main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[s] M.U.D. Titles

 <@@@@@@@@>====)|====|Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit|====|(====<@@@@@@@@>
 .------.                                                   .------.
 ./\/\/\.    "But I don't want to go among mad people,"     ./\/\/\.
 .\/\/\/.    Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that,"     .\/\/\/.
 ./\/\/\.    said the cat: "We're all mad here. I'm mad.    ./\/\/\.
 .\/\/\/.    You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said   .\/\/\/.
 ./\/\/\.    Alice. "You must be," said the cat, "or you    ./\/\/\.
 .\/\/\/.    wouldn't have come here."                      .\/\/\/.
 ./\/\/\.                                -Lewis Caroll      ./\/\/\.
 .\/\/\/.                                                   .\/\/\/.
 .------.            __.           .  .                     .------.
 ||||||||     -+- A .__)treetlight |  |anifesto -+-         ||||||||
<@@@@@@@@>-------------------Concept by<@@@@@@@@>
 .------.                                                   .------.
 ./\/\/\.   The MU* is only open to players of age 18 or    ./\/\/\.
 .\/\/\/.   or older.  The game's theme deals with violent  .\/\/\/.
 ./\/\/\.   and sexual subject matter.  If you are below    ./\/\/\.
 .\/\/\/.   18 or do not wish to view these topics, type    .\/\/\/.
 ./\/\/\.   quit now.  Staff takes no responsibility for    ./\/\/\.
 .\/\/\/.   player-provided content.                        .\/\/\/.
 ./\/\/\.                                                   ./\/\/\.
 .\/\/\/.   Please refer to 'help credits' in-game.         .\/\/\/.
 .------.                                                   .------.
| Enter your name below to connect to an existing character.       |
| To connect to the guest account, enter "guest" as your name      |
| with the password "guest."                                       |

                                   S M i L E

      You may enter 'users' or 'who' at the login prompt to get a listing 
                  of the users currently connected to the MUD.

Game Time Elapsed : Over a day!
MUD Time Elapsed  : 46 days, 24 minutes, 43 seconds

By what name shall I call you?

STAR TREK(tm) is copyright Paramount Pictures(tm).  This MUSH is a non-profit
fan organization maintained by its players for their own personal use.
Paramount Pictures(tm) is not responsible in any way for the views and actions
expressed within this MUSH.

           |=|                           -=Star Trek=-
       _   |=|   _          _           _              __   ___  ___
       \\__|=|__//         | \    /\   | \  | / |\  | |    (__  (__
        \_______/          |  \  /--\  |_/  |:  | \ | |--     |    |
          / | \            |_ / /    \ |  \ | \ |  \| |___  __)  __)
          | | |
       .-'.-':'-..               |  |  | ___ ___      ___
     .''::: .:   `'              |  |  |  |   |  |__|  |  |\ |
    /   :::::'      \             \/`\/  _|_  |  |  | _|_ | \|
   ;.    ':' `       ;
   |       '..       |
   ; '      ::::.    ;
    \       '::::   /
     '.      :::  .'
       '-.__'__.-`     CONNECT <name> <password> - Connect to your character
          | | |        CONNECT GUEST - Connect as a guest
          | | |        REGISTER <name> <email address> - Create a character
           \|/         Contact:
            `          Forums :


All rights reserved.  Star Wars is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd.
The LucasArts logo is a registered trade mark of LucasArts Entertainment 
Company.  LucasArts is a trademark of LucasArts Entertainment Company.

     _________  __    ____   __      __ __    ____    ___           
    / ___   __|/  \  | __ \  \ \ /\ / //  \  | __ \  / __|           
 ___\ \  | |  / /\ \ |'--'/__ \      // /\ \ |'--'/__\ \             
|_____/  |_| /_+--+_\|_|\____| \_/\_//_+--+_\|_|\______/  =================== 

                  '||'''|.      /.\      '||'''|, '||  //' 
                   ||   ||     // \\      ||   ||  || //   
                   ||   ||    //...\\     ||...|'  ||<<    
                   ||   ||   //     \\    || \\    || \\   
                  .||...|' .//       \\. .||  \\. .||  \\.

  '||  ||` .|''''|, '||'''|, |''||''| |'''''/ .|''''|, '||\   ||` .|'''|  
   ||  ||  ||    ||  ||   ||    ||        //  ||    ||  ||\\  ||  ||      
   ||''||  ||    ||  ||...|'    ||       //   ||    ||  || \\ ||  `|'''|, 
   ||  ||  ||    ||  || \\      ||      //    ||    ||  ||  \\||   .   || 
  .||  ||. `|....|' .||  \\. |..||..| /.....| `|....|' .||   \||.  |...|'
   Your Wizards are Gulp, Tah, Mr. T, and Drav. See +STAFF for other staff.
   We have transitioned to Dark Horizons II. If your login does not work, 
   try to re-'create' your username. Welcome to Dark Horizons!
   Type "create <Name> <password>"                  to create a character.
   Type "connect Guest guest"                       to connect as a Guest.
   Type "connect <Name> <password>"          to connect to your character.

   Do not use " or <> or Movie names.      


     .         `                .                              .
     o88888888888888  d88b  .  8888888b.  .                   .
     Y88<""""888"""" j8PY8i    888   )88               .
       Y8b.   888    ,8P  Y8,   88888888'         .
________>88b  888    88888888   888  Y8b_____  .           `
88888888888P  888   d8P    Y8b  888   Y888888        `         `
 < <---------( Shadow of Fear )----------> >   .`       ``  .
Y8b  d88b  d8P  d88b   . 8888888b.  o88888888
 88ij8888ij88' j8PY8i    888   )88  Y88<~~~~~     `         .    `     .
 \8888PY8888' ,8P  Y8,   88888888'   Y8b.   .          .
  Y88P  Y88P  88888888   888  Y8b_____>88b      .    .
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     .      .            .                 .                                .
 .      .         .         .   . :::::+::::...      .          .         .
     .         .      .    ..::.:::+++++:::+++++:+::.    .     .
                        .:.  ..:+:..+|||+..::|+|+||++|:.             .     .
            .   .    :::....:::::::::++||||O||O#OO|OOO|+|:.    .
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     .   .     +++||++:.:++:..+#|. ::::++|+++||++O##O+:.++|||#O+    .
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      .     ::::::::::::::::::::++|O+..+#|O@@@@#@###O|O#O##@#OO####     .
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                           `. .:.:.:.:. . :.:.:%::%%%:::::%::::%:::
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           .                                                                .
.          .                                                       .   .
    .        .                                                           .
| TYPE: Connect "Name" Password - To connect you to an existing character.    |
| TYPE: Create "Name" Password  - Creates a character with specified name.    |
|  Connect Guest                - Connects you to a Guest character.          |
  \ Game Rated \_______________________________    ______/ Currently Running \
   \ 'M' - Game content is unregulatable based |  / PennMUSH 1.8.0 and TSpace |
    \      on dynamic interaction with players |  `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

          ________   ___   ____
         / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \     Running PennMUSH
  _______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /_________________________________________
 / ________/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\_________________________________________  \
/ /                          .             o     .            ':::::::::\ \
| |      .       .                         /\           .      '::::::::| |
| | .           .                          |  `.     .           '::::::| |
| |                                  `.          \                 '':::| |
| |  CONNECT <Name> <Password>       .      |    `.                    '| |
| |  CONNECT guest guest                  `.     |   .      *           | |
| |  CREATE <Name> <Password>              |     |_.--.                 | |
| |    *          _   .     *           .  `.   /<= .-'              .  | |
| |              (_)               .        |_./|_.'/))    .            | |
| |        ____.--^.                        /()_.-'/ /`-.               | |
| | .     /:  /    |      .                / / _.-'\/_   `-.__          | |
| |      /:  `--=--'           .          (./())      ~~--..__~`-o      | |
| |     /: __[\==`-.___              .     | /                          | |
| |    /__|\ _~~~~~~   ~~--..__            //            .              | |
| | .  \   \|::::|-----.....___|~--.      //         .          .     . | |
| |     \ _\_~~~~~-----:|:::______//---..//__                           | |
| |     [\  \  __  --     \       ~  \_ //  ~~~===------==-...____      | |
| |  .  [==============================//============================-  | |
| |     /         __/__   --  /__    -o/     /____....----''''~~~~      | |
| |    /  /   ==           ____....=---='''~~~~ .                       | |
| |   /____....--=-''':~~~~                                 .     .     | |
\ \_________________________________________    _   ___   ____   _______/ /
 \________________________________________  |  | | / _ \ |  _ \ / _______/
        UNSUNG HEROES MUSH                | |/\| ||  _  ||    / > \
        UNSUNGHEROESGAME.COM 1138          \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/

       000  0 0  000     0     0   000  00   000      000  000
        0   000  00      0    000  0 0  0 0   0       0 0  00
        0   0 0  000     000  0 0  0 0  00   000      000  0

     /=====\     /=\    ||====\   ||====\    //===\\   ||     ||   /=====\ 
    //          // \\   ||    \\  ||    \\  ||     ||  ||     ||  //        
    \\         //   \\  ||    ||  ||    ||  ||     ||  ||     ||  \\  
      =====   |======|  ||=====/  ||=====/  ||     ||  ||     ||    =====  
           \\ ||    ||  ||    \\  ||    \\  ||     ||  ||     ||         \\
           // ||    ||  ||    ||  ||    ||  ||     ||  ||     ||         // 
     \=====/  ||    ||  ||====//  ||    ||   \\===//    \\===//    \=====/ 

SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,
Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.

 Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.
 Original DikuMUD code by:
  Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert && Sebastian Hammer
 Oldmods by Meholick with neo-modification by Khtall, co-starring Tochi

Enter your character's name, or type new:

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to

  ___|                      __ \   _)
\___ \     _` |   __ \      |   |   |    _ \    _` |    _ \  
      |   (   |   |   |     |   |   |    __/   (   |   (   |
_____/   \__,_|  _|  _|    ____/   _|  \___|  \__, |  \___/   

  ...a Mage / Vampire / Changeling / Mortal game on the border.

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest guest" signs you on as a guest character.
  "news" informs you about the game's important house rules.
  "+help" gives help on the commands.
  New to MUSH?  Create a character and type "new".

IP name: 2020

    Y O U    H A V E    R E A C H E D    T H E    E D G E 

 |\\\\\\\\\   |\\\\\\ |\\   |\\|\\\\\\ |\\\\\\ |\\ |\\  |\\ \\\\\\\\\
   \\      |    \\  \\  \\\\  \\  |\\     |\\    \\  \\  ||  \\
    \\\\\\\\\\\ |\\\\\\  \\ \\ \\   \\      \\    \\\\\\       \\\\\\\\\
    |        |\\  \\  \\  \\  \\\\   \\      \\   | |\\        |      |\\
       \\\\\\\\\\  \\  \\  \\   \\\ \\\\\\\   \\      \\         \\\\\\\\\
       |         | ||  ||   ||  | | |     |    ||     ||         |       |

                  //////////| //////|   /////|    /////////|
                 //|         //|   //| //|       //|      |
                ///////|    //    //  // /////| //////| 
               //|         //    //  //   //|  //|  |
              //////////  /////// | ///////   //////////|
              |        |  |     |   |     |   |        |

S A N I T Y ' S    E D G E

Gamedriver version:CD.06.00 Oct 26 2007 02:10:28
Mudlib version:CD.00.30-h4xed by CMD

Please enter your name:

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
 /     /    /    /     /         /    \   \     \
/     /    /    /     /\  /\    / o2/98\   \     \
\    / \  /     \    /  \/  \  /        \  /\    /
 \  /  / /       \  /    \   \/ A World  \ \ \  /\
/ \/  /\/         \/\    /    \ Of Many!  \/\ \/  \
\    /               \  /\    /              \    /
 \  /  ScalesMUCK     \/  \/\scalesmuck.[com|net]/
  \/      FB6                  8887  SSL@8886  \/

For question or concerns, please contact the lead
admin at:

Use "connect <name> <password>" To Logon.
Use "create" for info on getting a character.
Use "WHO" to see who is currently Online.

