A game about dogs having fun in outer space. Gameplay made in one hour. We asked a random stranger on Omegle for a theme, and they said "sex with animals".
Controls: arrow keys
Code/art - Eelfroth Music - 0b111 Tools: Game Maker 7, LSDJ, musagi
idk if it's intentional, but it seems like the aspect ratio is way too big and doesn't show everything that's supposed to be on the screen.
I have the same problem. I think I see 1/8 of the game.
This appears to be a bug in Game Makers scaling. There was some workaround, but I forgot. Try windowed mode with F4, maybe that works.
crashes on start up for me :( I really wanted to ahve dog sex in space :(
idk if it's intentional, but
idk if it's intentional, but it seems like the aspect ratio is way too big and doesn't show everything that's supposed to be on the screen.
I have the same problem. I
I have the same problem. I think I see 1/8 of the game.
This appears to be a bug in
This appears to be a bug in Game Makers scaling. There was some workaround, but I forgot. Try windowed mode with F4, maybe that works.
crashes on start up for me
crashes on start up for me :( I really wanted to ahve dog sex in space :(