Smedis2's picture
Screenie again.PNG

I made this for KOTMK #55.
This is my first game for the Klub.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event


snapman's picture

A classic example of klikart

A classic example of klikart collage. Kind of remind me of Strong? The missiles were the hardest screen, since it wasn't obvious at first that the explosions only killed you while their animation was still playing.

Smedis2's picture

Did you like it?

Did you like it?

kirkjerk's picture

Crap, what's fire button 1??

Crap, what's fire button 1??

juliette's picture



thesycophant's picture

My favorite room was the

My favorite room was the second room, because to beat it I had to inch forward pixel by pixel until my stars finally aligned with the hit box, though a step or two farther would have been death.

markp0rter's picture

i dont really get what im

i dont really get what im supposed to do. if i hit ctrl or something it will just spawn a boss where i am and kill me and i cant touch those enemies either so basically it seems unplayable to me or what am i doing wrong?

Smedis2's picture

You need to press Z to

You need to press Z to attack. It says so on the title screen!


Best choice of background music I've heard yet for a final boss battle. :D