Fifa coins: blow the whistle

rhetoricstu's picture
Game File: 

and everything that happened in recent times,

Event Created For: 
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An event


Son of a dolphin's picture

i don't know why, but i

i don't know why, but i laughed more when playing this game than any other game in recent memory, except for one part in undertale
maybe it was partly because i was also listening to this excellent song
good job

rhetoricstu's picture

i want to lick the

i want to lick the rainbow.
i want to drink all liquor.
the rainbow are made of liquor.
i am urinating rainbow.

my urine is magic.
my urine is unicorns.
my urine has the best tales to tell.

rainbow bladder.
master of the swedish mind.
rainbow bladder.
is good to rotate your fluids.

i want to cuddle with clouds.
i want to eat bunny poop.
the clouds are made of poop.
i am urinating clouds.

my urine is misty.
my urine is poop.
my urine has the best poop to taste.

rainbow bladder.
master of the swedish poop.
rainbow bladder.
is good like the swedish mind.