
fortunepalace's picture


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KAZ: Boss, do you copy? *RADIO STATIC* It's me, Kaz. We need you to come out of retirement for one last job. The Soviets have encroached onto Pakistani territory, and have built a reinforced structure which intel suggests contains a weapon of unimaginablely destructive potential. Nobody else can handle the magnitude of the task, Boss. We need you.


BIG BOSS: I'll do it.

[ ****HIGHLY ANTICIPATED SEQUEL***** to the hit video game METAL GEAR SOLID 5. complete the dangerous mission with the help of your trusty friend D-Moose. NOTE FROM HIDEO KOJIMA: "Please play the following song on youtube while you play METAL GEAR SOLID 6. Thank you and god bless, and keep gameing."]

fortune palace
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An event

Truffles Stealth Action


A little time ago I started thinking about a stealth game where enemies would track you by sense of smell. This turned into a silly prototype where actually the enemies just have a larger collision radius and move in fixed paths, so it's not even really a "stealth" game. You control the last truffle on earth (trust me, I looked at several pictures of truffles to try to get it right, if it looks like something else that's my lack of skill...) trying to avoid the pigs that can detect you if you get too close. Anyway, it was already on ice so, why not add it to this event... I just added some screens (title, game over) and another "level".

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Made For: 
An event
Zecks's picture

Mozart Go Intranet III: Hell no Nazo


while i was making this my mood kept constantly jumping between everything being fucking hilarious or depressing

i hope this one's good

Made For: 
An event
Danni's picture

Medieval Zoo Espionage


You have come to visit the really, really huge, genetically-engineered giraffe at the local zoo! You want to feed it cake, but mom won't let you!

Find a way!

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Made For: 
An event
snapman's picture

Stealth Spies


Split screen 2-player game ONLY. I recommend JoyToKey to split player control, and then a cardboard divider to split the screen exclusively.

Player left and Player right see a screen of AI crowd members. Each player has 2 bullets. They can collect "Dossiers" to eliminate suspects from the crowd. Once you think you've identified the other player, squeeze the trigger and take 'em out! If you're wrong, well, whoops. The other player might have seen, and they're on your tail! Exciting stealth action for two players!

edit: updated so keyboard controls reflect the correct side of the screen.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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