          .                              ._-_.
            .                .           |_-_(    .
    <~\  //~>               )\_           I
    /^-~~-^\            .-~   ~.        /_\   ___
   : //~\//~\ :       _.-~        ~-._-_. |,|  /   \  .
.__: \0/\0/ ;__,--~~       '     ' ~-.(   | /_____\       ._-_.
  ./\. ^^ ./\.      /   .   ,  '      \    \| u  -| _     |_-_(
  |  ( )( )  |   ,           .    ;    .-_-_-_-_--|/ \    I
 //~   U`'U   ~\    _.---._        .--~~-\._._._./ |___\  / \         .
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|  :        :  |_             ~ |_-_-_-_-_-  U_| -|  _| | u_|   .
`\,'  :  :  `./' ~~--._         |_\._._._./   _|-_-_-_-_-_-_|
(<___.'  `,___>),--.___~~-.      \_|-   -|    _|    ..   -|_|
 (((( ~--~ ))))      _.~  _)      \|-   U|    _| U  ++  U-|/ 
  ~~~      ~~~/`.--~ _.--~         |U   -|  U _|   ____  -|
              \,~~~~~         .    |- _ -|    _|  /|-|-\ -|
                                   |-/#\ |    _|  |-|-|| -|       .
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                          /   .   \  __   __,   ,_   | | ._ _|_    _\
            .            |   /     \/    /  |  /  |  |/  |/  |   , ' |
    .                    /  (  '(__/\___/\_/|_/   |_/|__/|__/|_/ ' _/ \

There are currently 3 users on Scarlet.

Give me a name: (or 'who' or 'quit'):

  _____           _   _                                 _ 
 / ____|         | | | |                               | |
| (___   ___ __ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ __ _  ___   ___   __| |
 \___ \ / __/ _` | __| __/ _ \ '__/ _` |/ _ \ / _ \ / _` |
 ____) | (_| (_| | |_| ||  __/ | | (_| | (_) | (_) | (_| |
|_____/ \___\__,_|\__|\__\___|_|  \__, |\___/ \___/ \__,_|
                                   __/ |           MOO 2.0                
              | Connect <firstname> <password>|
              |  Connect guest - Get a char.  |
If you have any problems connecting, please connect as a guest and use @wizcall to contact a wizard.

Content-type: text/html
*                     Welcome to schMOOze University                    *
*                                                                       *
*   ==> To connect to an existing player type:  CONNECT NAME PASSWORD   *
*   ==> To connect as a guest type:             CONNECT GUEST           *
*                                                                       *
*            all text is copyrighted by the various authors             *
*                                  ***                                  *
*                          *                 *                          *
*                    *                             *                    *
*                *                                     *                *
*             *                                           *             *
*           *                         (__)                  *           *
*          *                          (OO)                   *          *
*          *              ____________ /                     *          *
*          *            /|            /                      *          *
*          *          /  | |------ | |                       *          *
*          *        *    | |^^     | |                       *          *
*          *             ^ ^       ^ ^                       *          *
************                                                 ************

1 person is connected.

Welcome to Scott's Meeting MOO.

Connect by typing 'connect <username> <password>'

Create a new username by typing 'create <username> <password>'

    ssssssssss   cccccccc   oooo    uuu   uuu  rrrrrrrrr  gggggggggg eeeeeeeee
   sssssssss    ccccccc    oo  oo   uuu   uuu  rrr  rrrr  gggg    gg eeeeeeeee
  ssss          ccccc     ooo  ooo  uuu   uuu  rrr   rrrr gggg    gg eeee
   sssssss      ccc      oooo  oooo uuu   uuu  rrr   rrrr ggg        eeeeeee
     ssssss     ccc      oooo  oooo uuu   uuu  rrr  rrrr  gg    gggg eeeeeee
      sssssss   ccccc     ooo  ooo  uuu   uuu  rrr rrrrr  ggg   gggg eeee 
   sssssssss    ccccccc    oo  oo   uuuuuuuuu  rrr  rrrr  ggg     gg eeeeeeeee
 sssssssss       cccccccc   oooo    uuuuuuuuu  rrr   rrrr gggggggggg eeeeeeeee

                            oooo       fffffffff
                           oo  oo      fffffffff
                          ooo  ooo     ffff 
                         oooo  oooo    fffffff
                         oooo  oooo    fffffff
                          ooo  ooo     ffff 
                           oo  oo      ffff
                            oooo       ffff
                ttttttttt   iiii   mmm    mmm     eeeeeeeeee
                ttttttttt   iiii  mmm  mm  mmm    eeeeeeeeee
                   ttt      iiii  mmm  mm  mmm    eeee
                   ttt      iiii  mmm  mm  mmm    eeeeeeee
                   ttt      iiii  mmm      mmm    eeeeeeee
                   ttt      iiii  mmm      mmm    eeee
                   ttt      iiii  mmm      mmm    eeeeeeeeee
                   ttt      iiii  mmm      mmm    eeeeeeeeee


                                ROM Version 2.4 beta

               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
               Quest Code (c) 1996 Ryan Addams
               SOT 1.6.9 (c) 2002-2008 Scourge for music credits

By what name do you wish to be known?


               pyppy$$$ pyppy$$$ pyppy$$$ pyp  $$$      $$
               $$$'`$$$ $$$'`$$$ $$$'`$$$ $$$  $$$      $$
    |   ,$$$$$ $$$  `"' $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$$ $$             $$$$
  \\  ,$$$$$$$ $$$      $$$  `"' $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$'
--  $$$$$$'    $$$py$$$ $$$      $$$py$$' $$$py$$$   `$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
  /  `$$$$$$$$ `"'  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$'`$$y `"'  $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$.
    |   `$$$$$ pyp  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$$ $$             $$$$
               $$$py$$$ $$$py$$$ $$$  $$$ $$$py$$$      $$
               `"'      `"'      `"'      `"'           $$
                          ScryMUD                      $$$

                     Original Code and World
     ScryMUD was originally written by Ben Greear AKA Grock

        Written with DikuMUD and its derivatives in mind.

        Head Builder:  Jaeger
            Builders:  Andrew Gibson, MiniShamu, Pyrite, Shamu, StienFeastNine
              Coders:  Andrew Gibson, Ben Greear, Justin Piper, Ed Roper

           Thanks To:  Aasen, AngelBob, Cynder, Dagath, Gryphon, Eliud,
                       Jubal, Radick, Shade, Snoopy, Ron Yacketta

            Web Page:
       Player Forums:

Enter thy name:

Server Administration Email:
The following mud is based on AwakeMUD v0.84 BETA (
which was based on CircleMUD 3.0 by Jeremy Elson, a derivative
of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0) by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

_____   .                    A            .              .   .       .
o o o\            .        _/_\_                                  |\
------\\      .         __//...\\__                .              ||\   .
__ A . |\           .  <----------->     .                  .     ||||
HH|\. .|||                \\\|///                 ___|_           ||||
||| | . \\\     A    .      |.|                  /|  .|    .      /||\
  | | .  |||   / \          |.|     .           | | ..|          /.||.\
..| | . . \\\ ||**|         |.|   _A_     ___   | | ..|         || |\ .|
..| | , ,  |||||**|         |.|  /| |   /|   |  |.| ..|         || |*|*|
..|.| . . . \\\|**|.  ____  |.| | | |  | |***|  |.| ..|  _____  || |*|*|
..|.| . . .  |||**| /|.. .| |.| |*|*|  | |*  | ___| ..|/|  .  | ||.|*|\|\
___________ . \\\*|| |.. .|//|\\|*|*_____| **||| ||  .| | ..  |/|| |*| |\\
  Seattle  \.  ||||| |..  // A \\*/| . ..| * ||| || ..| |  .  ||||,|*| | \
    2064    \ . \\\| |.. // /|\ \\ | . ..|** ||| || ..| | . . ||||.|*| |\\
Thanks to:   \.  ||| |..|| | | | ||| . ..| * ||| ||  .| | ..  ||||.|*| ||||
Rivet & Crew ||.  ||| |, ||.| | | ||| . ..| * ||| || ..| | . ..||||.|*| ||||

Slot me some identification, chummer:

SoH v3.6
Time of Change

                | S E E D S           OF           H A T E 
                |          Swords & Sorcery Edition        
          .                                                      .
        .n                   .                 .                  
  .   .dP                  dP                   9b                 9b.    
4    qXb         .       dX                     Xb       .        dXp     
dX.    9Xb      .dXb    __                         __    dXb.     dXP     
9XXb._       _.dXXXXb dXXXXbo.                 .odXXXXb dXXXXb._       
    `9XXXXXXXXXXXP' `9XX'   DIE    `98v8P'  HUMAN   
        XXXXXXX       9X.          .db|db.          .XP       XXXXXXX
                        )b.  .dbo.dP'`v'`9b.odb.  .dX(
                      ,dXXXXXXXXXXXb     dXXXXXXXXXXXb.
                     dXXXXXXXXXXXP'   .   `9XXXXXXXXXXXb
                    dXXXXXXXXXXXXb   d|b   dXXXXXXXXXXXXb
                    9XXb'   `XXXXXb.dX|Xb.dXXXXX'   `dXXP
                     `'      9XXXXXX(   )XXXXXXP      `'
Orignal DikuMUD by            XXXX X.`v'.X XXXX
Staerfedlt, Nyboe,            XP^X'`b   d'`X^XX
Madsen, Seifert, and          X. 9  `   '  P )X
Hammer. Based on              `b  `       '  d'
MERC 2.1 by Hatchet,          `             '
Furey, and Kahn.
ROM 2.4 copyright          .:| I m m o r t a l S |:.
1993-1996 Russ Taylor ..::=-+   Chino  |  Trent   

                     God Wars : created by KaVir.
                  Seeds of Hate vaguely resembles :
       Dystopia, created by Jobo, Vladd, and Tarasque.

Pwipes are not scheduled, but they WILL happen. We will try to keep them 
to a minimum, but do not complain when they come about.

Who wishes to learn a new definition of hatred?

 / ______________________________________________________________________ \
| |                                                                     | |
| |   Space is nothing more than Darkness marked by points of light...  | |
| |                   .     *           .                            .  | |
| |      Welcome to the Darkness...        .                            | |
| |    *                             Serenity MUSH                      | |
| | .                     .                                             | |
| |   .  _.----._ So here is how it is:           The Big Damn GAME     | |
| |    .'   /  _ '.  Earth got used up...                               | |
| |   /    |  (_)  \                                                    | |
| |  |     \        | We found a new solar system and used terraforming | |
| |  |      '.      | technology to make hundreds of new earths. The    | |
| |  |    _   `\    | central planets formed the Alliance and decided   | |
| |   \  (_)   |   /  everyone should unite under their rule, a few     | |
| |    '._    / _.' people tried to stop them. After the war those that | |
| |       '----'   fought and lost drifted to the edges away from the   | |
| |               control of the Alliance.                              | |
| |  Out on the Rim a Captain's goal was simple:                        | | 
| |      Find a crew, Find a job, Keep flyin'                           | |
\ \_____________________________________________________________________/ /
              ** Evil will not release those who practice it. **
The characters portrayed on this game are the intellectual property of 
their creators. All rights to said characters, constructs, 
vehicles, and additions that are generated by players remain with 
those players permanently. See: News Content
Based on worlds created by Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. 
     Thanks Joss, From all of us.
Rated (M) for Mature. 
                     Experience may change during gameplay.
Use 'create <name> <password>' to create a character.
Use 'connect <name> <password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'connect Guest' to connect as a guest.
Use QUIT to logout.
|           *-*   See our WIKI:    *-*            |
|      See our PodCast website:         |

TCPVDD-A V3.1 : Win32 : Intel 80x86 : (c) Magrathea Systems Ltd. 1995-2002
Connected from on port 17.

** Welcome To Shades **
*** If you havnt registered for a Shades Account type NONE now ***

Please enter your account number (or NONE) 
(this is not your shades persona ID)      :

                         _______                                 ___           
                   ____/~///////~\____                      ___/~///~\___       
               __/////////////////////~\__            ___ /~/////////////~\_    
      __ _ __/~///////////////////////////~\_     _ ////////////////////////~\  
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      \--\  |-|\-|   _|-||-| |-||-___-| \-::\        |-|  __ |--/ |-/_\-||-||-|
        \:\ |:||:| /:_::||:| |:||:|  __   _):|       |:| [::||:|  |::___||:||:|
         |:||:||:||:|_|:\ \:\|:| \:\/:/  /::/        |:|  |:||:|  |:|  __|:||:|
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     \|          /          |   _/~         }  {_~\       /~                  
       \                    | /~          /~     \~~\    {                   
\ Be welcome to Shades of Grey, a WoD Consent-based Roleplaying Mush! If you /
  \want a character here, use 'create <char name> <password>', and you will/ 
    \be able to make a character on this mush. To connect to a char type /     
      \ 'connect <name> <password>'. To disconnect type QUIT. And you  / 
        \ type 'connect guest guest' to log on as a Guest.To connect / 
          \ here you need to be at least 18 years of age, or have  / 
            \  the permission of your parents. By connecting you / 
              \   waive any rights to legal action against     / 
                \     the mush, it's staffers or players.    / 

Shadow Glen is a massively multi-player online roleplaying game (MMORPG). The
gameworld is based on Celtic and Pagan beliefs with multiple races, character
customization  and  a wholesome availability  of skills and  rune magick, all
geared towards players of all ages. The vision  of Shadow Glen  was  an  idea
given  form  in  November 1996, and  was inspired by the  works of S. Hammer,
M. Seifert, H. Henrik, T. Madsen and K. Nyboe (original creators of DikuMud).

                                              )`-.   ,          ,
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         -____/  \\ \\,/  \\ \\  v3    \.' .'`/"`/ (#######)###::.. _.'
                                        '.' .'  ; , |:.  `|()##`"""`
  Shadow Glen Multiplayer Gameworld       `'-../__/_\::   /O()()o
 A realm of magick, mystery and fate                ()'._.'`()()'

By what name are you known, adventurer?: 


             I am terribly sorry for your troubles.  Why don't ye
               try back when ye thoughts be more collected, eh?


   ___|    |                   |                     
 \___ \    __ \     _` |    _` |    _ \   \ \  \   / 
       |   | | |   (   |   (   |   (   |   \ \  \ /  
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  @X%xx     o@@@@@@@X% @@XX%%x  )    ^^@X%x  | CON <char> <pw>               |
   ^   xx o@@@@@@@@Xx  ^ @XX%%x    xxx       | CON guest                     |
         o@@^^^ooo I^^ I^o ooo   .  x        | QUIT                          |
         oo @^ IX      I   ^X  @^ oo         | WHO                           |
         IX     U  .        V     IX         +------------ < ~ > ------------+
          V     .           .     V          | To create a new character,    |
                                             | login as a guest then type    |
                                             | @Request                      |
                                             +------------ < ~ > ------------+
 _ _|                                                 |          
   |    __ \     __|    _` |    __|   __ \     _` |   __|    _ \ 
   |    |   |   (      (   |   |      |   |   (   |   |      __/ 
 ___|  _|  _|  \___|  \__,_|  _|     _|  _|  \__,_|  \__|  \___|
            Copyright (c) 2000 Majistic Inc. (All rights reserved)

 :                                                                            :
 :              __. .         .               __.                             :
 :             (__  |_   _.  _|  _ .    ,    (__   *   _   _   _              :
 :             .__) [ ) (_] (_] (_) \/\/     .__)  |  (/, (_] (/,             :
 :                                                        ._|                 :
 :                                                                            :
 :                    .-~~~~~~~~~-._       _.-~~~~~~~~~-.                     :
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 :              .'//                  \./                  \\`.               :
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 :        .'//.-"                 `-.  |  .-'                 "-.\\`.         :
 :      .'//______.============-..   \ | /   ..-============.______\\`.       :
 :    .'______________________________\|/______________________________`.     :
 :                                                                            :
 :                   "The Struggle Is Over, The War Begins"                   :
 :                                                                            :
  Based on CircleMUD 3.1, created by Jeremy Elson. A derivative of DikuMUD, 
  created by H Staerfeldt, K Nyboe, T Madsen, M Seifert and S Hammer. 
  DraigMUD created and maintained by Cernunnos and Mina. 

o-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=< Welcome to Shadow Siege >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-o

                     1) Login to an existing account.
                     2) Create a new account.

                     0) Exit game.

Please select an option:

