Breathtaking Triumphs

The people here make a lot of games. Some of these games are surprisingly good. Some of them are noteworthy experiments that didn't quite work out. Some of them are terrible.

And then there are those games whose releases were singular, seismic events. Ordinary men would never expect such results from a bunch of random people on the internet noodling around with Klik & Play, and yet, it is undeniable that these games provided a glimpse of genius.

Here are some of those games.

The 100-in-1 Klik and Play Pirate Kart

The 100-in-1 Klik and Play Pirate Kart is a collection of 105 games, all of which were made during a single insane 48-hour plunge into madness by 17 different designers. This legendary event was perhaps the pinnacle of human achievement. Placed 6th in the TIGSource B-Game Competition.

The Relationship Saga (captaincabinets)

Almost assuredly the first game-o-blog in the history of mankind, The Relationship Saga is a series of games chronicling Johnny Charisma's tumultuous relationship with Olya, from beginning to end. If there is any doubt in your mind that Klik & Play is a powerful medium for personal expression, The Relationship Saga will shatter it.

Xmas ADVENTure (PizzaTime)

A beautiful Christmas gift to the world, this Klik & Play advent calendar had a single room added once a day, from December 1st to Christmas day. Featuring gorgeous pixel art and gore behind every door, you play the role of Santa Claus with no pants.

KNP Tetris (qrleon)

Utterly indescribable; KNP Tetris must be played to be understood.

Tek Demo (snapman)

Every limitation you thought Klik & Play had is shattered by this incredible scrolling platformer. Be sure to download the cracked version, as the copy protection can cause your character to get irrecoverably stuck.
