.;,,,           
           .;;,;;,,,;;,;;;:  :,        ;   :;;,,,,;,,;;;,:        
           :,;,;,;;;,;;,;;;::,,;      ;,. :,,,,,;;,;;;,,;,          
            ;. ,,;;;,;;,,,,,,;;;.    :,,,,,,,;;;,,;,,,: ,,        
           .:: :;;,,,,,;,,;;,,,;,    ,,,,,;;,,;,,,t;,;  ;.            
      Angel City MUSH
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.
                               o_    /  \    _o
                           o_  | \  /    \  / |  _o
                           \ \_|  \/      \/  |_/ /
                            \                    /
 ________   _____________________________________________________   ________
 `_____  \  |\                                                 /|  /  _____'
  `,__  ;.| |  \                                             /  | |.;  __.'
      '__/  |    \                 ---\/---                /    |  \__'
            |     /\              |        |             /\     | 
            |    /   \ __________ |        | __________/   \    |
            |   /                  \_    _/                 \   |
            |  /                     \  /                    \  |
            | /                       \/                      \ |
                _                 _ _      _                      
               /_\  _ _  __ _ ___| (_)__  | |   __ _ _  _ ___ _ _ 
              / _ \| ' \/ _` / -_) | / _| | |__/ _` | || / -_) '_|
             /_/ \_\_||_\__, \___|_|_\__| |____\__,_|\_, \___|_|  
                        |___/                        |__/         
                                               __  _____  ________ __
       Angelic Layer MUSH - Version 3.0       /  |/  / / / / __/ // / 7705          / /|_/ / /_/ /\ \/ _  /       /_/  /_/\____/___/_//_/

This MUSH is best viewed with a HTML-capable client.
Type 'connect <name> <password>' to connect to your existing character.
Type 'connect guest' to connect as a Guest and create a character.

o`\|\;\`\\\;\ \`\.-       -`-  `\`- \  ,//,.--\     ,     /  ,, ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@o
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o /_/  \___/  \__/  \_____/ \__,_/  \____/  |     /__/      \__|__| LANET      o

->*<-       Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,        ->*<-
->*<-       Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer        ->*<-
->*<-       Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey and Kahn        ->*<-
->*<-       ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1995 Russ Taylor              ->*<-
->*<-       ROT 1.4 copyright (c) 1996-1997 Russ Walsh               ->*<-
->*<-                                                                ->*<-
->*<-                   AnimePlanet Version 4.0                      ->*<-
->*<-               Original Modifications by Caesar                 ->*<-
->*<-                                                                ->*<-
->*<-         Further modifications by Chronos and Mazer             ->*<-
->*<-                                                                ->*<-
->*<-  This MUD is under protection of international copyright laws. ->*<-
->*<-                                                                ->*<-
->*<-               Please visit our forum boards at:                ->*<-
->*<-          ->*<-
->*<- ***************************************************************->*<-

                        Welcome to AnimePlanet.
     Please pay attention to all of the rules for this mud and everyone
     will enjoy themselves. This is an ever changing mud and with that
     comes, oddly enough, changes. Be aware that nothing is forever
     but change is everywhere.


Who dares to step into the never-ending world of ANIME?

         /\     |~-_   |~|  ,~~~~~,  |~~\    /~~|     /\     |~|  \~\   /~/
        /  \    |   ~-_| | / /~~~\ \ |   \  /   |    /  \    | |   \ \ / /
  _____/    \___| |-_  | || |     | || |\ \/ /| |___/    \___| |    \ ~ /
 / ___/      \__| |  ~-  || |     | || | \  / | |__/      \__| |     | |
 \ ~~|`      `|~| |    | || \     / || |  \/  | |~|`      `|~| |     | |
  ~~|` ,-~~~-_`|| |    | |`\ ~~~~~ /'| |      | ||` ,-~~~-_`|| ~~~~/ | |
    |/`       ~'`~'    `~'  `~~~~~`  `~'      `~`|/`       ~'`~~~~~  `~'
    `                                            `
         This MUX uses the Last Unicorn Games Star Trek rules system.
  Star Trek is a registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures, Inc. We are in
  no way affiliated with either Paramount Pictures, nor Last Unicorn Games.
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you as a GUEST. Use this to look around.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

Do you see COLOR? (Y/N):

       ::::-<*>-:   :: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::  ::      :::::::
       ::::::| :::  :: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::      ::::::
       ::   :: :::  :: ::    |   :::   ::   :: ::      ::
       ::   :: :: : :: ::::-<*>- :::   ::::::  ::      :::::
       ::::::: :: : :: ::::::|   :::   ::::::  ::      :::::
       ::   :: ::  :::      ::   :::   ::   :: ::      ::   |
       ::   :: ::   :: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::-<*>-
       ::   :: ::   :: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::  ::::::: :::::|:  MOO

+- Login Commands: -------------------------------------------------------+
       CONnect <character name> <password>
       CONnect guest
       To create a new character, login as a guest then type @REQUEST
  Only connect to this server if you agree to follow the rules.
  The Administration will ban those who do not.
The lag is low; there are 4 players connected.

