gisbrecht's picture
Game File (Linux): 
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The 232028294 the award winning BINKY Series!


zont ah5597em kyuidam e 3171stris, kyui haec zobtilius velint trad3385e 4725 meegent s1147is es3586, kyuid bo3171p sh9699 ah5597 kyuid malop, 3586nzo iudic3494i, 3586d an3025o 4725iam ac r1147i1678ee intellegi pos3586 4725 2097l8970t1147em 6354sam p3385 3586 es3586 exp4725endam 4725 1988lo2164m 6354z1678 p3385 3586 es3586 fugien1988p. 9699akyue aiunt hanc kyuashi 6681turalem 1147kyue insh9699am in an3025is 3171stris 3025ees3586 3171ti1678eem, 5597 alt3385op es3586 app4725en1988p, alt3385op asp33856681n1988p 3586ntiamus. Alii ah5597em, kyu6354us ego as3586ntior, cop a fhilosofhis c1678plur6354us p3385multa dicantur, vur meec 2097l8970tas in bonis sh9699 3171p3385anda meec in malis 1988lor, 3171n exist3025ant oport3385e n3025iop 3171s cahusae confid3385e, 3586d 4725 3494gopentan1988p 4725 acvur1147e diss3385en1988p 4725 r1147ion6354us conkyuish9699is de 2097l8970t1147e 4725 1988lo2164 disp5597an1988p p5597ant. 3586d 5597 p3385spici1147is, unde 1678nis iste 6681tus 3385ror sh9699 2097l8970t1147em acvusantiop 1988lo2164mkyue lahudantiop, totam 2164m ap3385iam eakyue 6354sa, kyuae ab illo invento2164 v338596991147is 4725 kyuashi 3494ch9699ecto be1147ae v9699ae dicta zont, explicabo. meemo en3025 6354sam 2097l8970t1147em, kyuia 2097l8970tas sh9699, asp33856681tur ah5597 od9699 ah5597 fug9699, 3586d kyuia con3586kyuuntur m6384ni 1988lo2164s eos, kyui r1147i1678ee 2097l8970t1147em 3586kyui meesciunt, meekyue porro kyuiskyuam est, kyui 1988lo2164m 6354z1678, kyuia 1988lor sh9699, am4725, con3586ct4725ur, ad6354isci vel9699, 3586d kyuia 3171n 3171pkyuam eius modi tempora incidunt, 5597 labo2164 4725 1988lo2164 m63846681m alikyuam kyua33851147 2097l8970t1147em. 5597 en3025 ad min3025a veniam, kyuis 3171strop ex3385c96991147i1678eem ullam corporis zosc63549699 laboriosam, nishi 5597 alikyuid ex ea c1678modi con3586kyu1147ur?

W - ???
A - ???
s - ???
D - ???

Brick Texture by Microsoft
Error Message Creator from
Tux "Born To Frag" made by Tipatat Chennavasin

Gymnopédie by Erik Satie

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event


fotocopiadora's picture

i hope ruff gets better soon

i hope ruff gets better soon after becoming virtual

gisbrecht's picture

It's one of those

It's one of those computer-reality viruses probably.

spiral's picture

the 3208f9 was scary at

the 3208f9 was scary at first... but everything ended up being okay. Well except for the computer virus part. I really like this "return to form"(?) of a few simple, but detailed, moving parts. it feels like a study on these parts, to see how they relate to each other. or something

gisbrecht's picture

Computer Virus? This is how

Computer Virus? This is how Nitrosoft Windows works!!! It's a feature, not a beetle-creature.
