i dreamt once that i stumbled across an esoteric online gamedev subculture devoted to something like this (except white instead of grey). They were called 'light' games (as in the opposite of heavy) which i think was a direct translation from Chinese.
each of these so far has been a delight.. eagerly awaiting the next installment :)
Managed to access the
Managed to access the inventory by pressing esc. after beginning. This "Eric" guy looks pretty laid-back for a soldier.
That's incredible. Not sure
That's incredible.
Not sure if the artist intent is to create a gray screen in as few steps as possible, or to have nothing but a gray screen.
I believe strongly that the
I believe strongly that the artist's intent should be communicated in a way that is as frail and easy
to subvert as the artist themself.
purest pleasure
i dreamt once that i stumbled across an esoteric online gamedev subculture devoted to something like this (except white instead of grey). They were called 'light' games (as in the opposite of heavy) which i think was a direct translation from Chinese.
each of these so far has been a delight.. eagerly awaiting the next installment :)
Wrong spot