
so fluffy



Made For: 
An event

Fluffy Tile World


Fluffy Tile World is a simple tile puzzle game. You have to step on each tile and make it to the end tile, but you can only step on each tile once! Amazing. There are also fluffy sheeps you can talk to.

This was made for the Ludum Dare 42 Jam. Here is the LD page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/42/fluffy-tile-world

Made For: 
An event

Cute Witchy House


Cute Witchy House is a sort of "game sketchbook" I started recently. It's a simple exploration game that I add little fun things to whenever I'm feeling up to it.

Currently, there are six small screens to explore. There's not much to do yet, but there are a few surprises and secrets.

To move, you can use the arrow keys or WASD (or PL;' because my arrow keys are broken and I'm right-handed).

If you like it, you can follow the Twitter account https://twitter.com/cutewitchyhouse for updates. I probably won't be able to follow any kind of regular update schedule, but I hope I can keep the game slowly growing over time.

Made For: 
An event
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