What is thy name?

       ___          ________          ________          _________
     //   \________/        \________/        \________/         \\
   //  ,-----. ,-. ,-. ,------. ,------. ,------. ,-.   ,-.        \\
  ||   | ,---'.| |.| |.| ,--. |.`] +-. |.| ,--. |.| |.  | |.        ||
  ||   | |,---'| ||| ||| |,-| || | |+| ||| |,-| ||| |,-.| ||         \\
 //    | `---. | `-' ||| `--' || | ||| ||| || | ||| || || ||          //
||     `---. |.| ,-. ||| ,--. || | ||| ||| || | ||| || || ||         ||
 \\     `--| ||| |,| ||| |,-| || | ||| ||| || | ||| || || ||          \\
  ||   .---' ||| ||| ||| || | ||.] +-' ||| `--' ||| `' `' ||           ||
 //    `-----'|`-'|`-'|`-'| `-'|`------'|`------'|`-------'|          //
||      `-----' `-' `-' `-'  `-' `------' `------' `-------'         ||
 \\     ,------. ,------. ,-------. ,-----.                           \\
  ||    | ,----'.| ,--. |.`--. ,--'.| ,---'. GODS:  Thorn, Tristan     ||
 //     | |,----'| |,-| || `-| |,--'| |,---'        Melnmarn, Garrett  //
||      | ||,--+ | `--' ||   | ||   | `-.  Arches:  Firedragon, Pator ||
 \\     | ||`] |+| ,--. ||   | ||   | ,-'      Vetri, Grendel          \\
  ||    | || | ||| |,-| ||   | ||   | |,-' Elders:  Grazzt, Styx        ||
 //     | `--' ||| || | ||   | ||   | `---.                            //
||      `------'|`-'| `-'|   `-'|   `-----'.                          ||
 \\      `------' `-'  `-'    `-'    `-----'                           \\

        Driver: MudOS 0.9.19        Mudlib: ShadowGate/Nightmare Mudlib 1.5/3.2
  Admin Emails: , .

What name do you wish?

DikuMUD by     H. Staerfeldt, K. Nyboe, T. Madsen, M. Seifert && S. Hammer.
Merc 2.1 by    Hatchet, Furey && Kahn. 
SMAUG 1.0 by   Thoric, Altrag, Narn, Blodkai, Haus, Scryn, Rennard, 
               Swordbearer, Tricops && Gorog.
  .::::::.   ::   .:   :::.   :::::::-.MY"  MMM    YMMYMM   ""` MMMMP"`    "YMMMMMP"^:::/ \;;;^   _|.|_   ^[[[_|I|  |I .|  |.|_$$'    c$$$cc$$$c $$$ "Y$c$$  $$,    $$  '''    $
\II||--| |--||  /o88oo,._ 888   888,888    Y88  888_,o8P' 88b    dP
`\'|-------|'/'""""YUMM YMM   ""` MMMMY"
\|II I ..|/
    /\    |II.    |    /\Maintained by The Shadowlands Staff.
   /  \  _|III .  |_  /  \
   |-'| /(|I.I I  I)\ |'-I  telnet://
 _/(I | +-----------+ |. )\_email:
 \`-----/--__-'-____\-----'/    Home of ORB:
  |I.III|  /(===)\  |  .. |
New players type: new
What name will you use in the Shadows?

        $$$Tm  l$$b
   ,.   `$$$$k `T$$.
 .m$$$P"Q$P'  `""TB$$$bna,.`$l
l$$$$$bmd$$kma,.    `""T$$$ $'      Welcome to the Mile High City
      `" ..,`T$$$$$$h.  $$ $$  ,$$.  $$$$,   $$$$  $$   $$ $$$$$  $$ $$ $$.  $$
 (Tl) ,$$"'   `T$$$$$$. $$.$$ .$""$. $$`"$$ $$""$k $$   $$ $$ `$$ $$ $$ $$$$.$$
     j$T       l$$$$$$l $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$  $$ $$  $$ $$ $ $$ $$$$$' $$ $$ $$"$$$$
     $$$b.    .j$$"$$$' $$"$$ $$"'$$ $$.,$$ $$..$$ $$u$w$$ $$`$$. $$.$$ $$ `$$$
     "$$$$$bmd$$$$m$'   $$ $$ $$  $$ $$$$`  `$$$$' `$$"$$' $$ `$$ `$$"$ $$  `$$
          `""""'                                      Denver
  "connect guest guest" lets you log on and look around as a Guest.
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to TinyMUSH
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

Classic Seattle has moved! Join us at New Seattle: Shadows
Evolved. For information, visit our forum at or our MUSH location Port 2012.

 Shadows of Isildur MUD
 ----------------------                           _,-----._
                                            ,'_,-'  _____  `-._`.
C) Create a new account.                  ,','  _,-'_____`-._  `.`.
L) Log in to an existing account.       ,','  ,'_,-'     `-._`.  `.`.
                                       /,'  ,','     >|<     `.`.  `.\
X) Disconnect from the server.        //  ,','    >< ,^. ><    `.`.  \\
                                     //  /,'    ><  / | \  ><    `.\  \\
Original DikuMUD GAMMA (0.0):       //  //    ><   \/\^/\/   ><    \\  \\
Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Tom       _||__||_          `---'          _||__||_
Madson, Katja Nyboe, Michael     (o.____.o)____               ____(o.____.o)
Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer      |    |  // (___,'.   .'.___) \\  |    |
                                  /|    | ;;))  ___) . . (___  ((\\ |    |\
Original Harshlands Framework:    \|.__ | ||/ .'.--.\/ `/,--.`. \;: | __,|;
Charles Rand, a.k.a. "Rassilon"    |`-,`;.| :/ /,' `)- -(' `.\ \: |.;',-'|
                                   |   `..  ' / \__.'   `.__/ \ `  ,.'   |
Shadows of Isildur RPI Engine:     |    |,\  /,       .       ,\  /,|    |
C. W. McHenry,  a.k.a. "Traithe"  /|    |:; |/  .   ./|\,   ,  \| :;|    |\
J. Webb, a.k.a. "Sighentist"      \|.__ |/  :  ,/- <--:--> ,\.  ;  \| __,|;
M. Huston, a.k.a "Bristlecone"     |`-.``:   `'/-.  '\|/`  ,-\`;   ;'',-'|
L. Cunningham, a.k.a. "Japheth"    |   `..   ,' `'    '    `  `.   ,.'   |
Email:       ;____:   `._    `'         _,'   ;____:
SOI Community Links:
Player Wiki:
Your Selection:

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to Shattered Gem MUSH
TinyMUSH 3.0

Goddess: Aloria (
Headwiz: Joulia (
  "Connect Guest Guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "Connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "Create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

\       __        |             \_   /                    \_   __/
    |    _/  \  ____/                \_/                       \_/
    \   /     \/    \                  \          _____        /_
     \_/    _____ _  \       _______   /_        |  _  |      /  \ _
           |  _  | |  |     |__   __|_/| |_ _____| | | | ____/    | |
           | |\|_| |   \_____  | |/  |_   _|  _  | |_| ||  _  |___| |     ___
 __       /| |_\_| |___|___  | | |\    | |\| |_| |  _ | | |/| |  _  |\   /
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     \_/    _  | | |\| |  _  | | | /   | |_| |___| |/| || |___| |_| |      _
           | |_| | | | | |_| |\| | \__ |___|_____|_| |_||_____|_____|     / \
           |_____|_|/|_|_____| |_|_/ _\   /  ___   ___                  _/
        _   _     _/  \_/ \/    \_  | |\_/  |   |_|   | _____    __    /
       | | | |   /        /       \_| |_    |  _   _  ||  _  | _/  \__/
       | |_| |_ / _      / _____ ___| |_\___| | | | | || | |_|/ \
       | |  _|_| | |___  \|  _  |  _  |  _  | | | | | || |__/    \_
       |   |_/_  |  _  | /| | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||___  |     \
       | |_  | | | | | | \| |\| | |_| | |_| | |\| | | | _/ | |      |
  ___  | |/| | |_| | | | /|___  |_____|_____|_| |_| |_|| |_| |       \__    _
 /   \ |_| |_|___|_| |_|/  ___| |\                \_ / |_____|          \_ /
/     \__/            /   |_____| \_                \                    \
     _/              /              \               /             --nada:98--
    /                |               \             /                     /
  DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and
Sebastian Hammer.  Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  ROM 2.3
by Alander.  Shattered Kingdoms (r) copyright (c) 1996-2007.

By which name would you like to be known?

                      _)\.-.                          ;.               .;
     .-.__,___,_.-=-. )\`  a`\_                       OX"o,.   _  .,o"XO
 .-.__\__,__,__.-=-. `/  \     `\                       `-..:\ovo/,..-'    
  {`,-`-,-`.-`,;;_______;_;==;`)/        __    __             " "           .__
   \-,`_-`_-,`(_(   _____/|  |__ _____ _/  |__/  |_  ___________   ____   __| /
    ",-.`_,-`,,_\_____  \ |  |  \\__  \\   __\   __\/ __ \_  __ \_/ __ \ / __ |
      ``-,_-`,((/        \|   Y  \/ __ \|  |  |  | \  ___/|  | \/\  ___// /_/ |
,          `"~-/_______  /|___|  (____  /__|  |__|  \___  >__|    \___  >____ |
|\            _(_/_ ;  \/      \/     \/                \/            \/     \/
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 '--.\    .'          /_/    | |    /  \    /  \___________|  |    __| _/
     ))  /       \      |   /.'     \   \/\/   /  _ \_  __ \  |   / __ | 
    //  /,        | __.'|  ||        \        (  <_> )  | \/  |__/ /_/ | 
   //   ||        /`    (  ||         \__/\  / \____/|__|  |____/\____ | 
  ||    ||      .'       \ \\              \/                         \/ 
 ||    ||    .'_         \ \\    
   \\   //   / _ `\        \ \\__         (admin:
    \'-'/(   _  `\,;        \ '--:,        (established: august 1990)
    `"`  `"` `-,,;         `"`",,

Welcome, choose a name for your character, or enter `guest'.
What is your name:

This Mud is based on Mythran 3.1.10, which in turn is based on Envy 2.0 
Special thanks to Kahn, Furey, Hatchet, Maniac and the Diku staff.
Envy is in turn based on Diku, for which Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja 
Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Micheal Seifert and Sebastian Hammer deserve credit.  
Also see 'help diku', 'help envy', 'help mythran' and 'help shiny'.
                                                              _( (^\
       _ _                        /                          ( \> > \
   -/^/ / ^\                     :;                \       _  > /(-\/
  || | | /\ ;\                   |l      _____     |;     ( \/    > >
  _\\)\)\)/ ;;;                  `8o __-^     ^\   d|      \      //
 ///(())(__/^;;\                  "88p;.  -. _\_;.oP        (_._/ /
(((__   __ \\   \                  `>,% (\  (\./)8"         ;:'  i
)))--`.'-- (( ;,8 \               ,;%%%:  ./V^^^V'          ;.   ;.
((\   |   /)) .,88  `: ..,,;;;;,-::::::'_::\   ||\         ;[8:   ;
 )|  ^-^  |(|(888; ..``'::::8888oooooo.  :\`^^^/,,^--._    |88::  |
 |\ -===- /|  \8;; ``:.      oo.8888888888:`((( o.ooo8888Oo;:;:'  |
 |_^-___-^_|   `-\.   `        `o`88888888b` )) 888b88888P""'     ;
 ; ^^^^;^^         "`--_`.       b`888888888;(.,"888b888"  ..::;-'
   ;      ;              ^"-....  b`8888888:::::.`8888. .:;;;''
      ;    ;                 `:::. `:::OOO:::::::.`OO' ;;;''
 :       ;                     `.      "``::::::''    .'
    ;        Welcome to...      `.   \_              /  
  ;       ;                       +:   ^^--  `:'  -'; 
              Shiny Mud!           `:         : .::/
       ;                            ;;+_  :::. :..;;;  

What do they call you?

Welcome to Shoujo-Ai MUSH!

Contact: Yuriko Hinayama <>

This MUSH may contain themes not suitable to minors. As such, we 
require that only those that of 18 years or older may enter for legal 
reasons. By entering, you are stating that you are at least of 18 
years of age, and that Shoujo-Ai MUSH will not be held responsible for 
anything that you may encounter.

FOR NEW PLAYERS: If you are having trouble registering, make sure the
name you want is not taken by typing "connect guest" and then "finger
<name>" to check whether it already exists. Also make sure you omit the
<> characters; these are simply there to indicate where to insert the 
appropriate information.

Type "register <name> <e-mail address>" to create a character.
Type "connect <name> <password>" to connect to your existing character.
Type "connect guest" if you just want to look around first.
Type QUIT to logout.
Type WHO to see who is currently online.


               ,     :     ,
          '.    ;    :    ;    ,`
      '-.   '.   ;   :   ;   ,`   ,-`
   "-.   '-.  '.  ;  :  ;  ,`  ,-`   ,-"
      "-.   '-. '. ; : ; ,` ,-`   ,-"
 '"--.   '"-.  '-.'  '  `.-`  ,-"`   ,--"`
      '"--.  '"-.   ...   ,-"`  ,--"`
           '"--.  .:::::.  ,--"`

Welcome to........SHOWDOWN MUD                     
            ^^                   @@@@@@@@@
       ^^       ^^            @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
                            @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@              ^^
 ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
 ~         ~~   ~  ~       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~       ~~     ~~ ~
   ~      ~~      ~~ ~~ ~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~  ~     ~~~    ~ ~~~  ~ ~~
   ~  ~~     ~         ~      ~~~~~~  ~~ ~~~       ~~ ~ ~~  ~~ ~
 ~  ~       ~ ~      ~           ~~ ~~~~~~  ~      ~~  ~             ~~
       ~             ~        ~      ~      ~~   ~             ~
                            Based on CircleMUD 3.0,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson,
                            Modified by B. Hutchins (

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

                         ___====-_  _-====___
                  _--~~~#####// '   \\#####~~~--_     
  Sxinon ->      -~##########// (    ) \\##########~-_
               -############//  |\^^/|  \\############-
             _~############//   (O||O)   \\############~_
            ~#############((     \\//     ))#############~
           -###############\\    (oo)    //###############-
        ____#################\\ _ V  _ /_ ##_##############
       / ___)I I_I II II II __)I  \/  II I I I/ ___)I I_I I
       \___ \I  _  I \  / I __)I I\/I II I_I I\___ \I  _  I
       (____/I_I I_I I__I I___)I_I  I_II_____I(____/I_I I_I
            |/  V  V     V  )||  |()|  ||(  V   '  V /\  \|  
                            / |  |()|  | \  '      '<||>  '
                           (  |  |()|  |  )\        /|/
                          __\ |__|()|__| /__\______/|/
                         (vvv(vvvv)(vvvv)vvv)______|/ * taken from fortune
=[Welcome to ShyeMush 5]======================================================
 connect <player> <password> => Connect as <player> with <password>
 connect Trooper trooper     => Connect as a distinguished Guest.
 WHO                         => Show who is online currently
 QUIT                        => Quit ShyeMUSH.  Return to Humanoid form.
             To Create A Character, Go To

Do you want color (Yn)?

           /.   \      ___    ___    _:     _ _    ___    ___    ___    _:
          //     \    /o__)  /o  \  /o| _  /oY \  /o  \  /o  \  /o  \  /o| _
         //  __   \  (___  \/\___/\/  |/ \/     \/  O  \/  + /_/\___/\/  |/ \
        //  /  \   \ /. l   \      \  T   \ \_/  \      \      \      \  T   \
       //  /\__/\   \\______/______/______/__|___/__|___/__|___/______/______/
      //  /   }  \\  \
     //  /  _{__  \\  \ "....Feanor infatti, giunto alla pienezza del proprio
    //  /  /    \  \\  \ vigore, era tutto preso da un nuovo pensiero, ma puo'
   //  /  /      \  \\  \ anche essere che abbia preavvertito un'ombra della
  //  /   \      /   \\  \ sorte che s'avvicinava; e rifletteva su come con_
 //  /_  _/\____/\_  _\\  \ servare imperitura la luce degli Alberi, gloria
//  /  \/          \/  \\  \ del Reame Beato. Diede allora mano a un lungo e
\\  \__/____________\__//  / segreto lavoro, facendo appello a tutta la propria
 \\                       / sapienza, potenza e sottile abilita'; e alla fine,
  \______________________/ ecco che produsse i Silmaril."

Batti il tuo nome:

    Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe, 
                Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.
    MERC Modifications made by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn
    Ack!Mud 2.2, Modified Merc2.2 by: Stimpy, Thalen
    Ack!Mud 4.3 by Zenithar, with help from Spectrum,
                Altrag, Ramias, Universe, and others
    Silver Bridge Home Page:

                             //|                              ,|
                           //,/                             -- |
                         // / |                         _--   /  ,
                       /'/ / /                       _--   _/_-- |
                      ( ( / /'                   _ --     _-- ,/'
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          ))| @    ;-.     (((((/           __-----'--/
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             |   |   |       (/      ------/__-------  ,;::'  \         ,
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                   :        (      -----/         `:::|      |;|      < >
                  |   _      `--------'      /      `:|       \;\_____//
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         / //  _;______:'-----------    |;/\    /
        //  | |                        /  |  \;,\
       (<_  | :                      /',/-----'  _>
        \_| ||_                     //-;---------
            `\_|                   (,--

'Tis time... Fly away to...

               S i l v e r   B r i d g e  !

What is your name?

       Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
            Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.
             MERC Modifications made by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn
)                               X*. 
      .         .      /\      .|          .          .     O  a 
                *    .'  `.     |.     .     *             OOO&&& 
               .    /      \    +________________        aOOOOO&&&&
      |            `.+-''-+.' .' `.^^^^^^^^\^^^^^\.    &&&&OOO&&&
     -*-   . .       |u--.|  /     \'''''''|'''''|   &&&&&&&OO  '
      |              |   u|.'       `." "  |" " "|    '''''      
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  -*-            *   |    '-|U U U U|-'____L_____L_  .     |    .
   :         .   .   |.-u.| |..---..| //// ////// /\       +
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           :         |.--u| |..---..|//////'\////====\   /   \ 
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                  /''''/-\--|       |===|  |u|==|++++|   |   |
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    aaa&&&&&&aa   |===|||||_|       |===|_.|u|_.|+HH+|_/_/_/_/aa
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                    a\`| `   _//  | / _| || |  | `.'  ,''|
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''''' ''''''         a&&&|   \\ |   // .'    .'| |  |&&&&&&a
      ''           a&&&&&&&\   | `| ''.'     .' | ' /&&&&&&&&&a
