This is cool but...I can't figure out why sometimes I stop being able to crack open any new blocks (only bring them down to a damaged state) I missing something?
unsure how far you are in the game so here are 3 hints ordered by least to most progress made (rot13):
1. gel jnyxvat vagb n jnyy
2. vs lbh pna'g oernx jnyyf/pengrf nalzber, cerff fcnpr, k, be ragre
3. lbh znl unir whfg zvffrq n fperra. unccrarq gb zr bapr. znxr nofbyhgryl fher lbh unir nyy gur gnetrgf svyyrq ba gur hccre unys bs gur znc orsber ergheavat gb gur ybjre unys, naq vs gur tbny gvyr fgvyy qbrfa'g qb nalguvat, znxr fher lbh unir nyy gur gnetrgf svyyrq va gur ybjre unys bs gur znc
I picked up on the general mechanics, but I didn't figure out there were zhygvcyr fperraf, orpnhfr lbh unir gb cerff ntnvafg gur rqtrf bs gur fperra fb znal gvzrf.
interesting idea, i don't like the design decision not to allow restart but it is one big level so i guess it makes sense. besides that, there's nothing visually indicating to the player that there is anything beyond the initial screen, so it may have made more sense to make flickscreen bigger? or for audio feedback when you can't break a block, because currently there's none. the inventory thing is a good idea but without looking at the source, it's not clear how the blocks are being produced.
sadly i can't do much about that due to puzzlescript limitations... when a move gets canceled, which is what happens when you try to break a block while your inventory is full, you can't display a message (or play sfx, i think) in the same rule, even though it looks like you can. though i could've rewritten it to avoid using cancel entirely
This is cool but...I can't
This is cool but...I can't figure out why sometimes I stop being able to crack open any new blocks (only bring them down to a damaged state) I missing something?
press action
press action
I can't seem to meet the
I can't seem to meet the condition to clear a level... wonder what I'm missing here...
unsure how far you are in
unsure how far you are in the game so here are 3 hints ordered by least to most progress made (rot13):
1. gel jnyxvat vagb n jnyy
2. vs lbh pna'g oernx jnyyf/pengrf nalzber, cerff fcnpr, k, be ragre
3. lbh znl unir whfg zvffrq n fperra. unccrarq gb zr bapr. znxr nofbyhgryl fher lbh unir nyy gur gnetrgf svyyrq ba gur hccre unys bs gur znc orsber ergheavat gb gur ybjre unys, naq vs gur tbny gvyr fgvyy qbrfa'g qb nalguvat, znxr fher lbh unir nyy gur gnetrgf svyyrq va gur ybjre unys bs gur znc
I picked up on the general
I picked up on the general mechanics, but I didn't figure out there were zhygvcyr fperraf, orpnhfr lbh unir gb cerff ntnvafg gur rqtrf bs gur fperra fb znal gvzrf.
i don't like the design
interesting idea, i don't like the design decision not to allow restart but it is one big level so i guess it makes sense. besides that, there's nothing visually indicating to the player that there is anything beyond the initial screen, so it may have made more sense to make flickscreen bigger? or for audio feedback when you can't break a block, because currently there's none. the inventory thing is a good idea but without looking at the source, it's not clear how the blocks are being produced.
sadly i can't do much about
sadly i can't do much about that due to puzzlescript limitations... when a move gets canceled, which is what happens when you try to break a block while your inventory is full, you can't display a message (or play sfx, i think) in the same rule, even though it looks like you can. though i could've rewritten it to avoid using cancel entirely