Swords of Intuition

Scroungin_4_Catsup's picture
Swords of Intuition Cover.png

A print-and-play variant of the card game "War" I came up with when I was watching my nephew play the original "War" and it was very obvious he wasn't having a good time with it.

The deck consists of 52 "Sword" cards and 8 "Override" cards, split evenly between two players. Players reveal the top card of their draw pile simultaneously. The player that both swords are pointing at is the loser of that exchange, and the winner places those cards into their capture pile. This continues until someone has no more cards left to play.

"Override" cards alter how the current turn is played, such as your opponent's card becoming your card, forcing them to play a new one.

So, it's War, but instead of being at the complete mercy of random number generation, you do have a bit of an effect on the outcome of a turn. This also has the added bonus of there being way, WAY more "wars" wherein someone could end up losing a ton of cards. It can get to be pretty funny!

Could also be used for conflict resolution in a tabletop game, I suppose.

Made For: 
An event