main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[b] M.U.D. Titles

___  __ )_  ___/_  ____/  _
__  __  |____ \_  / __   /_/
_  /_/ /____/ // /_/ /   _
/_____/ /____/ \____/   /_/
________            _____       _____                          
___  __ \______________(_)________  /______ __________________ 
__  /_/ /  _ \_  ___/_  /__  ___/  __/  __ `/_  __ \  ___/  _ \
_  _, _//  __/(__  )_  / _(__  )/ /_ / /_/ /_  / / / /__ /  __/
/_/ |_| \___//____/ /_/  /____/ \__/ \__,_/ /_/ /_/\___/ \___/ 

PennMUSH version 1.8.3 patchlevel 7                                                          port 5102

|               Action          |       Command Sequence                   |
| To create a character:        | create <Name> <Password>                 |
| To connect:                   | connect <Name> <Password>                |
| To connect as a guest:        | connect guest guest                      |
| To quit:                      | QUIT (All Capitals)                      |
| To see who is logged in:      | WHO (All Capitals)                       |

Ansi intro screen?(y/n) 

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
Now within visual range...
  |   |  \  _______      __                                 __-----_
  |   |    \||     \ \  //\\         ||  //"""""\\    |"""""\       |
  |   |     || ___//   //__\\        || //       \\   |    //       |
  |___|_    ||   --_  //""""\\       ||||       / ||  | -===_       |  +
_ |_____---_||     \\//      \\      ||||         ||  | |  \ \       |
        ---_||     |//    \   \||    || \\  /    //   | |   \ \      |
   ______   ||____///          \\\__//   \\_____//    |_|   |_|      |
  |   |  --_""""""|-       *     """"     """""""     |"|  | "       |   -
  |   |           |       -    +   +     +    +     - | |  | |       |
  |   |    __     |              +   *  _    -        | |  | |       |
  |___|__--  |    |  +    *    -    *       _______  _| |_ | |       |
           __|   /\        /\    ||     || //""""""  || // | |       |
   _____---__|  //\\  -   //\\   ||  +  ||||         ||//  | |       |
  |_____---    //  \\    //  \\  ||     ||||  \      ||"\\ | |       |
  |   |       //    \\  //    \\ ||     ||||         ||\  \\/       |
 _|   |      //      \\//      \\ \\___//  \\____\_  || \  \\       |   *
  |   |    /""        ""                    """""""  ""   \___     _|
  |___|__/               +                           \        -----
         -=*=< Type 'con <player> <password>' to Connect >=*=-
    -=*=< Type 'con observer guest' to Connect as an Observer >=*=-


         _/_/_/              _/      _/
        _/   _/             _/      _/
       _/   _/             _/      _/
      _/_/_/     _/_/     _/  _/  _/  _/    _/_/     _/ _/     _/_/
     _/   _/   _/   _/   _/_/    _/_/ _/  _/   _/   _/_/ _/  _/   _/
    _/   _/  _/    _/   _/ _/   _/   _/ _/    _/   _/      _/    _/
   _/_/_/     _/_/_/_/ _/   _/ _/   _/   _/_/_/_/ _/        _/_/_/_/


  |  Newcomers:                                                |
  |                                                            |
  |  Please choose a medieval style name.  If you choose an    |
  |  unacceptable name, you may be asked to change it.         |
  |  Try not to use names from books.  Do not use real words.  |

Hello, Player!
AD&D-type name:

 __      *       ___  ___        __     *      ___ _   ___      ||             
/**\_          _/***\/***\_  *  /**\         _/***\*\ /***\     ||           
|****\_      _/*****||*****\_   |**|    *  _/****_/*| \_***\   /##\            
|**_***\_  _/****_**||**_****\_ |***\_   _/****_/|**|   \***\  |##|            
|**|\_***|/****_/|**||**|\_****\|**_**\ /****_/  |**|  _/***/ /####\           
|**\_ \_/ |**_/ _/**||**|  \_**||**|\**\\***[    |**|_/****/  |####|           
|****\_   |**|_/****||**|   |**||**| \**\\***\_  |*******_/   |####|           
|**_***\_ |******_**||**|   |**||**|  \**\\****\ |**____/     |####|           
|**|\****\|*** _/|**||**|   |**||**| _/**//***_/ |**|         /####\          
|**|/***_/|**_/  |**||**|   |**||**|/**_//***/   |**|        |######|          
|*****_/  |**|   |**||**|   |**||*****/ /***[_   |**|   ____/\######/\_        
|***_/    |**|   |**||**|   |**||***_/  \_****\_ \__/__/      \####/   \___  
\__/______\__/__ \__/\__/___\__/\__/______\_****\_/__________/ \##/ \_____ \__ 
 / __________ ___________\_****\ \___\
{  Other ports: 120,443,650,669,1100,2500,3333,3372,4500,5190,8080,8888        }
 \____________________________________________\___/_____________/\________/ __/
                                __        ___  ___\____      \ /##\ /   ___/    
MUD started 15.01.2001 by:     /**\     _/***\/***\    \____  /####\  _/       
Alexander Speransky,           |**|   _/*****||***|  __     \/######\/         
Evgeny Larionov,             _/***| _/****_**||***| /**\  __ |######|          
Igor Zankovets              /**_**|/****_/|**||***| |**| /**\ \####/          
========================   /**/|**||**_/ _/**||***| |**| |**| |####|           
Original DikuMUD: Hans    /**/ |**||**|_/****||***| |**| |**| |####|
Staerfeldt,Katja Nyboe,  /**/  |**||******_**||***| |**| |**| |####|            
Tom Madsen,Michael       \**\_ |**||****_/|**||***| |**| |**| \####/
Hammer Seifert,Sebastian  \_**\|**||**_/  |**||***| |**| |**|  |##|   
Based on MERC 2.1 code by   \*****||**|   |**||***|/***|/***|  \##/   
Hatchet,Furey,and Kahn       \_***||**|   |**||************/    ||    
ROM2.4(c)1993-1998 Russ Taylor \__/\__/   \__/\___________/     ||
     [1] - Win1251        [2] - KOI8      [3] - Alt(CP866) 
     [4] - Win1251(IAC)   [5] - Mac       [6] - Translit

Select your codepage: [1]                
Your country (ES) is not allowed!