                 .v~                                          JNNNNN           
               .(W      A G E  O F  D E S T I N Y  4.3      .NF(NNN)           
              /<M.    D A W N  O F  T H E  E M P I R E S  JN` JNNN
 >@)$$$$$$$$($( )#H>==========================================JNNN======----->
              \<M`                                  .NF`     JNNN    _
           .N. `(B      NNNNNNNNL___               JNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNF
          JNN)   `?_   (NNNNNNNNNNNNN)           JNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
        .NNNN             JN)    .NNF          .N"         .NNN)               
       .NN`N)            (NF    .NN`           `           JNNN                
      JNF (N`  .JNN.    (NF   .NNF                        (NNN)                
     JN`  JF .NN"NN`   .NF   JNF                          NNNNL_)
    NF    N`.NF (N)    NF  .NF`                          (NNNNNF               
  .NL_NNNNNNNF .NF    JF .JN`                            NNNNF
 .N`     N/NF (NF    (F JN`                             (NNF
JF      (FNN/NF     (F.N`       (            .          NN`                    
`   ,.  N(`N".     .HN"   (    , )       (.   )  (   ',(F  ) .      "
   ("  (F )  )'   .NF '    .' ) ( . )    ,  ( ,     )  F( .   )  . (`     '`
 .; )  N`(( (" ).JF ;(, ). , ( .   (  ) ( , ')  .' (  (    )((  (    "  )"   
 _"., ,._'_.,)_(I.,( . I_,) . ), ) _) _,')  (, ) '. ) F,. (_' )_') (. _..( '..

By what name are you known?

Timed out... goodbye.

      ,===:'.,            `-._ 
           `:.`---.__         `-._                A P O C A L Y P S E
             `:.     `--.         `.                     M U D
               \.        `.         `.      ________________________________ 
       (,,(,    \.         `.   ____,-`.,  |                                |
    (,'     `/   \.   ,--.___`.'           | You may enter 'users' or 'who' |
,  ,'  ,--.  `,   \.;'         `           | at the login prompt to get a   |
 `{D, {    \  :    \;                      | listing of users currently     |
   V,,'    /  /    //                      | connected to the MUD.          |
   j;;    /  ,' ,-//.    ,---.      ,      |________________________________|
   \;'   /  ,' /  _  \  /  _  \   ,'/
         \   `'  / \  `'  / \  `.' /     : 6969
          `.___,'   `.__,'   `.__,'          : 6969
Game Time Elapsed        : Over a day!
Apocalypse Time Elapsed  : 3 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes, 5 seconds

By what name shall I call you?

                           {    }
                           K,   }
                          /  ~Y`
                     ,   /   /
                      /  ' /`\_}
                     /  ' /
             ____   /  ' /
      ,-'~~~~    ~~/  ' /_
    ,'             ``~~~  ',
   (                        Y         ___                __  __    _  
  {                         I        /   |  ____  ____  / /_/ /_  (_)________ _
 {      -                    `,     / /| | / __ \/ __ \/ __/ __ \/ / ___/ __ `/ 
 |       ',                   )    / ___ |/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /__/ /_/ /
 |        |   ,..__      __. Y    /_/  |_/ .___/\____/\__/_/ /_/_/\___/\__,_/
 |    .,_./  Y ' / ^Y   J   )|          /_/ 
 \           |' /   |   |   ||             Based on CircleMUD 3.1,
  \          L_/    . _ (_,.'(             Created by Jeremy Elson
   \,   ,      ^^""' / |      )
     \_  \          /,L]     /        A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
       '-_~-,       ` `   ./`  created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
          `'{_            )   Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
Type WHO to see who is playing or enter a name to join in the fun.

    (Diku I by T. Madsen, M. Seifert, S. Hammer, H. H. Staerfeldt, K. Nyboe)
 ,',,''',,',            ;;;;;                                              ',
; ;  ,'', ';;          ;;;;;;                                               ;
 ',',,,'' ,' ''',,,   ;;;;;;;                                                ;
   '',,,''''';'     ;;; ;;;     ;;;;;;;  .;;;;;;   ;;;;;.   ;;;;;;.   .;;;;. ,'
             ;   ;;;;  ;;;    ;;;;;   ;;;;;         ;;;;  ;;; ;;;;  ;;;  ;;; ',
            ;  ;;;;   ;;;   ;;;     ;;;       .;;;;;;;  ;;;  ;;;  ;;;;;;;;    ;
           ;  ,;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;     ;;;;.     ;;;  ;;;  ;;;  ;;;  ;;;.        ;
          ';' ;;;     ;;; ;;;      ;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;   ;;;;;;     ;
          ;'                                                                ;
         ;             ;;;;;                                           ,,,'''
         ;            ;;;;;;                                           '';
          ''',,       ;;;;;;;                                            ,''
 (NgDs)    ;'         ;;;; ;;;   .;;;;.    .;;;;.   .;;;;;;               '
(Lascelles);           ;;;;  ;;;  ;;;;;;;;  ;;;  ;;;  ;;;                ,'
            ',          ;;;;   ;;;  ;;;  ;;;  ;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;.    ,,,,,''
            ;''         ;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;; ;;;  ;;;.           ;;;    ''''',
             ',,         ;;;;     ;;;   ;;;;;;;   ;;;;;;    ;;;;;;'        ;  
          ;''                               ;;;                             ;
          ,                              ;;; ;;;;                          ,,'
           ;                              ;;;;;;                           ,''
           ',                               ;;;      ,,,,                 ;
             ;     Email:                         ,;;;;;;;;,               ';
        ,,''',,;        ; ;;  ;; ;'',             ;
      ,' ,''', ;'',                               ,; ;; ,;; ;;,,              ;
     ; ,' ',,'; ;'    Web Site:                    ' ';,;;;,';;,           ,';;
      ','',,,' ;   ;; ''  ';;;        ''' ;

