
SpindleyQ's picture

So here it is. It kind of only works for part of the map for some reason, so I'd need to find a more object-efficient technique, I think, if I wanted to continue working on this.

raycast.zip5.12 KB


snapman's picture

Wow, scrolling one day, and

Wow, scrolling one day, and Doom the next. Clearly, somebody is going to have bump mapping done tomorrow.

Man, whenever I try to store negative numbers in alterable variables, they end up getting zeroed. Lucky.

edit: just added a shader, and I bet you know how. I don't have time to add my code this evening, but the distant walls are darker now. ;)

SpindleyQ's picture

I just woke up from a dream

I just woke up from a dream in which I had downloaded your shader, and instead of making distant walls darker, it made all of the walls look like blocky trees, and it was gorgeous.

Pizza Time's picture

Resolution be damned when a

Resolution be damned when a WIP is this impressive.

SpindleyQ's picture

I realized today that I

I realized today that I could totally implement a monster, but then it turned out that A) the sprite I picked was FAR too wide, B) you can't change Z-order in an action (to do wall clipping), and C) I accidentally deleted the sprite and it disappeared and I got irritated and stopped. But it would work if I only had some way of changing z-order in an action. Maybe creation order? HMMM.

kirkjerk's picture

this is pretty insane. I

this is pretty insane.

I love how visible the demo makes the process; now I see how they can do this kind of stuff for that small javascript contest too...

snapman's picture

I've faked Z-order by having

I've faked Z-order by having a bunch of copies of an object, created in the correct order, and setting their visibility on or off. Just a thought.
