I embellished a bit. The grass on the mower-deck near the exhaust started smoking and upon investigation there were red-hot embers but no flames appeared and I put it out by stomping on it rather than kicking a bird-bath onto it. I also doubt that things would have degenerated to the point of my entire lawn being on fire because I don't typically run from fire, I'm attracted to it in fact.
a little toolshed
a little toolshed
Here's the real one.
I forgot that it has plywood rather than masonite on the sides. My house has masonite and is the same colors.
Should'a read the warning:
Should'a read the warning: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13042603/P/no%20mow.jpg
MOW HOT play through this
play through this over and over and get into a sisyphean groove
haha did that really happen to you?
and thanks for reminding me of something that I DON'T miss since moving to the city... mowing the lawn.
I embellished a bit. The
I embellished a bit. The grass on the mower-deck near the exhaust started smoking and upon investigation there were red-hot embers but no flames appeared and I put it out by stomping on it rather than kicking a bird-bath onto it. I also doubt that things would have degenerated to the point of my entire lawn being on fire because I don't typically run from fire, I'm attracted to it in fact.