Pretty much what the thumbnail says, I do a monthly gallery exhibit but I'm so far behind so I forced myself to get to a decent point to publish a somewhat-close to complete version of it tonight.
I gotta test it with non-WASD experienced people. If anyone has any feedback, regardless of your experience with WASD, I'd gladly listen!
Here's what I'm planning on making/improving:
• A video of the walkthrough. An inset screen of my keyboard as I did the walkthrough.
• A key press that toggles the in-game text.
• Adjust Directional Lighting.
Scene 1:
• Figure out how to make a different music track play for each time a key is held down (W makes one beat, A makes another, etc.) that sort of blends with the 4/4 beat.
Scene 2:
• Another text message, probably not about mouse sensitivity because I don't know how to offer that option lol
Scene 3:
• Maybe make put more decoration? I do want to make it plain for clarity reasons, but is it too plain?
Scene 4:
• I feel like there's something missing, but not sure yet.
• Have the capsule under the hat/tree lead you to a Scene 5.
Scene 5:
• Make a scene 5 that either:
- Makes you feel like your player (the Unity capsule) is just one of many players
- A hell for the capsule (irritating noises and visuals)
- A bunch of capsules fall onto you
- Control a bunch of other capsules as well as yourself and you're all stuck
- Has text that discusses walking sims and that a goal/end state is not needed and I don't like guns lol (might go in Scene 4 where you walk around a boring white walkway)