.                                       ,   ,
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(   ($$  ( \     _sS"  `"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S$$,
 )  )$$$s ) )  .      .   `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"'  `$$
  (   $$$Ss/  .$,    .$,,s$$$$$$##S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S""        '
    \)_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$##"  $$        `$$.        `$$.
        `"S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#"      $          `$          `$
            `"""""""""""""'         '           '           '

<< BALZHUR, un lugar donde la fantasia y el medievo se abren camino entre la
 brujeria, el dinero y el honor, donde no solo los buenos son heroes o el mas
fuerte es el mas poderoso. Todo un universo aun por descubrir... >>

Basado en SMAUG 1.4 escrito por Thoric (Derek Snider) con Altrag, Blodkai, Haus,
 Narn, Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grish, Fireblade y Nivek.

Originario del MERC 2.1 escrito por Hatchet, Furey y Kahn. Originario del
 DikuMUD escrito por Hans Staerfeldt, Nyboe, Madsen, Seifert y Hammer.

Entra el nombre de tu personaje o escribe Nuevo:

DentinMud v2.05 - banished lands

(enter 'new' to start a new character)
What is your name?

Looking up your internet domain...done.
If you have ANY problems logging in, send an email to
   .--.           __,_                   **************************
| \__)       ./"    `"-'`:.        -=={        Welcome to        }==-
  `\.`\.    |"|       .;-':::.      -=={       BARREN REALMS      }==-
     `\.\.  \`\      |>:::::;-'         **************************
        `\`\.| `\     `";:;'
           `\`\. `\       _'--"'"--..__.---"'""---..--._._.--._
            /'"-\\.`\ ,-'"                                     `"--.__
           |'`,  \\`\|              Original Diku MUD code by:        `-..-"
           |  \   `\`\`\._.---""--._    Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom
           `,  `\   `"""'           "--,.   Madson, Michael Seifert, and
            |    `'         _.._.-  _.--'"    Sebastian Hammer
            `;         __.;" `\`\.-"'
             `\,__..--"' _:,_._ `\`\     Original Merc MUD code by:
               ;-----""""__| __"--.`\\.     Kahn, Hatchet, and Furey
              :;----"""""   `\ `"-.\. `\\.
              `,              `\   `|\   `\\.    Supplemental code by:    _.
               |                `', `\`\_   "\\.    The Barren Realms  .-"
_______________;                   `\.`--"     "\\.    Coding Crew    ".____
               |                      `"-.._      "\\.                  _)
               ',                 \.        `>       `\\.      __...---'
                |                   \  _.---'           `\\.,-"'
                ;                    `(_._               ."`\\.
                |                         `)          ,-'     `\\.
Enter the name you wish to be known as:

  B A R S A W I A   -   gra w realiach Srodziemia wg JRR Tolkiena
                                 .'' .'''                 
 .                             .'   :                     
 \\                          .:    :                       
  \\                        _:    :       ..----.._       
   \\                    .:::.....:::.. .'         ''.           
    \\                 .'  #-. .-######'     #        '.   
     \\                 '.##'/ ' ################       : 
      \\                  #####################         : 
       \\               ..##.-.#### .''''###'.._        : 
        \\             :--:########:            '.    .' : 
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         '---'''..: :    ':    '..'''.      '.        :'   
            \\  :: : :     '      ''''''.     '.      .:   
             \\ ::  : :     '            '.      '      :   
              \\::   : :           ....' ..:       '     '.   
               \\::  : :    .....####\\ .~~.:.             :     
                \\':.:.:.:'#########.===. ~ |.'-.   . '''.. :     
                 \\    .'  ########## \ \ _.' '. '-.       '''. 
                 :\\  :     ########   \ \      '.  '-.        : 
                :  \\'    '   #### :    \ \      :.    '-.      : 
               :  .'\\   :'  :     :     \ \       :      '-.    : 
              : .'  .\\  '  :      :     :\ \       :        '.   : 
              ::   :  \\'  :.      :     : \ \      :          '. : 
              ::. :    \\  : :      :    ;  \ \     :           '.: 
               : ':    '\\ :  :     :     :  \:\     :        ..' 
                  :    ' \\ :        :     ;  \|      :   .''' 
                  '.   '  \\:                         :.''         
                   .:..... \\:       :            ..'' 
    Strona BARSAWII:  
    Forum BARSAWII:
    Kontakt z Administracja:
    Skrzynka projektow:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    By stworzyc nowa postac podaj email jako imie.
    By przeczytac Wprowadzenie wpisz "wprowadzenie" jako imie.    
 Gamedriver:  CDpl.5.1.B2+Mudlib:  CDpl.3.B00/05

Podaj swoje imie:

              ^ ^    - AAARRGGGHHH! Are you MUDDING again! YOU'RE FIRED!
            ( O O )    - Ups.
    BB  BB   AA  AA     TTT     MMMM  MMMM   UUU ^o^ UUU   DD   DD
    BBBBB   AA    AA    TTT     MM MMMM MM   UUU     UUU   DD   DD
    BBBBBB  AAAAAAAA    TTT ^o^ MM  MM  MM   UUU     UUU   DD   DD
    BB   BB AA    AA    TTT     MM      MM   UUU     UUU   DD   DD Logo by:
    BBBBBBB AA    AA    TTT     MM      MM    UUUUUUUUU    DDDDD    Guggaberrin
       Welcome to BatMUD, Online since 14th April 1990!
     EMail: about problems concerning BatMUD

         This machine is owned by B.A.T. ry, a non-profit organization, 
                    and is hosted at Magenta Sites, Finland.