)              Ack!Mud 2.2, Modified Merc2.2 by: Stimpy, Thalen
                    Ack!Mud 4.3 by Zenithar, with help from
                Spectrum, Altrag, Ramias, Universe, and others
                            Screen: Michlotixlan 
                    Ack!Mud Home Page:
Welcome to Silver Dreams
What is your name?

Gamedriver: LDmud 3.2.15 (Amylaar+)
Mudlib: Simauria
           ___    __                                           __
         //.  \  |__|                                         |__|
       /  \ '--' .--.  _-. __ __     ____    _-. __   _-,,-.  _--.   ____
       |   `\.  /_  | |   '  '   \  /    \  |  ||  | |  '/\/ /_  |  /    \
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  | `\    '|  |  |  | |  ||  ||  | |   ,  | |  |/  | |  \     |  | |   ,  |
   \.  '-__/ /   |_/  |__||_/ | /  |__/|__|  |_/|__|  \__|    |_/  |__/|__|
     \_____/                  |/                                                   
                                      ~|       ,oo888oo,          ..
                                      .^. ~| ,88888888888,      .::.:
                                   ~| |@| .^.8|88888888888    .:::.. :
    ..                             .^.|_|_|@|.^.8888888888  .:'       :.::.
  .  .:.                           |@|___.^.||@|888888P:::_::   `:.    :   .
 .   ..::..                    ..  |' || |@|_|.^.8888P::   `.          :     .
.       .:.:.          ..   . '   :|  ||.| |__|@|   .:       ..         :
       ::   ::       .  .:.      ,' `  ::: |   #|    ...       . .       .
      '     `::   . '    .:::   :    .  :::,:'''   .:.  .
              `::.          ::. `:     ,  ::\:   :::.    ` . .
 Angor'98       .':..         :. :.            .::            .
                                 :     .    ..::'               .

Nombre del personaje (escribe 'crear' para uno nuevo):

    +    |-------|   o__     ###### _____ _           __
    |    | = = = |  < __\<= #####  / ___/(_)___  ____/ /___  ____ ___  ___
 |------\| = = = |   `  `  ####   |\__ \/ / __ \/ __  / __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \
 | [] [] \ = = = |     |--####-|  |__/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / /  __/
 |        \= = = |_____| O## O | /____/_/_/ /_/\__,_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/
 | [] []   \ = = ||....| #     |  | = = = = |
 |          |= = ||....|WW O O |  | = = = = |   NOW OPEN IN BETA TESTING
 | [] [] [] |= = ||....|       |-----|= = = |
 |          |= = |---|.| O O O |.....|= = = |  *------NEW TO SINDOME?------*
 | [] [] [] |= = |   |.|       |--|..|= = = |  *  type 'connect guest' to  *
 |          |= = |   |.| O O O |  |..|= = = |  * come in and check us out! *
 | [] [] [] |= = |   |.|       |  |..|= = = |  *---------------------------*
 |          |= =|-------|O O O |  |..|= = = |
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      |  |..|= = = |  Remember that the help menu
 |          |= =|       |O O O |  |..|= = = |  is at your disposal. If this
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      | |-----|= = |  is not good enough to answer
 |          |= =|       |O O O |__ [ [ |= = |  any questions you may have,
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |    =>/_L>    |= = |  please ask a staff member.
 |          |= =|       |O O O ` ` [ [ |= = |
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      | |     |= = |  Existing players type:
 |          |= =|       |O O O | | X X |= = |  connect <username> <password>
 |          |   |              |       |

           "You've never had the urge to kill yourself until now."

                       Based on DikuMUD created by:
              Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, 
                   Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
      *********          *              ***   *************** *          *
     ***     ****        **          **     ** *************  **        **
   *****      ****  *    ***        **       **     ***       **        **
   *****         ***     ***       ***       ***    ***       ***      ***
    ******        *      ***      ****       ****   ***       ************
       *****             ***       ***       ***    ***       ***      ***
           *****         **         **       **     ***       **        **
               *****     **********  **     **      ***       **        **
                 *****   *********      ***          *        *          *
   *              *****
    ***          ****

By what name do you wish to be known?

Ul; charset=iso-8859-1

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>This is NOT a proxy!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1><font
color="#FF0000">This is NOT a proxy!</font></H1><BODY></HTML>

 __               __     __                         __   ____
/    |   |    |  /  \   /  \ \   /    |\  /|   /\   | \  |
\__  |   |    | |____  |____  \ /     | \/ |  /  \  |_/  |__
   \ |   |    | |    | |    |  |      |    | |----| | \  |
 __/ |___ \__/   \__/   \__/   |      |    | |    | |  \ |___
                     | ___ |
                     |/   \|  Prepare to die
                     |(. .)|    Nerd Boy!
                     |  .  |       \
                     |  _  |        \
                      \___/          ___
                   ___/\ /\___      /.  \____
                  / / \/ \  / \    |    /   |\
                 |/ \/  \ /\  /|    \   \__/  |
                 | /| \ / \ |\ |    / _______/
Enter your character's name, New, or Guest:

Do you want Colour? (Y/n)

Welcome to SneezyMUD v5.2:
Fri Apr  3 01:47:43 PDT 2009:
Celebrating 17 years of quality mudding (est. 1 May 1992)

Please type NEW (case sensitive) for a new account, or ? for help.
If you need assistance you may email


          |     "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an
         / \         existing character
     ///,//,//\    "connect tourist" connects you to a guest account.
  (.,//,//,//,//.)     "create <name> <password>" creates a new
 (.//,//,//,//,//.)          character.
    |          |
    |    __    |               Y8b Y88888P                  
    |   |  |   |                Y8b Y888P   e88 88e  888,8, 
    |   |  |   |                 Y8b Y8P   d888 888b 888 "  
    |  _|__|_  |                  Y8b Y    Y888 888P 888    
    |          |                   Y8P      "88 88"  888
    |          |
    |          |   
    |          | 

    "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
    "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

    Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
    special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
Ooooh, say the words... 
Welcome to _____           __                  ____  __  __           __
SPR       / ___/          /_/                 / /_/ / / /_/          / /
         / /_________________________________/ /___/ /______________/ /
        /__  / __  / ___/ / __  / __  / __  / / /_  __/ / ___/___  / /
       ___/ / /_/ / /__/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /__/ __  / /
      /____/_____/____/_/_____/ ____/_____/_/_/ /___/_/____/_____/_/
     ______                __/ /_____             __  __
    / __  /               /_/_/ __/_/            / / /_/
   / /_/ /___________________/ /________________/ /____________________
  /   __/___  / __  __  / /_  __/ / ___/___  /_  __/ / __  / __  / ___/
 / /\ \/ __  / / / / / / / / / / / /__/ __  / / /_/ / /_/ / / / /__  /
/_/ /_/_____/_/ /_/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/____/_____/ /___/_/_____/_/ /_/____/

The furry, free, tech-styled MUCK at FOO, Linkoeping, Sweden, Earth!
Founded 19th September 1994. Guaranteed 100% CDA-free! You can type:
    WHO                          to see who is already on
    connect <name> <password>    to connect to an existing character
    connect #<dbref> <password>  if you forgot your own name :)
    connect guest guest          to visit as a guest 
We create new characters on the fly: to get a character, connect as a
guest and follow the displayed instructions. 
*Your password will be emailed to you.*
Home Page:         Ports: 23, 2323  SSL: 23551

       _ _                        /                          ( \> > \
   -/-/ / -\                     :;                \       _  > /(-\/
  || | | /\ ;\                   |l      _____     |;     ( \/    > >
  _\\)\)\)/ ;;;                  `8o __--     -\   d|      \      //
 ///(())(__/-;;\                  "88p;.  *  _\_*.oP        (_._/ /
(((__   __ \\   \                  `>,% (\  (\./)8"         ;:'  i
)))--`.'-- (( ;,8 \               ,;%%%:  ./V^^^V'          ;.   ;.
((\   |   /)) .,88  `: ..,,;;;;,-::::::'_::\   ||\         ;[8:   ;
 )|  ^-^  |(|(888; ..``'::::8888oooooo.  :\`^^^/,,^--._    |88::  |
 |\ -===- /|  \8;; ``:.      oo.8888888888:`((( o.ooo8888Oo;:;:'  |
 |_--___--_|   `-\.   `        `o`88888888b` )) 888b88888P""'     ;
 ; ---;--         "`--_`.       b`888888888;(.,"888b888"  ..::;-'
   ;      ;               "-....  b`8888888:::::.`8888. .:;;;''
      ;    ;                 `:::. `:::OOO:::::::.`OO' ;;;''
 :       ;                     `.      "``::::::''    .'  

      ___  ___  _      _   ___   ___ ___ _    ___ ___  ___ ___ 
     / __|/ _ \| |    /_\ | _ \ | __/ __| |  |_ _| _ \/ __| __|
     \__ \ (_) | |__ / _ \|   / | _| (__| |__ | ||  _/\__ \ _| 
     |___/\___/|____/_/ \_\_|_\ |___\___|____|___|_|  |___/___|

DikuMUD by H.Staerfeldt, K.Nyboe,T.Madsen, M.Seifert,and S.Hammer
   MERC code by Hatchet,Furey,and Kahn ROM24(c)93-96 R.Taylor

What would you like us to call you?

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
                  _____                _          __   __        
                 / ___/ ____   ____   (_)_____   / /_ / /_   ___ 
                 \__ \ / __ \ / __ \ / // ___/  / __// __ \ / _ \
                ___/ // /_/ // / / // // /__   / /_ / / / //  __/
               /____/ \____//_/ /_//_/ \___/   \__//_/ /_/ \___/ 
                __  __           __              __                 
               / / / /___   ____/ /____ _ ___   / /_   ____   ____ _
              / /_/ // _ \ / __  // __ `// _ \ / __ \ / __ \ / __ `/
             / __  //  __// /_/ // /_/ //  __// / / // /_/ // /_/ / 
            /_/ /_/ \___/ \__,_/ \__, / \___//_/ /_/ \____/ \__, /  
                                /____/                     /____/   
      _   __                  __  __              _                          
     / | / /___  _      __   / / / /____   _____ (_)____  ____   ____   _____
    /  |/ // _ \| | /| / /  / /_/ // __ \ / ___// //_  / / __ \ / __ \ / ___/
   / /|  //  __/| |/ |/ /  / __  // /_/ // /   / /  / /_/ /_/ // / / /(__  ) 
  /_/ |_/ \___/ |__/|__/  /_/ /_/ \____//_/   /_/  /___/\____//_/ /_//____/  

                        |-___   / \       |--__
                        |      =====      |
                        X      | .:|      X
                       / \     | O |     / \
                      =====   |:  . |   =====
                      |.: |__| .   : |__| :.|
                      |  :|. :  ...   : |.  |
              __   __W| .    .  ||| .      :|W__  --
            -- __  W  WWWW______"""______WWWW   W -----  --
        -  -     ___  ---    ____     ____----       --__  -
            --__    --    --__     -___        __-   _

   Welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog:  New Horizons MUCK!
*** 8888 ***

connect <user> <password> to login
ch <user> <password> to login hidden (Wizard only)
request <user> <email> <your name> to request a character
help to get help
WHO to see who is online
QUIT to quit this screen

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

              .:`:       . `.`:. 
             .'   `      <{     `;      *------------------------------------* 
            .     :      (`   '*  `\    |        W e l c o m e   t o . . .   | 
           .  .^. :      (`.  ,-._.,|   |    ___              ___            | 
          .:   `  :       (   '         |   <   `            /   `           | 
         .:  `.`  '        (    \       |    \   __   /  |  /     __    .  > | 
        .   :`.`  `         (    `      |     > /  > (   | <     /  >  /| /  | 
       .   :  : `  `         )    `     | `__/  <__/  \__|  \__. <__/ < |/   | 
       :` .:  :  .: `.       )     `    |                                    | 
      :` .: `: `: `   `-._._/       .   |    P e r n ' s   S o u t h e r n   | 
      :  :`  : .` :` . .        {   \._/^3:        C o n t i n e n t         | 
      .  .   .   .:' :'          \.     _3:       ___________________        | 
     .:.:  `' '`:. .:   /`).       `._./|               Wizards:             |
    . .:  .:.  .:. .  /   (           : |       Merryweather, Mortimer,      |
   . . .   . . .   .:'   (            . |        Masako and Millicent        |
  .:,,:. .:,,:. ,:,'/   (             . |                                    | 
 .~  `;:.:;,,;::.:'/   (              . |   This themed roleplaying game is  | 
       ~  / `:.,.;/   <               . |            rated PG-13.            | 
        \/    ~  /   /<              .  *------------------------------------* 
 To create a new character:            'create <name> <password>'
 To connect to an existing character:  'connect <name> <password>'
 To connect to a Guest character:      'connect guest guest'
 'WHO' displays who's online.          'QUIT' disconnects you from the game.
--------SouCon is based on the 'Pern' novels by Anne McCaffrey (C) (TM)-------

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

           *                            *          *             |     |  
     .        .    /\        .                                    \___/  *
 ________         /  \             |       |    .              *
 |      |   .     |  |             |_______|    __       .
 |      |_______  |  |  *   /\     |       |   (  )  ________         _______
 |      |      |  |  |     /  \ ___|  | |  |    ||   |      |______   |     |
 |      |    . |  |  |_____|  |    | |     |  __||__ | .  . |     |   |     |
 | ____ | .    |__/\__ .   |  |    |  |  | | |  ||  ||   .  |     |___|__   |
 | |  | |      |     |   . |  |    | |  |  |_|__||__|| .  . |     |     |   |
                           Welcome to Soulfire MUSH
"connect <name> <password>" connects to an existing character.
"connect guest guest" connects to a temporary guest character.
"create <name> <password>" will create a new character.
"WHO" lists all players currently connected and "QUIT" will disconnect.
Staff Email:        Website:
Soulfire MUSH is based on the world of Dresden Files, copyright Jim Butcher.
Due to the nature of the theme, players under the age of 18 are not permitted.

     ________ ______ __  __ ______ __  __ ______ ____    ______
    / ______// __  // / / //_  __// /_/ // ____//.'. \  / __  /
   / /_____ / / / // / / /  / /  / __  // /__  /  ~__/ / / / /
  /_____  // /_/ // /_/ /  / /  / / / // /___ / /\ \  / / / /
 ______/ //_____//_____/  /_/  /_/ /_//_____//_/  \_\/_/ /_/
/_______/______ ____    ______ ______ ______
       / _____//.'. \  / __  // ____// ____/
      / /     /  ~__/ / / / / \ \    \ \ ___________________
     / /     / /\ \  / /_/ /___\ \ ___\ \__  __   _____  __/
    / /_____/_/  \_\/_____//_____//_____/ / /  | |    / / 
   /_______/     Honor ante los Familia  / /   | |   / /  
 Type:                                  / /    | |  / /
   Connect <name> <password>           / /     | | / /
      - To log in                   __/ /______| |/ /__
   Connect guest                   /__________________/
      - To log in as a guest      
By logging in, you agree that you are a legal adult wherever you live.
If you are not a legal adult, please log off now.
Type Create <Name> <Password> to create a character from login.
Names must be one word.
67 players on right now.  Log on and become another one!

      _     ______ ______ _     _ _______ ______  _______  ______    _
     / )   / _____|_____ (_)   (_|_______|_____ \(_______)/ _____)  ( \
    | |   ( (____  _____) )______ _____   _____) )_____  ( (____     | |
    | |    \____ \|  ____/  ___  |  ___) |  __  /|  ___)  \____ \    | |
    | |    _____) ) |    | |   | | |_____| |  \ \| |_____ _____) )   | |
     \_)  (______/|_|    |_|   |_|_______)_|   |_|_______|______/   (_/
                         Welcome to SpheresMUX!
  Administrative Email Contact: <>
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect Guest guest" to connect to a guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
            ____   W e l c o m e   _____    t o :
           /    \ _____ __________ |    \  __________________ ___  __
'''',,,   /   ___\|    \|  ||     \|     \ |  |___   /___   / \  \/ /
;|  /  '''\   \   |  O /|  ||  |  ||  |\  ||  |  /  /   /  /   \   /
;| / ,  " .\   \  |  _/ |  ||  |  ||  ||  ||  | /  /__ /  /__  /  /
 ;"    ,  .;\   \ |__|  |__||__|__||  ||  ||__|/______/______|/__/
  | / .   ___\   \_--"""--_        |  |/  |
 ;    ; ..\      /  .    . "       |     /
  '    ..;|\____/    ::.  ;.`.     |____/
 .  '  .;|;/   :      ;      :               _________
      |.;|'   _---"-_     .___;_-----==="""""         """"----____
 '  ,|.;|     "--___-"   (___                                _____)
.  ,#|..;|    ."-_--"     \.."""""""-------________-----"""""..../
  ,#/..;|      :      ; .  \:\::::::\......\....../.....::::/:::/
 /##/.;|       ` ..  .::    "-""-_::_\::::::\::::/""-_:::_-""--"
/###|,;;|       `.    ;    .'     ""  \::::/""__"     "-"
|###/..,|         "--___--"            "--"
|##/....|                                        The Successor to
\#|..;;|,              ____  ____  ____
 /..;;|          Port 7072, SSL 7073             |_  _||  -- |  --
                                                  |__| |__| &|__|
           'connect <character> <password>' to connect.
           'connect guest guest' to try out life as a guest.
           'WHO' lists who's awake; 'QUIT' (all caps) leaves us.

          ##############                              ##############
