
Game File: 

Save the earth from these crazy asteroids.

Right and Left arrows: Rotate the ship.
Space: Fire.

Mista Koo
Made For: 
An event


First game ever, yay?

This the first game to ever leave my PC, made in two (work) days rather than two hours.

My goal was just to finally post anything anywhere. The problem? I couldn't make what I wanted to make nor did I learn anything properly.
I should've at least added in a score system.

Noyb's picture

Those asteroids are crazy!

Congrats on submitting your first game!

Those asteroids are crazy! Lots of unpredictable hits.

This is made in Game Maker, right? Does it really need an installer?

Thanks man :D

Thanks man :D

The asteroids are this way because of a bug I decided to keep, although I did tone it down to be playable.
Given how bare-bones the game is some crazy would make it a bit more interesting/surprising.

Yes the game was made in Game Maker, but given my lack of GM experience (well I had some +7 years ago) that was the only option I found. I did want to make the game HTML5 actually but it seems like that's pro (paid) version only.

(Sorry for the late response but I didn't expect a reply.)