Enter thy name:

      \-,_          .      ,----------------------.      .           _,-/
   ,   \  `-,      /|\    /         Welcome        \    /|\       ,-'  /   ,
  _)\   |    `\   ((|))  /            to            \  ((|))    /'    |   /(_
 /,  \_,/  \   \   |A|`-' _                          `-'|N|   /'   /  \,_/  .\
 `-,  ,\    |   \  |A|   / \   _ __ ___ __ _ _ __   ___ |N|  /    |    /,  ,-'
 |A,/ / ,-, |    | |A|  / _ \ | '__/ __/ _` | '_ \ / _ \|N| |     | ,-, \ \ N|
 _\_,/_  \ \|-,  | |A| / ___ \| | | (_| (_| | | | |  __/|N| |   ,-|/ / ,_\,_/_
(_  ,__`  |    \ | |A|/_/   \_\_|  \___\__,_|_| |_|\___||N| | /'    |   __,  _)
  `--._`-;'     \| |A|        _  _ _ _                  |N| |/      `;-'_.--'
     __/ /       | |A|       | \| (_) |_ ___ ___        |N| |         \ \__
    `,,,',       ' |A|       | .` | |  _/ -_|_-<        |N| `          `,,,' 
    ',-,'          |A|  _____|_|\_|_|\__\___/__/______  |N|            `,-,`
    ((|))          |A|/'                              `\|N|            ((|))
     |||           |A| W I N D S   O F   M A D N E S S  |N|             |||
     |||  ._______/oOo\________________________________/oOo\_________.  |||
     |||  |     Diku [Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,Tom Madsen,|  |||
     |||  |           Michael Seifert, and  Sebastion Hammer]        |  |||
     |||  |                                                          |  |||
     |||  | NAM 1.0 (New Age Mudding) **[Sean Gage, John Gardner]**  |  |||
     |||_/                                                            \_|||
    //|\\                                                              //|\\

What is your name, brave soul?


                               Welcome to
    (___)     @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@
     ==_     @@@@@@ @@@   @@@@ @@@@  @@@@    @@@       @@@  @@@@  @@@@
     =/.\   @@@@@@@ @@@    @@@ @@@    @@@    @@@       @@@  @@@    @@@
     //-"  @@@@ @@@ @@@   @@@@ @@@           @@@       @@@  @@@
 /--//==---\@@  @@@ @@@@@@@@@  @@@           @@@       @@@  @@@
    \\ | @@@@   @@@ @@@ @@@@   @@@    @@@    @@@       @@@  @@@    @@@
     \\|@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@  @@@@  @@@@  @@@@    @@@       @@@  @@@@  @@@@
     |\\@@@     @@@ @@@   @@@@  @@@@@@@@     @@@     @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@
     | \\
     | |/ O==========================================================O
     | |  | Based on DikuMUD I by Michael Seifert, Sebastian Hammer, |
    /| |  |   Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, and Tom Madsen.   |
    \\ |  |                                                          |
     \\|  |        Mail may be directed to       |
     |\\  |                                                          |
     | \\ |        ** Dont forget to visit our web page! **          |
     | |/ |                           |
     \ |  O==========================================================O
Type 'start' to create a new character.
What is your character's name?

                              Y Y Y Y Y                
                              ccccccccc                   o   ooo    oo    o
      ##               +       ccccccc      +            o o  o  o  o o   o o
    ###                        cUcccUc                  ooooo ooo oooooo ooooo
   ###                         ccccccc                  o   o o   o    o o   o
   ####                        ccccccc          +      
     ####           **       = cccUccc     +         u         * MUD *
                ********    == ccccccc             uuuu    Created by Moris.
             ************  === ccccccc =        uuuuuuu    
   +      *************** ==== cUcccUc ==    uuuuuuuuuu   SMAUG 1.4 by Thoric
       **************** ====== ccccccc === uuuuuuuuuuuu  (Derek Snider) with
    ****************** ======= ccccccc ==== uuuuuuuuuuu  Altrag,Blodkai,Haus,
  ******************* ======== cccUccc ===== uuuuuuuuuu  Narn,Scryn,Swordbearer
*****************-** ========= ccccccc ====== uu   uu u  Tricops,Gorog,Rennard,
*******----------------------- ccccccc --- === u i   i   Grishnakh,Fireblade
*----------------------------- ccc  i  -------  iIL JHH       and Nivek.
JL  ------- i ---------------- ccc JHL  ---  - JHHHUHHH   MERC 2.1 code by
HHHi  ---  IHL   i  --   --  - c iHHHHHL - JL JHHHHHHHH  Hatchet,Furey,Kahn.