      #####################                        ##################### 
    #######           ########                  ########           #######  
  #####                  ########            ########                  ##### 
 ####                  __----,##.----_  .-,######.-,,-------,            ####
 ###                  / _----'#/ .--, |/ /######/ / `--, ,--'             ###
 ###                 | |      / /##/ // /##### / /    / /                 ###
 ###                 \ \     / `--' // /####  / /    / /                  ###
 ###                  \ \  / .---'#/ /######/ /    / /                    ###
 ###                  | | / /  ###/ /######/ /    / /                     ###
 ###             ,---' / / / ####/ '--+-+#/ /### / /                      ###
 ####            `----'  `'######`------'#`'#####`'                      ####
  #####                  ########           ########                   ##### 
    #######           ########                 ########            #######  
      #####################                       ###################### 
          ##############                             ###############


                              Spirits: Vash, Pam
                     Queens/Kings: Ichigo, Qualin, Zymira
                          Regents: Bazin, Crowley
                   Princess/Prince: lyra, Malachi, Vraxor
Please note: no longer points to the web site. The new address is                      

          Driver: MudOS v22.2b14               Mudlib: Nightmare IVr4          
What name do you wish? ["who" lists users]

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
 _______ ___  ____ ____ _  _ _  _ _  _ ____ _  _
 |______ |--' [__] |--< |-:_ |\/| |__| |___ |-:_
  ______|                                                      .-'''''-.    
________________                                             .'         `.  
  Version 4.x  /                                            :             : 
     _________/_________________________________           :               :
____/                                          /           :      _/|      :
   /       Online since June 28, 2002.        /             :   =/_/      : 
__/ The original haven of the disillusioned. /               `._/ |     .'  
 /__________________________________________/             (   /  ,|...-'    
                                       /                   \_/^\/||__       
  Spork login: connect <name> <pass>  /                 _/~  `""~`"` \_     
  Guest login: connect guest guest   /               __/  -'/  `-._ `\_\__  
  WHO for list  -  QUIT to quit     /              /jgs  /-'`  `\   \  \-.\ 
                  |  - | 

Welcome to...       **
                  ** ******* **** ********
                 **  ****** **  ** ***  ***
                  **   **  ******** *******
                   **  ** **      ** **  **
                    ** ** **      ** **   **                   
         _______    ** ** **      ** **    **   ___________
        /       \  **  ** **      ** **     ** |           |
       /    ____/ **                         **|___     ___|
       |   /     **                           **   |   |
       |   |    _____ _____ _____ _   _ _____ _____|   |
       |   \___/  _  |  _  /  _  | | | |  -- | ____|   |
       \       | |_| | | | | |_| | |_| | ____|____ |   |
        \______\_____|_| |_\___  |_____|_____|_____|___|
                               | |_
                               | | |

        C      A      T      A      L      Y      S      T

Official Website:

The Coalition of humans and Jinu threw everything into its final stand, but the
resistance was ultimately crushed. Long-range communication beacons were 
destroyed, and the two species are now separate once more. Most of the space 
stations that humans had built are now airless wrecks. The greatest shipyards 
were destroyed, the pilot leagues dismantled. Humanity's existence in space now
wholly consists of cobbled-together supply shuttles that barely hold air. There
is nothing to oppose humanity's subjugation by the Outsiders.

   It has been five years since the resistance began, and two since it ended.   
                        And things are about to change.                         

Welcome to the original pulp science fiction multiplayer roleplaying adventure!
Open to the public from 19 December 1998 to 5 September 2005!
Reopened on 28 February 2009!

All original work (including setting, non-player characters, design, source code, and all related background material) located in this game is copyright (c) 1998-2009. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited.

Warning: Speech in this game is largely uncensored, and sensitive individuals may find some other players offensive. The staff is ultimately not responsible for the words and actions of the players.

The last server reset was at Tue Aug 11 18:12:22 2009 CDT

Contact us via email at:

Recent Announcements:

Knocking on ships has been fixed. Hopefully.
   Announced 6 days, 8 hours, 34 minutes, and 44 seconds ago
You may have noticed a small change in your ship name! (Especially if you're Mutuality) DO NOT PANIC. THIS IS INTENTIONAL.
   Announced 5 days, 21 hours, 57 minutes, and 6 seconds ago
Trade routes!

I've grown tired of complaints and seeing other players harassed about using EVERYONE'S FAVORITE ROUTE (which is kind of silly, by the way, unless you're RPing someone kind of irrational; nobody owns any trade route). To alleviate this, a second, somewhat equivalent route has been added. It will probably be hard to find. Enjoy!
   Announced 5 days, 5 hours, 15 minutes, and 2 seconds ago
Adding new functionality to the helpfile system!

If you ask for help on a nonexistent help file, it'll ask you if you want to search the help system for it. If you say yes, then the MAGIC happens.

You can also access this new functionality with @SEARCHHELP.
   Announced 2 days, 22 hours, 27 minutes, and 9 seconds ago

A genius has returned! With Peter Fienstein's return comes much hope for the future, not least because he was able to instantly identify the devices the Outsider Battle Thralls left for humans to find. They are learning computers keyed to linguistics, and with them, humans and Thralls may be able to open a dialogue.

Peter Fienstein did not come home alone. During his experiment in hyperspatial space, he apparently encountered a mysterious creature native to the environment, which he calls Euclid. Humans, including Fienstein himself, have yet to completely comprehend the true nature of this being. No one is sure of its intentions. So far, the vast majority of humans refuse to consider the fact that it actually even exists. But now that it has entered human spacetime, it seems unlikely to leave.

The IFS, hostile Battle Thralls, and the Outsiders themselves have all stepped up their number of patrols and attacks. Humanity needs allies, and the motives of these communicative Thralls and Euclid are mysterious at best. Who, if anyone, will agree to stand with humanity as part of the Accord? Will the Accord's grand quest to unite friendly species against the Outsiders end before it begins?



   Announced 1 day, 22 hours, 39 minutes, and 23 seconds ago
Some more changes were made to the crafting system. Enjoy.
   Announced 1 day, 3 hours, 17 minutes, and 58 seconds ago
Renaming ships should now be much, much cheaper in most cases.
   Announced 22 hours, 39 minutes, and 14 seconds ago
A small change to the space markets, possibly in a long string of changes to the space market: The item listing within categories is now sorted alphabetically, to help you find the best deals.
   Announced 7 hours, 16 minutes, and 8 seconds ago
Space markets now respond to the use of @linelen
   Announced 7 hours and 5 minutes ago
Certain ships were a bit wonky with cargo holds, so you may have gained EXACTLY ONE CARGO UNIT. Enjoy.
   Announced 6 hours, 11 minutes, and 33 seconds ago
Chemistry's getting a bit more love as some more recipes have changed slightly, and some new recipes have been added. More recipes for the chemistry toolset are on the way in the near future.
   Announced 11 minutes and 45 seconds ago

Please log in now.

If you do not have a account and wish to create one, please send a web browser here:

Account ID:

                                   +/`    `-o`
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                                  `+   `.`  :-
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                  `.-:/:::-``       `y-+/-s.`       `.::://--`
                               :+:-++ss++os+//-.+ 2100  -+..+o`     /d.`.+      Star Trek: Faded Glory
                                /--o.  -`   s/:o-      running PennMUSH 1.8.3
                                 ::o:      .y./-
                                  `//s/--:sh/-           Head Director: Wilco
connect <name> <password>                      connects to an existing character
create <name> <password>                                 creates a new character
connect guest                                         connect to a guest account
WHO                                                         see who is connected

  _________ __                 ___________               __    
 /   _____//  |______ _______  \__    ___/______   ____ |  | __
 \_____  \\   __\__  \\_  __ \   |    |  \_  __ \_/ __ \|  |/ /
 /        \|  |  / __ \|  | \/   |    |   |  | \/\  ___/|    < 
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                 `.  + \\        __o./   __..--'''      """            ''-.
                   `._+_\\_..--'' -----='----+-------------------------+---`--.
ASCII art           <___ `______________|_____\__'''''''""'''''''';...----'''''`
(c) Alan Coo            ""                    `" '--.__ __ __.--''
      ___________                      .___       __  .__                      
      \_   _____/___  __ __  ____    __| _/____ _/  |_|__| ____   ____   ______
       |    __)/  _ \|  |  \/    \  / __ |\__  \\   __\  |/  _ \ /    \ /  ___/
       |     \(  <_> )  |  /   |  \/ /_/ | / __ \|  | |  (  <_> )   |  \\___ \ 
       \___  / \____/|____/|___|  /\____ |(____  /__| |__|\____/|___|  /____  >
           \/                   \/      \/     \/                    \/     \/ 


CONNECT <name> <password> - Connects to ST: Foundations
CONNECT GUEST             - Connects as a Guest
CREATE <name> <password>  - Creates a new Character

Currently, you do not need to register in order to create a character, but you 
are only allowed to have a total of TWO characters at once and not in the same
Empires as each other.  We do make the occasional exception, but only rarely.

We do check your IP address against that used by other characters and have a
very easy time finding extra, unapproved characters, so please don't try.  
We would just have to delete your characters and that would make us both sad.

    ________________ _     _____      _______________        ________   ___
  ,' ________   ___// \    \  __`-.  /___   ___/\  __`-.   ,' ___/\ /  ,' /
 |  `-.__    | |   / . \   | |,',-'      | |    | |,',-'  | ,'___ | |,',-'
  `-.___ `,  | |  / /_\ \  |  _ `-,      | |    |  _ `-,  |  ___/ |  _ `-,
  ______\  \ | | / _____ \ | | `-. \_    | |    | | `-. \_| `.___ | | `-. \_
 /_________| /_|/_/     \_\|_\   /__/    /_\    |_\   /__/ `.____||_\   /__/
                ___  __  _  _ _  _  __      __  _  _  ___
               | __ |__| |\/| |\/| |__|    |  | |\ | |___
               |__] |  | |  | |  | |  |    |__| | \| |___
    ________________________________________________                 ____
   /   _____________________________________________| PROCESS LOGIN |____)
  |   |
  |   |               __.----------.__                        
  |   |               `--.________.--'___.---.___         
  |   |                    /  / __.--'-----------`--.__   
  |___|                   /  /=========================== 
  |   |              .---'---`---`---..._______...---'    
  |   |              `---/     (. . . . /                 
  |   |               ,-'-------`--------._               
  |   |               (_________________||_)              
  |___|  ________________________________________________________________
  |___| |________________________________________________________________)
  |   |   Access Information:
  |   |     connect <name> <password> - connect to the game
  |   |     connect guest             - connect as a guest
  |___|     create <name> <password>  - create a new character
  |   |     QUIT                      - disconnect from game
  |   |___________________________________________________________   ____
   \______________________________________________________________| |____)

Thank you for connecting to:

           S T A R   T R E K
.-----.__________________________.--'---|   ___.--.__________.--._ 
================================'   -----   \  ______.------'-----`-----.____
`------------------------._____.--------'   `-[]___]===========================
              _____    _.-|   |---.__          |=========|  `-----'
           .-|||   `--'---|___|------`--------'----------|
           '--------------------._        ___.-------._ /
                                                           H O R I Z O N S
PennMUSH version 1.8.1 patchlevel 9 [07/05/2006]
         Send Questions and Comments to:
Use 'connect Guest guest' to connect as a guest.
Use 'connect <name> <password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.
DISCLAIMER: This is a role playing environment which may at times have
situations which are unsuitable for minors.  If you are under 18 years of
age parental permission is necessary.  Star Trek is copyright (c) 
Paramount Pictures.  "Star Trek: Horizons MUSH" is an independent,
artistic, non-profit fan organization.  It exists merely for fans to
express their appreciation for Star Trek in a roleplaying/fan organization

             _-' .   .`-_
          |/ /  .. . '   .\ \|
         |/ /            ..\ \|
       \|/ |: .   ._|_ .. . | \|/
        \/ |   _|_ .| . .:  | \/
       \ / |.   |  .  .    .| \ /
        \||| .  . .  _|_   .|||/
       \__| \  . :.  .|.  ./ |__/
         __| \_  .    .. _/ |__
          __|  `-______-'  |__
             -,____  ____,-
               ---'  `---

|==============================<| /___\          ____,-------------.____        
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                     `._   `.            =======================================
                    ____`.___`._____,----'     `--------,----------------'      
                   /_|___________-----<       ========,'                        
                                 `-.                ,'                          

Welcome to Star Trek: Redemption, a MUSH based on Gene Roddenberry's 
Star Trek universe.

This is a role-playing game. It is not a MUD. There are no monsters to fight 
or things to kill--all actions are role-played out as if characters were 
actors on a show.

The administration of this MUSH recognizes that Star Trek is copyright 
of Paramount Pictures and does not claim title to anything covered by said 
copyright. This game is for entertainment purposes only.

We are running on PennMUSH
Please direct questions to Neutron at (Head Wizard)

NOTE!! - If you are a returning character and the game tells you that your
character doesn't exist, PLEASE RECREATE YOUR CHARACTER, and we will work on
importing data or helping you get rebuilt.
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect guest to log in to a guest character.
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

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Welcome to....

                        STAR WARS: NEW GALACTIC ORDER
SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper -
Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from
Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer
Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.

sensenet login:

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.
Star Wars, the Star Wars logo, all names of Star Wars characters, vehicles and
any other Star Wars related items are registered trademarks and/or copyrights of
Lucasfilm Ltd., or their respective trademark and copyright holders.

             .  CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF...         .
               _________________      ____         __________
 .       .    /                 |    /    \    .  |          \  The original
     .       /    ______   _____| . /      \      |    ___    | Star Wars MUSH
             \    \    |   |       /   /\   \     |   |___>   | Est. 1991
           .  \    \   |   |      /   /__\   \  . |         _/               .
 .     ________>    |  |   | .   /            \   |   |\    \_______    .
      |            /   |   |    /    ______    \  |   | \           |
      |___________/    |___|   /____/      \____\ |___|  \__________|    .
  .     ____    __  . _____   ____      .  __________   .  _________
       \    \  /  \  /    /  /    \       |          \    /         |      .
        \    \/    \/    /  /      \      |    ___    |  /    ______|  .
         \              /  /   /\   \ .   |   |___>   |  \    \ 
   .      \            /  /   /__\   \    |         _/.   \    \    .
           \    /\    /  /            \   |   |\    \______>    |          .
            \  /  \  /  /    ______    \  |   | \              /  
 .       .   \/    \/  /____/      \____\ |___|  \____________/      .
               To connect to a guest character: CONNECT guest
       To connect to an existing character: CONNECT <name> <password>
      To register a new character: REGISTER <name> <your email address>
    Use WHO to see which characters logged on, and QUIT to leave the MUSH.

