The World is a Big Place

clyde's picture
the world is a big place.gif

Y'all make FlickGame look cool, so I wanted to try it out.

Made For: 
An event


everythingstaken's picture


I like this narrative a lot, there's a lot of different great stuff to read into. I also love the aforementioned "easter egg".

spiral's picture

This was compelling to

This was compelling to explore!

ihavefivehat's picture


evokes a really potent mood.

i like the blue dot in the opening scene... it implies the earth, but it's abstract enough to imply everything
then, to advance through the next scenes you have to click on it's inverse... a black dot on a blue background.

i loved finding the soda can... a promise of utopia crushed and forgotten. it's just like the modern world to promise you everything and never deliver. but it convinces you that you're just alllllmoooossst there... you just need to work a little bit harder or think a little bit more positively and then it will all be yours. haha, I've been working too much recently.