Viberite kodirovku: 1 - CP1251(Windows)  2 - KOI8R  3 - translit 4 - DOS

Do you want Color? (Y/n)

                    .     .    __XXXXXXXXX__      .       .
    .     \ ___ /    +        /XXXXXXXXXXXXX\  .                +      .
   +       /   \            /***%%XXXXXXX%%***\      .      .
        - |     | -       /XX****%%%%%%%%%****XX\          .       .    .
  .        \___/   .    /**XXXXX***%%%%%***XXXXX**\     .
          /     \      ____  ___   ____  _____                       .
     +              . |    | |  \  |       |    |   |       +    .
  .        +  .   .   |    | |   | |       |    |   |   .
       .    .   +     |----| |---  |---    |    |---|      .       +    .
   .  +   .        .  |    | |  \  |       |    |   |           +     .
               .      |    | |   | |___    |    |   |    \ _ / 
   + .     .       .    \@@@@*****#######*****@@@@/     _ / \ _    +
 \Available 24/7/365 at   \@@***&X&&&&&&&X&***@@/    .    \_/    .   .   . 
 +\ port 6000  \@@&XXX&&&&&XXX&@@/     .    /   \
   \   port 6000 \XXXXXXXXXXXXX/    +     +    .   +    .  .
|   Based on Envy 2.0.  DikuMud was created by: Han Henrik Staerfeldt,   |
|  Katja Kahn, Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer  |

      PLEASE make sure you read the MOTD as you log in. It contains
           IMPORTANT information that you should be aware of!

What is your name?

           **  Arion:  the Nightmare  **
                   version 0.95

         Hosted by:

           Today maintained by E. Erstu
       Secondary implementations by R. Roomet

     Primal code ROM 2.4b6, created by S.Hammer,
 T. Madsen, K. Nyobe, M. Seifert and H.H. Staerfeldt.

             telnet: 4000
  Logstation -

Please enter your account name.

Welcome to...                       
          |"|__|"|+________+|"|__|"|           //-\\   ||  ||  ||
          | +  + ||/\|/\|/\|| +  + |           || |+==============
          |      ||  |  |  ||      |  _______  \\_//         ||
          |      ||  |  |  ||      |--|.o.o.|


               ... Ark of Fools MUX : 3000

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest" connects you to the guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

                        Witaj w swiecie Arkadii

         Zapraszamy na strone Arkadii:

Aby stworzyc nowa postac, podaj jako imie adres swojego konta e-mail.
Wersja gamedrivera:  CDpl-5.0.4      Wersja mudliba:  CDpl-4.1.2

Podaj swoje imie:

                                _______                                ___
                              /\\_____//~-_                        _-~\\__
                             (~)       ~-_ ~-_                  _-~ _-~   
                            (~)           ~-_ ~-_            _-~ /-~      
Welcome to Armageddon!     (~)              `~-_ ~_======_--~~ __~        
                          (~)               _~_\__\____/__/_--\ ~`-_   
                           \           _-~~            _-~~~-_ \_  ~-_  
You may:                    ~-       __--~`_    /   _-~         ~.     ~_ 
(N) Create a new account           -~        \     _~       ___,  \ ~-_  \ 
(C) Connect to your account      ,~ _-,       ~  _~         \   \  | , \ \  
(V) Toggle ANSI/VT100 mode      / /~/      -~   /            ~  /  /  \~  \ 
(B) Toggle 'brief' menus        | | \     _~    |        __-~  / _/  \~  '\ 
(D) Documentation menu          \ ~-_~   -   |  _      ~-____-~ .~  \~    | 
(X) Exit Armageddon             /`.  __~~   ~   `_          __-~   \~    \~ 
(?) Read menu options           \_ ~~   .  |  .   ~-____--~~   \ \_~   _/~  
                                /\___--~       ~--_      /   ____~ _/~~     
                                \         /        ~~~___  /     _-\\~\     
                                /\       /                   _-\~\\~\\~\    
                               / | \   \ | /    /         _-~ )\\~\\~\\~~\  
                              { /\ \             /      _~ \  ~`~~\\~~\\~~\ 
Read the documentation        { |\     __ _           _-\   \  \\~~\\~~\\~~\
menu before creating your     | ||~_ /`    ~\  /    _/~  )   | |\\~~\\~~\\~~
character, please.            | ||  \|"""""""|_ __-~     ;   | |~\\~~\\~~\\~
                              \ \\  ({"""""""}\\        _~  /  /~~\\~~\\~~\\
Armageddon is OPEN. 
Choose thy fate:

                  ___   _____           ____
        /\       |   \    |    |    |  |      |\   |   |     /\
       /  \      |___/    |    |____|  |____  | \  |   |    /  \
      /    \     |   \    |    |    |  |      |  \ |   |   /----\
     /      \    |    \   |    |    |  |____  |   \|   |  /      \
   /          \                           T H E   S C A R L E T   D A W N
  /            \
 /              \
                              Based on CircleMUD,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

Welcome to Arthnor.