Star Wars, the Star wars logo, all names of Star Wars characters, vehicles and any other Star Wars related items are registered trademarks and/or copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltd., or their respective trademark and copyright holders.
                   _______.___________.    ___      .______      
                  /       |           |   /   \     |   _  \     
                 |   (----`---|  |----`  /  ^  \    |  |_)  |    
                  \   \       |  |      /  /_\  \   |      /     
              .----)   |      |  |     /  _____  \  |  |\  \----.
              |_______/       |__|    /__/     \__\ | _| `._____|
             ____    __    ____  ___      .______          _______.
             \   \  /  \  /   / /   \     |   _  \        /       |
              \   \/    \/   / /  ^  \    |  |_)  |      |   (----`
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                \    /\    / /  _____  \  |  |\  \----.----)   |   
                 \__/  \__/ /__/     \__\ | _| `._____|_______/    
                     .__   __.  ___________    __    ____ 
                     |  \ |  | |   ____\   \  /  \  /   / 
                     |   \|  | |  |__   \   \/    \/   /  
                     |  . `  | |   __|   \            /   
                     |  |\   | |  |____   \    /\    /    
                     |__| \__| |_______|   \__/  \__/     
   ____    __    ____  ______   .______       __       _______       _______.
   \   \  /  \  /   / /  __  \  |   _  \     |  |     |       \     /       |
    \   \/    \/   / |  |  |  | |  |_)  |    |  |     |  .--.  |   |   (----`
     \            /  |  |  |  | |      /     |  |     |  |  |  |    \   \    
      \    /\    /   |  `--'  | |  |\  \----.|  `----.|  '--'  |.----)   |   
       \__/  \__/     \______/  | _| `._____||_______||_______/ |_______/   
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect Guest guest to connect to a guest character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.
Visit us at to find out more about the game.

                A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

             ########################   ######     ###########               
           ##########################  ########    #############
          ########################### ####  ####   #####   ######
           ########      ######       ####  ####   #############
             ########    ######      ############  ###########
#####################    ######     ############## ##### ####################
###################      ######     #####    ##### #####  ###################

###########    ##    #####   ######     ###########        ##################
############  ####  ######  ########    #############    ####################
#########################  ####  ####   #####   ######  #####################
       ##################  ####  ####   #############    ########
        ################  ############  ###########        ########
         ######  ######  ############## ##### #####################
          ####    ####   #####    ##### #####  ##################

  If this is your first time logging into SWMud and you are prompted for a 
  password, it means that name is already in use. Please choose another name.
  In case of other problems with login, you can contact us at

To log in as a guest temporarily, use the name guest with password guest.

SWmud has been up for 2 D  21 H  33 M

Please tell us your name:

o    .        _.._   .           .                      .           o
.\/     .   ,+ __ +,       o   .     . _____________________________________
 /\        / _.--._ \   .             |                                     |
X     .   / _.----._ \           .    |     Witaj na MUDzie Star Wars       |
_..=..__ (__,._.._.,__) __..=.._      |   ----======================----    |
 "._    " \.,=.  .=,./ "    .="       |  SWR v.1.0 (mocno zmodyfikowany)    |
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    .   " \_"+<,,>+"_/ "   .       o  |   4000            |
       .  _L"Z_.._\"J_          .     |     -----================-----      |
   .   .="\\"=.{}.="//"+   ,          |          ADMINISTRATORZY:           |
.     /    \\      //   \     .  .    |                                     |
 .   /      \\ ___/____  Z   ____     |         Aldegard    J.O.T.          |
    (        "(  ___ __|/ \ .| _ ).   |           Thanos    Trog            |
 .   \      ___)  \| | / ^ \ |  <____ |                                     |
   .  \___________/l_j/_/"\_\|_|____/ |.  UWAGA: Wszyscy zainteresowani,    |
       o   \ \/ \/ // \  | _ )(  ___/ |    ktorzy chcieliby pomoc nam w     |
   .        \     // ^ \.|  <__)  \   |  rozwijaniu swiata SW mile widziani |
      .   .  \_!_//_/"\_\|_|______/TM |_____________________________________|

Podaj swoje imie:

  |:::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::|   A long time ago in a galaxy far,
  |:::::::::::'~||~~~``:::::::::::::|   far away...
  |::::::::'   .':     o`:::::::::::|       __________   __     ______
  |:::::::' oo | |o  o    ::::::::::|      / ____   __| /  \   |  __  \   
  |::::::: 8  .'.'    8 o  :::::::::|      \ \   | |   / /\ \  | |__| |
  |::::::: 8  | |     8    :::::::::|  _____\ \  | |  / ____ \ |  _  /____
  |::::::: _._| |_,...8    :::::::::| |_______/  |_| /_/    \_\|_| \______|
  |::::::'~--.   .--. `.   `::::::::| __        __  __     ______   ______
  |:::::'     =8     ~  \ o ::::::::| \ \  /\  / / /  \   |  __  \ / _____|
  |::::'       8._ 88.   \ o::::::::|  \ \/  \/ / / /\ \  | |__| | \ \
  |:::'   __. ,.ooo~~.    \ o`::::::|   \      / / ____ \ |  _  /___\ \
  |:::   . -. 88`78o/:     \  `:::::|    \_/\_/ /_/    \_\|_| \_______/ v5
  |::'     /. o o \ ::      \88`::::|
  |:;     o|| 8 8 |d.        `8 `:::|
  |:.       - ^ ^ -'           `-`::|       -=-= DARK FORCES RPG =-=-
  |::.                          .:::|           A Legacy of Evil
  |:::::.....           ::'     ``::|
  |::::::::-'`-        88          `| Dark Forces RPG runs on CircleMUD, a
  |:::::-'.          -       ::     | derivative of Diku, by Jeremy Elson.
  |:-~. . .                   :     |
  | .. .   ..:   o:8      88o   LS  | To make a new account, type 'new'.
  |_________________________________| LOGIN:

Does your client support the ANSI colour standard? (Y/N)

 RitS Co. Presents...
              _______                                ___           _
             (_______)        _                     / __)     _   | |
              _____  _____  _| |_  _____     ___  _| |__    _| |_ | |__   _____
             |  ___)(____ |(_   _)| ___ |   / _ \(_   __)  (_   _)|  _ \ | ___ |
             | |    / ___ |  | |_ | ____|  | |_| | | |       | |_ | | | || ____|
             |_|    \_____|   \__)|_____)   \___/  |_|        \__)|_| |_||_____)

                      ______                        _      _   _
                     (_____ \                      | |    | | (_)
                      _____) ) _____  ____   _   _ | |__  | |  _   ____
                     |  __  / | ___ ||  _ \ | | | ||  _ \ | | | | / ___)
                     | |  \ \ | ____|| |_| || |_| || |_) )| | | |( (___
                     |_|   |_||_____)|  __/ |____/ |____/  \_)|_| \____)
        |Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric(Derek Snider)with help from Altrag,|
        |Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.    |
        |Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD    |
        |code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,                      |
        |Michael Seifert Sebastian Hammer                                      |
        |Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.         |

Welcome to FotR,
Enter your account name:

.           ._,.
         -L   ..#'                                   Star Wars: Galactic Insights
       .+_L  ."]#
       ,'j' .+.j`                 -'.__..,.,p.   Welcome to the MUD which is
      _- #..<..0.                 .J-.``..._f.   dedicated in advancing the
     .7..#_.. _f.                .....-..,`4'    SWReality world. Our staff
     ;` ,#j.  T'      ..         ..J....,'.j`    would like to thank you for
    .` .."^.,-0.,,,,yMMMMM,.    ,-.J...+`.j@    stopping by. You can also
   .'.`...' .yMMMMM0M@^=`""g.. .'..J..".'.jH    play here as long as you like.
   j' .'1`  q'^)@@#"^".`"='BNg_...,]_)'...0-   Just be patient with our work
  .T ...I. j"    .'..+,_.'3#MMM0MggCBf....F.     and all bugs/errors will be
  j/.+'.{..+       `^-'-^--""""'"""?'"``'1`    fixed in due time.
  .... .y.}                  `.._-:`_...jf
  g-.  .Lg'                 ..,..'-....,'.
 .'.   .Y^                  .....',].._f
 ......-f.                 .-,,.,.-:--&`
SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper -
SWReality 1.0 FUSS by Samson of Alsherok
Additional coding by Diablo
Star Wars: Galactic Insights by Banner

Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from 
Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer
Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.

            Star Wars: Galactic Insights Account System v1.4
        Server Time: Sun Aug 16 08:13:19 PM 2009

 (1)Create a new account
 (2)Load an existing account
 (3)Disconnect from Star Wars: Galactic Insights

>>>Authorization Required:

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

                   _____ _
                  / ____| |           *  .          .        *
         *       | (___ | |_ __ _ _ ____      ____ _ _ __ ___             *
                  \___ \| __/ _` | '__\ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ __|
   *      .       ____) | || (_| | |   \ V  V / (_| | |  \__ \    *
                 |_____/ \__\__,_|_|    \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  |___/
      _____   *                       _       _                        .
     |_   _|               *         (_)     | |
       | |  _ __ ___  _ __   ___ _ __ _  __ _| |         *
    *  | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |/ _` | |*                   .
      _| |_| | | | | | |_) |  __/ |  | | (_| | |
     |_____|_| |_| |_| .__/ \___|_|  |_|\__,_|_|      *
                     | |                        _              _        *
               .     |_|  *   /\     *         | |         .  (_)
                             /  \__      ____ _| | _____ _ __  _ _ __   __ _
         *                  / /\ \ \ /\ / / _` | |/ / _ \ '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
                      *    / ____ \ V  V / (_| |   <  __/ | | | | | | | (_| |
     .                    /_/    \_\_/\_/ \__,_|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |
                 *                    .      *                          __/ |
                                                        .          *   |___/
    Welcome to SW:IA. We begin 6 months after RotJ with the Rebels
    planning to continue the fight to destroy the Empire and replace
    it with an honest government. Join us and apply for a Feature
    Character, or go through Chargen and create a Rebel, Imperial,
    or Independent character.        
    Use "connect guest guest" to connect with a guest character.
    Use "create <name> <password>" to create a character.
    Use "connect <name> <password>" to connect to your existing character.

.                 .                   .               .
              .    ,,o         .                  __.o+.
    .            od8^                  .      oo888888P^b .
       .       ,".o'      .     .             `b^'""`b -`b   .
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         . `"\^\          `"""""'      d%P """^" ;   = `+' - P
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              .`.b     .        .    `788      ,'-  = d' =.'
       .       ``.b.                           :..-  :'  P
            .   `q.>b         .               `^^^:::::,'       .
                  --^^               .                     .
  .                                           .               .      .
    .         .          .                 .        +         .
                              Welcome to 
                      -=< Knights of Darkness >=-

SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper -
Additional coding by LrdElder and Thorn

Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from 
Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer
Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.

Please enter your name:

                   _______.___________.    ___      .______      
                  /       |           |   /   \     |   _  \     
                 |   (----`---|  |----`  /  ^  \    |  |_)  |    
                  \   \       |  |      /  /_\  \   |      /     
              .----)   |      |  |     /  _____  \  |  |\  \----.
              |_______/       |__|    /__/     \__\ | _| `._____|
             ____    __    ____  ___      .______          _______.
             \   \  /  \  /   / /   \     |   _  \        /       |
              \   \/    \/   / /  ^  \    |  |_)  |      |   (----`
               \            / /  /_\  \   |      /        \   \    
                \    /\    / /  _____  \  |  |\  \----.----)   |   
                 \__/  \__/ /__/     \__\ | _| `._____|_______/    
      __ __     _      __   __             ___  __  __         ____  __   __
     / //_/__  (_)__ _/ /  / /____   ___  / _/ / /_/ /  ___   / __ \/ /__/ /
    / ,< / _ \/ / _ `/ _ \/ __(_-<  / _ \/ _/ / __/ _ \/ -_) / /_/ / / _  / 
   /_/|_/_//_/_/\_, /_//_/\__/___/  \___/_/   \__/_//_/\__/  \____/_/\_,_/  
                          ___                __   ___    
                         / _ \___ ___  __ __/ /  / (_)___
                        / , _/ -_) _ \/ // / _ \/ / / __/ 
                       /_/|_|\__/ .__/\_,_/_.__/_/_/\__/ 
                          Story Arc 1: Darkness Rising

=== [ Knights of the Old Republic ] ------------------- [ A Star Wars MUSH ] ===

 [ Command ]                          [ Result ]
   create <Name> <password>             Creates a new character
   connect <Name> <password>            Connects an existing character
   connect Guest guest                  Connects a guest character
   who                                  Shows a listing of who is currently on
   QUIT                                 Disconnects you from the game

   The theme of this game is based upon the Star Wars Universe, and uses the
   Saga Edition Rules by Wizards of the Coast. The administration here makes no
   claims on any information currently copyrighted by Lucas Arts, Wizards of 
   the Coast, BioWare/Obsidian Entertainment, Dark Horse Comics or any of their

=== [ RHost 3.9 and KSpace ] ----------------- [ May The Force Be With You ] ===


            ________   ___   ____
           / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \
     ______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /_____________________________
    / _______/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\______________________________ \
   / /                                                        \ \
  | |                  __            __    ____                | |
  | |                 / /    ___  __/ /_  / __/                | |
  | |                / /__  /_ / /_  __/ /__ /                 | |
  | |               /____/ /__/   /_/   /___/                  | | 
  | |               Legacy  of   the    Sith                   | |
  | |                                                          | |
  | |                         Owner:                           | | 
  | |                          Deim                            | |
  | |                                                          | |
  | |                         Email:                           | | 
  | |                            | |
  | |                                                          | |
  | |                                                          | |
   \ \____________________________    _   ___   ____   _______/ /
    \___________________________  |  | | / _ \ |  _ \ / _______/
                                | |/\| ||  _  ||    / > \        
                                 \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/
SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper -

Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from 
Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert Sebastian Hammer
Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.

Please enter your name:

  Long ago in a galaxy, far far away ...

            ________   ___   ____
           / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \
     ______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /_______________________________________
    / _______/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\________________________________________ \
   / /                                                                  \ \
  | |       |           .                 .                       *      | |
  | |      -o-                  .                                .       | |
  | |       |                                    =--------EREBUS-=       | |
  | |             _        .                     =-ENTERTAINMENT-=       | |
  | |            (_)        .       .            =-presents------=      .| |
  | |.     ____.--^.                                                     | |
  | |.    /:  /    |                               +           .         | |
  | |    /:  `--=--'   .                            ~Star Wars~         .| |
  | |   /: __[\==`-.___          *           .  Reign of the Empire      | |
  | |  /__|\ _~~~~~~   ~~--..__            .             .               | |
  | |  \   \|::::|-----.....___|~--.                                 .   | |
  | |   \ _\_~~~~~-----:|:::______//---...___                            | |
  | |   [\  \  __  --     \       ~  \_      ~~~===------==-...____      | |
  | |   [============================================================-   | |
  | |   /         __/__   --  /__    --       /____....----''''~~~~      | |
