Questions about GT and 'what makes an online DIY space'

2sman's picture

Hi hi trainwreckers,
I've been relatively quiet on here the past few months as I finish school. My thesis (cue record skipping sound) project revolves around thinking through DIY art spaces and what that looks like in online space. I have been involved in a number of DIY artspaces, warehouse projects and alternative venues in the US in a few cities.
Online, I have been thinking about DumpFM (RIP) as a kind of online DIY artspace. I'm also thinking about the ways some people use(d) Minecraft or Second Life, though in certain ways I think of those as more 'refined' or virtuosic places for craftsmanship. I'd say the online creative community I feel the most connected to would be the community of this site.
I'm wondering if people have thoughts about Glorious Trainwrecks as a type of online DIY art community. One of the things I appreciate about it is that anyone can become a member (you just have to post a game). Feedback and conversations are almost always supportive and constructive. Virtual friendships are spawned. And the community revolves artistic creation, sharing knowledge and skills, and co-production, but also reuse (of ideas, titles, memes, images, game assets, etc).

To wrap up this (increasingly long) text-dump: I'm interested in hearing what makes a successful online DIY artspace? And if you also think of Glorious Trainwrecks as such a space, what do you think contributes to making it feel that way and working successfully?

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2sman's picture

FYI i messaged a few people

FYI i messaged a few people (including SpingleyQ) directly and got some helpful thoughts, etc, that were included in my thesis. If anyone is interested in the intersection DIY space and online community and wants to hear my thoughts on that, feel free to msg me and i'd be happy to send to you.

Blueberry Soft's picture

Disapointed I missed this

Disapointed I missed this post when it first appeared, but I'm definitely interested in reading the thesis :)

quasiotter's picture

history of texture

i second blueberry soft

2sman's picture

send me your email!

send me your email!