Rot Prison

Feverdream Johnny's picture

You are locked away in a world of rot.

Erode the bars.

Break free.

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An event


quasiotter's picture

do you

wow! this was very kitty horrowshow-esque... and that's such a compliment! i really enjoyed this one :D :D

Feverdream Johnny's picture

Thank you!!

Thank you!!

sergiocornaga's picture

Is this related to REDPRISON

Is this related to REDPRISON or is it just my imagination?

Feverdream Johnny's picture

Actually, it wasn't meant to

Actually, it wasn't meant to be a REDPRISON submission, but seeing as Quasi said I could submit it as one I'm going to go ahead and change it.

Trouv's picture

I liked the effect of the

I liked the effect of the textures through the tower windows. This is on a very high level aesthetically. I played it with my girlfriend and it made her anxious. Very cool

Feverdream Johnny's picture

Glad the ol' creep factor is

Glad the ol' creep factor is doing its job! Happy you folks enjoyed it!