
RehaSoft's picture

I am alive!

Welp. It's been something like 2 years since I logged into this account.

Recently I was talking to someone in a Discord chatroom I had set up for old computer collecting and he mentioned having played KnP games as a kid. I remembered this site and the KnP archive and all; and since I had still been off-and-on maintaining my site I thought I'd update this account too (after a password reset, I had forgotten the old one I put on here..).

I am combing the web for more Klik'n' Play games for the Archive. If anyone has found any on their shovelware CDs or something please PM me (and I might take SpindleyQ's offer on webspace for hosting the files from a few years ago. ;) )

Anyways, that's my little ramble. I will probably develop more games, though I've gotten rusty. Still got my CD somewhere around here.


everythingstaken's picture

uuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUAHAHHHHHHHHH: Good v Bad and questions I have

Great Opinion and Speculation also Introspection, no Questions are Answered, only Asked:

So, I have been making, like, 3-4 games for the past few months and haven't really released anything because I'm not using the "gusto" that is required to be a glorioustrainwrecker. But, is gusto related to speed? I think it is. Speed shows confidence. It seems ironic or coincidental (lol) that I am nervous about making a trainwreck. Is this going to be a so good it's bad trainwreck or a so bad it's good one or is it going to be a it's a bad BAD trainwreck. What is good and bad?

"It's all in the eye of the beholder", lol, what a cliche, but (let's get back to the point) we all know what is culturally "good" and culturally "bad". Because I am making games on this site, you the reader is probably making games on this site, we are aware, yes, this is where bad/good things should be, this is the house in which trainwrecks sleep, this is the context of the things we are making and the house gives us that context. This context is what separates "genuine failure" from what happens here. Does this box limit us? It is freeing and limiting at the same time. One side says everything bad that you do will be in the context of "it's supposed to be bad", so nothing is bad. On another side if you do something good will it be good? Depends on the context, what is good? Will genuine good weaken intended bad? Will unintended bad weaken intended bad? What is good on and what is good outside of Are they the same good? Is good outside of good on

It seems "good" on is usually "bad". "Bad" comes in several different forms. One form is a self aware "stupid" (when the game is disguised as if the person making the game is not aware of the cultural mainstream of what "good" games are) I.E. games in the Mr. Cat series. Another form is a clear parody of a mainstream trope I.E. games by sylvie and jams like the Flappy Bird Jam. The third kind is an "I don't care attitude" I.E. Klik of the Month Klub games. These different perspectives for the makers of "good" on can and usually are mixed at different levels to create interest.

Do "bad" games have to be jokes to be good. Are "bad" games with "intended badness" automatically jokes. Should everything that is "bad" be laughed at? Are there "serious" and "bad" games on this site or elsewhere? Why don't my hotlinks to work?

vampirkat's picture

Klik and Play Manual PDF

So, here's a manual for KNP. Good times.

Some More Backdrops


I kinda intended for this to be the idea pitch where we all just pick some backdrops and make them.. I change the image size to 640x480 in irfan view and it seems to work without a hitch as long as i convert it to 256 colors.. I borrowed some images from Instinct Magic Theatre to promote oldschool pre-windows movie maker awareness, as this is all we had cept for mario paint, and that's snes. Bridging the gap, if you have some good backdrops throw em here, I'd just like to see some more as the backdrops in knp are soooo great but so limited. I could only make a library by putting all the stuff i want on frame one and you can too, and I will too. Let's expand on the library. Put something in for the ug, expand the defaults as we have a lot but not enough foundations to lay those characters and games on. Remix the old ones? That's cool too. I like the originals. I'll throw more up though... But for now I gotta focus on these ugg boots.

snapman's picture

Action Point 2009 KnP Demoscene Party


An error has occurred in your program.  To keep working anyway,
click Ignore and save your work in a new file.  To quit this program, click Close.
You will lose information you entered since your last Save.

Few people still see this Windows 3.1 error message these days. For KotM participants, however, it is a badge of honor reserved for those who push a decade-old game-maker to its limit. But just how far can it be pushed? While Glorious Trainwrecks raison d'être may be the creation of games by any means necessary, there is an undercurrent of a fascination with old tools. Some members have made Atari VCS games. More have dabbled in ZZT. And most of us have telnet'd in to MarMOTS to sketch ANSI with our favorite sysadmin.

Action Point is a Klik & Play Demoscene party. While the Demoscene's primary interest is technical ability with a high-gloss sheen of visual design and musical talent, take note that this is still Glorious Trainwrecks. Action Point is more than simply a celebration of elaborate event writing. It is also about creating unusual and unique visual/auditory art as well. What I'm trying to say is that while 3D Raycasting engines in KnP are expected, a hail of synchronized yellow joggers is also a desirable outcome.

Attached is the Invitation Demo. I hope it inspires you to greatness!
Submit your entry by Private Message to me, Snapman.
Entries are due at the next KOTM, which is August 15th, 2009. There will be .gif prizes!

Action Point is proud to not be sponsored by Colombia Pictures' upcoming disaster adventure, 2012, starring John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Woody Harrelson. 2012: When a trainwreck is the least of your worries, who will survive? Coming soon to a financially liable for damages torrent near you!

Connect 4




snapman's picture

My next project

After successfully finishing Tek Demo, I've been thinking about other aspects of KnP that haven't been fully explored. I've never made use of active object internal flags. What does "spread a number" do to alterable values? The event editor has its own options panel? But one thing really hit me as being full of potential. Klik & Play had support for a very old animation format: FLC/FLI. No sound, palletized, somewhat dodegy playback speed, and very poor compression. That, and no modern video converters seem to support the format. But a while ago, I found this old DOS command-line converter called DTA. Running it under dosbox, I could convert a directory of tga or pcx files into a knp compatible flc video. And just now I've finished the conversion path, from shooting video, to jpg sequence, to tga sequence, to fli animation.

The filesizes are awful. What started out as an 882kb avi lasting maybe two seconds turns into a 4.5MB(!) fli animation with no sound. But I have the batch processing steps down now. And my planned idea won't take more than maybe 8 videos to do, each lasting about two seconds, at double the tested video dimensions, and half the framerate. I'm looking at about 64MB of fli video, plus whatever filesize the actual GAME part of this idea clocks in at. I think this could end up being very, very funny indeed.

My first step is going to be shooting video, of course. And dealing with the difficulty of convincing friends that they desperately want to be the stars of this overwhelmingly foolish idea.

KnP FMV, here we come!

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