JediMUD Version 5.6 Based on DikuMUD, Created by: Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer JediMUD is running by exclusive agreement with Touchtown, Inc. By what name do you wish to be known?
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JipangMUCK's website is located at:
JipangMUCK is hosted by
Sandwich.Net at
J U P I T E R ' S C H I L D R E N
In a few moments the world changed forever.
In a few years it was Life as Normal.
In a few more years everyone was Reminded.
"In One Day -- Humanity Changed."
Use "connect <name> <password>" to access an existing character.
Use "connect guest guest" to access a guest character.
Never been to a MUX before? Use 'connect guest guest'
"QUIT" exits this screen
Instructions for acquiring a character are available in the news files
which can be read online. Use the 'news' command to start reading.
Welcome to Jusenkyo Mordor. Your home for insanity since 2001.
Enter your character's name to log in (or to create a new character with that name):
Welcome to the Justice League Unlimited MUX ( 2004)
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\/ \/ \/ \/
"connect guest" connects you as a guest.
"WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
"QUIT" disconnects from the game.
Characters will be @pcreated for your chargen pleasure.
| A World Only For The Brave.. |PG-13|
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| Now Serving Mudders for 9 Years |
| The Jungle Mud is Administered by Erythnul, Coram, and Trom |
| Original Concept of Jungle by Talon (1998-2005) |
| Powered By: ROM 2.4 Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor |
| The Jungle Mud Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Noah Dillon |
| |
| All text and source code to The Jungle Mud are Copyright (c)2006-2008 unless |
|otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.|
[ ] Please Name Yourself:
[ ]->
© Mon Aug 10 01:02:08 GMT 2009 So_o2