Diff for Main Page

Fri, 11/11/2022 - 03:13 by Abxmas collectibleSun, 07/30/2023 - 13:11 by SpindleyQ

Copy of the revision from Tue, 07/30/2013 - 13:16.

Changes to Title
-Abxmas+Main Page
Changes to Body
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-The ABXMAS store is a great place to find beautiful holiday decorations, collectibles, and more. +Want to make games? Have a look at our handy [url=http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/165]list of game-making tools[/url].
-Our collection of Christmas ornaments includes everything from angel ornaments to cute elves or Father Christmas statues. We have a fantastic selection of handmade Father Christmas statues, too. +The [[Klik_of_the_Month_Klub]] is our famous monthly game jam; you can see when the next one is by looking under "Upcoming events" on the left side of the page. Some of our members have made a [[KotM_N00B_FAQ]] that might be a good starting place for that. If you want some tutorials, i suggest to check out here: [[Tutorials_Page]]
-Some of our most popular items include elegant angel Christmas and handmade angel tree topper, pretty ballerina Christmas tree ornaments, and festive figures. +Some crusty old wiki pages of historical interest:
- +[list][*]The [[Trainwreck_Gallery]] is a dismally incomplete list of weird games that other people have made.
- +[*][[Hosted_Trainwrecks]] was meant to be a place to keep all of the games that our community produced, but we've got much better tools for that now.
 +[*]Keeping a list of [[Breathtaking_Triumphs]] to point newcomers to especially interesting games that we'd made was kind of a neat idea, but no one ever added anything to the page.
 +[*]The [[Learning_KNP_FAQ]] is maybe a helpful guide for learning Klik & Play. We don't endorse it so heavily anymore since it's so hard to get working on modern computers, but it's still a neat tool![/list]

Revision of Sun, 07/30/2023 - 13:11:

Main Page

Want to make games? Have a look at our handy list of game-making tools.

The Klik of the Month Klub is our famous monthly game jam; you can see when the next one is by looking under "Upcoming events" on the left side of the page. Some of our members have made a KotM N00B FAQ that might be a good starting place for that. If you want some tutorials, i suggest to check out here: Tutorials Page

Some crusty old wiki pages of historical interest:

  1. The Trainwreck Gallery is a dismally incomplete list of weird games that other people have made.
  2. Hosted Trainwrecks was meant to be a place to keep all of the games that our community produced, but we've got much better tools for that now.
  3. Keeping a list of Breathtaking Triumphs to point newcomers to especially interesting games that we'd made was kind of a neat idea, but no one ever added anything to the page.
  4. The Learning KNP FAQ is maybe a helpful guide for learning Klik & Play. We don't endorse it so heavily anymore since it's so hard to get working on modern computers, but it's still a neat tool!