Type 'connect <name> [<password>]' to login.
Type 'create <name> <password>' to create a new character.

            /\           .___..        __..       .
           /  \            |  |_  _   (__ |_  _. _| _ .    , __
          / /\ \           |  | )(/,   __)| )(_|(_|(_) \/\/ _)
         / /  \ \                  ___     .
         \ \  / /                 |__ ._ _ |_ ._. _. _. _
          []XX[]                  |___| | )|_)|  (_|(_.(/,
          []XX[]                       A Game Based on
          <>xx<>                       Robert Jordan's
          []XX[]                     Wheel of Time Books
          []XX[]                        Robert Jordan
          <>xx<>      May you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand
          []XX[]     and the last embarce of the Mother welcome you home
   /)     [ ^^ ]     (\
 < >     (  ^^  )     < >
  \/-----   /\   -----\/
        \|  \/  |/ -Dal
         | |  | |
         | |  | |     Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
         | |  | |     Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
         | |  | |         MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
         | |  | |        ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
         | |  | |           Oblivion 2.0 (c) 1996-1997 Wes Wagner
         | |  | |      Dawn of Time 1.69r (c) 1997-2004 Michael Garret
         | |  | |         AWW-MUD & 1999-2009 Eric Lowe
Who stands before the gates? (type "new" to make a new character)

Prepare yourself, for you are about to explore ...

                         A S G A R D ' S    H O N O R

Asgard's Honor is running the MudOSa4DGD v1.1 mudlib on DGD v1.2p2

Enter your name :

Welcome to Ashavar's Legacy

Based on DikuMUD, which was created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt,
Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

By what name do you wish to be known?

                .'         `.
               /             \
              .               .              Welcome to ...
              :n,             :
             _/ | _           '     ,.       .                   ,.
            /'  `'/          /     / |   ,-. |-. . ,-. . ,-. ,-. `'
          <~    .'.        .'     /~~|-. `-. | | | |   | | | | | ,.
          .'    |  `-....-'     ,'   `-' `-' ' ' ' '   ' `-' ' ' `'
        _/      |           ___        __                __
      _/      `.`.           | |_  _  |__) _ _ |  _ _   (_  _ |_  _ _ _
     / '   \__ | |           | | )(-  |__)| (_)|((-| )  __)|_)| )(-| (-
 ___/      /__\ \ \                                        |
(___.'\_______)\_|_| ------------------------------[Wolf by Matt Hoover]
  "connect traveler" connects you to a guest character.
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create  <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO"  tells you who is logged in to the game.
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

 A Circle Mud 3.0 variant!
   Created by Jeremy Elson
 Based on Diku Gamma 0.0 By:
   Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
   Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert,
   and Sebastian Hammer!

              .--.   _,
          .--;    \ /(_
         /    '.   |   '-._    . ' .                ,,,,,,
        |       \  \    ,-.)  -= * =-           o#'9MMHb':'-,o,
         \ /\_   '. \((` .(    '/. '         .oH":HH$' "' ' -*R&o,
          )\ /     \ )\  _/   _/            dMMM*""'`'      .oM"HM?.
         /  \\    .-'   '--. /_\          ,MMM'          "HLbd< ?&H\
        |    \\_.' ,        \/||         .:MH ."\          ` MM  MM&b
        \     \_.-';,_) _)'\ \||        . "*H    -        &MMMMMMMMMH:
         '.       /`\   (   '._/        .    dboo        MMMMMMMMMMMM.
           `\   .;  |  . '.             .   dMMMMMMb      *MMMMMMMMMP.
             ).'  )/|      \            .    MMMMMMMP        *MMMMMP .
         ,   `    ` |  \|   |                `#MMMMM           MM6P ,
         :           \  |   |            '    `MMMP"           HM*`,
      __/ \__         '.|   |             '    :MM             .- ,
    __\     /_ _         \  '\__           '.   `#?..  .       ..'
      /_   _\             `-._  '. _          -.   .         .-
     ., \ /  `.              \`;-.` `._         ''-.oo,oo.-''
         :                    \ \ `'-._\
         *                     \ |      _        _              __  __  _   _  ___
                                \ )    /_\   ___| |_  _ _  ___ |  \/  || | | ||   \
                                 \_\  / _ \ (_-<|  _|| '_|/ _ \| |\/| || |_| || |)| 2447           /_/ \_\/__/ \__||_|  \___/|_|  |_| \___/ |___/

   Please choose an appropriate fantasy name:

What is thy name?

e to .................................
.....................Easy to enter.......harder to leave......................

