SpindleyQ's picture

If you are reading this, Glorious Trainwrecks is up and running on a shiny new completely rootkit-free server that hopefully won't randomly lose internet access or freeze up!

I'm currently running a script to update all passwords to be encrypted with bcrypt, which is an excellent password hashing system that makes brute-force password guessing computationally unfeasible. So if we're hacked again, no one can figure out your password! Hooray for modern security practices! If there's anyone out there running Drupal 5 that wants to use actual password hashing instead of just md5 with no salt, GET IN TOUCH, I HAVE A PATCH FOR YOU.

THERE ARE LIKELY TO BE PROBLEMS. I am a fallible human and I forget things. Please post here about them! If you can't login to post about them for some reason, send me an email: .

That's it!

chickenAnimated.gif11.61 KB
SpindleyQ's picture


- Nothing as far as I know!

- outgoing email
- password reset / new user registration
- https

sergiocornaga's picture

I wanted to offer thanks or

I wanted to offer thanks or congratulations but that dancing chicken says things better than I ever could.

Smedis2's picture

Where did you get that

Where did you get that wonderful gif?

SpindleyQ's picture

Google image search for

Google image search for "celebrate animated gif". Confession: I get like 75% of my gifs like that.

avery's picture

Ah yes, new server, things

Ah yes, new server, things fixed, yet we're still attacked by spambots in the dev diary section.

When can we have another spambot jam those were pretty fun

SpindleyQ's picture

yeah unfortunately spam is

yeah unfortunately spam is not something I am going to have a better way of dealing with anytime soon.

avery's picture

surely there would be a

surely there would be a delphi plugin or something for it

