Noyb's Plot Inventory

Noyb's picture

Inspired by mcc, Sergio, and Leon's similar compliations. An awful lot of games involving inevitable failure/death, and a few that appear to be straight domination/power fantasies get subverted a bit.

Fatty Rain: Reach the exit
The Trail: Become traumatized, reach the exit
Pixel Hunt: Find the magenta pixel
Ce n'est pas un jeu vidéo: Watch a video game being played
Don't Flub Your Line: Perform on cue
Zomble: Stave off inevitable death
Klik Asia: Kill things
My First IGN Interview: Decide how badly you want a job
Jester Prototype: Stave off inevitable failure/death, perform on cue
Jesus H. Christ's Eleventeenth Coming: Decide the effect of the rapture.
Candy from a Baby: Steal candy from a baby
The Trail 2: Vector Trail: Stave off inevitable madness
The Illogical Journey of the Zambonis: Create characters, help them reach the exit
Metapong: Beat player 2 at pong
Bovine Budget Analysis: Try to function with impostor syndrome
The Next Game Artist: Try to create art in a hostile environment
The Pseudologue of Persia: Narrate the story of your own death(s)
Galcon: The Quest for the Perfect Triangle: Conquer planets
This Might Be Passage: Get older
There Is A Monster at the End of this Game: Kill a monster
A More Perfect Universe: Fiddle with obtuse parameters, watch the result
Gratuitous Profanity: Make noise by shooting/killing/surviving

****Not Technically Trainwrecks****
Downhill Hubble: Dodge trees, collect telescopes
Jetpack Fusion: Stay alive until inevitable death
Independence: Set off fireworks
Evil Baby Pong: Beat a baby at pong
Mario's Adventure: Collect stars, kill things
Rocket Skater: Reach the exit
Marionette UFO: Dodge things
TEH FORUM GAME*: Kill Harry Potter and Celine Dion, find bulls, drink oil, make a pizza
The Duke**: Kill things
Shameful Pachinko Romance: Play with balls, confess love
Mr. Destiny's Adventure: Reach the exit
Hackworth's Last Kick: Play hacky sack to distract oneself from inevitable death
Dot Dot Dot: Stave off inevitable death/failure
Cave without Story: Shoot things
Apophenia: Generate abstract art games
Macarena of the Missing: Converse, solve puzzles, save free will
Edge Tycoon: Trademark words, make money
Face Time: Try to get laid

* Minigame compilation by Jonny Smeby for which I provided a level.
** Duke Nukem fangame by 2bam for which I provided voices.