Revision of Xena in the Garden of Cheese from Thu, 07/29/2021 - 09:03

fizzhog's picture
Game File: 

A little thing made for Grid Grind 2021 from 'Endless Garden, 'Xena' and 'Cheese'. I went very literal with the themes. There's not a lot to it - just an arcadey game played for high scores and it makes no sense but I had fun making it and hopefully it will entertain you for a few minutes. And there's lots in there for Xena fans - so much so that it makes the game harder to play but I liked the idea of a game weighed down by (innocuous) fan service.

It seems odd to mention credits for a game so obviously beyond the pale re stealing IP but apart from the makers of the show I used material from,, and

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event