
spiders's picture

Space Funeral 3D


Space Funeral 3D, the genderbending life-action space-opera sequel to the 2010 hit classic. Space Funeral 3D takes place a million-billion years after Phillip's and Leg Horse's last outing and includes new characters and settings, state-of-the-art 3D technology, an officially compiled soundtrack and many strange secrets to be unraveled in the lands of Space Funeral.


I. Download KateLabs from and put the 'spacefuneral3d.kl' file into the KateLabs folder.

II. Start KateLabs and load the level. Make sure to DISABLE 'Edit Mode' in the menu!

III. Please start the following playlist and let it run in the background. It is the unofficial Space Funeral 3D soundtrack:

IV. Blood Blood Blood


Q: What is this fleshy prison that you've trapped me in?? How do I control this form?
A: Use WASD to move around and SPACE to jump. You can interact with things or talk to people with ENTER, watch for the prompt in the bottom corner! You might learn more advanced controls ingame...

Q: HELP! I fell off the FERRY! -or- HELP! I fell under the OCEAN floor?!!?!? AAAAAHHhh!!!
A: There will be an emergency TELEPORT back to the OCEAN near the start of the level. Just go up the escalator once you've respawned.

Q: Everything is LAGGY!
A: Remember to disable EDIT MODE before loading the level.

Q: Where is the MUSIC?
A: Please start this playlist once you've loaded the game:

Q: How do I get past the bouncer and enter BACKSTAGE?
A: Do you like DUMPSTERS??

Q: How did LEG HORSE become HAND HORSE?
A: Trademark dispute.

Q: How do I defeat the MISTRESS OF LOFT AND SPIRE in the SKULL SEWERS? I've used all my TESSERACTS but now the MISTRESS is continually egressing and I can only buff TRAP MAGIC???
A: ?????????????????????????


Space Funeral 3D was created by a dedicated team of unpaid volunteers over a timespan of about half a year (with most of that time taken up by the map file just lying around and accumulating dust). Someone accidentally dug up the project just in time for the deadline of Kate's Informal Katelabs Jam (, so now you have to suffer through this mess. Play it or perish!

Thanks to Kate for creating such a fun game/tool! Thank you to the BBC Radiophonic Workshop for preemptively composing the soundtrack for Space Funeral 3D half a century ago. Thank you to thecatamites for inspiring the original character of Hand Horse™. Thank you to all Space Funeral fangame makers, especially all those that never published their work anywhere and just left their beautifully unfinished RPG Maker projects germinating in some subfolder. Also thank you to Nintendo for providing the Mario™ license to Camelot Software Planning - where would we be without them?

spiders & krisekrise
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wibi's picture

Hawai'i Gaiden


the sequel to you have to take a trip to hawai'i

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An event
spiral's picture

Ghost Mumps Episode 2 Historical Documents



hey MS, sorry for the slow response. I've been crawling through a somewhat scrambled backup of mnet, saved right before the big crash! Remember that? The new 'nets are so much better.. nad yeah so, I'm hoping to preserve as much of the platform as possible. people sure liked to talk a lot on it! can you imagine if I just let this stuff rot, like the mnet founders did?

anyways, I came across the title of a game for the MunsterBox I don't think you've ever featured on your site! I figured you'd be interested, so I retrieved everything I could that mentions it, which unfortunately amount to just three posts. and some of the data is corrupted, blah, of course. btut I'll let you know if anything more happens to turn up!

xuder out


(click here to read more)

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sergiocornaga's picture

1HGJ Vol. 2


This is a compilation of One Hour Game Jam submissions incorporating all of 1HGJ Vol. 1, plus every submission I made in 2018, plus a few bonus games.

I struggled to make this my last release of 2018, but as a first release of 2019 it's not bad either. Please enjoy!

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An event
sergiocornaga's picture

$1.3 Game


$1.3 Game (pronounced one point three dollar game) is the first completed sequel to $13 Game following a couple of aborted attempts. It was made for One Hour Game Jam #175 (Theme: Charge) but actually took me slightly over 2 hours to make. It uses one button: spacebar.

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An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Soccer Judge 2: The Inciting Incident


A follow-up to Soccer Judge: The Revenge, sadly made without Liam's involvement this time. Hopefully I can bring him on board for Soccer Judge 3.

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thesycophant's picture

Watch Ducks Legacy


WHITHER the POINTS you've gotten? Have they disappeared into the abyss? NO MORE!

Now your POINTS can last FOREVER!

In this game, YOU will WATCH DUCKS from a PARK BENCH.

WATCH the DUCKS and get POINTS! The game ends when you hit ESC! Get as many POINTS as you can!

The latest entry in the long-running WATCH DUCKS series, WATCH DUCKS LEGACY keeps your points and allows you to keep them on for eternity. New bonuses and secrets abound!

  • First new WATCH DUCKS game in five years!
  • Auto-save feature keeps every point you get!
  • Retains gold and silver duck enhancements from Watch Ducks II!
  • New ducks!
  • New two-color sprites and higher resolution (240x200)!
  • Many secrets!
Press F4 to toggle fullscreen! Press F to change window resolution! Press Q to quit!

Please enjoy this very late entry to the anniversary celebration, a sequel to the very first game I submitted to the site!

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sergiocornaga's picture

Sergio Cornaga, Procrastinator: 2017 Edition


The contemporary remaster of Sergio Cornaga, Procrastinator that the fans demanded.

Background animations by Bees & Bombs.
Sound sampled from chibi-tech - Neuromageddon (arthur x medic remix).
Submitted jointly and belatedly to Slice of Life 2017.

Use the arrow keys to move... to the eXtreme.

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Mega Mountain 2100


Mega Mountain 2100 is a "climbing platformer metroidvania" without an ability to jump that's an unofficial sequel to the Glorious Trainwrecks classic Mega Mountain.

It's heavily inspired by indie classics like Cave Story, Undertale and Mega Mountain.

The game isn't finished yet. The game *.exe and the page are placeholders and everything can change at any time.

- not too much, it's a demo.

(C) 2017 Adrian Makes Games. Original Mega Mountain by sylvie. Made with love.

Adrian Makes Games
Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Cave Sporey 2


A marker game sequel to Cave Sporey.

Made For: 
An event
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