The "Glorious" Space Shooter v1

alfredofreak's picture
Game File: 

#### The "Glorious" Space Shooter v1 ####

///Sept 17 2011 - Sept 18 2011\\\

Not only is this the first Klik of the Month that I've participated in, this is the result of my first attempt to make an actual game in KNP.

Est. design time: 3-5 hrs. (I cheated. DEAL.)

Try to stay alive as long as possible! (you CAN shoot the bullets)

* Left shift: FIRE!
* Arrow keys: move

Songs used / stolen:
* Main game: Funky Beep by chroxic (that's my music name. if you give a shit)
* Consolation level & ending: This is a Shark Attack by Skrillex

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event