Revision of Twine: apply inline CSS to passage text from Sat, 02/16/2013 - 03:34

Twine's engine is largely based on TiddlyWiki. The standard formatting codes are all TiddlyWiki syntax. Though, having a closer look at the engine source, I discovered a few other TiddlyWiki formatting codes are present in Jonah and Sugarcane - most interesting being Inline CSS, which ostensibly lets you apply inline styles around passage text. All you have to do is type "@@", then list CSS style attributes separated and terminated with semicolons, then put the passage text (including any other formatting and macros) ending with another "@@".

However, in the stable Twine versions of Jonah and Sugarcane, it is bugged - it will not work unless you include this code in a script passage:

String.prototype.unDash = function()
	var s = this.split("-");
	if(s.length > 1)
		for(var t=1; t < s.length; t++)
			s[t] = s[t].substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + s[t].substr(1);
	return s.join("");

If you include this code, you can use it. Here are some usage examples:

@@background-color:hsl(30,50%,50%);This text has an umber background.@@

@@color:gray;text-decoration:overline;This text is gray and has a vertical line over it.@@

@@letter-spacing: -2px;This text <<timedreplace 6>>and this macro<<endtimedreplace>> will be compressed.@@

@@text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em #333;This text will have a gray shadow.@@

@@opacity:0.5;This text and this image [img[image.png]] will be translucent.@@

You may notice that this is all functionally equivalent to simply writing raw HTML: <html><span style="background-color:hsl(30,50%,50%);">This text has an umber background.</span></html>. Except, being in HTML mode prevents you from using wiki syntax, internal links and such, so this method is both briefer and more consistent with Twine markup.

If you want to easily apply CSS to an entire group of passages without needing to copy-paste CSS code, then you can use this method and script code to do so.