  1 - enter the game                    s - game status
  2 - visit the game                    w - who is playing at the moment
  3 - create a new character            q - quit
Please enter your choice or name:

                |   |   |                     .--------.
                |---|---|                     |        |
                |___|___|       ______        |________|
                   .' |      |  `____'  |      | ',
                  |   |      |./' || `\.|      |   |
                 /',  |      |    ||    |      |  ,'\
                /   ',|      |  \@||@/  |      |,'   \
               /     /| \~~/ |`\`~~~~'/'| \~~/ |\     \
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       `\    `\___\     `\__________________/`       |     |  |
         `\   /'``\   |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|     |.,;'``\ |
           `\/\    `\ `\____\~~~~~~~~~~~~/____/'      \.'``'.\|
               `\    `\------,|   /\   |,--------,_    |    |
                 `\    `\    ||  /__\  ||        |_]   |    |
                   `\    `\ _||        ||________|_    |    |
                  [_|`\   ,.\|`~|~~~~|~'|        |_]   |'``'|
                    |  `\'  .'|/      \||        |     `,..,'
                    |   <`'' |          |   |>   |
                    |========|          |========|   Battletech:
                   |          |        |          |  The Frontier Lands
                   | =      = |        | =      = |
                   |          |        |          |
                   | =      = |        | =      = |
                   |__________|        |__________|  Head Admin:
                   /~~~~~~~~~~\        /~~~~~~~~~~\  -> Power Shaper
                  |.---||||---.|      |.---||||---.| ->
                  `~~~~~~~~~~~~'      `~~~~~~~~~~~~'
|connect <name> <password> ...................... Connect to the MUX | WHO    |
|connect "<full name>" <password> ............... Connect to the MUX |        |
|create <name> <password>  .................. Create a New Character |        |
|create "<full name>" <password> ............ Create a New Character | QUIT   |

 _      __    __                     __     
| | /| / /__ / /______  __ _  ___   / /____ 
| |/ |/ / -_) / __/ _ \/  ' \/ -_) / __/ _ \
|__/|__/\__/_/\__/\___/_/_/_/\__/  \__/\___/
 ____                               _____   _____      
/\  _`\                     /'\_/`\/\  __ \/\  __ \    
\ \ \L\ \     __     __  __/\      \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \   
 \ \  _ <'  /'__`\  /\ \/\ \ \ \__\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  
  \ \ \L\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_\ \ \ \_/\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \ 
   \ \____/\ \__/.\_\\/`____ \ \_\\ \_\ \_____\ \_____\
    \/___/  \/__/\/_/ `/___/> \/_/ \/_/\/_____/\/_____/

== 8888        ==

'COnnect <character-name> <password>' to connect to your character,
'Theme'            to receive information on the theme of BayMOO,
'connect guest'    to connect to a guest character and have your 
                    internet host name part of your description,
'CReate'           for information on how to get your own character,
'Uptime'           to display how long BayMOO has been up and running,
'Version'          to display the version of the current Lambda Server,
'@who' or 'Who'    just to see who's logged in right now,
'@quit' or 'Quit'  to disconnect, either now or later, or
'Help'             for help on these commands.

The operators of BayMOO have provided the materials for the buildings of this community, but are not responsible for what is said or done in them.  In particular, you must assume responsibility if you permit minors or others to access BayMOO through your facilities.  The statements and viewpoints expressed here are not necessarily those of the wizards or Liquid Development and those parties disclaim any responsibility for them.

                             _        _
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       (((/==)/ _`;.--'"` .'--""""```  .--"```    )
        ```  ' (((/====```            ((((/======'
                ```                    ```


     "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
             "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.

When creating a character, Remember this is a Role Playing Game.
Please choose a REAL-SOUNDING PERSON'S NAME. Make it is suitable to the theme
of the Mush; something with a Medieval flavor to it. No underscores or hyphens
please. If you want to use a two-word name, please enclose the name in
quotation marks.

       "WHO" tells you who is logged into the game (case sensitive).
              "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

If you are under 18 and are caught here, you will be removed from the database 
(@nuked) immediately. We take no legal responsibility for what is written on 
your screen, regardless of your age. This is an adult-themed fantasy 
role-playing environment.

Connecting further than this screen means that you waive any legal action 
towards the staff, players, and anyone else connected to this MUX for any 
reason. If you do not want to be part of this, or do not accept these terms, 
type 'QUIT' now or disconnect. If you refuse to follow any of the rules of 
this MUSH you will be also be removed from the database (@nuked). If you 
attempt to violate the personal rights of anyone logged into this MUSH you 
will also be removed from the database (@nuked).

