I did not follow ANY of the rules making this
that is a lot of pong
Not sure why you'd play on any mode other than 3, but lots of fun either way :P
I think it might be possible to win a game on purpose in the first two modes.
This is the best. Please come again!
I saw your comment on my twine thing and thought I'd look at the stuff you made.
I really like this. It made me laugh.
that is a lot of pong
that is a lot of pong
Not sure why you'd play on any mode other than 3, but lots of fun either way :P
I think it might be possible to win a game on purpose in the first two modes.
This is the best. Please
This is the best. Please come again!
post-mortem comment
I saw your comment on my twine thing and thought I'd look at the stuff you made.
I really like this. It made me laugh.