Asylum Calendar  : The 'Age of Plenty' 278th Day of Year 3171
                 : It is a rainy Autumn afternoon

By what name shall you be known?

   OOOQQQ,  .   ,QQQQO
|.. .`QQQQQQQQQQQQQP    |           
|... . OOQQQQQQQQOP     |
|:...  . `""""""`       |
||.'. .  . d@b      .o@ j  .o@                         .o@    d@b
 |:.'     8@@@8    "@@@|  "@@@                        "@@@    `~`
 ||'.`. '8@8"8@8  oo@@@@"  @@@   .oooo.   oooo d@@b. oo@@@@~ oooo   .oo*oo.
  |:..' .@@( )@@.  `@@@    @@@  `P  )@@b  `@@@" `@@@  `@@@   `@@@  d@@( `Q@P
  ||:.. @@@@@@@@@   @@@    @@@   .oP"@@@   @@@   @@@   @@@    @@@   "@@X@0b
  Q||:.l@@( . )@@l  @@@ ,  @@@  d@(  8@@   @@@   @@@   @@@ ,  @@@  8@b  )@@0
  Q|||d@@@@b.d@@@@b @@@P   @@P" `Y@@8""8o d@@@b d@@@b  @@@P  d@@@b `Y@bod@Y'
  QQ|||:.. ':       j
  QQQ|||;...|      jQ,     ,pQQq,
 ,QQQ ||||;,|    .jQQq   ,pQQQQQQq,     ,pQQQQQQQqqqqqQQQQQQQQQq,
OOOOOo.   ':|:'`  `OOOOOOOOP         `OOOOOOOOOOOOOOP            `OOOooOO`
                  Welcome to Atlantis, an 18 and over MUX.                  

      "create <name> <password>"  creates a new character.
      "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
      "connect guest guest"       logs you on to a guest character.

e to...

            ___   __                  _ __ 
           /   | / /__________  _____(_) /___  __
          / /| |/ __/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ / __/ / / /
         / ___ / /_/ /  / /_/ / /__/ / /_/ /_/ /
        /_/  |_\__/_/   \____/\___/_/\__/\__, /

e-mail:    www:

By what name shall I call you?

           A U R E A L A N   R E A L M S :

              T H E   R E C K O N I N G

                       _----|         _ _ _ _ _
                        ----|_----|   ]-I-I-I-[
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _----|      | ----|   \ `  ' /
    ]-I-I-I-I-[  ----|      |     |    |. ` |
     \ `   '_/       |     / \    |    | /^\|
      []  `__|       ^    / ^ \   ^    | |*||
      |__   ,|      / \  / ^ ^`\ / \   | ===|
   ___| ___ ,|__   / ^  /=_=_=_=\ ^ \  |, `_|
   I_I__I_I__I_I  (====(_________)_^___|____|____
   \-\--|-|--/-/  |     I  [ ]__I I_I__|____I_I_|
    |[] `    '|_  |_   _|`__  ._[  _-\--|-|--/-/
   / \  [] ` .| |-| |-| |_| |_| |_| | []   [] |
  <===>      .|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|        / \
  ] []|` ` [] | .   _________   .   |-      <===>
  <===>  `  ' ||||  |       |  |||  |  []   <===>
   \_/     -- ||||  |       |  |||  | .  '   \_/
  ./|' . . . .|||||/|_______|\|||| /|. . . . .|\_

     Welcome to the Internet's Premier RoAMUD!
What are you called? 

Idle-timed out... please reconnect.

 *              ___              _      __  _____  ______                 *
 *             /   | __  _______(_)____/  |/  / / / / __ \                *
 *            / /| |/ / / / ___/ / ___/ /|_/ / / / / / / /                *
 *           / ___ / /_/ / /  / / /__/ /  / / /_/ / /_/ /                 *
 *          /_/  |_\__,_/_/  /_/\___/_/  /_/\____/_____/                  *
 *                    ________                _                           *
 *                   / ____/ /___ ___________(_)____                      *
 *                  / /   / / __ `/ ___/ ___/ / ___/                      *
 *                 / /___/ / /_/ (__  |__  ) / /__                        *
 *                 \____/_/\__,_/____/____/_/\___/                        *
 *                                                                        *
 * Implementor and Developer: Eos                                         *
 * Check out our website at :                     *
 * Admin E-mail:                                       *
 * Merc 2.1 Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael      *
 * Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 * Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 * Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik Starfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 * AuricMUD is proud to be a SMAUG Derivitive.  *
 * And proud supporter of: Mud Companion Magazine:   *
 *         *
 *   If you have not created a profile here before type 'new' to do so.   *
AuricMUD classic is an older copy of the original Auric Codebase.
This MUD is running it temporarily for nostalgia purposes.
This copy will be shutdown and converted to the new code base by 01/01/10.