  | |  /  /   ==           ____....=---='''~~~~ .                        | |
  | | /____....--=-''':~~~~                      .                .      | |
  | |.       ~--~                                .                       | |
  | |                        .                      .             +      | |
  | |     .     +    2187                       | |
  | |                                            .                .      | |
  | |              An Advanced Space Opera Roleplaying Game              | |
   \ \_______________________________________    _   ___   ____   ______/ /
    \______________________________________  |  | | / _ \ |  _ \ / ______/
                                           | |/\| ||  _  ||    / > \
                                            \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/

- It is a time of political and social instability within the galaxy.
- The Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, leads the campaign to spread
Imperial dominance throughout known space; destroying all who oppose his
master, the vile Emperor Palpatine.
- As worlds begin to fall to the might of the Empire, there are few who
uphold the ideals of the Old Republic and resist the rule of the Galactic
Empire. This small band of rebels, vastly outnumbered and outgunned,
wage a secret war in desperate attempts to return freedom to the
- Use 'connect name password' to connect to your existing character.
- Use 'connect Guest Guest' to login with a limited access guest account.
- Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

.         _                 .            
                 (_)        .       .                                     .
  .        ____.--^.
   .      /:  /    |                               +           .         .
         /:  `--=--'   .                                                .
        /: __[\==`-.___          *           .
       /__|\ _~~~~~~   ~~--..__            .             .
       \   \|::::|-----.....___|~--.                                 .
        \ _\_~~~~~-----:|:::______//---...___
    .   [\  \  __  --     \       ~  \_      ~~~===------==-...____
        /         __/__   --  /__    --       /____....----''''~~~~      .
  *    /  /   ==           ____....=---='''~~~~ .
      /____....--=-''':~~~~                      .                .
            .                                   .           .|o|
                .                      .             |o|
    +              .                                       <=>
                                              .                . |o|     .
   .                 *                 .                *                ` 
    .          Based on CircleMUD 3.0, Created by Jeremy Elson  .   .
         CircleMUD is a derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0) created by:
 .     Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert
      .  .           .        and Sebastian Hammer       .          .
  . All rights reserved.  Star Wars is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm
        .              .   Welcome Screen by Xerxes      .              .
     .         .                                               .            .
   By what name do you wish to be known? Please waite do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

Welcome to...

          -L   ..#'
        .+_L  ."]#
        ,'j' .+.j`                 -'.__..,.,p.    Star Wars: Sagas MUSH
       _~ #..<..0.                 .J-.``..._f.
      .7..#_.. _f.                .....-..,`4'     Address:
      ;` ,#j.  T'      ..         ..J....,'.j`
     .` .."^.,-0.,,,,yMMMMM,.    ,-.J...+`.j@      port: 1337
    .'.`...' .yMMMMM0M@^=`""g.. .'..J..".'.jH
    j' .'1`  q'^)@@#"^".`"='BNg_...,]_)'...0-
   .T ...I. j"    .'..+,_.'3#MMM0MggCBf....F.      Website:
   j/.+'.{..+       `^~'-^~~""""'"""?'"``'1`
   .... .y.}                  `.._-:`_...jf
   g-.  .Lg'                 ..,..'-....,'.
  .'.   .Y^                  .....',].._f
  ......-f.                 .-,,.,.-:--&`
  Ray Brunner               '..,,.,_]`

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

Star Wars: Sagas uses pre-generated characters - please log in as a guest 
to select a character and ask any questions you might have! 


 .^.                                                                  .^.
 | |               Star Wars: Schism                        | |
 | |                                                                  | |
 | |                                                                  | |
 | | SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper - | |
 | |                                                                  | |
 | |   +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------+   | |
 \ /   | SMAUG by Thoric with help by Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus |   \ /
 |-|   |  Scryn, Rennard, Tricops & Gorog. MERC code by Hatchet,  |   |-|
 |-|   |  Furey, Kahn. Diku code by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, |   |-|
 \-/   |  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer.         |   \-/
 /_\   | Star Wars and Star Wars names are copyright of Lucasfilm |   /_\
 \ /   +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------+   \ /
 |-|   | SWFotE by Tawnos, Eleven, Bambua, Danimal, and Ackbar.   |   |-|
 =-=   +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------+   =-=  - Knights of the Old Republic (MMO) Trailer
Holonet Login:

Does your client support the ANSI colour standard? (Y/N)

                    XMMMMMMMW ...i    :.. :MMMMMMMM.                     SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt)
                 MMMMMM                         iMMMMM2                  Cooper -
              WMMMM       :MMM:          2MM8        ;MMMMS            
            MMMM          rMMMS   MMMM   MMMM           ;MMM7             A lot of people contributed to  
          aMMM    M         X    MMMMMX               M    MMMM           this mud and the derivates from
         MMM    MMMM            MMMMMMMM             MMMM   WMMM          which it came about. Please read
       MMM      ;XM               MMMMMMi        ;MM  M       MMM2        help credits for more info.
      MMM           STAR WARS      MMMM            MM.   M     8MMM   
     MM8                          MMMMS  MM         BMMMMMMa    8MMM      Star Wars and Star Wars names are a 
   .MMi   M    2MMM        iMMMM0MMMMMM2MMMM      BMMMMMMMMM0 MMMMMMS     copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.
  MMX   i M  MMMMMS           ZMMMMMMMMMM      MM.      MMMMMMM    MMM    
 BMM        MMMMMMS            MMMMMMMMMi    MM0         MMMMMM     MMM  
 MM        MMMMMMMS             MMMMMMMM   MMM            MMMMMM    8MM  
 M@        MMMMMMMr             MMMMMMM   WM.             .MMMMM     MMM 
0M,   B   aMMMMMMMM             @MMMMMM                   MMM       MMM   
MM  0MMM7 MMMMMMMMM             WMMMMMM              aMMMMMMMMM      iMM 
MM    :   MMMMMMMMMMM           MMMM          MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM       MM 
MM        MMMMMMMMMMMMMM7    7MMM             ::0MMMMMMMMMMMMMM       MM 
MM         MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM                         MMMMMMM      iMM 
 M@  ZMM;  0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM i7                           XMMMMM     MMM 
 ;MZ  2      0MMMMMMMMMM@M MMMMMM       MMMMMMMZ         MMMMMM     MMM  
      MMX  aMM    ZMM MMMMMMMMM           MMMMMMMMMMMM   a     MMMr      
      :MMM           iMMMMMMMMa            MMMMMMMMW         ,MMM        
        0MMM           iMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ           MMMM         
          MMM@             .aMMMMMMMMMMMMMW              MMMMM          
           .MMMM            2MMMMMMMMMMMMM@            MMMM:            
              MMMMM             0iMMM7Z   ,         WMMMM               
                MMMMMM            MMM            MMMMMM                 
                   MMMMMMMMi      MMM      ,MMMMMMMM                    
Account Login:

         /     _      _            _      _    _____
        /      |\    /|     /\     |      |   /     \     ***************
       /       | \  / |    /  \    |      |  |            *   \\._.//   *
      /        |  \/  |   /    \   |      |  |            *   (0...0)   *
     /_______  |      |  |______|  |      |  |            *    ).:.(    *
            /  |      |  |      |  |      |  |            *    {o o}    *
           /   |      |  |      |  |      |  |     __     *   / ' ' \   *
          /    |      |  |      |  |      |  |       |    *-'^.VxvxV.^'-*
         /     |      |  |      |   \____/    \_____/     ***************

SmaugFUSS 1.9 changes by Samson. Other bugfixes and changes provided by
various members of the SMAUG community. Their contributions are greatly
SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,
Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.
Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer

Enter your character's name, or type new:

            ________   ___   ____
           / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \
     ______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /____________________________
    / _______/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\_____________________________ \
   / /                                                       \ \
  | |                                                         | |
  | |                                                         | |
  | |       #     # ####### ####### ######  ###    #          | |    
  | |       #     #    #    #     # #     #  #    # #         | |
  | |       #     #    #    #     # #     #  #   #   #        | |
  | |       #     #    #    #     # ######   #  #     #       | |
  | |       #     #    #    #     # #        #  #######       | |
  | |       #     #    #    #     # #        #  #     #       | |
  | |        #####     #    ####### #       ### #     #       | |
  | |                                                         | |
  | |                                                         | |
   \ \____________________________    _   ___   ____   ______/ /
    \___________________________  |  | | / _ \ |  _ \ / ______/
                                | |/\| ||  _  ||    / > \        LS
                                 \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/

Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

DGD 1.2.157-WOTF-NET / WOTF Kernel 0.84

    T H E   W A Y   O F   T H E   F O R C E

This is a development version. Please visit us at port 23.


Enter menu option or your name:
  1 - Introduction to Way of the Force                                   
  2 - Login an existing character                                        
  n - Create a new character                                             
  w - Who is online?                                                     
  q - disconnect                                                         

              _______________________     _____       ___________
            /***********************|    /*****\      |**********\
           |************************|   /***.***\     |***.***.***)
            \***\         |***|        /***/ \***\    |***|__/***/
             \***)        |***|       /***/___\***\   |***.*****/
  ___________/***)        |***|      /*************\  |***|\****\_______
 |**************/         |***|     /***/       \***\ |***| \***********|
 |*************/          |***|     \**/         \**/ |***/  \**********|
 ____       _       ____   _____        ___________          ___________
 \***\     /*\     /***/  /*****\       |**********\        /***********|
  \***\   /***\   /***/  /***.***\      |***.***.***)      |****.*******|
   \***\_/*****\_/***/  /***/ \***\     |***|__/***/        \***\ 
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     \*****/ \*****/  /*************\   |***|\****\           )***)
      \***/   \***/  /***/       \***\  |***| \******************/
       \*/     \*/   \**/         \**/  |***/  \****************/  
       W A Y S  O F  T H E  F O R C E

                      STAR WARS: Ways of the Force
     Have questions? Direct them to the MUSH Admin at
 To have a character created, log in with the Guest character and type:
    +HELP +REGISTER then follow the directions.
 To log in as a Guest type: conn Guest guest.
 To connect to your existing character type: conn <charactername> <password>
 To log out type: QUIT

Validating socket, looking up hostname.  This may take a moment.

                              StarCraft MUD 2008
                  Accept the Insignificance of Your Situation.
             ___   ____  ___   ___     ____   ___    ___   ____ ____
            (#( `  /#/  /#/ ) /#/ )   /#/  ) /#/ )  /#/ ) /#/   /#/  
             )#)  /#/  /#/-/ /#/-<   /#/    /#/-<  /#/-/ /#/-  /#/  
          ._/#/  (#(  (#( / (#(   \ (#(__/ (#(   \(#( / (#(   (#( 3030  (

               Hosted by - Embrace Your New Addiction
  Based on LexiMUD,  a creation of Chris Jacobson and the AvP Team,  with code
  created by, or based on code by, George Greer, Eric Green, Stefan Wasilewski
  David Berry, Jushua Mentzer,  Harvey Gilpin, Brian Williams,  Daniel Muller.
  A derivative of CircleMUD 3.0, by Jeremy Elson;  and DikuMUD, by Hans Henrik
  Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
  StarCraft MUD by Kenneth Conley  1999-2008

On your feet soldier!  Name? 

Timed out... goodbye.

Validating socket, looking up hostname.  This may take a moment.

                                  StarCraft MUD 2

   .|'''.||''||''|  |    '||''|.   ..|'''.|'||''|.      |    '||''''||''||''|  
   ||..  '   ||    |||    ||   ||.|'     '  ||   ||    |||    ||  .     || /\  
    ''|||.   ||   |  ||   ||''|' ||         ||''|'    |  ||   ||''|     ||(  ) 
  .     '||  ||  .''''|.  ||   |.'|.      . ||   |.  .''''|.  ||        ||  // 
  |'....|'  .||..|.  .||..||.  '|'''|....' .||.  '|'.|.  .||..||.      .||.//                                            /(   
               Hosted by - Embrace Your New Addiction
  Based on LexiMUD,  a creation of Chris Jacobson and the AvP Team,  with code
  created by, or based on code by, George Greer, Eric Green, Stefan Wasilewski
  David Berry, Jushua Mentzer,  Harvey Gilpin, Brian Williams,  Daniel Muller.
  A derivative of CircleMUD 3.0, by Jeremy Elson;  and DikuMUD, by Hans Henrik
  Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
  StarCraft MUD by Kenneth Conley  1999-2008

On your feet soldier!  Name?

Welcome to

.d88888b    dP                     8888ba.88ba  dP     dP 888888ba  
88.    "'   88                     88  `8b  `8b 88     88 88    `8b 
`Y88888b. d8888P .d8888b. 88d888b. 88   88   88 88     88 88     88 
      `8b   88   88'  `88 88'  `88 88   88   88 88     88 88     88 
d8'   .8P   88   88.  .88 88       88   88   88 Y8.   .8P 88    .8P 
 Y88888P    dP   `88888P8 dP       dP   dP   dP `Y88888P' 8888888P  

StarMUD IV is running on MudOS v22.2b14 and StarLib v4.0b.
Copyright 1995-2006.

StarMUD time is 2009-08-17 00:28:17. Current players:
  Angeleyes          Szell              Wick [I]           Zac [I]
  Sinister           Tuf                Wordgod [I]        

Fortune Cookie of the Day:
The ability to play bridge or golf as if they were games.

StarMUD is stable at the moment. Please keep it that way.
War in 1 day 15 hours 48 minutes 40 seconds.

Enter 'guest' to just look around, 'quit' to disconnect. Your email address
will be kept private unless you specifically choose to make it public. The
administrators of StarMUD will never sell or give away your email address.

For existing players, StarMUD has a new login system. You must create an
account using your email address; you will then have the opportunity to
link your characters to this account.

Please enter your email address:

  .::::::.:::::::::::::::.    :::::::..  .-:::::' :::.      :::      :::     
 ;;;`    `;;;;;;;;'''';;`;;   ;;;;``;;;; ;;;''''  ;;`;;     ;;;      ;;;     
 '[==/[[[[,    [[    ,[[ '[[,  [[[,/[[[' [[[,,== ,[[ '[[,   [[[      [[[     
   '''    $    $$   c$$$cc$$$c $$$$$$c   `$$$"``c$$$cc$$$c  $$'      $$'     
  88b    dP    88,   888   888,888b "88bo,888    888   888,o88oo,.__o88oo,.__
   "YMmMY"     MMM   YMM   ""` MMMM   "W" "MM,   YMM   ""` """"YUMMM""""YUMMM
                  .::::::.   :::.      .,-:::::/   :::.     
                 ;;;`    `   ;;`;;   ,;;-'````'    ;;`;;    
                 '[==/[[[[, ,[[ '[[, [[[   [[[[[[/,[[ '[[,  
                   '''    $c$$$cc$$$c"$$c.    "$$c$$$cc$$$c 
                  88b    dP 888   888,`Y8bo,,,o88o888   888,
                   "YMmMY"  YMM   ""`   `'YMUP"YMMYMM   ""` 
Built on Pennmush v. 1.8.3p9
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect guest to log in as a guest character.
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

                           Welcome to RhostMUSH

     The site you have just connected to is in full registration mode.
     If you desire a character, you must email your request to:

     Include in your request your first and second choices for a
     character name and the password that you want.  Creation time
     will take between 24-48 hours.

  )) To continue old character   ----------=>   connect <player> <password>(( 
 ((  To connect a guest          ----------=>   connect guest guest         ))
  )) To see who is on            ----------=>   WHO                        (( 
 ((  To quit your character      ----------=>   QUIT                        ))
  )) To get help once connected  ----------=>   help (i.e. : help commands)(( 
   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

 |            |                                |
 |            |                                |
 |_______  ___|___   __    ___   __    __   ___|___   ___
