Taco Tomagotchi

tininsteelian's picture

Play with your new pet taco! Feed them to increase their happiness, or drop blocks at them to make them unhappy. You can change their color and location, and move them around.

The taco, food, and block graphics are from Taco Tom 2, a game I released on Steam last year: https://store.steampowered.com/app/727420/Taco_Tom_2/

Made for 1HGJ #228: Virtual Pet

Made For: 
An event


mkapolk's picture

Even with all the pre-made

Even with all the pre-made graphics, this is a pretty impressive amount of work for a 1hgj. I liked the choices of the backgrounds, the bodega felt striking, somehow, like it was very real but so rare to see in games. I don't know why my taco hates squares so much, but he's in taco heaven now.