Asteroids meets an RTS! Draw bounding boxes with the mouse to select a bunch, then click to send them to points on the screen and have them fight the asteroids.
's' adds new ships when your reserves run low.
'r' resets the game. Kind of.
You might just want to press s a lot and have fun with the pretty patterns.
this is a really neat idea
this is a really neat idea
Yeah- I don't know what kind
Yeah- I don't know what kind of tuning it would take to get a bit more playable
The ships seem to enjoy
The ships seem to enjoy ignoring my orders and instead killing themselves by ramming into the asteroids. I like the idea but the ships really shouldn't be acting on their own accord.
So they aren't willfully
So they aren't willfully ignoring orders- they are just a bit dumb and contstantly thrusting. They fly to where you tell them., but get distractedly if there is an asteroid in the area.
Hmm come to think off it- I was playing this Zombie RTS on iOS. - I remember all the challenge was that you could only target locations for the zombies to shambles to and if the human wandered or ran off you had to keep retargetting.... but the humans were slower to kill than asteroids
So I made 2 changes:
1. the ships' bullets start at the same speed as the ship (plus a little bit more), some of the crashing was just a fast moving ship outrunning its own bullets
2. i made the ships a little smarter about the wrap of the universe... I think I put in a little gimmick so if they are heading to a target on the right side of the screen and they overfly and wrap to the left, they know that it's faster to turn around and go back to the left, even though the target is to the right of them, technically.
You know what's more fun
You know what's more fun than holding the S key? Holding the R key:
And then after a while, letting go of the R key and holding down the S key:
Whoooaaa I got it to do this:
Whoooaaa I got it to do this:
Art through program misuse!
that's beautiful
that's beautiful