Current Connections: 1/1
You are connecting from site:
Welcome to Account Login.
Please enter your username, or type new if you do not have an account profile here:

Welcome to....                                   
   _                                          __          Telnet: 4190
  /_\  _   _ _ __ ___  _ __ __ _  /\/\  /\ /\/ _\  /\  /\
 //_\\| | | | '__/ _ \| '__/ _` |/    \/ / \ \ \  / /_/ /  Running
/  _  \ |_| | | | (_) | | | (_| / /\/\ \ \_/ /\ \/ __  /    TinyMUX 1.6p0
\_/ \_/\__,_|_|  \___/|_|  \__,_\/    \/\___/\__/\/ /_/    (somewhat hacked)

                 This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you to one of the guest characters.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
   Bear in mind new characters are temporary until residency is obtained.
   Once connected, type news register for info.

 WELCOME TO :          ___
      -   -_,               ,             /\\,/\\,        |\
 _           (  ~/||               ||   '        /| || ||          \\
(-)          (  / ||  \\ \\  _-_, =||= \\ \\/\\  || || ||  \\ \\  / \\
(-)           \/==||  || || ||_.   ||  || || ||  ||=|= ||  || || || ||
(-)           /_ _||  || ||  ~ ||  ||  || || || ~|| || ||  || || || ||
(-)          (  - \\, \\/\\ ,-_-   \\, \\ \\ \\  |, \\,\\, \\/\\  \\/
(-)                                            _-   Version 5.5.6pl1
| |
| |
| |          Based on DikuMUD source by Katja Nyboe, Sebastian Hammer,
| |          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Michael Seifert, and Tom Madsen.
| |
| |          World concept and initial coding by Lars Clausen, 
| |          Bjarne Fich, Lars Balker Rasmussen, Lars Andersen 
| |          and Jesper Larsen.
| |
| |          Current implementors:,

By what name do you wish to be known?

          | || |
          | || |
          | || |
          | || |
          | || |
   /______   ____ ____\
   \_______ (__  \____/
         __|====\  \
        (____()=|   \
        (____()=\    \
         (___() |     \/\
           (__() __   /  \
            |==|  \  /    \
           /____\  \/      \
             ==    /        \
                   \         \
                    \         \
                  / /\         \\ \
                  \ \___________/ /

            "Avalon; Legends Never Die"

             Points of Presence:
               WASHINGTON DC (Main): 23 (
               NEW YORK (Alternative):
                      [use ports 23, 33 or 443 on]

To create a new character on Avalon, simply type in the name you wish to be
known as at the prompt below and, if the name is not already in use, you will
be led through the creation process.

What is the name of your character?

          | || |
          | || |
          | || |
          | || |
          | || |
   /______   ____ ____\
   \_______ (__  \____/
         __|====\  \
        (____()=|   \
        (____()=\    \
         (___() |     \/\
           (__() __   /  \
            |==|  \  /    \
           /____\  \/      \
             ==    /        \
                   \         \
                    \         \
                  / /\         \\ \
                  \ \___________/ /

            "Avalon; the First Age".

             Points of Presence:
                 New York, NY (Main) 23 (

             Website at
             Problems? E-mail

To create a new character on Avalon, simply type in the name you wish to be
known as at the prompt below and, if the name is not already in use, you will
be led through the creation process.

What is the name of your character?

        Welcome to AVATAR, a family-friendly Medieval fantasy kingdom.
  ,   A           {}  Site is now located in Snikt's subterranean cave.
 / \, | ,        .--.
|    =|= >      /.--.\            Diku Mud created by Tom Madsen, Hans
 \ /` | `       |====|            Henrik Strefeldt, Sebastion Hammer,
  `   |         |`::`|            Michael Seifert, and Katjya Nyboe.
      |     .-;`\..../`;-.        Merc 2.2 created by Kahn, Hatchet,
     /\\/  /  |...::...|  \       Furey.
     |:'\ |   /'''::'''\   |
      \ /\;-,/\   ::   /\--;      Extensive changes by the AVATAR Team
      |\ <` >  >._::_.<,<__>
      | `""`  /   ^^   \|  |      Telnet: 3000
      |       |        |\::/      Web site:
      |       |        |/||| _____  __ __   ____  ______  _____  ____
      |       |___/\___| '''/     ||  |  | /    ||      |/     ||    \
      |        \_ || _/     |  o  ||  |  ||  o  ||      ||  o  ||  D  )
      |        <_ >< _>     |     ||  |  ||     |1_j  l_j|     ||    /
      |        |  ||  |     |  _  |1  :  ||  _  |  |  |  |  _  ||    \
      |        |  ||  |     |  |  | \   / |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ||     \
===== | ===== _\.:||:./_ == l__j__j  \_/  1__j__j  1__j  1__j__j1__j\_j
===== | jgs  /____/\____\ ==============================================

What name shall you be known by, adventurer?