        |     |     |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |   |
        |     |     |__|  |     |  |  |__|     |     |___|
        |     |     |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |
 _______|     |     |  |  |     |__|  |  |     |     |___
                                                            \     /
                                                             \   /
____________________________________________________________   *
                                                             /   \
                                                            /     \
          |         |
          |         |
          |         |    _____     ___     ___     ___
          |         |   |  |  |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |         |   |  |  |   |___|   |   |   |___|
          |         |   |  |  |   |       |   |   |   |
          |_________|   |  |  |   |____   |___|   |   |

         Stargate Omega Station is a fictional game based in the universe
  detailed in the Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game (powered by Spycraft) by 
  AEG. This game is in no way affiliated with AEG or MGM Studios Inc.
  STARGATE SG-1 is a trademark of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. SPYCRAFT
  is a trademark of Alderac Ebtertainment Group, Inc.
         Please visit our website at
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect traveler" connects you to a guest account.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "+news".

         _____________         ___                       ___
        /             \       /  / "Don't get Stuck...  /  /
       /   ________    \     /  /   ____               /  /
      |   /        \   /    /  /   /   / in da Muck"  /  /
      |   |         \ /    /  /   /___/              /  /
      \   \________  ^ ___/  /___ ___ ________      /  /________
       \           \  /_________//  // _____  \    /    _______/
        \________   \   /  /    /  // /     \__\  /    /
                 \   \ /  /    /  // /           /  ^  \
   ____          /   //  /    /  // /           /  / \  \
   \   \________/   //  /    /  // /       ___ /  /   \  \
    \              //  /    /  / \ \______/  //  /     \  \
     \____________//  /    /__/   \_________//__/       \__\
      ____________/  /______________________________________
      \          /  /   I N  T H E  M U D                  /
        \_______/  /_____________________________________/
                \ /
                 ^      STICK Version: 2.3 9000
       Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
       Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. Based on MERC 2.1 code
       by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Based on ROM II by Alander.
       Problems?  Write or

By what name do you wish to be known?

Raiders of the Lost StickMUD
                  ____  _   _      _    __  __ _   _ ____
                 / ___|| |_(_) ___| | _|  \/  | | | |  _ \
                 \___ \| __| |/ __| |/ / |\/| | | | | | | |
                  ___) | |_| | (__|   <| |  | | |_| | |_| |
              // |____/ \__|_|\___|_|\_\_|  |_|\___/|____/
              \\          Established June 17, 1991

               + Administrators +     + Co-Administrators +
                      Tron           Germ Tamarindo Excalibur

    Web:     Email:

Use the name 'guest' if you just want to look.

Give your name:

             /                                                 \\
            /                                                   \\
           /   o      Welcome to cruel and lost land of      o   \\
           |            _______________  _   __________          |\\
           |           / ___/_  __/ __ \/ | / /  _/ __ \         | |
           |           \__ \ / / / / / /  |/ // // /_/ /         | |
           |          ___/ // / / /_/ / /|  // // __  /          | |
           |         /____//_/  \____/_/ |_/___/_/ /_/           | |
           |                                                     | |
           |                                                     | |
           |               The First Estonian MUD                | |
           |             Running: 4000             | |
           |             Info:             | |
           \   o              Have fun here !!!              o   /\|
            \                                                   / /
             \_________________________________________________/ /

       This mud bases on ROM 2.3 code written by Alander
                   Recodings by RalfII & Co []

Please enter your account name (press Enter for help). 

           Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
          Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
              MERC modifications by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn
           ACK! Mud2.0: Stephen, Thalen.  Screen: Cyberlich
               Ack!Mud 4.0 (beta) : Zenithar, with help from
                Altrag, Ramias, Flar, Spectrum and Universe.
       HK"    "HH  .MMMMMMMM.  dHHHq  HHHHH    HH.    .HH
       HK.      '  "  dMMd  " (E   E) H'   H   HHH    HHH
        `HHHHHHH.      MM     (E   E) HHHHH"   HH H  H HH
              "AH      MM     (E   E) H   H;   HH  HH  HH
       HH,    ,AH     .MM.     dHHHq  H    H   HH      HH
                *HHH*    *HHH*
                 HHH      HHH  =HH  HH= HHH   HH .MMMMM. HHHHH- HHHHH.  .HHHHHH,
                 HHH.    .HHH   HH  HH  HH"H  HH "  M  " H      H    H  HK"   "H
                 HHHHHHHHHHHH   HH  HH  HH  H HH    M    HHH=   HHHHh"  HK.    '
                 HHHHHHHHHHHH   HH  HH  HH   HHH    M    H      H   H;   'HHHHH.
                 HHH.    .HHH   'HHHH'  HH   "HH   .M.   HHHHH- H    H        "A
                 HHH      HHH                                           HH,   ,H
                *HHH*    *HHH*                                          'HHHHHH'

Note: We now use an account system. Create a new one and add your old characters!
Check out if you're having any problems.

Welcome to StormHunters.  Enter your account name please:

              ____        ____                               ,
              \  (        \  _\   ;                         ,
                \  \__    ( (    ;(                         ;(
                  \  (    / /   (',)                         ;)
                    \  \/  (     );                         ;(
  |*|                )    /      ;(     ,') ,(    ;'     ,(   /(
  <*>  _____________/    (______/  \___/ (_/  \__;(____/  )_/ '\____
  /*\/              \                                          _____ \
-< * >                >    ---{  }---      ---{  }---                  \
  \*/\  ___________ /    _______________\_______________\______________/
  <*>( (            )   (
  |*|  \ \_________/  /\  \     -=Storms of Time=-
         \ _ __ __ _/    \ (
            V  V  V        \ \   __
                            ) (_/ /

       1990 DIKU  1.0 Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert, Tom Madsen,
                      Hans Henrik Staerfeld, Katja Nyboe
11 Nov 1993 MrMud 1.4 David Bills, Dug Michael
11 Oct 1999 Emud  2.0 Michiel Lange
02 Feb 2001 Emud  3.0 Igor van den Hoven

              (New characters should enter 'NEW' as their name)

Who art thou:

 88888b   d888b  888b  88 8P 888888    88888b    888     888b  88 88  d888b 88
 88   88 88   88 88`8b 88      88      88   88  88 88    88`8b 88 88 88   ` 88
 88   88 88   88 88 88 88      88      88888P  88   88   88 88 88 88 88     88
 88   88 88   88 88 `8b88      88      88     d8888888b  88 `8b88 88 88   , ""
 88888P   `888P  88  `888      88      88     88     `8b 88  `888 88  `888P 88

                          It's Just StrangeMUD(tm)

Code leeched from    \||\       ;;;;%%%@@@@@@       \ //,  DIKU MUD originally
CircleMUD 2.2         V|/     %;;%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@  ===Y//   coded by:
                      68=== ;;;;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@    @Y      Katja Nyobe,
                      ;Y   ;;%;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    Y      Tom Madsen,
                      ;Y  ;;;+;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    Y     Hans Staerfeldt,
                      ;Y__;;;+;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i;;__Y     Michael Seifert,
                     iiY"";;   "uu%@@@@@@@@@@uu"   @"";;;>    Sebastian Hammer
                            Y     "UUUUUUUUU"     @@
                            `;       ___ _       @
                              `;.  ,====\\=.  .;'
                                         === your name?

Welcome to String Theory MUX
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".

  @@@@@@   @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@@@   @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@@@   @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@   
 @@@@@@@   @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@  
 !@@       @@!  @@@  @@! @@! @@!  @@!  @@@  @@! @@! @@!  @@!  @@@  @@!  @@@  
 !@!       !@!  @!@  !@! !@! !@!  !@!  @!@  !@! !@! !@!  !@!  @!@  !@!  @!@  
 !!@@!!    @!@  !@!  @!! !!@ @!@  @!@  !@!  @!! !!@ @!@  @!@  !@!  @!@  !@!  
  !!@!!!   !@!  !!!  !@!   ! !@!  !@!  !!!  !@!   ! !@!  !@!  !!!  !@!  !!!  
      !:!  !!:  !!!  !!:     !!:  !!:  !!!  !!:     !!:  !!:  !!!  !!:  !!!  
     !:!   :!:  !:!  :!:     :!:  :!:  !:!  :!:     :!:  :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!  
 :::: ::   ::::: ::  :::     ::   ::::: ::  :::     ::   ::::: ::   :::: ::  
 :: : :     : :  :    :      :     : :  :    :      :     : :  :   :: :  :   

                   Welcome to Sumu, online since May 29 1996.                  
               We are running SumuLib 1.99x on FogGD-4.3.0.r482.               

                c - create a new character
                v - visit the game              s - game status
                w - check who is logged in      q - quit

Please enter your choice or name:

       _/         \-_           |>               __- -- --_
    -_/              \_       _ |              _-            \_
                 -_     |> _/   /\ _    |>   _/          -_    \__
       __               |      /()\ \__ | __/                     -
      /   -_            /\    /____\    /\              --_          
                       /__\   |    |   /__\         _/      -
                  /\   |  |   | () |   |  |   /\  
                  ||   |()|   |    |   |()|   ||
  --_            /'|^^^|  |^^^| () |^^^|  |^^^|`\
                 [  ^  \__/   |    |   \__/  ^  ]___
            ____ [  O O      / .__. \      O O  ]    --____      __
       ___-      [        O  | /^^\ |  O        ]          -_ --
                 [           ||####||           ]
              |  ~ .  ~.     v|    |v  ~ . ~   .   |
               \      .    ~  |.  .|    .         /
                              |    |        
                              /    \                      
Driver version: XD.04.07                     Mudlib version: CD.00.31

What is your name:

                  _|_           (____(           _|_
                 (___(          \____\          (___(
                  /|    __________||___________   |\
                 /_|__ (_______________________(__|_\
                (_____(______________________( (_____(
               /\____(_______The_Sea________(  \_____\\
              / ___|_(______________________(  ___|___ \
             / (_____(__________of__________( (_______( \
            / (_______(______________________(_______(   \
           /  (_______((______Storms__________(______(    \
          /    (_______((______________________(______(    \
           | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\  |
            \                      o       o       o        |
             |                 ,.,    .        .            /

WoT Modification coding done by Rob, help from Denari and Jeserai
  Wheel of Time copyright Robert Jordan and Tor Books
Heavily modified from Smaug 1.04 by Derek Snider

Original DikuMUD code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
  Michael Seifert, Sebastian Hammer

Enter your character's name, or type new:

Copyright (C) 2003 Advanced Systems Network, Inc. All rights reserved.
Any and all use and/or duplication of any Atlas(C) content,
including previous versions, is expressly forbidden.
Atlas.... The Darknight Version ...

Atlas storyline and WorldMud code developed by Phillip M. Hofer (Frumph) with
mods by Redbeard, Flame, Cirion, Crom, Dormin and Kyle Hankinson (Zenox).

         NOW With MSP (Mud Sound Protocol) Ranged fighting!
         Based on Mordor 3.0 by Brett Vickers and Brooke Paul.
         BEST used with ZMud by Zugg, goto and get it.

For questions or concerns about Atlas, please e-mail

                                   \\__||__//                 ]=I==II==I=[
              ]=I==II==I=[          |.. ` *|                   \\__||__// 
               \\__||__//           |. /\ #|                    |-_ []#|
                | []   |            |  ## *|                    |      |
                |    ..|            | . , #|                  ]=I==II==I=[
___   ____  ___ |   .. |         __ |..__.*| __                \\__||__//
] I---I  I--I [ |..    |        |  ||_|  |_|| |                 |    _*|
]_____________[ | .. []|         \--\-|-|--/-//                 |   _ #|
 \_\| |_| |/_/  |_   _ | _   _   _|      ' *|                   |`    *|
  |  .     |'-'-` '-` '-` '-` '-` | []     #|-|--|-_-_-_-_ _ _ _|_'   #|
  |     '  |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|      []*|-----________` ` `   ]   *|
  |  ` ` []|      _-_-_-_-_  '    |-       #|      ,    ' ```````['  _#|
  | '  `  '|   [] | | | | |  []`  |  []    *|   `          . `   |'  I*|
  |      - |    ` | | | | | `     | ;  '   #|     .  |        '  |    #|
 /_'_-_-___-\__,__|_|_|_|_|_______|   `  , *|    _______+___,__,-/._.._.\
             _,--'    __,-'      /,_,_v_Y_,_v\\-'

                        ATLAS - the Darknight cometh
                        - (M)ulti-(U)ser (D)ungeon -
             There are currently 0 players in the world of Atlas.

Please enter your player name:

Welcome to: The Shadow Wars
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$""$o$o$o$o$o$oo$$""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$              _____ _  
$$$$$$$$$$$$""o$$$$$$$$$$"$"$$$$$$$o$"$$$$$$$$$$$$            /__   \ |__   ___
$$$$$$$$$"$o$$$$""$oo $ ""      """$$$oo"$$$$$$$$$              / /\/ '_ \ / _ \
$$$$$$$"o$$$$"   ""o  $oo o o       ""$$$o"$$$$$$$             / /  | | | |  __/
$$$$$"o$$$"       oo$$$$$$$$$$o        "$$$o"$$$$$    __ _     \/   |_| |_|\___|
$$$$"o$$$  $  o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"$$oo       "$$$ $$$$   / _\ |__   __ _  __| | _____      __
$$$"$$$"   "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o$o$$$"        $$$o$$$   \ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
$$ $$$    o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o o   o  "$$o"$   _\ \ | | | (_| | (_| | (_) \ V  V /
$"$$$"    o$$$$$$$$$"$$$$$$"" "$$$$$$"$$$$$  $$$"$   \__/_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\___/ \_/\_/
$o$$"    o$$$$$$$$$$o""$$$""""ooo"$$$$$$$$"   $$$"         / / /\ \ \__ _ _ __ ___
$o$$"    o$$$$$$$$$$            ""oo"$"$o""   $$$o         \ \/  \/ / _` | '__/ __|
o$$$     o$$$$$$$$$$                """""$    o$$o          \  /\  / (_| | |  \__ \
o$$$    o$$$$$$$$$$$$o                   "o "oo$$o           \/  \/ \__,_|_|  |___/
o$$$  oo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ooooooo$$$$$oo    $"$ "$$o
o$$$"  ""  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o    " $$$
$ $$$       "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o    o$$"$         Original DikuMUD by Hans
$$"$$o       "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o   $$$o$   Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
$$o$$$o       $$""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o  $$$ $$   Michael Seifert, and Sebastion Hammer.
$$$o"$$o    "$""  "$""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$oo$$$"$$$   Based on Furey and Kahn.  Parts of the
$$$$o"$$$o        "     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o$$"o$$$$   code are coypright(c) '93 - '98 
$$$$$$o"$$$o         oo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"o$$$$$   Russ Taylor for the Rom 2.4 adjustments.
$$$$$$$$$$o""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"oo$$$$$$$$$   TSW Mud improvements are copyright(c) 
$$$$$$$$$$$$$o$""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$""oo$$$$$$$$$$$$   2000 through 2006 by Swordfish and Zandor
By what name do you wish to be known? :

                  XX                                    XX
                XX..X                                  X..XX
              XX.....X                                X.....XX
         XXXXX.....XX                                  XX.....XXXXX
        X |......XX\,.@                              @#/,XX......| X
        X |.....X  @#\,.@                          @#/,.@  X.....| X
        X  \...X     @#\,.@                      @#/,.@     X.../  X
          X# \.X        @#\,.@                  @#/,.@        X./  #
          ##  X          @#\,.@              @#/,.@          X   #
        , "# #X            @#\,.@          @#/,.@            X ##
           `###X             @#\,.@      @#/,.@             ####'
          . ' ###              @#\.,@  @#/,.@              ###`"
      _________            .__    __________      .__
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/   Diku: Staerfeldt, Madsen, Nyboe, Seifert Hammer.  SMAUG: Thoric,    \
    Blodkai, Nivek & Altrag.  Resort: Ntanel, Garinan, Badastaz, Josh, 
  Digifuzz, Senir. MUD operated and programmed by Hypereye and Alucard.
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© Mon Aug 17 01:36:56 GMT 2009 So_o2 1