Revision of It's Wolfentime! (a Wolf 3D jam) from Fri, 03/08/2013 - 01:26

Mon, Mar 25 2013 06:00 AM
03/25/2013 - 06:00
03/25/2013 - 23:59

We had a DooM event, so now it's time for a Wolf 3D event! Making maps for Wolf 3D is incredibly easy, so all are encouraged to take part! The plan is to put all the levels together to form a new episode or two, complete with a custom title screen!

general grettle ss2 officer2 guard2 hans2

So, what do you need?

1. A copy of Wolfenstein 3D. The shareware edition is fine, though the full version will give you more to play with.

2. A way to play Wolfenstein. You can use DOSBox if you wish, but there are also sourceports (I use NewWolf):

3. An editor. I use Havoc's Wolf Editor. It's full-featured, easy to use and even includes built-in documentation and tutorials:

4. If those tutorials are a bit too heady, here is a nice one that gives you the basics of Wolf 3D level design. It's for a different editor, but it's pretty much the same stuff: And here is a very in-depth one:

5. Inspiration. Ellaguro wrote some great articles about Wolf 3D's level design, which could give you some good ideas. With some imagination, you can make something special in Wolf 3D, despite how limited it appears to be.



And by fight, I mean design levels.

This is a bit of a loose event. A few friends are hoping to have a LIVE JAM, but that might not happen. Really, just add levels here and we'll put it together in an episode when we have enough/too many levels! You can even post levels you've previously made that you're proud of. Unless we reach 60 levels. Then we're screwed.

The final collection will likely use the full version of Wolfenstein, we'll just have to cut out all the official levels to avoid any piracy issues.

OH, one more thing. Please export your maps, so that you don't have to upload Wolfenstein 3D with your work. All the map files will be pulled together at the end of the event.

Games made for It's Wolfentime! (a Wolf 3D jam)

NameCreatedsort iconByScreenshotComments
Glorious Wolfenstein Trainwreck - Springtime04/15/2013 - 08:17HulkHandsomespringtime.jpg13
EPISODE TWO SECRET AREA03/25/2013 - 22:37Pizza Timewol-f-u.png0
Barrels03/25/2013 - 18:24juliettebarrelswf3d.png0
Creepy Pasta03/25/2013 - 17:59ShineSyndromecreepss.png0
My Level03/25/2013 - 08:26juliettemylevel1b.png0
Pgilstein map 203/24/2013 - 20:05pgilwolflevel2.jpg0
Pgilstein map103/24/2013 - 17:12pgilwolflevel.png0
Wolfeinstein 3D03/24/2013 - 05:43mutantlegwolftitle.jpg1
Outbreak03/19/2013 - 01:38HulkHandsomeoutbreak.jpg0
Could be Worse03/08/2013 - 01:19HulkHandsomeNewWolf 2013-03-08 18-27-09-72.jpg0
Gretel's Grotto03/08/2013 - 01:12HulkHandsomegretel.jpg0