     <|  [""M#        
      A   | #                   AVENDAR: THE CRUCIBLE OF LEGENDS
     /.\ [""M#                         [ 9999]
    [""M# | #  U"U#U                 
     | #  | #  \ .:/    Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
     | #  | #___| #     Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
     | "--'     .-"     Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
   |"-"-"-"-"-#-#-##    ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
   |     # ## ######     
    \       .::::'/     Avendar created by Matt Wallace, Thane Williams,
     \      ::::'/      and Brandon Downey.  See HELP AVENDAR for more.
   :8a|    # # ##      
   ::88a      ###       Avendar is maintained and developed by the Avendar
  ::::888a  8a ##::.                   Immortal staff.
 :::::::::SUNDOGa8a::::. ..              
:: ::::88a::::88a:Y88a                                  __---__-- __
' .: ::Y88a:::::8a:Y88a                            __----_-- -------_-__
  :' ::::8P::::::::::88aa.                   _ _- --  --_ --- __  --- __--
,::  :::::::::::::::::::Y88as88a...s88aa.

Under what name shall your deeds be recorded?

                                   .  .   --//====......          __--- --
                   -.             \_|//    |||\\  ------::::... /-
                ___-==_       _--o-  \/    |||  \\            _/---
        __------.==-||\=_    -_---/_--|-   |\\   \\        _/-
    _---     .=-    |  \\-_    '--7  /-   /  ||    \      /
  .-       .-       |   \\ -_    /  /-   /   ||      \   /
 /  ____  /         |     \\ --_/  /|- _/   .||       \ /
 |--    --|--------_ \     -==-/   | \---===--        .\
          '         --|      /|    |--\--       __----
                      |----_/ |    |   -\_   _--            /\
                           /  \     \__   \/-                \__
                       _--- _/ | .---____----/                  --==.
                      ((->/-   '.|||' -_|    ---/ ,              . _||
                                 -_     -\      -----l__i__i__i----_/
                                 _---__   -)  \--______________----
                               //.------_---- |---------------
          ___             ___           __     _ __   _______  _______  
         /   | __  ______/ (_)___  ____/ /____(_) /  /__  __/ /__  __/
        / /| |/ / / / __  / / __ \/ __  / ___/ / /     / /      / / 
       / ___ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / /  / / /   __/ /__  __/ /__
      /_/  |_\__, /\__,_/_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/  /_/_/   /______/ /______/
                            ROM Version 2.4 beta

      Special thanks to Almighty for spell/skill ideas and coding basis.
Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert 
   and Sebastian Hammer Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1995 Russ Taylor

By what name do you wish to be known?

                   ,;'\        Welcome to:        //~\\   ~~~~`---.______,-'
              _.~;`;','\\      **AZERETH**       | |  \\           _-~`
         __--~    ,-/ /'\\                       | |   `\        ,'
      _-~       /'    |  \\                     / /      \      /
    .'        /       |   \\                  /' /        \   /'
   /  ____  /         |    \`\._.~~~*,,*~.__/'  /          \/'  
  /-'~    ~~~~~---__  |     ~-/~               /'        _-~`
                    \_|      /        __--_   ),   __--~~ 
                      '~~--_/      _-~_>--<_\  '-~\
                     {\__--_/}    / \\__>--<_\     \
                     /'   (_/  _-~  | |__>--<_|     ;
       __      _____|  _/)  )_/  __/_/__ --___|___  ~_______  __     __ 
      /  \    |____ / /~ ,_/___||   _   \-|   ____||__    __||  |   |  |
     / _  \       /o-o _//|___  |  |_|   ||  |___ /   |  |   |  |___|  | 
    / /_\  \     / (^(~|   ___| |   _   /<|   ___|'   |  |   |   ___   |
   /  ___   \  /  ,/|  |  |____ |  |-\  \/|  |__-~    |  |   |  |;  |  |
  /__/    \__\|,//('(\||_______||__|--\__\|_______|   |__|   |__| _-|__|\
              ( ( '))          |__>--<__|    | Created Oct. /'  /;     ||
           `-)) )) (            \__>--<__\    \ 8th, 2000  /'  //     /'
          ,/,'//( (              ~-__>--<_~-_  ~--____---~' _/'/
        ,( ( ((, ))                 ~-_~>--<_/-__       __-~ _/
      `~/  )` ) ,/|                    ~~-'_/_/ /~~~~~~~__--~
    ._-~//( )/ )) `                           ~~~~~~~~~~
Type WHO to see who is playing or enter a name to join in the fun.

                              ROM Version 2.4  beta

           Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, 
                      Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
                Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
                   ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor

                         |                                |
                         |                                |
                         |           Welcome to           |
                         |                                |
                         |    The Adventurers' Inn Mud    |
                         |                                |
                         |   and the world of  Aryanius   |
                         |                                |

What is your character's name?
(If this is a new character, type in:  New  )

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sun Aug 16 01:00:53 GMT 2009 So_o2 1