Revision of Twine macro: <<timedgoto>>, a simple timer from Sun, 11/24/2013 - 20:10

This is inspired by the [url=" Test.tws"]Timer script[/url] used in Panic! by Astrid Bin and Stefano Russo. That script implements a sophisticated timer entity which can count down throughout the entire game, can draw itself in graph form in a canvas element, and can be paused and resumed. However, it requires multiple macros to set it up for each use, and it can be a bit cumbersome if you simply want the game to advance to a new passage after a delay.

I felt like writing a similar macro that would be shorter and more specific. This one, <<timedgoto>>, just automatically (and invisibly) goes to the given passage after the given amount of time has passed. Each use of the macro only functions within the passage that uses it - if you're using Sugarcane or single-passage Jonah and leave the passage by a normal link, it will be disengaged. Feel free to consider this a counterpart to <<timedreplace>>.

macros["goto"]=macros.timedgoto={timer:null,handler:function(a,b,c,d){function cssTimeUnit(s){if(typeof s=="string"){if(s.slice(-2).toLowerCase()=="ms"){return +(s.slice(0,-2))||0
}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return +(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0
}}}throwError(a,s+" isn't a CSS time unit");return 0}var t,d,m,s;

New: This now takes CSS time values, which are decimal numbers ending in "s" (for seconds) or "ms" (for milliseconds). You can use fractions of seconds as well as whole seconds.

Usage examples:
* <<timedgoto "underwater" 2.5s >> goes to the "underwater" passage if you stay at the current passage for 2 and 1/2 seconds.
* <<timedgoto $deathpassage 5s >> goes to the passage whose name is in the $deathpassage variable if you stay at the current passage for 5 seconds.
* <<timedgoto $playerType + "pit" 1s >> goes to the $playerType + "pit" passage if you stay at the current passage for 1 second.
* <<goto "Throne">> - This shorter version functions the same as <<timedgoto "Throne" 0s>>.
* This uses code parameters (that is, it accepts "strings", $variables, and "various"+$combinations of both, and its parameters are interpreted as Javascript), except that the final parameter (the time value) is separated from the rest and interpreted as a literal parameter.

Version history:

  1. 1-9-2013 - Fixed a bug where it caused problems with the (un-patched) browser Back button code.
  2. 18-4-2013 - Changed time units to CSS units, added "goto" variation.
  3. 5-3-2013 - Initial.

Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.

Timer Test.tws9.42 KB