*                   Welcome To The Magical Isle of Beauty.                 ~

Welcome to Middle-earth...
Beleriand MUSH Role Playing Game       _    These are the names of the Wizards
J.R.R. Tolkien's First Age   .-.  ^^  / \        _          MELKOR ULMO MANDOS
PennMUSH 1.7.1p3 local      /   \    /^./\__   _/ \             AULE TELPERION
               _        .--'\/\_ \__/.      \ /    \  ^^  ___
Please do     / \_    _/ ^      \/  __  :'   /\/\  /\  __/   \      Founded in
not use      /    \  /    .'   _/  /  \   ^ /    \/  \/ .`'\_/\       Feb 1995
Tolkien     /\/\  /\/ :' __  ^/  ^/    `--./.'  ^  `-.\ _    _:\ _
names      /    \/  \  _/  \-' __/.' ^ _   \_   .'\   _/ \ .  __/ \    WELCOME
         /\  .-   `._\/     \ / -.   _/ \ -. `_/   \ /    `._/  ^  \     HERE!
        /  `-.__ ^    \.-'.--'    . /    `--./ .-'  `-.  `-. `.  -  `.
 ^^  __/__   ______  _ \     ______/ _____  /______'___\__  _  \   -__\__
    (  __ \ (  ___ \( \ `--.(  ___ \(  __ \'\_   _/(  __  )( (  `/|(  _  \
    | (__) )| (__ \/| (     | (__ \/| (__) )  ) (  | (__) ||  \ ( || ( \  )
    |  __ ( |  __)  | |     |  __)  | __ ./   | |  |  __  || (\\) || |  ) |
   /| )__) )| (___/\| (___/\| (___/\| ) \ \___) (__| )  ( || ) \  || (_/  )
  /`|/ \__/.(______/(______/(______/|/. .\_/\_____/|/.. .\||/.. )_)(_____/.\
   create <name> <password>   - to create a new character. Capitals matter!
   connect <name> <password>  - to connect to your existing character.
   connect Guest              - if you just wish to look around.

Between Darkness & Light MUX

                      ____       __
                     / __ )___  / /__      _____  ___  ____
                    / __  / _ \/ __/ | /| / / _ \/ _ \/ __ \
                   / /_/ /  __/ /_ | |/ |/ /  __/  __/ / / /
                  /_____/\___/\__/ |__/|__/\___/\___/_/ /_/
                   / __ \____ ______/ /______  ___  __________
                  / / / / __ `/ ___/ //_/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/ ___/
                 / /_/ / /_/ / /  / ,< / / / /  __(__  |__  )
                /_____/\__,_/_/  /_/|_/_/ /_/\___/____/____/
                                     ( _ )
                                    / __ \/|
                                   / /_/  <
                              __   \____/\/ __    __
                             / /   (_)___ _/ /_  / /_
                            / /   / / __ `/ __ \/ __/
                           / /___/ / /_/ / / / / /_
                          /_____/_/\__, /_/ /_/\__/
                                __  _____  ___  __
                               /  |/  / / / / |/ /
                              / /|_/ / / / /|   /
                             / /  / / /_/ //   |
                            /_/  /_/\____//_/|_|
 |                                                                            |
 |  'connect <name> <password>' connects you to your pre-existing character.  |
 |  'create <name> <password>' creates a new character.                       |
 |  'connect guest' connects you to a Guest character.                        |
 |  'WHO' tells you who is currently logged on (case sensitive).              |
 |  'QUIT' exits and saves your character.                                    |
 |  'news' informs you of the recent program changes and items of interest.   |
 |  'help' informs you of the help commands, 'help commands' for a list.      |

Do you want ANSI colour? [Y/n]

LOGIN: logon(): Performing logon().
Ploetzlich siehst Du wie Dein Bildschirm herunterklappt, und eine duerre 
und knochige Hand nach Dir greift.
Du versuchst Dich zu wehren, aber die Hand ist staerker. Sie zerrt Dich 
in den Monitor und Du verlierst die Besinnung.
Als Du wieder aufwachst liegst Du neben einem kleinen Beuteltier.
Das Beuteltier sagt: Beobachte genau, was dir      (\,/)
mitgeteilt wird und gehe mit wachsamen Augen       oo  \  _ _         _
durch die Welt. Es wird nicht leicht werden      ,/_;~\ "" " "     / '
fuer dich, aber du kannst es schaffen und        "'    \      _ \,   !
viele Abenteuer bestehen. Ich habe auch einen          / /   (   |__.'
Plan fuer dich, wenn du mich danach fragst.          '~ `~----''~
Mit einem Tru-Tru verschwindet das Beuteltier und ueberlaesst Dich Dir 
selbst in dieser neuen und gefaehrlichen Welt.
* ACHTUNG!! Das Beutelland befindet sich im Testbetrieb.               *
* Es wird von den Spielern erwartet, dass sie den Magiern helfen, Bugs *
* zu finden und den Magiern zu melden.                                 *
Wichtige Befehle: hilfe, schau, untersuche <was>, frage <wen> nach <was>,
n (norden), o (osten), s (sueden), w (westen), no, so, nw, sw, info, wer,
teile <spieler> mit <was>, lies plan, nimm, gib, hilfe ebenen, schlaf ein

Wenn Du das Beutelland nur kurz ansehen willst, nenne Dich 'gast'.
Hast du vielleicht auch einen Namen?

Please wait while your hostname is resolved..
Does your terminal support color?

 ____   __    ___  ____   __   _  _  __ _      _  _  _  _  ____  _  _
(  _ \ (  )  / __)(    \ / _\ ( \/ )(  ( \    ( \/ )/ )( \/ ___)/ )( \
 ) _ (  )(  ( (_ \ ) D (/    \/ \/ \/    /    / \/ \) \/ (\___ \) __ (
(____/ (__)  \___/(____/\_/\_/\_)(_/\_)__)    \_)(_/\____/(____/\_)(_/
----------------------- CobraMUSH-v0.72 -------------------------------------
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

                      .-"       "-. 
                     /             \ 
                    |               | 
                    |,  .-.   .-.  ,|         
                    | )(__/   \__)( |     
                    |/     / \     \| 
                    (_     ^~^     _)
                      |     |     |
                      |     |     |
                       \   /_\   /
                    |====/` - '\====|
                        ( ( O ) )
 '-______-------________/\  -  /\________-------______-'
    [connect (account) (password)] or [connect guest]
          [create (new account) (new password)]
                [WHO] or [QUIT] or [INFO]
                 Ignore [ and ] symbols.

