Update: Twine 1.4 now has an easier method of using Tag CSS, so this script code is no longer necessary.
Obsolete script removed: use Twine 1.4
CSS Syntax
The selector syntax for passages with specific tags is [data-tags~=
So, if you tag a bunch of passages with "dream", you can then apply specific CSS to just those passages like this:
[data-tags~=dream] { color: aqua; text-shadow: aqua 0 0 3px; }The preceding code will affect both the passage div and the body element. To select those elements separately, use syntax like this:
body[data-tags~=blood] { background-color:red; color: black; } .passage[data-tags~=blood] { border: 5px solid white; font-size: 110%; width: 30em; }Some variations on the selector syntax exists that you might find useful:
for a passage whose tags contain "swamp" (such as "grayswamp" or "swampfort").:not([data-tags~=gold])
for a passage which does not have the tag "gold".And, of course, you can select elements of a matching passage <div> by combining selectors with ".body", ".body .internalLink" and such:
.passage[data-tags~=cave] .body .internalLink {
color: gold;
Caveat: all of this won't work for passage text displayed with the << display >> macro unless you use something like addtag.
Selector recap:
* To apply CSS to the body element, use "body[data-tags~=tag]
", "body:not([data-tags~=tag])
" etc.
* To apply CSS to the passage-class element, use ".passage[data-tags~=tag]
", ".passage:not([data-tags~=tag])
" etc.
* To apply CSS to both, use "[data-tags~=tag]
" etc.
If you like this code, consider using these macros that let you control tags inside the game.
*This is really just a workaround until browsers support CSS selector subjects. Ideally you could just do !body .passage[data-tags:]
, but alas, not this year.
Version history:
Is it possible to change CSS
Is it possible to change CSS depending on some variable? For instance if $thingy = true then all passages will appear a certain way, and if it changes so does the appearance
I ask because a friend of mine...
Can't get it to work!
I'm working on a twine game at the moment where I wanted to give two different feels, so I thought this would be useful, but I can't get it to work! Admittedly, it's a while since I've used css, but I'm also using your dissolve, which is running fine, as long as I don't put this in too. (Technically, it's running fine as long as I don't have the second block of code on this page in, just having the first one is not affecting it.) Both firefox (18.0.1) and ie (9.0.loadsadigits) are complaining that there is a problem with the story (Script: expected "]"), but I can't see where one would go. Is it running fine for you?
Edit: half an hour later.
I am a silly kit. I was putting the javascripts and the csses in the same passage. It runs fine, the error was between the sofa and the keyboard.
I'm a bit confused
Do I need to add code after "...and if you're using Sugarcane, add this code after that to make it work with the Start passage and bookmarked passages:" even if I have 1.3.6? Or only if I have older Twine (I'm using 1.3.6)?