Revision of Crépuscule Fatal 13 from Fri, 11/29/2013 - 15:37


Ce soir le Dieu Soleil a soif de sang et les sacrifices violents ne pourront apaiser ses brûlants désirs. Ce soir le Dieu Soleil ne montrera pas de pitié... Ce soir pour les Dinosaures... C'est le CRÉPUSCULE FATAL !

Tonight the Sun God is blood thirsty and violent sacrifices won't bring an end to his burning desires. Tonight the Sun God won't have mercy. Tonight, for Dinosaurs, is the CRÉPUSCULE FATAL* !!!


Contrôles : clike on the dinosaures to make le sacrifice!

This is the kind of games written in French, where Dinosaurs don't want the night to come, so they make dinosaur sacrifices to the Sun God in the hope he will stay up the sky, but SPOILER they can't really escape the inevitable hahaha END OF SPOILER.

Today is a very special day and I hope it will bring big changes in my life, I was nevertheless bored so I decided to make a game about the end of an era (would also be the beginning of a new one even if the game is adressing more the Crépuscule Fatal than the Lendemain qui chante).
Making this game was immensely fun. Only in the end it got really frustrating with all the KNP buggy malédiction falling on my head... so many bugs. I think I'll go to TGF very soon if I can import all the clipart libs.

If someone cares to make a TFG version of this, I will be very grateful, although when I run this in TFG freeware, the experience is poor, because the sun goes too fast and you can't pass levels.

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