Sprite's Aquarium
Defender Sira
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Who knows?

aristokittyart C'est un poisson!

Aristokitty has drawn much of her art in Adobe Illustrator and colored it with Adobe Photoshop, all on a Macintosh. She was my partner in Team DC for the ThinkQuest Internet Challenge, and we made DCCentral, an interactive site about distributed computing. She has also shaded some of my Bristown High comics, even on short notice (she's that good). You can e-mail her at aristokitty@yahoo.com or visit her webbypage at http://www.geocities.com/aristokitty .


Bullet Pikachu (jpg, 27kb)  New!
Pikachu, from Nintendo's successful cartoon/game/toy/comic series. Added 1 December 2000.


Bullet Legolas (jpg, 25kb)
Aristokitty's trying her hand out at chibis, those loveable super-deformed people who — literally — have a big head. Legolas is a wood-elf from J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series of novels. Added 6 September 2000.


Bullet Heero (jpg, 38kb) 
A character from the Gundam Wing series. Aristokitty drew the outline in Illustrator, then colored it in Photoshop. Bryce was used for the background. Supercool! Added 10 April 2000.


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Drawn after Link from the popular Nintendo adventure-arcade game Zelda. It's obviously a look back to the medieval ages, where men don't have to have facial hair and can wear short skirts. Extremely short skirts. Added 25 March 2000.


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Aristokitty created her original character, Arwen, and I supplied the background. It's sort of light and cartoony. Created in Photoshop with both Mac and PC. Added 25 March 2000.


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Aristokitty suggested this character, Lita, could be a friend of Sira's. Nah. How 'bout an evil nemesis? Again, made in Poser then modified in Photoshop. Added 20 January 2000.


Bullet GSIRA (jpg, 21.2kb) 
"I was experimenting with poser/photoshop and I made sumthin for you! LOL...it's a partially humanized Sira." No kidding! Added 10 January 2000.

Artworks on this page (c) 2000 LinZ.