
Groul's picture

Talk To Me Like Aliens Do

I Luv U.png

Out of this world space adventure. It's nuts. Trust me, it's fucking, CRAZY the stuff that happens in this. Unbelievable. Inconceivable even.

Content warning for a depiction of suicide, though the game is relatively light hearted regardless.

Made For: 
An event

Assault on Crater Bulb


This game is inspired primarily by ZiGGURAT, Outpost Nexus and SpaceInvader! The news ticker is inspired by Super Mario Sunshine. The tractors are inspired by Team Fortress 2. The environment is loosely inspired by Return of the Invaders.

Defend the lone frontier town, Crater Bulb, from these brightly coloured invading ships! Bounce shots off the floor of the crater to attack airborne and ground foes alike. Charge up to fire one of three different shots, each with unique abilities and purposes. Beware: if even one enemy trooper reaches the city, they will immediately surrender! Undoubtedly, heroic sacrifice isn't the Crater Bulb citizen's top priority.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event



ok not actually a shooter but I'm submitting this anyway because I'm late on the ideas I was working on. It has a laser at any rate.

I made this in five minutes exclusively because I wanted to take that screenshot.

Then I went back to add an ending and it took me about half an hour because it kept crashing the game so I was forced to put it in a different frame.


Draw on the moon with a laser.

Left click turns the laser on, right click turns it off (couldn't get it to work when mapped to the same button). Space clears your drawing.

Made For: 
An event

Majora's Task


Consume everything! Crash into Clock Town to destroy the world, don't let the four giants stop you!

Made For: 
An event

Garden Space


"Garden Space" was created in 4 hours by Matt Rix based on some tweeted suggestions.

Use your mouse to protect Neil.

Matt Rix
Made For: 
An event
FirecatFG's picture

Blue Spinners in the moon.


Just a small arcade-ish game done in Construct. May require DirectX.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event



This is a Kururin-like.

Use arrow keys to move the Earth and its dear Moon through the space fortress without crashing.

Hold shift to move faster.

Made For: 
An event

Slalom Invaders: Moon Cheddar Mountain


A special edition of Slalom Invaders.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
ioshiin's picture

realistic daynight simulator


if you think real life is too slow you can watch day turn to night in this exciting sim!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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