i'm so sorry

nilson's picture

a maze of my mistakes


A small flatgame poem playable in-browser. Use arrow keys to wander. Audio starts in chrome after first key-press.

Originally made as a demonstration for a workshop. Both my roommates took the workshop, which was online, and when I returned home, they were both still making flatgames in the living room, surrounded by rainbow sticker-sheets and old books for scanning in. Excitedly, they showed me what they had made. Later: Evan said to me "it's funny that you made an example game and called it 'the maze of my mistakes.'"

Inspired by Lee Tusman's p5 flatgame: https://leetusman.com/p5-flatgame/

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Blueberry Soft's Tony Hawk's Pro Gelatin

A Dog Must Go.png

I have nothing to say.

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mkapolk's picture

tasty chocolate shoes

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 8.24.19 PM.png

welcome to your first day as a chocolate shoe arranger! please the endless chain of underwear babes by making them custom chocolate shoes. what's a chocolate shoe? it's a shoe filled with chocolate. it's a smelly ass nasty shoe that someone's been wearing all dang day that's filled with chocolate. i dunno but people buy it so make it for them. please try really hard to pair a good shoe with a good chocolate. really think about how the smells and flavors go together. the last guy was terrible. we couldn't let him go because it's impossible to hire shoe chocolatiers in this city but it's not like we're sad to see him gone. i can't believe i got roped into going to his weedding. i think if i just don't go he'll forget he invited me but i don't want to risk it. oh they get those place mats and stuff at weddings huh they'll definitely notice if i bail. fuckkk yeah i guess i have to go. anyway good luck

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SpindleyQ's picture

Sonic The Hedgehog's Orphan Genocide


Become history's greatest monster... and its greatest saviour! Take the role of Sonic the Hedgehog in this tactically and morally complex real-time strategy game, as you murder astronomical quantities of orphans in order to keep Earth from exploding!

You might need to download this font to get the title screen to look right. If that sort of thing matters to you.

Uses sound samples from Noyb, but I'm pretty sure this is not what he had in mind.

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