Welcome to Black Sands MUD!
A roleplay MUD ___ __ 
featuring a unique_{___{__}\
game world by it's{_}      `\)            
creators.{_}        `            _.-''''--.._
   {_}                    //'.--.  \___`.
    { }__,_.--~~~-~~~-~~-::.---. `-.\  `.)
     `-.{_{_{_{_{_{_{_{_//  -- 8;=- `
Game Status: OPEN        `-:,_.:,_:,_:,.`\\._ ..'=- , 
            // // // //`-.`\`   .-'/
        << << << <<    \ `--'  /----)
            ^  ^  ^  ^     `-.....--'''
Before creating a character,
please read the documentation.

"Harshlands: Charles Rand" and "Shadows of Isildur: C. W. 
McHenry" and "Shadows of Isildur: M. C. Huston
Original Diku: Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert,
Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Tom Madsen, Katja Nyboe

You may:

(C) - Create a new account.
(L) - Log in to an existing account.
(X) - Exit the system.

Your Selection:

Authenticating remote host.
                     ..-:"''         ''"-..
                  .-'                      '-.
                .'              .     .       '.
              .'   .          .    .      .    .''.
            .'  .    .       .   .   .     .   . ..:.
          .' .   . .  .       .   .   ..  .   . ....::.
         ..   .   .      .  .    .     .  ..  . ....:IA.
        .:  .   .    .    .  .  .    .. .  .. .. ....:IA.
       .: .   .   ..   .    .     . . .. . ... ....:.:VHA.
       '..  .  .. .   .       .  . .. . .. . .....:.::IHHB.
      .:. .  . .  . .   .  .  . . . ...:.:... .......:HIHMM.
     .:.... .   . ."::"'.. .   .  . .:.:.:II;,. .. ..:IHIMMA
     ':.:..  ..::IHHHHHI::. . .  ...:.::::.,,,. . ....VIMMHM
    :.  .:...:".:.:TPP"   .AVMMHMMA.:. "VMMHHHP.:... .. :IVAI
   .:.   '... .:"'   .   ..HMMMHMMMA::. ."VHHI:::....  .:IHW'
   ...  .  . ..:IIPPIH: ..HMMMI.MMMV:I:.  .:ILLH:.. ...:I:IM
 : .   .'"' .:.V". .. .  :HMMM:IMMMI::I. ..:HHIIPPHI::'.P:HM.
 'V:.. .. . .. .  .  .   'VMMV..VMMV :....:V:.:..:....::IHHHMH
   "IHH:.II:.. .:. .  . . . " :HB"" . . ..PI:.::.:::..:IHHMMV"
    :IP""HHII:.  .  .    . . .'V:. . . ..:IH:.:.::IHIHHMMMMM"
    :V:. VIMA:I..  .     .  . .. . .  .:.I:I:..:IHHHHMMHHM
    :"VI:.VWMA::. .:      .   .. .:. ..:.I::.:IVHHHMMMHMM
    :."VIIHHMMA:.  .   .   .:  .:.. . .:.II:I:AMMMMMMHM
             VPAIMSSSS                   MMXXI:MM

                 BlackMUD: The Age of Expansion
         Copyright(c) Dented Armor Productions, L.L.C.
                      Based on a creation of
         Staerfeldt, Nyboe, Madsen, Seifert, and Hammer

If you are just starting you will have to create an user account.
Your user account name can be any combination of letters and/or numbers.
This will be your account name and NOT the name of a character.
Enter an account name:

 =  Blackburn                                Version 0.7  =
 =                              =

By what name do you wish to be known?

                    Based on "The Blademaster" by Rick Bentsen
    ()            _                                                       ()
    )(           |_)  |   _.   _|   _   ._ _    _.   _  _|_   _   ._      )(
 o======o    \   |_)  |  (_|  (_|  (/_  | | |  (_|  _>   |_  (/_  |    o======o
    ||        '---------------------------------------------------'       ||
    ||                                                                    ||
    ||                                                                    ||
    ||        'create <name> <password>' to create a new character.       ||
    ||        'connect <name> <password>' to connect to a character.      ||
    ||        'QUIT' to logout.                                           ||
    ||        'WHO' to find who is playing the game right now.            ||
    ||                                                                    ||
    ||                                                                    ||
    \/  PennMUSH 1.8.1p5       1975  \/
               Admin email address:

         `       ` `                                                            
 `     .NMMmddMMMMNh                                                            
        yMMmmNMMMMhdh`         `        `                                       
        +NNmmNMMMhhyh:.   `-:/oshddddo/.``                                      
.`      smmNNNNMNmMMNmMmdddddhhyhhyyyyyyyyyhdso/:. `                            
   `   -mmmNmMNMMdMMMNMNddhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyhhhhyys+.                           
.      hdmmmmMMMNmNMMMMMmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhysoso/-`                       
.     .dmmmmMMNddNMMMMMMMhhhhhhddddhhhhhhhhhhhhyhhyyssso:.           ``         
  +: :mmNNNmNNyoydNNNMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmmmmmmmdddddhhhhyyhdysoo+/:-.       
   +mMmMdMMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMdhhhmNMNyoohhyhhdmNNho-  `-:-.`    
    Bleach: The Beginning
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

InuYasha & Bleach copyrighted content belongs to the respected companies & individuals.

