
Game File: 

Windows and OS X builds included in one zip file.

This is a grayscale adventure. Jump through the strange trouble-infested badlands in search of coins! Avoid the tiny elephants! Don't leap on the roly-roly's spikes!

Hit the mysterious question mark blocks to make something surprising happen! You might get a coin... or you MIGHT awaken the vengeful sky gods. Keep your wits about you!

It's procedurally generated, which means new surprises on different play-throughs!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event


sergiocornaga's picture

Does this game have an end?

Does this game have an end?


How many coins did you get?

I got 12.

It was super hard, tough as nails. I couldn't surpass 4 at first so i pretended i was shooting a video and that made it easier. Talk about a hard mode WOH NOW
