
OmegaPC777's picture

Press the Button 2: Button Bashers!


The button is back and more tempting to press than ever before!
P.S., This is my first Klik & Play game.

Bryson Stohr
Made For: 
An event
Starspell's picture

Iceland vs. Volcano


Created because of the annoyance the Icelandic volcano caused me earlier this year. Fortunately the volcano stopped before I had to fly out of the country this Summer.

I went way, way, way over time on this. My three excuses are 1. this is my first KotMK 2. I was mainly held up by my lack of knowledge of Game Maker and 3. because I didn't have much time to spend on it this week...

Anyway, it's a 2 player game. Pick your side, Iceland or Volcano and mash the appropriate button shown underneath the pictures to charge up attacks. Use Q and O to fire attacks for Iceland and Volcano respectively. Volcano does more damage and can use Smog to hide Iceland's input buttons but Iceland can heal itself.


Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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