I'm Not At GDC But I Made a Game Anyway

Danni's picture

I didn't go to GDC. Yes, I know, I'm lame. Instead, I stayed at home and made this for some reason. I have never been to GDC or any convention period, so I have no idea how accurate the stuff in this game is.

Features meta at the end. Sort of.

Made For: 
An event


Danni's picture

Here are six example

Here are six example "games"! Have fun with them.

SomeExampleGames.zip19 KB

Wow, there's a lot going on here.

I don't want to spoil the fun.. I think the tree puzzle should be standalone, I had a lot of fun with that one, but this is a good concept. Without spoilering it, I'll just endorse it hopefully properly enough.

spiral's picture

Wonderful! I've never seen a

Wonderful! I've never seen a knp-game-making-game !!! wild stuff... why doesn't this have more attention ?