
SpindleyQ's picture

11 or 12 years ago, I had an idea idea: what if I replaced the sound core of a NES emulator with the Jingle Cats? Instead of playing simple square waves, trigger goofy samples that play at the appropriate pitch.

I built a prototype of this, based on BizHawk, and it was delightful! But I never released it, because I never quite got a reasonable UI for providing and tuning the samples. The only evidence of its existence is a YouTube archive of a twitch stream I did. Over the years, the codebase got absurdly out of date, and I had no good way to bring it up to speed. But the project has never entirely left my mind, and I've been threatening to ressurect it for years.

Well, the time has finally come. Behold Meowio, a hack of JSNES that, once and for all, answers the question, "what if the NES had a sound chip that meowed at you?" Comes with a fun selection of ROMs and samples out of the box, and also allows you to supply your own!

Made For: 
An event


Hansov's picture

This is fantastic!

Absolutely hilarious, I had a ton of fun trying Mega Man 2 with TF2 sound effects! Using instrument and synth samples can have some pretty good results, too!

Absolutely magnificent

Absolutely magnificent

1's picture



spiral's picture

this is beautiful

this is beautiful