Bleached InuYasha Galaxy (BIYG) code by Zeno.
Areas by: Zeno, Reklah, Ryo, Torath, Gaspar, Daemaru, Alexander, Khen, Kyokyo

    ,-,---. .              .         .  
     '|___/ |  ,-. ,-. ,-. |-. ,-. ,-| 
     ,|   \ |  |-' ,-| |   | | |-' | | 
    `-^---' `' `-' `-^ `-' ' ' `-' `-^ 
 _____          __     __       _      
|_   _|         \ \   / /      | |          
  | |  _ __  _   \ \_/ /_ _ ___| |__   __ _ 
  | | | '_ \| | | \   / _` / __| '_ \ / _` |
 _| |_| | | | |_| || | (_| \__ \ | | | (_| |
|_____|_| |_|\__,_||_|\__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_|
      _____       _    
     / ____|     | |                 
    | |  __  __ _| | __ ___  ___   _ 
    | | |_ |/ _` | |/ _` \ \/ / | | |
    | |__| | (_| | | (_| |>  <| |_| |
     \_____|\__,_|_|\__,_/_/\_\\__, |
                                __/ |

Enter your characters name, or type new:

               -axxug_                                        -,,,,,           
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          ywY^ -,z-   "8,lTyk: ]cL  DY' ]KL jU"':,xe_   ]1V=  }m2~F y   =JE    
         -J" 1qY"?5z_  '9s"%F q2(   '#  ]#L.]k  !QadS1i;2^V=  ?^ qd7"????^     
         ][  q?   '?hg  k#U?.]PF     #  ]#L];      k''"5h V=     ??5,          
         ][  "Q,    J3  '#^ `]L_    .#  ]#L ]x,,aaa_k   ] V=  y_   d?Uxy       
         ]t   'Y&g_.jZ =xX,  `"5&e .q!  ]*L}Z??0w;P?t[ y] V:  ]Gxz    "9a__    
          9w-   ?"YY~\,qY'9x    ?"Y?^   `?1IE   ^"??~k-Jf V!  ??Y9hg    ^"?5(  
           "9a,.   .,jY'  k"hg_:  :,aU- 'jj25,a.   yjj2~^ Tq: .,er`?m,-=.jdFF  
             ^"?"""?~'      '""?""?"'^?"""~'d^"??""""~'    """""F   k""?"^k    
                       b l o o d  d u s k  m u d  v6.5
                        imp Adam Wiggins (Athelstane)

                        based on CircleMUD (J. Elson)
      and Diku (K. Nyboe, T. Madsen, H. Staerfeldt, M. Seifert, S. Hammer)

Enter your account name, or 'start' for a new account:

                      WELCOME TO BLOOD OF DRAGONS MUSH!

We are a MUSH based on 'A Song of Ice and Fire' by George R.R. Martin,
a gritty, political fantasy in a medieval-inspired world.

Join us at the royal court in King's Landing and at the court in Sunspear, 
to play the Game of Thrones.



To obtain a character, log on and read '+HELP CDB NEWBIE'.

Use 'connect Guest Guest' to connect to a guest account.
Use 'connect <name> <password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'QUIT' to logout.
Use 'WHO' to find out who is online currently.
Use '+g <message>' to ask questions on the Guest channel.


                          Bloodlands,  by Jesse Quin 2009

                                ROM Version 2.4 beta

               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor

By what name do you wish to be known?

                                    . .                                    
                                   .=M.                      ......        
                                 NN?..                ...INMMMMN ..        
                             ..NM.                ...MMMMMMM+ .            
                            .DN8             . ..IMMMMMMM=..               
                           MMM.             .+MMMNMMMM. ..                
                        . .MMM,           . NMMMMMMMN8..                   
                       ..MMMMM          .INMMMMMMMMM+                      
                       .MMMMMM...   . .NMMMMMMMMMMMD                       
                       MMMMMMMM     =MMMMMMMMMMMMMN.                       
                    .~MMMMMMMMMMZ+MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,         ...M..        
         . . .     . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM7.... . ,MMO           
         ...MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN . ONMMMMMMMMMMM ...                       
           .NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8. .. .,MMMMMMMN   .                          
            =MMMMMMMMMMMMMM:...   .IMMMNMM . .                             
           .DMMMMMMMMMMMM..    ..=MMNMM=..                                 
           .MMMM~MMMMMMM.    ..DNMN~ .       .          . ..               
         .  +MMM . MMMM       . .?MNNO.      .    ..... ..=~:              
            ZMMM D..MMM     ..MMMMI.. .   ...+ZDDNNMMO+...... .            
            MMMM~M7  MM.  . NMMM$. ... ,8NNNNNN7. .                        
        ...MMMMMMM .M8....MMMM. .~MNMMMNM$ ..                             
          .NMMM MMM$ ,...MMMM$=MMMMMMNZ  .                                
       ...MMMM8.MMMM.  .MMMMMMMMMMN8  .                                    
       .~MMI  .MMMMM. .NMMMMMMMMM    _    _  _  _       _  _      _
       .MMM ...8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ    |_)| / \/ \| \\_/  |_)/ \ /\ |_)
        .MMN ..$MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .   |_)|_\_/\_/|_/ |   | \\_//--\| \
        .MMMM$MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ..     , ..                               
       . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.  .  7NN$......                         
        MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .   ..=NMMMMMMNNMM.                       
     .,MMMMMMMMO. . ?MMMMMMMMMM, ... 8DMMMMMMMMM ..                        
...  MMMMMMMMM.        =MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN..                        
   ..:MMM.   ....       .:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMODMMMMNMNMMMMMMMMMMM?  ..          
       ..   ...MM . ... ZMMMMMMMM,,MMMMMMM   .=88NN8O+. . ...              
                 MMM8MMMMMMMMM?.   .MNMMMMND  ..                           
                  .ZMMMMMMMD          ,MDDDDN. .                           
            .,7....NMMMMMM  .          .  ..                               
                .  ..     .    

