Revision of Twine macro: << cyclinglink >> from Mon, 01/28/2013 - 06:11

This simply produces a link whose text changes whenever you click on it. It otherwise leads nowhere. Feel free to use it to instill feelings of transience, impermanence and variability on the reader - or just use it as a cute silly clickable trinket.

version.extensions['cyclinglinkMacro'] = {major:1, minor:0, revision:0}; macros['cyclinglink'] = { handler: function (a, b, c) { var l = Wikifier.createInternalLink(a,null); l.className="internalLink cyclingLink"; l.setAttribute("cycle",0); for(var i=0; i < c.length; i++) { var d = insertElement(null, 'span'); if (i>0)"none"; insertText(d,c[i]); l.appendChild(d); } l.onclick = function() { var n = this.childNodes.length; if (n > 0) { var u = Number(this.getAttribute("cycle")); this.childNodes[u].style.display="none"; u = (u+1) % n; this.childNodes[u].style.display="inline"; this.setAttribute("cycle",u); } } } }

Usage example: You feel <<cyclinglink "bad" "neutral" "good" "neutral">> about your current situation.

Example program.

Implementation details:
* For CSS users: the <a> tag has the class names "cyclingLink" and "internalLink".
* Each option is an invisible <span> inside the <a> tag. Clicking it causes the next one down to become visible, and the others to become invisible.
* When you click, the "cycle" attribute of the <a> tag increases by 1 (wrapping around to 0 at the end). You could select this with CSS, I guess, using [cycle=1] or somesuch. You also write JavaScript that reads this attribute and uses it for something elsewhere in the passage.

TwineMacro-CyclinglinkTest.html36.68 KB