To connect to your character: connect <name> <password>
To connect as a guest:        connect guest guest 
To see who is online:         WHO
To leave the game:            QUIT

               *         .              *            _.---._      
                             ___   .            ___.' BrMUD '.   *
        .              _____[LLL]______________[LLL]_____     \
                      /     [LLL]              [LLL]     \     |
                     /____________________________________\    |    .
                      )==================================(    /
     .      *         '|I .-. I .-. I .--. I .-. I .-. I|'  .'
                  *    |I |+| I |+| I |__| I |+| I |+| I|-'`       *
                       |I_|+|_I_|+|_I_|__|_I_|+|_I_|+|_I|      .
              .       /_I_____I_____I______I_____I_____I_\
                       )================================(   *
       *         _     |I .-. I .-. I .--. I .-. I .-. I|          *
                |u|  __|I |+| I |+| I |<>| I |+| I |+| I|    _         .
           __   |u|_|uu|I |+| I |+| I |~ | I |+| I |+| I| _ |U|     _
       .  |uu|__|u|u|u,|I_|+|_I_|+|_I_|__|_I_|+|_I_|+|_I||n|| |____|u|
          |uu|uu|_,.-' /I_____I_____I______I_____I_____I\`'-. |uu u|u|__
          |uu.-'`      #############(______)#############    `'-. u|u|uu|
         _.'`              ~"^"~   (________)   ~"^"^~           `'-.|uu|
      ,''          .'    _                             _ `'-.        `'-.
  ~"^"~    _,'~"^"~    _( )_                         _( )_   `'-.        ~"^"~
      _  .'            |___|                         |___|      ~"^"~     _
    _( )_              |_|_|          () ()          |_|_|              _( )_
/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\|| ||/\/\/\/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|___|
/\/\|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/|| ||\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|
/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\|| ||/\/\/\/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|___|
/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\|| ||/\/\/\/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|___|
/\/\|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/|| ||\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|
/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\|| ||/\/\/\/\/\|___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|___|
/\/\|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/|| ||\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|_|_|
   [_____]            [_____]                       [_____]            [_____]
| Criado e implementado por: Victor Augusto B. D. de Almeida (Stoneheart) \_
| Baseado no tbaMUD 3.54, continuacao do CircleMUD 3.1 e DikuMUD GAMMA 0.0  |
| Host  :                                                   |
| E-mail:                ENTRE - IMAGINE - DIVIRTA-SE!  |
| Pagina:                                               |

[ Por qual grandioso nome voce deseja ser conhecido ]: 

Tempo esgotado... conecte novamente!

                           ,===:'.,            `-._
                                `:.`---.__         `-._
                                  `:.     `--.         `.
                                    \.        `.         `.
                            (,,(,    \.         `.   ____,-`.,
                         (,'     `/   \.   ,--.___`.'
                     ,  ,'  ,--.  `,   \.;'         `
                      `{D, {    \  :    \;
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                        j;;    /  ,' ,-//.    ,---.      ,
                        \;'   /  ,' /  _  \  /  _  \   ,'/
                              \   `'  / \  `'  / \  `.' /
                               `.___,'   `.__,'   `.__,'  
             BBBB  RRRR   II   GGGG    AA   DDDD    OO      OO    N   N
             B  B  R  R   II   G      A  A  D  D   O  O    O  O   NN  N
             BBB   RRR    II   G  G   AAAA  D  D  O    O  O    O  N N N
             B  B  R R    II   G  G   A  A  D  D   O  O    O  O   N  NN
             BBBB  R  R   II   GGGG   A  A  DDDD    OO      OO    N   N 
               <*> ROM Version 2.4 beta <*>  (C)1993-94 Russ Taylor
  Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert,
    and Sebastian Hammer.  Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.

By what name do you wish to be known?

                 \______   \ _____  __ __  _______ __ __  _____  
                  |    |  _/|  _  \|  |  ||_    _||  |  ||  ___| 
                  |    |   \|     /|  |  |  |  |  |  |  ||___  | 
                 / ______  /|__|__\|_____|  |__|  |_____||_____| 
                 \/      \/                                      
                                 BRUTUS MUD

                                 Created by
                            Andy, Angela & Huan
                           (with help of many others)

                           Inspired by CircleMUD 3.0,
                           (created by Jeremy Elson)

                  CircleMUD is derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)
                                  Created by
                     Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

Would you like colour? (Y/n)

Welcome to BurningMUD - reopened 1 january 1996!

  ::::::           ::::::   :::::             :::::   ::::::::::::::::
  :::::::         :::::::   :::::             :::::   :::::::::::::::::
  ::::::::       ::::::::   :::::             :::::   :::::        :::::
  :#######:  ###:::###::#######::  ###   ###  ###::###:::###    #######::
  :########: ###:::###::########:  ####  ###  ###::####::###   #########::
  :###: :##::###:::###::### ::##:  ##### ###  ###::#####:###  ###     :::::
  :#######:::###:: ###::#######::  #########  ###::#########  ###   ###::::
  :#######:::###:  ###::######:::  #########  ###::#########  ###   ####:::
  :###:  ##::###   ###::### ###::  ### #####  ###::###:#####  ###    ###:::
  :######## ::#######:::### :###:  ###  ####  ###::###::####   ########:::
  :#######   : #####::::### ::###  ###   ###  ###::###:::###    ######:::
  :::::             :::::    :::::           :::::    :::::        :::::
  :::::             :::::     :::::::::::::::::::     :::::::::::::::::
  :::::             :::::      :::::::::::::::::      ::::::::::::::::

                           Based on GAMMA code.
                  Michael Seifert   Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt  
                Sebastian Hammer   Tom Madsen   Katja Nyboe 

                      Stile   Bane   Blase   Stryder  

Account name ('new' for new account, 'old' for old login system)? 
********** INACTIVE - CLOSING CONNECTION **********

 ___   _   _   ___   _   _   _   _   _   ____
| . \ | | | | | . \ | \ | | | | | \ | | /  __|
|   / | | | | |  _/ |  \| | | | |  \| | | | _
| . \ | |_| | |   \ | |\  | | | | |\  | | \| |
|___/ |_____| |_|_| |_| \_| |_| |_| \_| \____/

        _      ___   _   _   __    ____
       | |    /   \ | \ | | |  \  (  __|
       | |    | . | |  \| | | . \  \ \   O
       | |__  |   | | |\  | |   /  _\ \  O
       |____| |_|_| |_| \_| |__/  |____)

The Original AmtMUD

ROM Version 2.4 beta

       Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
       Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
       Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
       ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
       Questcode (c) 1996 Ryan Addams, House code by Remiel.

Please sign your name for your tombstone:

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

        @|XXXXXXXX |
       @ |X||    X |
      @  |X||    X |
     @   |XXXXXXXX |
    @    |X||    X |             V
   @     |X||   .X |
  @      |X||.  .X |                      V
 @      |%XXXXXXXX%||
@       |X||  . . X||
        |X||   .. X||                               @     @
        |X||  .   X||.                              ||====%
        |X|| .    X|| .                             ||    %
        |X||.     X||   .                           ||====%
       |XXXXXXXXXXXX||     .                        ||    %
       |XXXXXXXXXXXX||         .                 .  ||====% .
       |XX|        X||                .        .    ||    %  .
       |XX|        X||                   .          ||====%   .
       |XX|        X||              .          .    ||    %     .
       |XX|======= X||============================+ || .. %  ........
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 )---'  )\|    /( `--' |( __.')---'   )---' (__)`--'
(_)    (__)   (__)     (_)   (_)     (_)
San Francisco By Night

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.


            ****        * *     *
            *   *         *     *
            ****  *   * * *   ***   **  * **
            *   * *   * * *  *  *  * ** **   
            *   * *   * * *  *  *  **   * 
            ****   ***  *  *  ****  *** *

                                  *                 *        
                                 * *                *
                                *   *  ***  ***   ***   **  *   * *  *
                                ***** *    *  *  *  *  * ** ** ** *  *
                                *   * *    *  *  *  *  **   * * * *  *
                                *   *  ***  ****  ****  *** * * *  ***

                            Based on CircleMUD 3.1,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

  ____  _   _  ____    ( ) __    _   _  ___   __    ___
 (_  _)/ (_/ )/ ___)   |/ / _)  / ) / )/  o) / _)  / __)
  / / / __  // _)        /  \  / (_/ //  \/ /  \  (_  )
 (_/ (_/ (_/(____)      (____)(_____/(_/\_)(____)(___/   O O O O
       /==========|==========\                oO8OoO@o@oOoOoOo
        |O||O||O||O||O||O||O|               oOoO@Oo8oOoo@oOo8@OoO
      /===========|==========\             ooOo8oOoOoO@00OoO*OoOoOo
    /=============|============\         oOo8oOo*JeanDupree*ooo8oO@OoOo
  --------------------------------    oOoOoOo*8OoOoOoOoO8OoOoOoOo8oOoO
  *||O||O||O||O||00||O||O||O||O||*    *ooOooOooOooOoo@*ooOooO8oOooOoo*
   ||*     *||*      *||*     *||  Admin: O  *ooO x XXXX*Oo*  @  *o
   ||       ||  *8v)  ||       ||    anDrea    Oo  xXXXX*oo
   || =B^)  ||        ||  =)   ||    David         xXX@Xx
   ||       ||        ||       ||    Justin         XXXX
  |||XXXXXXX||::::::::||XXXXXXX|||   starfLyer    xXXXXXXx
  |||XXXXXXX||________||XXXXXXX|||   Zaphod    xxXXXXXXXXXXXXXx
Copyright 1996 'Burbs Administration, all rights reserved.
Please enter your name:

            The Burning Eye       ]=I==II==I=[ /----------------------------\
                                   \\__||__//  |   Burn 2.0 by Eru & Aule   |
                                    |      |   |----------------------------|
              ]=I==II==I=[          |.. ` *|   |    Based on Burn 1.7 by    |
               \\__||__//           |. /\ #|   |    Melkor, Orome, Mandos   |
                |      |            |  ||  |   |  Nienna, Tulkas, and Manwe |
                | []   |            |  ## *|   \----------------------------/
                |    ..|            | . , #|    |     Based on Rom2.4b4    |
___   ____  ___ |   .. |         __ |..__.*| __ |  Copyright (c) 1993-1996 |
] I---I  I--I [ |..    |        |  ||_|  |_|| | |        Russ Taylor       |
]_____________[ | .. []|         \--\-|-|--/-// |--------------------------|
 \_\| |_| |/_/  |_   _ | _   _   _|      ' *|  /    Based on MERC 2.1 by    \
  |  .     |'-'-` '-` '-` '-` '-` | []     #|  |   Hatchet, Furey and Kahn  |
  |     '  |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|      []*|  |----------------------------|
  |  ` ` []|      _-_-_-_-_  '    |-       #|  |    Original DikuMUD by     |
  | '  `  '|   [] | | | | |  []`  |  []    *|  |Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe|
  |      - |    ` | | | | | `     | ;  '   #|  |Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert |
 /_'_-_-___-\__,__|_|_|_|_|_______|   `  , *|  |    and Sebastion Hammer    |
             _,--'    __,-'      /,_,_v_Y_,_v\ \----------------------------/

Colour? (Y/N)

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Wed Aug 12 05:49:05 GMT 2009 So_o2 1